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At First Spite

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This book may be right up someone else's alley, but for me it was just okay. There were definitely aspects I enjoyed, so it was a solid 3 star read for me.

What I liked:
- plus-sized heroine (without making a "thing" of her being plus-sized)
- Cinnamon roll hero
- really fun supporting characters that make up the community of Harlot's Bay
- Unique aspects - I learned a lot while reading this book --- including the history and existence of Spite Houses.

What wasn't my jam:
- The brothers being in love with the same girl and the girl ostensibly loving both brothers --- falling for the 2nd so soon after the first broke things off. I'm a fan of taboo romance, but something about this setup didn't hit right.
- The monster smut --- again, I am a fan of smutty romance but the abundance of monster smut didn't really work for me --- but it might really appeal to other readers.

Content warnings:
- When the author advises caution if you are triggered by severe depression and mental health struggles (on the page) and loss of sibling (prior to the events of the story but with lasting effects) she is serious! Even taking the warning seriously I was a little surprised by how big of a role depression played in the story.
Grateful to the publishers and NetGalley for this digital review copy. All opinions are my own.

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A Delightful Romp through Love, Laughter, and Lust in "At First Spite" by Olivia Dade

Olivia Dade's "At First Spite" is a delightful rollercoaster of emotions, seamlessly blending absurd situations, humor, and serious issues such as depression and fatphobia. The author's unique ability to infuse a narrative with both depth and levity shines through, making this book an enjoyable and unexpected experience.

The heart of the story revolves around Athena, whose life takes an unexpected turn when she's dumped by her fiancé just days before their wedding. Dade skillfully navigates the aftermath of this heartbreak, revealing the complexities of relationships, familial ties, and personal growth. While the plot might not be overly intricate, the character development is masterfully executed, keeping readers invested in the journey of Athena and those around her.

Athena's move next door to her ex-fiancé and his brother sets the stage for a humorous and touching exploration of love and self-discovery. The dynamic between Athena and Matthew, her ex's brother, is the beating heart of the narrative. Dade crafts a slow-burning romance that blooms into a beautiful connection, showcasing the evolution of their relationship from initial attraction to unwavering support and genuine care.

The exploration of serious topics like depression is handled with sensitivity and authenticity, adding depth to the narrative without overshadowing the overall lighthearted tone of the book. Dade masterfully weaves these elements into the fabric of the story, creating a harmonious blend of humor and emotion.

The intimate scenes in the novel contribute to its allure, providing a sensual and tasteful exploration of desire and connection. The sex tropes, while specific, add a layer of relatability and authenticity to the characters, making their journey even more engaging for readers.

"At First Spite" is a testament to Olivia Dade's storytelling prowess, seamlessly combining elements of humor, emotion, and sensuality. The slow-growing affection between the characters, coupled with the well-executed exploration of serious themes, makes this novel a thoroughly enjoyable read. Dade's ability to balance the ridiculous with the heartfelt creates a narrative that is sweet, funny, poignant, and undeniably sexy. This review, based on a complimentary copy of the novel, offers a sincere and objective perspective on the book's merits.

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This book was absolutely amazing! This was my first Olivia Dade book and I have been eyeing her for awhile. Her writing style is so unique. The way she writes had me feeling like I was transported into a period drama but in a modern setting... I love it.

This book follows Athena to Harlots Bay where she purchased the historical "Spite House" as a wedding present for her fiancee. Of course he ends their engagement due to his bother she loathes, and she winds up with the house stuck between both brothers houses..

I think it is funny the house is called Spite House, when her and Matthews foundation for their entire relationship was based on spite..

This book had it all. The characters were lovable, and so were all of the side characters. I absolutely loved all the references to monster smut. It was hilarious. I thought Olivia depicted depression extremely well, and that is said coming from a person who has suffered from depression before herself (me).

I don't know how else to sing this books praises from the rooftop but I am singing them, Or screaming them with a background of guppie smut and scary Halloween dolls.

I can't wait for more of Harlots Bay!

Oh, also this def had about a 3/5 on the spice scale which was an additional bonus. :D

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At First Spite is the newest release from Olivia Dade. I’ve read a handful of books from this author now and I’ve definitely had some hits and misses. This is a contemporary romance where the heroine moves into a house between her ex-fiancé and his brother (who actively got their wedding and relationship canceled), and her romance with said ex’s brother!

Athena is engaged to Johnny and when the story starts, she is at their engagement party and bumps into a man there who she ends up connecting with pretty quickly. They both love information and looking things up on google and kind of banter and hit it off quickly. Shortly after her fiancé shows up and Athena is introduced to the mystery man who ends up being Matthew, her fiancé’s brother! Athena ends up overhearing the two brothers arguing shortly after with Matthew trying to talk his brother out of the relationship. We cut to months later and Matthew got his way, with Johnny dumping Athena just a week before their wedding.

