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The Hero

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We are back in Maine and this time the story belongs to former Special Ops and POW, Kendric/Bob Evans.
Instead of joining his military buddies in their new venture, Bob is still not sure what exactly he wants to do with the rest of his life. The perfect solution for the moment, is working on rescue missions for the FBI.
Marlowe Kennedy is an archeologist in Thailand. Upon her false arrest as a drug dealer, she needs help getting out of prison. In comes Bob to rescue her but the danger will persist until they can leave the country .
From the moment they meet , even through the danger, feelings develop.
As engaging as the story was, it was more than just the plot.
It’s a story about overcoming adversity, trusting another with their heart, and it’s a story about second chances in life and love.
A great addition to the series.
I was entrusted a copy of this book by Netgalley. The opinions expressed are solely my own.

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Simply put, I loved this book. It drew me in from the beginning and I didn’t want to stop until I turned the last page. That Marlowe suffered what she did in a foreign prison was devastating, and the hero of our book, Kendric, couldn’t fail rescuing her out of Thailand. But it doesn’t stop there. Their journey home had been difficult and as I read, I had to hold my breath a couple of times. Their falling in love brought some sighs from this reader and smiles as we are reunited with old friends. A definite read for fans of Susan’s Game of Chance series.

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Obsessed with this series. I love how fast paced it is, it just soothes something in my brain. There was never any doubt that they really fell in love that fast. I'm happy that they were able to get out. I'm very excited for the next book.

I received an arc through netgalley.

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ISusan Stocker is the creator of the perfect men! The Hero made my heart swoon. Kendric “Bob” Evans is bored with his quiet life in Maine, so he uses his special ops training to sneak away and rescue people. This time his target is an innocent American girl who got caught with drugs in Thailand? The Thai government has a no mercy policy if you are cuaght with drugs, so Marlowe is thrown in prison. Bob is hired to get her out and sneak her back to the states. But, just like his POW team, being forced to sleep with a woman means they are soul mates. Could,this be the same for Bonn since he and Marlowe have to sleep in a h hole under the floorboards? Their romantic suspense is a follow up to Chappy and Cal’s love stories. These guys…have my heart strings!

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This is book 3 in the Game of Chance series and while it absolutely can be read as a standalone, I recommend reading the previous books first so you understand some of the character connections and events that are spoken of previously. Any soldier who gets out of the service with his life should be happy to leave danger behind. Though his army brothers are content running their new business in Maine, Kendric “Bob” Evans isn’t ready to give up the fight. He’s been supplementing his hours with covert rescue missions organized by the FBI. But his latest charge may be more than he bargained for. Marlowe Kennedy is on a routine archaeology dig in Thailand when she’s arrested for drug trafficking. She has suspicions about the true culprit, but even when she’s rescued from prison, there’s nothing she can do about it without proof. Her protective bodyguard’s only objective is to keep her safe until they cross the border into friendly territory. The best way to do that? Travel as man and wife. After returning to Maine, as Bob and Marlowe navigate this treacherous terrain with the help of their friends, they face vengeful authorities, a vindictive frame job, and perhaps most important of all—turning their fake marriage into something real.

I absolutely loved this story. Right from the start I was sucked into the story and I couldn't put this book down. Marlowe has been through a lot but it doesn't change who she is or how she reacts to people and situations. It never changed the core of who she is. Bob is a man who went through something horrific, and while it changed some things about him-it didn't change his core personality. I absolutely loved them together. They not only compliment each other but they also just fit. The suspense was great and kept me interested. I absolutely enjoyed how they got through everything and then having the previous characters involved as well. Another hit in my book! I can't wait to read The Lumberjack and see how everything there turns out!!

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I love this series. Love these boys

An excellently written thriller, with enough spice to keep the reader enthralled.

A real page turner

Looking forward to JJ’s story next

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An operative rescued a wrongly accused archeologist from a Thai prison but danger persists. He's big, burly, a touch bossy with a soft side while she's tough and courageous, and determined to seek her justice. Forced proximity and fake marriage leads to insta-love (which I didn't mind much) as they make their escape from Thailand. The connection they built in that time is solid, and gives strength to their romance.

