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One Wrong Word

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A crisis management expert needs to use her skills to salvage her own reputation.

If you have said the wrong thing on a hot mic, been caught in a compromising position, or just fallen victim to a vicious rumor, then Arden Ward is the person to whom you should turn. She is a public relations professional whose expertise is in tamping down bad press and ramping up the positive spin. Arden never suspected that she would find herself being let go when the wife of her firm’s most important client accuses her of having an affair with the husband Arden knows that there is no truth to the claim, and her boss knows it too….but money talks, and the client represents a lot of it for the firm. To cushion the blow, Arden’s boss offers her the chance to do one last job in return for a healthy commission and a good recommendation from him. Arden is more than clever enough to know that if she says no to the assignment she will also be ensuring that she gets a lousy recommendation, so she reluctantly agrees. Her new client turns out to be Cordelia Bannister, the wife of a man who has just been acquitted in a fatal hit and run accident. While Ned, the husband, was in fact found not guilty of driving while intoxicated and of vehicular manslaughter for the death of the skateboarder who died when hit by the car Ned was driving, public opinion is still running high against Ned, Cordelia and their two young children. Cordelia wants their lives to go back to normal, and to quiet those saying that Ned was drunk at the time of the accident and that he got off scot free because he is a wealthy and very successful real estate executive. She also suspects that Ned is hiding something from her, but isn’t sure what it is. Arden meets with Cordelia, and then with Ned (who isn’t so sure that he needs someone like Arden) to discuss what can be done to erase the moniker, “The Parking Garage Killer” and make the hashtag #skated disappear from social media. Arden gets a strange feeling from the pair, thinking perhaps there is more wrong with the marriage than just the rough period they’ve just endured. She sets to work and is starting to make some progress when the unimaginable happens. Ned’s attorney Nyomi Chang is critically injured in a hit and run when she is on her way to meet Ned (and just after leaving a meeting with Arden). The prosecuting attorney, still furious that she failed to get a conviction against Ned, is convinced that he is behind Nyomi’s accident as well. Is even Arden good enough to salvage the Bannisters’ reputation after this latest wrinkle? What exactly is going on behind closed doors with Ned and Cordelia? The couple seems to be harboring secrets both from one another and from Arden. If Arden can pull this off, she may be able to salvage her career….but her life as well as her livelihood may now hang in the balance, because someone seems to want to destroy Ned Bannister at all costs.
One Wrong Word gives the reader a taste of what it must feel like when the truth of a situation doesn’t really matter because the public has decided on a different narrative. Arden is a sympathetic character, if a bit naive given her chosen occupation. Cordelia and Ned make for an interesting if slippery pair, and it was hard to decide if they were innocent but wronged or if one or both of them know more about what happened on the night of the accident than they are telling. With a furious prosecutor determined to see justice done and members of the wealthy and influential circle in which the Bannisters socialize having connections to the night in question, there is no shortage of suspects or of motives. Expect some plot twists and don’t trust anyone….finding out who done it (and why) will keep you busy right up until the last pages of the book. A fun read, all in all. Fans of Hank Phillippi Ryan’s previous books will likely enjoy this addition to her roster as well, and readers of Kate White, Allison Brennan and B. A Paris should give it a try. Many thanks to NetGalley and Tor Publishing Group/Forge Books for allowing me access to an advanced reader’s copy of One Wrong Word in exchange for my honest review.

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Loved this one as it details a great scandal that is convoluted and tricky! Arden is fired from a job she loves just as she is hired by Cordelia who thinks her husband is hiding something even after he's acquitted of running over a skateboarder in a parking garage. Sounds simple, right? But of course it never is and as Arden begins investigating we see many suspects, many motives, and even more red herrings! Fast-paced and crazy, it's a wild ride that is oh so satisfying in the end!
Thanks to NetGalley for this ARC!

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One wrong word can ruin everything.