Things get even more awkward when Athena, who was a highschool teacher but quit her job to move to her ex-fiancé’s small hometown, also has to move into the house she purchased as a wedding gift to her ex…which just so happens to be situated between his and his brother’s houses. His ex isn’t around as she’s moving in because he still left for what was supposed to be their honeymoon trip, but his brother Matthew is there and is super pulled to Athena. We find out he’s been into her for a long time and just didn’t think her with his brother was the right move for either of them. Matthew has always taken care of his brother, they are partners of their own pediatrics practice, and he honestly kind of took the father role to him.

Athena and Matthew start spending time together and both fall pretty easily, there is a scene where he helps bathe her (which ties into the special edition dust jacket cover I saw). I really don’t get why this is described as a romcom, it has a lot of heavy themes going in within the story and deals with depression for a main character for a good bit of the story. Athena struggles with what she wants to do with her life and the choices she’s made, she’s 36/37 and still unsure of a job she wants to have for any length of time (she likes to be able to quit and move around as she wants). Matthew as well has some repressed trauma from his past (from when he was a child), that he has kind of overlooked to take of his brother. I just felt like the vibe of the book was off at times because of these mixed feelings going on in the story.

I did like that we have characters in their upper 30s (close to 40) and seeing the realness of their feelings and emotions. Matthew was sweet and I liked the romance we do get from them (it does get pretty steamy and we have a virgin hero too), even if it felt way too soon after her being with her ex/his brother. I guess if you know what you’re getting into with this book, you could definitely still enjoy it. But for me, it was just okay.

I received an ARC from the publisher via NetGalley, all thoughts in this review are my own.

CW: grief and clinical depression, mentions an accidental death of a young child (didn’t occur on page)

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I am very mixed on my feelings with this book. I have loved Olivia Dade's previous books and a lot of what I've loved about them is present here. Athena is a fabulous protagonist in a lot of ways and Dade has such a way of writing plus size heroines where it's never a plot point that they are plus size. Also the humor is really on point and for the most part, very welcome. I will say there were maybe one too many pop culture references for my taste? It's one thing to name drop a movie but to talk about memes felt a little... almost dated?

It took me awhile to warm up to Athena. I wasn't really sure why she had made the decisions she did (buying an entire house with ostensibly no job or money? wanting to marry someone just to have a cushion?) and some of her behavior felt very juvenile to me. Ther is a reason why she acts the way she does and there is a very intense period of this book, in the middle, where the character has a major depressive episode. Although Dade warns you at the beginning, I'm not sure I was entirely prepared. It is also possible that a lot of Athena's more grating qualities are some of the things I sometimes see in myself which is why I didn't appreciate reading them.

Either way, once I got passed the first half I got really into the book, Athena's journey and relationship with Matthew. I adored Matthew. Every time he cried, I wanted to cry. At first I was worried that he just wanted to take care of someone but he has his own journey in this book.

Overall, this was a very hot and lovely romance. Just go in a little more prepared for the darker stuff than me.

Thank you so much to Avon and NetGalley for allowing me access to an E-ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Well, i didn't hate it?

I don't quite know how else to put it. I respected what the story was doing. I even liked the characters a fair amount. I'm just not sure this one wasn't Women's Fiction instead of a Romance... I think the issues of depression and mental health are important. Of course I do, but this first 60% and more of this book felt SO heavy to me.

Athena is dealing with so much all at once. Like so often happens in our life, it can all come down when we least expect it. So I don't think anything in here is impossible or even improbable. In fact, some of her situations felt *too* real for me. I feel like the topics were handled well and if this had been marketed as Women's Fiction was a good romance favoring it, it would be very successful.

But as it is... I need a bit more of an escape in my romance and as stated.. this just felt to raw and real for me. Though it may hit just right for others.

My favorite bright spot in this tale is Matthew. Our MMC is so sweet, caring, deep, and thoughtful. We may have a poor thought of him at the start. He does put his foot in his mouth a few too many times. However, as we get to know him, I just think he feels so much.. and has to repress it to take care of others. The way he tries to right his wrongs with Athena is heartwarming. When she finally is able to come out of her haze of depression and bias against him... she can see it too.

So while this was a mixed bag for me.. Mostly because I just wanted more romance and happy parts of the book. I still think it's worth the read. Just be prepared to suffer a bit with our characters first.

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I couldn’t put this one down; I couldn’t stop gushing about it to my friends.

