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Given Our History

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This was sweet! I liked the characters, I enjoyed the academia setting, and it was a solid story. It was a really easy read and I liked the way the book was structured - the alternating between past and present moved the story along well and gave a great insight into how everything tied together. I definitely want to read more from this author. Grateful to NetGalley for the ARC!

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" is the hard road. The person you're meant to be with is whoever you choose to be with. And you'll have to fight for it and make sacrifices for it every step of the way. You just have to choose someone who's worth all that trouble, and then you'll have to keep on choosing them, every day."

This book felt like a hug.

I had been thinking just a few weeks ago that to be such a popular trope, best friends to lovers isn't often well-executed. Maybe I've simply selected the wrong ones, but generally they feel forced. They often involve so much angst that I'm transported back to mid-2000s MySpace, or one (or more) of the characters suddenly acting wildly different than they have the rest of the novel.

But Teddy and Clara's characters were consistent throughout the narrative. Yes, they matured and their priorities shifted, but their core personalities remained. Both were lovely, well-developed characters—they felt like real people, and that's not a compliment I throw out lightly or often.

Miller sprinkles incredible details throughout, building rich scenes that never feel forced or veer too far into purple prose. I'm surprised that this is the first I'm hearing of her. I plan on reading her other novel, Seven Rules for Breaking Hearts, immediately!

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I really enjoyed this book! It is the slowest of slow-burns, but it was so sweet that it worked in its favor. The characters are all so likable, especially Teddy, and I’m a sucker for a well-done academic setting. Overall, I would definitely recommend it!

The only two things I wasn’t fond of: I found it completely unrealistic that a 31 year-old with a bubbly personality has almost 0 friends or acquaintances throughout their life because they are too focused on school and work. The other thing is just personal preference in that I am never a big fan of when chapters jump between different times in the character’s life/timelines.

Overall, definitely read it! Some good spice, too! Thank you to NetGalley for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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First of all the cover is beautiful! I loved this book so much! The romance was so sweet and I could not put this book down!

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This was a very quick and easy read for me which is always nice. I love when books have both present and past chapters so yay. But I do wish there was more tension throughout the book, as I love tension in the books I read.

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Given Our History was a fun and cute book. Teddy and Clara are such a believable couple and I enjoyed how the book was woven between present day and the past. The flashbacks were also so fun with references to the technology and pop culture of the late 2000’s. Friends to lovers has always been a favorite of mine, and this one was done really well. You could feel the angst in their relationship while rooting for them to get together. This RomCom would be perfect in the fall! Thanks NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for the ARC of this one!

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Maybe I'm just a sucker for books and professors and friends-to-lovers, but I absolutely loved this book. Clara and Teddy are both book-ish adolescents who meet at summer camp. This story is their coming of age, the brokenness of their rift, and it raises the question of whether there is a happily ever after for them. It is also a strong story about Clara and her ability to grow through struggle and release the past. This one tugged at my heartstrings in the best of ways!

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i loved this book! it was the perfect friends to lovers, second chance romance, with dual timelines. clara was such a relatable character and i loved getting to witness her falling in love with teddy.

thank you to st. martin's press and netgalley for the arc!

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"Given Our History" by Kristyn J. Miller captivates with a tale that delves deep into the heart of second chances, threading through the complexities of a past love rekindled amidst the intellectual pursuit of academia. My journey through its pages was one marked by a blend of emotions, as Miller skillfully navigates the intertwined lives of Clara Fernsby and Theodore Harrison, whose paths cross once more in the least expected of settings—a college campus where history is not just taught but lived.

The novel's dual timeline narrative is a bold storytelling choice, offering a window into Clara and Teddy's shared past at a summer camp and their present-day encounters as academics. This structure, while ambitious, serves as a double-edged sword. On one hand, it enriches the narrative, providing a layered exploration of the characters' development and the depth of their connection. On the other, it occasionally disrupts the pacing, leaving me longing for a smoother transition between the past and present.

What truly sets "Given Our History" apart is its academic backdrop, which resonates deeply with me. Miller's portrayal of the passionate pursuit of tenure and the collaborative essence of academic projects offers a refreshing and intellectually stimulating setting for a romance. The theme of history—both personal and scholarly—plays a pivotal role, reminding us that our pasts shape our presents in indelible ways.

However, the chemistry between Clara and Teddy, while evident, sometimes felt overshadowed by the weight of their history. I found myself craving more moments that showcased the spark of their reconnection, seeking that palpable tension and emotional intimacy that typically anchors a romance.

Despite these critiques, "Given Our History" is a heartfelt ode to the complexities of rekindling a love that was never truly lost. Miller's exploration of friendship, love, and the choices that define us speaks volumes, offering a narrative that is both thought-provoking and deeply moving. The novel might not have fully satisfied my craving for a more dynamic romantic chemistry, but it succeeded in weaving a tale that is both intelligent and emotionally resonant.

In the end, "Given Our History" earns a solid four stars from me. It's a story that combines the richness of academic life with the intricacies of human relationships, wrapped in the nostalgia of past loves and the hope of second chances. A recommended read for those who appreciate romance that not only tugs at the heartstrings but also provokes thought and reflection.