Nobody knows that better than crisis manager Arden Ward. Now she’s embroiled in a crisis of her own; after being accused of having an affair with a powerful client, she is given an ultimatum to save her career and reputation. Enter Cordelia Bannister, who needs Arden’s help for her husband Ned. Though Ned was recently cleared of a drunk driving accident, his reputation is destroyed. Arden has two weeks to save this man’s reputation and thereby, her own career. But the more she gets to know Ned and Arden, the more secrets that emerge.

I believe this is the first book I read where “crisis management” was such a big theme and I loved that! I found Arden’s work interesting and unique; she was part detective, part cheerleader and part emotional support. The beginning of this book - detailing Ned’s drunk driving and arrest - hit me hard. To an extent, I have been in Cordelia’s shoes (though luckily, it didn’t have quite the same repercussions). But from the beginning, I found Ned and Cordelia to be a little suspicious and I sensed there was more to the story. The way their story unfolded and Arden’s involvement was quite a wild ride! If you enjoy Hank Phillippi Ryan’s previous books, you will love this one too!

Thank you to Thriller Book Lover Promotions and Forge Books for the ARC! “One Wrong Word” releases February 6, 2024!

This review will be shared to my instagram blog (@books_by_the_bottle) shortly :)

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Arden does PR wonders to damaged reputation. When she starts working with Ned Bannister, acquitted of murder, she knows she can help his reputation recover from the trial and gossip. However she starts suspecting there is more to the story.

This was a twisty tale that those interested in PR and journalism will be into. For me, it was long winded at times and a lot longer than it needed to be. It probably could have been chopped in half, especially a lot of the dialogue and I would have enjoyed it a lot more. Not my favorite of Phillippi’s but still a good read.

“Words could be as deadly as a gun or a knife if you’re reputation is murdered.”

One Wrong Word comes out 2/16.

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“Gossip. Lies. Rumors. Words like that can hurt you.” - One Wrong Word

It’s also the perfect recipe for a blockbuster thriller!

Holy, moly, my head might have just spun right on off my shoulders!

Hank Phillippi Ryan, has done it again!

Scandal, Secrets, Deceit..

Well, now you're just speaking my love language!!

Talk about a twist, this book delivers!

After reading ALL previous publications, The Murder List, The Houseguest and Her Perfect Life, Hank Phillippe Ryan, became an auto-buy author. Her writing speaks straight to my little black soul and I just can't get enough!

Ryan is “swoonworthy”

One Wrong Word, will stay with you long after concluding and you won't help but speak of Arden and Cordelia as though they really exist.

Ryan’s talent shines through with her character development and fluid chapters. I was never once bored but in fact, the complete opposite, I was completely consumed within the pages. I could not get to the next chapter fast enough.

Talk about some strong female characters!

Hank Phillippe Ryan, is a literary genius and I am so here for it.

Check out this teaser :

A heart-racing new psychological thriller from USA Today bestselling and multiple award-winning author, Hank Phillippi Ryan.

One wrong word can ruin your life. And no one knows that better than savvy crisis management expert Arden Ward. Problem is, she's now forced to handle a shocking crisis of her own. Unfairly accused of having an affair with a powerful client, Arden’s life and dreams are about to crash and burn. Then, Arden is given an ultimatum. She has just two weeks to save her career and her reputation.

Is Cordelia Bannister the answer to her prayers?

Cordelia needs Arden’s help for her husband Ned, a Boston real estate mogul. Though he was recently acquitted in a fatal drunk driving accident, his reputation is ruined, and the fallout is devastating not only to the Bannisters' lives, but the lives of their two adorable children.

Arden devotes her skill and determination—and maybe her final days on the job—to helping this shattered family, but soon, revelations begin to emerge about what really happened the night of the accident. And then—another car crash throws Ned back into the spotlight.

This case is Arden’s final chance to protect her own future and clear her name. But the more she tries to untangle the truth, the more she’s haunted by one disturbing question—what if she’s also protecting a killer?

