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At First Spite

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When Athena Graydon's life falls apart she's left with only the house she purchased for her ex-fiancé. The Spite House happens to be across the short alley from Dr. Matthew Vine III, the brother of her ex-fiancé and the person responsible for her life in ruins. With no fiancé, no job, no money, and no friends in this new town, Athena is at an all-time low.

As Athena regroups she finds she can't hate Matthew as much as she thinks he deserves. Her house, built out of spite by a slighted brother after the Civil War, is only an arms-length away from Matthew. At every opportunity Athena finds Matthew's kindness is behind every good thing that is happening to her and she can't ignore the feelings she is developing for him. But can this new relationship erase every bad thing that's recently happened to Athena? And can Athena trust the man who thinks she wasn't good enough for his brother? In spite of it all, love will win the day.

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I voluntarily read and reviewed a copy of this book, provided by Netgalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Big fan of Olivia Dade here, and I'm going to be upfront about something - this book took me a bit to get through. I don't know if I just wasn't in the right mood, needed a different head space or if it was because this book deals with a lot of heavy things, including depression. Reading about depression really takes a lot out of me, so there's that.

Athena is engaged to Johnny, who ends up dumping her on the advice of his brother, Matthew - and we find out he did that because he wants Athena. Here's my big issues: Johnny was too immature, Matthew was too uppity and Athena was too caught in the middle. I don't necessarily have an issue with someone dating an ex's sibling, but I guess my issue lies more with Matthew breaking them up.

I did appreciate, and seriously identified with Athena's depression. That part hit really close to home. I do admire Matthew's determination to help her with her. I loved the banter! Athena and Matthew played off each other well. I just couldn't shake the feeling that he was too straight-laced for her, I dunno. The monster porn sub plot was a little weird, too haha!

Overall, I liked the story, but it felt draggy in places. I give a solid 3.5. I hope Karl is next haha

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Another amazing outing for Olivia Dade. I loved this book. The premise is painful, but Dade will make you a believer. This outing deals with some intense themes, such as major depression and parental abandonment, so you'll want to be cognizant of that when recommending this to readers. Despite these themes, Dade deals with the topics respectfully and the novel doesn't get bogged down in them at any point. This was a rare romance where I wasn't sure how they were going to get their HEA, and the resolution was that much sweeter for its challenges. Read this book for its plus-size heroine, its glorification of monster erotica, or its enemies to lovers storyline, but read it.

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Oh, boy! Did I have the immense pleasure of receiving an early copy of AT FIRST SPITE by the wonderful Olivia Dade!

I've read and loved so many of her novels (Spoiler Alert, All the Feels, and more) that my expectations were high for this one, and Dade outdid herself! I barked out laughter, I cried, I saw myself, I blushed, and I just fell in love with the main characters right away. A sexy, sweet, hilarious rom-com that is a perfect complement to its February 13th (2024) release date!

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Matthew, loudly and with insulting detail, talks his brother out of marrying Athena… and she overhears him. Who in the world would think she’d ever fall for that guy? We savvy, hopeful readers, that’s who.

Athena and Matthew are probably my favorite characters in a long time. They are real; their motives, action and decisions are plausible, convincing. And yet, we also fall in love with the characters motives, action, and characters. They are endearing.

There’s plenty of spite for a while if you like enemies to lovers stories. But the quirky unconventional antics are laugh out loud funny and don’t make you wait too long to come together.