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Aww what a romantic read! I thought this novel did a great job blending some drama and romance within the storyline. The characters were great and I enjoyed reading with them. This was my first read from Kristyn J. Miller and now I am a big fan!

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Second chance is my favorite trope and this was a really cute! I liked the timelines and also couldn’t wait to find out what went wrong in the past. I think it was realistic and both characters had their own growing to do. I thought both main characters were very relatable and the chemistry was also really good too!

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Wow. What a book! I wasn’t expecting to like it so much. The book was about Clara and Teddy ongoing 17 year old friendship/relationship. A falling out years ago lead them to stop talking to each other for nine years! Now, that Clara applied for tenor at the University she needed to prove herself to the school, Teddy a visiting professor was more than happy to help her with her project. Which begs the question for me on why he did that? Did he want to revisit their relationship? Clara had a hard time figuring out her feelings and needed to process them for awhile. The back and forth timelines made sense on letting me know the extent of their relationship. Though I was a bit nervous reading what happened in the past that lead to a drastic fallout. My dislikes were Clara’s parents. I thought it was sad that she didn’t have a social group growing up. Why didn’t her parents picked up on that? And being homeschooled doesn’t mean being antisocial! There were points in the story that I didn’t like Teddy. Some of his behavior and attitude towards Clara wasn’t fair. I did enjoy the parts of them rekindling their relationship. I thought they were adorable and sweet together. I also loved how supportive he was towards her goals. He never wavered from that. I loved how she finally chose to be happy. I wished the ending had a better epilogue. Like what happened in the next few months/years. I needed more. Overall, it was a really good second chance romance between two likable characters. Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for my ARC in exchange for my review.

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I'll be honest and say it was the cover that drew me to this book and I was surprised by what a great read it was!

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-first love
-friends to lovers
-second chance love
-workplace love
-cozy academia

Second chance love isn’t my favourite romance trope, but I found myself rooting for these two. They din’t intentionally hurt each other, they just couldn’t get it figured out at the same time (and time zone).

I enjoyed the pup cultural references to the early aughts (oh Myspace. Do you still exist? Are you even out there somewhere?)

I didn’t mind the flashbacks. Every time we looked back, it was a little closer to the present. The big reveal of what ultimately drove our star couple apart for nearly a decade was a bit anti-climactic though.

The third act breakup. You know it’s coming, but it was getting a little late in the game. But dare I say, this is a couple that, may have, possibly, learned something from the past?? AND also, committed to not repeating past mistakes? What a time to be alive.

If you’re looking for a quick and cozy second chance love, pick this one up. (They get the extra pepper for location, location, location)

Spice Meter: 🌶️🌶️
Overall: ☕️☕️☕️☕️

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☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ 4 1/2 out of 5

Given Our History was such a fun romance book! I loved how the book followed dual timelines, one of the Teddy and Clara growing up and attending sleep away camp for homeschooled kids and another of them as adults working together at a university! I think having the present day setting at college would make this a perfect book to read in the Fall! Clara and Teddy were so sweet together! Miller’s storytelling made this books quick and easy to read! I loved all the early 2000 references, especially the MCR and Twilight ones! If you enjoy the friends to lovers and second chance romance tropes, you’ll love this book!
Thank you for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for the ARC of this book in exchange for a review. This was such a. sweet one and I loved it so much! I absolutely love a Romance set within academia and throw in a second chance romance and it's even better!

Clara is a history professor at a liberal arts college who feels an obligation to take care of herittle sister and often puts herself on the back burner. She is working towards a tenured position when she unexpectedly ends up sharing an office with her teenage love, who is a visiting professor. The books goes back and forth between timelines as it details their relationship isn't the years and they find their way back to each other. I would recommend this one for sure! Thanks for the opportunity to review it!

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I don’t know if it’s exhaustion, hormones, or just the way the world has been lately but I had to keep pausing this to cry 😂

Their friendship is so genuine and earnest, the way it grows is realistic and true and while they are both hurt by each other and by themselves, they’re also both willing to admit it (later).

Clara’s bone-deep grief at losing her best friend even though he is still out there living his life is so gut wrenching. The specific kind of sadness that comes with no longer being a part of someone’s life that you used to be so intertwined with is seeping through the pages.

But the way they come back to each other is also raw and real (if a little fast-tracked). I liked that njeitber of them said anything particularly nasty even if it hurt feelings - their fight was realistic to come back from. And the man being willing to follow HER anywhere for her career? We love a supportive trophy boyfriend 😂

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#stillemo. I loved this! Very sweet and I loved that the MCs worked through their past together on the page. I don't really feel like I 'get' Clara but I still really like her and especially like her with Teddy!

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loved this romance between 2 friends that become lovers. There is the start of the friendship and the present with them both being teachers at the college. she is up for tenue and he is a visiting teacher . they work and plan a gala and rekindle their love of each other. loved that they both loved history.

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Super easy read, finished in a day. Really enjoyed it! Kept my attention- enjoyed the flashback chapters just as much as present day.

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