Gossip. Lies. Rumors. Words like that can hurt you. And Arden knows the reality. Sometimes one wrong word can kill.

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One Wrong Word tells the story of Arden Ward, a PR professional who has been grossly mistreated by her firm and fired. Her boss throws one last client her way before she leaves – the Bannisters. Ned Bannister has been acquitted of vehicular homicide due to drunk driving by a jury, however in the eyes of the world that hasn’t changed their view of his guilt. Arden’s job is to rehabilitate Ned’s reputation and help the Bannisters put their lives back together. But there is more to this family than meets the eye, and Arden cannot tell who is telling the truth and who is playing her. She had better figure it out as there are more lives on the line, as well as her own professional reputation.

I would classify this novel as a psychological thriller, although the thrills are few and far between. I wanted to love this book, my first by this author, however I began to get frustrated by the sense of going around in circles. Truthfully, this story could have been told in half the number of pages but we spend great amounts of time trying to sort out the various lies and tales, and questioning who can be believed. The reader knows who the murderer is and what actually happened long before it is revealed.

On the positive side, the writing is quite good and the characters, unlikeable as they are, are well-depicted. If you are a fan of character studies and a slow psychological cat-and-mouse game then you will like this one.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Forge Books.

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Arden is well known in public relations. She is doing well when a client's false accusation has her professional life left in tatters. Her boss generously (yeah, right) gives her one last case before she gets the old heave ho.
Ned Bannister has been found not guilty of killing someone. The law may say he’s innocent, but public opinion is still against him. His wife, Cordelia just wants their old life back and is convinced that only Arden can save her family.
There was a lot going on in this twisty tale. Arden made some poor decisions, but I think the impending loss of her career might’ve contributed to some of her choices. She just didn’t seem to be at the top of her game, and I can’t say that I blame her. Without entering spoiler territory, I had my suspicions about one of the characters, but totally missed giving side eye to another.
This was a quick read, since I kept doing that one more chapter thing, late into the night.

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Thanks to Netgalley and Tor Publishing for access to this Arc in exchange for my honest review.

This book was quite long and slow paced. However I am quite happy with how it ended for the main character. Just goes to shows how greed and power rule the world.

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Actually, I was a bit disappointed with this story as it was not up to the standards I had come to expect of this author. One pet peeve of mine is when the characters are repeatedly referred to by first and last name, even to the point of multiple times on one page. We are not stupid. There is only one character by that first name and we can remember from page to page or even paragraph to paragraph. Every time I saw it, I got annoyed so no stars higher than 3 for this book and that maybe was a bit generous.

Another peeve is when the characters learn something, but then remember it wrong, say oops, that's right, it isn't that, is it and move on only to do it again. I repeat that we are not stupid so don't treat us like we are. How many times did we see it mentioned again that Pip's father was not who we thought it was? Way more times than we needed to is how I see it.

Ok basic story line: Did Ned deserve the fate of the jury for the vehicular homicide? Did his wife deserve to be shunned by the school crowd after the trial? Why was his attorney referred to it seems a thousand times as Naomi Chang instead of just her first name. Sorry, I digress. Arden is let go from her job, but given one last assignment which holds the key to her ability to have a good reference from her boss so she has to make the Bannisters look good. It could have been told in less pages, less words, you get the idea.

Thank you NetGalley for an advance reader copy. Honest opinions expressed here are my own.

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One word can change everything and this is so true for Arden and her clients, Ned and Cordelia Bannister. Arden is hired after Ned is acquitted of a crime many people thought he was guilty of. The reputation and safety of his family is at stake and Arden is a fixer who is used to spinning the narrative to the positive. I’ve been a fan of Hank’s writing for many books and I loved this one. The pace is perfect. I found myself questioning who to trust and what the motives were. Highly recommend!!

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ONE WRONG WORD is a thoroughly enjoyable suspense novel from fan favorite Hank Phillippi Ryan. I have not read many of Hank's other books, but since I liked this one, I will look forward to exploring her backlist.

