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Hypnotized by Love

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I really wanted to love this book after reading the description, but I just could t find myself invested in the story line or characters. This one was a little too much drama for me personally.

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Decent story it was fun and enjoyable. Main character Savannah has an amazing job as a hypnotist. Very different job and help shape the story line. More of an enemy to lover romance.

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I've enjoyed reading Sariah Wilson's previous books, so I was excited to see that she has a new book coming out! "Hypnotized by Love" is centered around hypnotist Savannah and her high school rival, Mason. While Savannah had romantic feelings for Mason in high school (and thought he felt the same), he stood her up for the school dance and broke her heart. Now, decades later, Mason is back in her life and trying to get her forgiveness. However, Savannah isn't sure that he's changed and is unwilling to risk her heart again.

Unfortunately, I just couldn't root for Savannah. I understand her reticence, but she's so quick to be mad at Mason and think the worst of him. I also don't understand why Mason took so many years to try to apologize to Savannah (especially when he was in such close contact with her sister the whole time). Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC. All opinions are my own.

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This was such a fun read! Adding everything Sariah Wilson has ever written to my tbr.

Savannah was a very lovable heroine (with a fascinating job as a hypnotist, which I genuinely did not think was a real thing that people did), and I loved the way she and her twin Sienna acted as dramatic foils, each illustrating the other one's flaws and traits. (Also, the fact that even their parents can't tell them apart but that Mason can was 100% predictable and I 100% swooned.) Mason is just a sweetheart with miles and miles of anxiety.

This was a sweet closed-door romance that didn't try to be anything other than what it is, and I loved that.

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I was really really excited for this book. The cover and the blurb looked so much fun, unfortunately I did not have fun whatsoever. The side characters, and overall all the characters, were so so annoying and I just couldn’t stand them. There was too much drama, most of it unnecessary and quite juvenile.. Disappointed.

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I loved the hypnotherapy aspect of the book. It was so fun! I liked the sister's relationship, as well as the relationship Savannah has with her parents and Bridget. I liked the plot twists throughout, which were pretty low stakes. And the enemies to lovers part was fun.

I wish hypnotherapy had been a bigger part of the plot, I really expected that considering the title and the synopsis. I struggled with Savannah's anger at Mason throughout most of the book. It felt a lot like blind rage. I really thought she could have benefitted from therapy herself. I was also really confused that the book started out with the whole issue with her career...but it never went anywhere? It was strange.

Trigger warnings - discussions of eating disorders, discussion of past childhood bullying, discussion of inappropriate sexual relationships between high school students and a teacher.

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another great book by sarah wilson!!!!! i have loved her previous books so much so i decided to give this one a shot. great read!

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This was a quick read, but I’m not a fan of miscommunication tropes and the juvenile FMC Savannah also put me off. I liked Mason, but it’s not entirely clear why he was still so in love with Savannah after such a long time.

Thank you to Netgalley and Montlake for this eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Was this a fairly standard second-chance + friends-to-more story heavy on miscommunication? Yes. Did I devour all of this in just two sittings? Also yes.

Other than the hypnotism angle (which was a very fun addition!), Hyptonized by Love follows the same plot beats as a lot of other stories in this genre, so there wasn't anything groundbreaking here, but this was still an incredibly charming and fun read.

Sariah Wilson's books are almost always an enjoyable read, and this one wasn't an exception!

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This is rom-com perfection! This is a friends to hate to love story with all the funny banter, silly hijinks, and steamy kisses a reader could want. My only complaint was the miscommunication or lack of communication by the FMC, but her backstory does explain why she is like this.

This is a relatively short, no spice story that I binged in a day!

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The side characters and the love interest are insufferable. The writing is juvenile and made me feel uncomfortable too many a time.

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There's a lot to love in this closed door romance. The hypnosis storyline works well and I learnt a lot about the process. If you like Sariah's writing you'll probably love this.

My issue - and it's a biggie - is that I really struggled with the FMC Savannah. Her stubborn nature and the way she holds onto hurt from school days was really at odds with what she was doing with her hypnosis clients - or was that the point? Mason is a honey - and a saint for the way he looks out for her and is so patient as she works through her issues. It was a grind though.

The setting is evocative, the side characters are engaging, the mothers are cute, it's all good, except there wasn't enough character development for me.

Thank you NetGalley, Sarah Wilson and Montlake for the ARC. I'll definitely be reading some of Sariah's other books.