He's very protective from start and is very sweet to her. I liked their strong bond of trust, and they also generate plenty of heat. Lots of engrossing action on the side, although things were a little out there at times. This is #3 in a series but works by itself (didn't read the first two but plan to). Pretty solid read. BUT...why nicknamed him Bob? It made me think of Sideshow Bob.

Rating the book 4¼ stars!

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I love all of the characters in this series, but Kendric and Marlowe are my favorite couple. Loved their action-packed story! I can't wait to read April and JJ's story next.

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👓 love at first sight
🇺🇸 former military mmc
🏃🏻‍♀️ on the run from dangerous people
3️⃣ in a series

I loved getting Kendric’s story, and Marlowe is his perfect match! I got all the feels as these two ran from danger while falling in love. Susan Stoker draws you in from the start and you care about Marlowe and root for her. If you’ve read the first two books in the series (which were also exciting and heart tugging) then you’ve wanted Kendrick to find his match for a while.

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Kendric "Bob" Evans, an ex-military hero, embarks on a high-stakes mission to rescue Marlowe Kennedy, an archaeologist falsely imprisoned in Thailand. Their escape plan, involving a fake marriage, adds an unexpected depth to their relationship, making the transition from pretense to genuine affection both seamless and captivating. Set against a backdrop of suspense and danger, their journey back to Maine is fraught with challenges, yet their evolving bond truly keeps the pages turning. Stoker masterfully blends action with romance, creating a story that's as thrilling as it is heartwarming. This book delivers on its promise of adventure and explores the power of love to transform and heal.

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The Hero (Game of Chance book 3) by Susan Stoker is a 4.5 ⭐️ read.
I love Susan Stoker’s books, I’m always guaranteed a strong heroine who knows how to rescue herself (but she lets the hero save her) and a hero who will burn the earth to protect his partner, when I’m looking for a great protector romance this author is my automatic go to.

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This story had an interesting premise that reminded me of the old movie, Brokedown Palace, so much that I kept picturing Claire Danes.

Like all of Stoker's books the romance moves fast. Personally I find it unreasonably fast, but it is fiction so I try to remember that.

I found the main trope to be quite the surprise and liked how it all worked out.

If you like protector/rescuer romance this series is for you.

I received an advanced copy of this book through NetGalley. This is my honest review.

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Bob and Marlowe don't meet the way any normal couple would. Marlowe is stuck in a Thailand prison after being framed as a drug smuggler. Bob is sent to help Marlowe and stages a daring rescue to get her home. Having to dodge danger and pose as a married couple brings the two closer together. I liked Marlowe, even after sitting in prison unjustly accused, she is a sweet person. Bob quickly falls for Marlowe. I really enjoyed this story!

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This book kept me on the edge of my seat. From the start, I could tell Marlow's escape from prison wasn't going to be easy. Despite the challenges, Kendric was calm and composed. There was so much tension while they made their escape and I felt physical relief when they made it out. Kendric and Marlow had excellent chemistry and I loved that their relationship, while fast, lacked drama. The Hero is a great addition to this series!

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I was very excited when the third installment dropped for the Game of Chance series! This featured Bob, aka Kendric, who works side missions with a contractor, unbeknownst to his closest four friends, of whom he also has a lumberjack business with. His next mission is getting Marlowe out of Thai prison. Marlow is an archaeologist on a dig and wrongfully accused and imprisoned for having illegal drugs in her personal effects. Kendric’s mission to is free Marlowe and bring her home to her brother in the US.

Kendric is certainly a cinnamon roll character! He was so selfless and thoroughly enjoys helping others, especially Marlowe. The entire timeline of their escape, to learning each other in the process, was swoon worthy and melty. I gave this book a 4 star just out of personal opinions about the MFC and FMC, and the spicy scenes. To me, Kendric was too soft and not super domineering. It kind of conflicted with the "do what I say when I say" during the escaping part. Some of the banter between the two main characters was a tad annoying with the mushy components. Marlowe’s character was not super deep into the things we wanted so it made it harder for me to fall in love with her character. The spicy scenes were great and there were plenty, but a few of the explanations (like sex on a woman’s cycle) was probably unnecessary.