ONE WRONG WORD reads like a classic cat and mouse thriller. Arden is a fantastic main character. She is determined to save her reputation. Her vulnerabilities mean that she is very relatable and likable. I definitely sympathized with her. At times, she made bad decisions and was too trusting, which felt a tiny bit frustrating. Overall, however, I loved how the author keeps us guessing in terms of who is trustworthy. The pacing is excellent, and the ending ties things up nicely.

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One Wrong Word takes you on a journey through the intricate world of crisis management with Arden Ward at the forefront. A thought-provoking thriller that explores the consequences of a single wrong word, leaving you guessing and questioning motives until the final reveal.

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Arden Ward has been on the top of the PR world for a long time. Then, in just days, the wife of a powerful client destroys her career with an unfounded suspicion. She’s given one last case. Real estate magnate Ned Bannister has been acquitted of driving under the influence and vehicular homicide. His wife Cordelia believed that the acquittal would allow her and their children an easy return to the social life she had enjoyed before her husband was arrested. She was wrong. She needs Arden and her public relations skills. Arden quickly sees that something is wrong with the case. Why was a skateboarder in a deserted parking garage? And why did he suddenly turn in front of Ned’s car? And how does another near fatal hit and run connect to this case? Soon Arden is mired in a mystery involving suspicion, jealously, lies, buried secrets and danger.

One Wrong Word is a thought provoking thriller. Hank Phillippi Ryan skillfully builds tension as Arden, forced to defend her own career, unravels a chain of events that leads to death. Arden is a strong, sympathetic character. Other characters will deceive and disappoint you but this suspenseful, multilayered plot will keep you guessing. 5 stars

Thank you to NetGalley, Tor Publishing Group and Hank Phillippi Ryan for this ARC.

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One Wrong Word by Hank Phillippi Ryan was not my favorite book by this author. Normally, I enjoy reading books by Hank Phillippi Ryan, but One Wrong Word was a miss for me.

I really did not like the style of writing or the pacing. I did like Arden, but even that character could not save the story.

I'll check out other books by this author, but this was not my favorite. I had a difficult time engaging in the storyline or connecting with the characters.

#OneWrongWord #NetGalley

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I'm a longtime fan of Hank Phillippi Ryan, so I was thrilled to be approved for an ARC of One Wrong Word. For me, this was an unusual miss. I couldn't connect with the characters or the writing style. While I'm really bummed this book wasn't a fit, I'm still a huge fan of the author and look forward to the next one.

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This was one action packed cat and mouse thriller. I couldn’t flip the pages fast enough to see what would happen next. I also wasn’t sure who to trust and kept switching who I thought did it. Finally in the end all the secrets and lies are revealed and I was shocked with the final reveal .

Arden was one person you just kept cheering for as you wanted her to come out on top.

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Not gonna lie, this one lost me at the main character switching allegiances for like the third time because someone told her a story she automatically believed despite the underwhelming preponderance of evidence.

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Hank Philippe Ryan never disappoints! Her latest psychological thriller is a tour de force, focusing on the perils of crisis management and one woman׳s quest for justice.

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Thanks to NetGalley and Tor Publishing for the opportunity to read One Wrong Word by Hank Phillippi Ryan. Full of tension and suspense and unexpected twists! This one kept me on the edge of my seat and guessing right up until the end. Loved it!

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Arden Ward is being pushed out of her job unfairly. She is given one last case to assist in the firm,but the complicated story of Cordelia Bannister and her recently acquitted husband seems to be a bit more like quicksand then a branch of hope. While Ned was found not guilty of murder, there is the court of public opinion and quite a bit of loose ends to address. Before long Arden isn't sure who is trustworthy and making a mistake could cost her her life.

A bit more complicated than her usual, it became a little drawn out for me. But I still love Hank Phillippi Ryan and will pick up the next.
#tor #onewrongword #hankphillippiryan

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