Thanks to NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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With two degrees and several starts at careers under her belt, passionate Athena just can’t land a job or make a relationship stick. A teaching gig nearly breaks her when she gives it her all, and her sweet fiancé, (pediatrician Johnny) promises her a future, and a break. His big brother and partner in practice Matthew has his doubts about the relationship — more about Johnny’s ability to provide–and convinces Johnny to end it–but not before Athena sells all her furniture and sinks her savings into the 10-foot side spite house next door that Johnny always wanted to purchase to expand his family’s home. Determined to pay her new mortgage and get her feet back under her without asking for assistance from her, she takes a job at a coffee shop where the owner blares monster erotica audiobooks while baking, and the monster porn becomes a lovingly hilarious subplot. When that job runs out, she temps at the local library. Through all of this, Johnny is away in Hawaii on their honeymoon, while Matthew looks out for Athena, and they come to revise their initial opinions of one another…

This is an amazing, compassionate story of healing through depression in the context of a love story. Matthew has always looked out for his little brother, and in fact became a children’s doctor due to a family tragedy. When Athena spirals into an I-can’t-get-out-of-bed depression, Matthew is first to support her, and the portrayal of her depths of despair is visceral and accurate. Athena and Matthew’s relationship has a cautious, respectful, trajectory, fueled by the first time they met in person at Johnny and Athena’s engagement party–before they each knew who they other was. The story is an homage to data nerds and fact geeks, librarians, and literature lovers, and comes with Dade’s characteristic witty banter, sly humor, and perfect pacing. I can’t wait to read the next in the series.

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DNF at 61%. I lost the thread on this one at about 30% but kept going just to find that it didn't improve. It began with a touch of enemies to lovers tension, but I must've missed something because all of a sudden, Athena and Matthew (or at least the latter) were having these intense feelings for one another. Other than the prologue, I really didn't register any chemistry between them and even the prologue was only a very average interaction that definitely did not warrant the level of attraction they both instantly felt toward one another. In short, I just got bored.

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I love Olivia Dade’s nerd romances, and really enjoyed this enemies to lovers story! Great if you love forbidden romance, complicated family dynamics, mental health rep (some of the most accurate I’ve seen in a romance), and an obsessed MMC. Looking forward to the rest of this series!

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Deftly written and at turns hilarious, emotional, and heartbreaking, every word is like the kindest, gentlest hug to anyone struggling with grief or depression. I loved it!

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I liked this one, as I've liked Dade's previous books, though some of the mental health issues were, perhaps, skated over in a way that helped move along the plot but probably not necessarily in a helpful, accessible way to readers who have or are experiencing depression. The whole brothers thing was a bit difficult to swallow, too.

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I adore Olivia Dade, why? Because finally someone writes romance for the "fluffy" Ladies of the world.

This took a little getting used to. I fell in love with the Spoiler Alert Series. I went into this book with high hopes. Did I love this story? It was cute, I'd have to give this a 3 out of 5 stars. Will I continue to read anything Olivia writes? Yes... I'm hoping I'm more of a fan of the next couple in this new series.

There were a few scenes that just didn't feel like they worked, Particularly the bathtub scene.

So... do you love the way Olivia writes? Pick this up, give it a try. Romance is always good for the soul.

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This was a more emotional story than I expected and I wish the cover art more accurately represented this story. So much of it is about depression and some form of grief which at times was very moving but ultimately I didn’t really connect with the story or their romance even though I felt like they had a deep connection. I did like how the author wrote about depression and thought it was lovely how Matthew supported her (and everyone in his life) but there was so little about Matthew as a person that i could describe as more than lovely and nice. I’m still very interested in this new series even though this one wasn’t really for me.

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“𝐇𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲—𝐞𝐱𝐜𝐞𝐩𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐞𝐫.”

The slow burn romance At First Spite by Olivia Dade centers on Matthew Vine III, a business partner, and Athena Greyson, a high school teacher.

Not going to lie when I started reading this book, I thought it would be about two rivals fighting it out over a Sprite company, but it turns out that I had just misread the title.

Anyways, Matthew was the epitome of a man being bipolar because one minute he was so sweet to Athena, helping her get a job and making sure she was okay, and the next he was such a dick, treating her badly.

But despite their differences, Matthew and Athena made such a charming couple.

Although I was taken aback by the fact that Athena was Matthew's first everything, I actually liked that fact.