Overall, I gave this book a 4 star and loved it! It fits well with the series and had a fun adventure, along with some spice. If you want sweet, loyalty, and gooey with adventure, this book is perfect!

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Really enjoyed! A good blend of romance, steam, and story. The plot was good and I always enjoy a good friend group based romance series. Would definitely recommend! Adding the other books in the series to my TBR.

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Aaah this was a pretty easy read! It had suspense and romance all in one, and it was a insta-love marriage of convenience which was great! Sometimes I need a break from all the stressful push-and-pull, angsty romance-building and just enjoy two characters who knew what they wanted fairly quick.😮‍💨

The Hero is the third instalment in the Game of Chance series and this time, we focused on Kendric “Bob” Evans from our fav group of friends/brothers.🫡 In the Hero, ex-military Kendric Evans goes on a mission to save wrongfully imprisoned archaeologist Marlowe Kennedy and what a journey they went through together for freedom and justice.
I enjoyed this read as I did with the first 2 books and look forward to JJ and April’s story next!

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I REALLY liked this 3rd book in Susan's Game of Chance Series. It is about Kendric (aka Bob) one of the heroes in this series and a new character, Marlowe, who was framed and put into a Thai prison. While Kendric and his former teammates have settled in Maine (a neat story in terms of how it was decided) he went to Thailand to rescue her. The suspense and pacing in the rescue attempt was excellent and keeps you on the edge of your seat. I love how Marlowe develops though the story flourishing with Kendric. It's also neat to see romance develop. They are forced together on their journey for an intense amount of time without a break - you can see the bonds develop between them because of that. Suspense in the beginning and more suspense at the end plus the budding romance make it a great read. I received an ARC to review this book and to be honest I've already read it a second time to pick up on the subtle things I missed. It is a standalone read which you can do but you'll definitely end up going back and reading the first two. I was so glad I stumbled upon Susan Stoker to begin with, now I've read her library and can't wait for the next. If you want a heartfelt romance, suspense, and characters you can relate to - this is a book for you.

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A wrongful arrest, hidden drugs, stolen artefacts, a jail break, and an epic trek through Thailand & Cambodia. This packs a lot into one book! I love this series of heroes who no longer want to be heroes but end up saving the day anyway!

Kendric aka Bob was down with no more military life but the adrenaline still called him and he ended up working on rescue missions for a contact at the FBI. His friends would be p'ed at him if they find out he's been hiding this sidejob from them. However his latest rescue takes him to Thailand.

Marlow fell into archaeology and now that fateful decision has got her in a bind. She was accused to selling drugs and smuggling artefacts and thrown into jail in Thailand. After a month she's wasting away and is rapidly losing hope. But a visit from a "lawyer" gives her shred of hope to hold onto.

When Kendric finally breaks her out, he and Marlow have to trek across Thailand and Cambodia to reach freedom. It's not without trials and tribulations - least of which was having to get married so they could stay together!

Yes the pacing is fast and furious and the relationship solidifies really quickly but intense situations breed intense feelings and these two know exactly what they are doing. They relish making it to safety and their feelings really flourish. They both give each other the chance to back out or shut down the relationship and there is no third act break up. Kendric is all protective alpha male but he has a squishy core that relishes a tatty piece of paper.

Marlow's version of HEA may not be everyone's cup of tea but feminism is supporting people in what makes sense for them - not imposing our ideas on others. I loved getting to meet the team and their lady loves again. I'm really looking forward to JJ and April's book next.

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The Hero is book three in Susan Stokers Game of Chance Series, and it follows Kendrick and Marlowe. We pick up after Kendrick’s assignment is revealed in book two. It can be read as a standalone, but I would say it’s better if you read the previous books.

This book gives us action, danger, suspense, and a lot of romance. The chemistry between the characters were quite good, but the pace of the story was a bit too fast making it difficult to follow sometimes.

Overall, it was a nice read but the insta-love romance didn’t let me immerse fully in the story. The characters were interesting, and the story was an adventure full of suspense and the conflict and resolution at the end was a good point.

Thank you, NetGalley & the publisher, for approving me to read this arc and write this review.

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