The set-up is slightly complicated: Athena is engaged to Johnny. Athena meets Johnny’s older brother, Matthew, for the first time at their engagement party—which leads to a “moment.” Fast forward and Johnny dumps Athena a week before the wedding, at Matthew’s strong urging. But too late, Athena bought a house that is mere feet away from her ex-fiance…and the dreaded older brother, and she’s already quit her job and sold all her stuff so she’s stuck there.

What happens next is at times hilarious, heartwarming, sad, and depressing. At First Spite is so much more than a romcom; it goes into depth about depression, insecurity, the ramifications of parentification, and how grief can have a lifelong effect. It just made it feel all that more real.

Matthew is one of my favorite heroes ever, and even though he has a major misstep along the way, his grovel and legitimate apology secured my love. He was such a giver; he just adored Athena, his friends, and his brother. I just want to wrap him in a comfy blanket and make sure he’s okay. And Athena was the perfect, dorky foil to him. They just really fit together.

At First Spite was really just full of love…and potatoes.

Thank you to Avon Books for the review copy.

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At First Spite is the brand new start to the amazing Harlot's Bay series by Olivia Dade.
Being in the charming small town of Harlot’s Bay was such a fun time.
The female MC, Athena, was just lovely, smart and beautiful. I adored her personality.
This couple was so much fun watching them together. Athena and Matthew are realistic, relatable and endearing individuals.
They were so loveable, their relationship and dynamic is entertaining and adorable.
I honestly didn't want to say goodbye to them at the end.
I smiled so much while reading this book. It was the kind of book that just makes you happy to read.
I have yet to devour a book written by Olivia that I just didn’t love!
And her newest title was no different.
A satisfying rom-com that was utterly delightful.

Thank You NetGalley and Avon for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing eARC!

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AT FIRST SPITE – Olivia Dade
Harlot’s Bay, Book 1
ISBN: 978-0063215917
February 13, 2024
Contemporary Romance

Harlot’s Bay, Maryland – Present Day

Athena Greydon is happily engaged to Dr. Johnny Vine and they’re currently at an engagement party she helped arrange in Harlot’s Bay where Johnny and his family and friends live. She has yet to meet Johnny’s brother, Dr. Matthew Vine, but it doesn’t take long to figure out who he is when she overhears Johnny talking to another man. Johnny is being told to not get married to Athena. Stunned, she didn’t know what to say, especially since she thought everything was perfect. But a month before the wedding, Johnny breaks it off. However, Athena now has a problem. As a surprise wedding gift, she’d poured all her money into a big wedding gift for him: she bought the house next door to him. With no fiancé and no money, plus no job after she quit to get married, she has no place to go. Athena ends up moving into the house. Johnny is currently in Hawaii using the vacation that was planned for their honeymoon. But Athena soon learns that Matthew is the one living in the house next door. How will she react when she realizes the man responsible for breaking up her engagement is living so close?

Athena bought a house called the Spite House. It was named because two rival brothers built houses next to each other on property so small that the houses are around ten feet or so in width, plus are close together. Athena can literally see into Matthew’s house. Things are uncomfortable at first, mainly because she hates the man and gives him death stares whenever she spots him. But he turns out to have a kind heart—though he might be heartless—after he helps her out a few times. As the deep freeze thaws between them, Matthew finds himself increasingly attracted to Athena. How can he explain to her that the reason he didn’t want Johnny to marry her is because he felt his brother wasn’t ready for marriage? As the weeks go on, Athena finds it hard to get a permanent job after taking a couple of temporary ones. She needs money for the mortgage, and she doesn’t want to tell her parents her predicament because she feels that makes her a failure in their eyes. In the end, it is Matthew who comes to her rescue in a big way that doesn’t necessarily mean money. Will this give them an opening to find love together?

AT FIRST SPITE has its funny moments but it also tackles some serious issues that I won’t spoil for readers. But it means that between the laughter you will also realize that life isn’t always easy. One can understand Athena’s initial dislike of Matthew, and soon you will see why he felt Johnny wasn’t ready for marriage. Matthew has always looked out for his younger brother and thought he was doing it again when he told him to not marry Athena. But the more Matthew gets to know her, he starts to like her and regrets the pain he caused her. There was no way he could have known she would quit her job and put all her savings into the Spite House. He tries to soothe the pain he has caused but she is still hurting from what she sees as his rejection of her sight unseen. Despite all this, a romance soon blooms between them.

A tale that is not only tender and funny but filled with sizzle, don’t miss the fun in AT FIRST SPITE.