Overall, this was alright for me, however I would have preferred a little more angst and groveling from Matthew given that he didn't fight for Athena in the first place.

*Thank you to Netgalley, Avon & Harper Voyager and to the author, Olivia Dade, for providing me with this e-arc in exchange for an honest review.*

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At First Spite
Olivia Dade
#1 Harlot’s Bay
Thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the ARC of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.
* Contemporary Romance
Delightfully sexy rom-com about a woman who buys the towns famous Spite House , only to realize the infuriating man she can’t stand lives next door.
Great book! The characters are charming,
4 stars

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Olivia Dade has done it again! I always enjoy reading her books and this one was no exception. I think she always does a great job of representing curvy and plus size women, and I quite enjoyed how she explored the topic of depression and gave readers a look into someone who is battling depression while showing that it's there's no immediate fix. I thought Matthew was the most adorable sweet baby angel and I loved him so much. Johnny sucks, and he's redeemed a little at the end which is nice. Mainly it's nice because I want Matthew to be happy. I really ended up caring about these characters and their relationships, and I loved hearing about the goings on in Harlot's Bay. I look forward to reading the other books that will take place there, a lot of the characters piqued my interest and I'd love to know more about them. Thank you to Avon and NetGalley for this ARC!

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This arc took me longer than usual to finish, and I think it’s because the content is heavy. I was warned with trigger warnings at the beginning, but I didn’t realize how heavy it truly was. This is less of a romance and more of a journey that two people go on to heal and discover themselves before getting together.

I loved the side characters, I loved the depression storyline and seeing the dark side people struggle with. I love someone with depression and while I haven’t experienced it personally, I show up like Matthew shows up so seeing Athena’s struggles was something I could heavily relate to and made me love her all the more.

My two issues that lowered this from a 5 star read to 4 was the Matthew Virgin reveal, because it felt out of place. And how long the book was. Parts of the story dragged because of the length and heavy storyline.

All in all, good read. Dade is an automatic read for me and will continue to be. Not my favorite of hers but still good!

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Absolutely loved this book, if you have enjoyed any of Olivia's past books I wholeheartedly recommend At First Spite. It is so much more than a beautiful love story. It also covers some sensitive topics in a way that felt so authentic and real. This is definitely one of the best books I have read this year and I can't wait to read whoever's love story comes next.

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Ms. Dade does it again! Deep characters, true-to-life struggles - all woven together in tight, vivid prose. A wonderful read! Looking forward to the next tome in the the Harlot's Bay series.

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This is definitely going on my list of favorite books this year.
The depression rep in this was heartbreakingly accurate, as someone who is manic depressive- thank you.

Athena and Matthew's love story is sweet, funny, charming and just not long enough.

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Athena, in her late 30s, has never quite settled on her path in life. With multiple graduate degrees and a string of short employment stints, she falls for and plans to marry handsome and charming pediatrician Johnny Vine. That is, till Johnny's older brother, Matthew, persuades him otherwise. While Johnny jets off on Athena's dream honeymoon, on Matthew's dime, Athena moves to Harlot's Bay and into the spite house that shares a wall with Johnny's house and, unexpectedly, an alley with Matthew's. Understandably furious, Athena immediately goes on the offensive with Matthew, but he's not quite the man she thought he was, and vice versa.

Sparkling with Olivia Dade's signature wit, this is a surprisingly funny novel for one with such heavy themes (snipped to avoid spoilers) and relationship angst. Those felt a little bit incongruous with the rom-com set-up, and I felt like the (heavy issues, snipped to avoid spoilers) were dealt with a bit too neatly, but I felt like the ending was earned.

Extra points for a hilarious cast of local weirdos, lots of librarians, and the fact that monster-f*cking erotica was a major plot point. Oh, and healthy diversity, and a generously proportioned heroine whose body is not an issue for her or for anyone else (and a hero who loves her curves without fetishizing them).

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