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I knew within the first few pages that Hypnotised by love would be a book that would consume me, and give me those illusive butterflies, and I loved how I was right. I so loved reading it.

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This was such a unique novel. As a therapist, I loved the therapy aspect. Characters were loveable as well.

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This was a quick, fun romcom!

The only thing deterring me from rating higher is the miscommunication trope. It's really difficult to understand that 6 years pass by without any reconciliation between Mason and Savannah given proximity and Savannah's twin sister maintaining a friendship with Mason. I also hoped for more growth from Savannah but she was a really immature main character.

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Hypnotized by Love is a really fun rom com by Sariah Wilson that I enjoyed.

Savannah is a hypnotist, and I like that story line, it's quite different.
I really enjoy the romance with two tropes I really love enemies to lovers and second chance romance.

Savannah and Mason have good chemistry and who doesn't love the first-time love trope as well.

Both Savanah and Mason have some issues to get past, but it's really a great story line.

A fun rom com with great banter and wonderful scenes, that I really enjoyed.

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With a unique twist on the enemies-to-lovers trope, I was interested to read Hypnotized by Love. It’s my first novel from Sariah Wilson. The beginning grabbed my attention but as the story enveloped, the will-they, won’t-they just felt drug out and painfully boring. The characters weren’t likable - especially Savannah, the FMC, who severely lacked maturity. This book read like a YA novel, with much of it being Savannah annoyingly holding onto a juvenile grudge against Mason for things that happened in the past. One of the biggest reasons she is mad doesn’t get revealed until 3/4 into the book - and that twist… ugh. I hated it so much. I can’t say more without spoiling, but let’s just say by then I’d officially lost all interest in this book.

If you’re looking for a rom-com with zero spice that reads like a YA novel, this is the right book for you.

Thank you to NetGalley & Montlake for the opportunity to read this digital ARC in exchange for my honest thoughts.

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This is a quick and hilarious read. Savannah is a hoot; especially when she has had a few too many to drink. She is a fun drunk. Although, she learned that crawling through the doggie door when you were younger vs. as an adult is not the same.

I loved this quote by Savannah..."Nachos are basically just tacos that didn't have their life together."

Can I say that I wanted to hate Mason in the beginning because of what he did to Savannah, but I couldn't. When he explained the reason for breaking Savannah's heart, I could give him grace. Mason is a sweetheart.

To quote Mason and his love for Savannah..."You have been hypnotizing me since the day I came back."

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Savannah is a hypnotist and when the person she hates the most walks into her office and needs help…Savannah has to struggle to be professional.

Mason, who just came off of a failed novel, is struggling to find his footing. He is going to write an article to help “reconstruct” his name in the publishing world. But choosing Savannah may have been the wrong choice.

There were places in this tale in which I laughed out loud. It was a night I had insomnia and my husband was laying beside me…you try to hold in a guffaw! 😂. Anyway, I enjoyed these two characters. Now, I did want to snatch Savannah bald headed in places. She frustrated me with what was right in front of her eyes. And Mason, he is perfect! (You and I both know that is a dream…this is a romance though. Dreams are allowed!)

This story hit me at the right time. I needed something light and fluffy. I have read a ton of thrillers lately and I needed something different.

Need a cute, quick romance…This is it! Grab your copy today.

I received this novel from the publisher for a honest review.

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Hypnotized by love

It was the first book of Sariah Wilson I read and I didn’t know what to expect. A story of a hypnotists who harbours hatred towards her former teenage crush but cannot escape the attraction is rather cute and funny. This is not a usual profession of a FMC in a romance novel, and I was surprised by how it made sense for the story and the character of Savannah. The woman was well written, her personality relatable at times, but also she was obviously growing as the storyline progressed, which I really appreciate. It’s also something we can say about other characters, they didn’t seem one dimensional, but like real humans with flaws, making mistakes and trying to fix them up. The only complaint I have is that Savannah’s issue with not being able to communicate her feelings gets old quickly and, despite her self awareness, it becomes annoying. My biggest issue with Hypnotized by Love was that I didn’t feel much chemistry between Savannah and Mason. Also the fact he stayed away from her for years and didn’t try to talk anything out seemed odd considering his supposed love for her. Yeah, sure, his friend told him to wait it out but 7 years? Even the whole “I loved you for years, since we were 15” didn’t sound believable, especially considering how mean she was to him due to the misunderstanding and wrong assumptions.
Overall it was a good book with a cute storyline and a unique FMC.

3,5/5 rounded down

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