Patti Fischer
Romance Reviews Today

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Genre: contemporary romance
Maryland, present day

Athena Greydon leaves her job in Virginia and pours her savings into buying the “Spite House” for her now ex-fiance Dr Johnny Vine as a wedding gift. See, Johnny’s older brother Matthew has convinced Johnny that Athena isn’t right for him, but now Athena owns the narrow house that abuts Johnny’s in Harlot’s Bay, Maryland, away from her old life in Virginia. While Johnny takes their honeymoon without her, Athena tries to settle into a new life and find a new job. But finding a new job is harder than it should be for someone with two master’s degrees. In fact, everything feels hard, except tormenting Dr Matthew Vine the Third. What Athena has always attributed to personal laziness turns out to be a blend of insatiable curiosity for the world paired with a lack of motivation from depression, Matthew is the only one there to see her.

Olivia Dade writes special books. They aren’t usually as bananas as I like in contemporary romances, but they more than make up for it with the bawdy humor and explicit nature paired with really heartfelt and deeply caring expressions of love. Athena is smart and witty, but she can’t hold down a job for more than 3 years or so, which at 37 years old feels like failing. What I loved so deeply about this book is that while there are depressing (and sometimes depressingly relatable) moments, it is a beautiful story about learning to love yourself, and learning how to let someone else fully love you. Also with a healthy side of monster-fucking audiobooking and pranking. There’s a lot of silliness to bolster the darker sides of the story.

Matthew Vine is one of my favorite types of heroes: caring, competent, and head over heels without even realizing it. He raised his younger brother from the age of 8, with absent parents. He co-owns a pediatric medical practice, he helps out those in need (but in a gruff sort of way, since he’s never been allowed to be anything but gruff). And with any hero with this kind of makeup, it’s a delight to see him melt in the arms of someone he falls for. The cautious and caring, and yes, a little bit forbidden, romance is perhaps the most gentle enemies to lovers I’ve read recently. Yes, there are incendiary sparks, and some expert level orgasms, but it’s somehow still so soft underneath the barbs.

At First Spite never loses sight of its core message: you can be a lot of things at once, including depressed and loved, smart and lost, funny and sad. Check the content warnings on this one, because there are some sensitive topics!

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Kind of mixed feelings on this one! Between a 3.5 and a 4 star. It started very slow (I took like a month off reading it which I'm sure did not help) and then I got really into it -- only to reach a part where the FMC had a major depressive episode that I forgot was mentioned as a TW. Then the ending was rushed. But despite all that I did enjoy the book.

Olivia Dade always treats her characters with so much care, even Athena's ex fiancé that a lesser writer could've just made a horrible guy. Athena is lost with her career and life in general and it was nice seeing a character in their late 30's who was just as lost as a character who is 23. I loved seeing Athena grow and figure herself out. I cried when she talked to her parents and they all got on the same page.

I did think Matthew was a bit too perfect and a lot of his development happened towards the end. I think if there had been a bit more build up the third act conflict would've worked a bit better for me. Instead I was left a bit confused by his actions, but Olivia Dade was able to explain them in a way that made sense -- I just wish it had been set up a bit more. But as an oldest child -- yeah I got him LOL

I love a small town and cannot wait to see these characters again in the next Harlot's Bay book. The monster romance book club?? That was so fun and I loved seeing it woven into the plot.

Overall I enjoyed this more more than I enjoyed her last book, but wish I had been more prepared for some of the more serious content bc it hit a bit too close to home at times which wasn't exactly what I wanted in a romance.

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I loved "At First Spite" by Olivia Dade so, so much. This book is an utter delight. It is sweet, smart, sexy, deep, intricate, poignant, and laugh-out-loud funny. Dade balances serious mental health struggles with over-the-top sunshine-y-ness and zaniness as she introduces us to her new series that takes place in the fictional town of Harlot's Bay.

I adored the main characters, Athena and Matthew. Athena is pure plus-sized sunshine on the outside, but has a lot of doubt and self-questioning/self-loathing on the inside. She has struggled to find her place in the world and frequently gets bored with work and school, so she is really good at a lot of different things and possesses many varied skills. Dr. Matthew Vine the Third is an innocent, virgin, caregiver pediatrician who is ignorant when it comes to pop culture, internet slang, and memes. He is headstrong because he has always had to be. He doesn't show emotion, is as grumpy as can be, is severely judgmental, and just so happens to have fallen head-first for Athena in just a couple of minutes, only to realize that she is his brother Johnny's fiance, the one he has been trying to get him to dump since getting engaged. When Athena moves to Harlot's Bay to live in the "Spite House," the wonkily built home situated next door to her fiance's house and was purchased for him as a wedding present, she seems to run into Doctor Matthew Vine the Third quite a bit. Running into the guy who broke up your pending nuptials is a tough, tough thing to deal with. They both live in the same town but remain as lonely as ever. Dade treats depression, mental health, and loneliness with tenderness, care, and heartbreaking accuracy, never once chastising Athena or Matthew despite the wrongs they may have done in their lives. I clung to each and every word of this well-written, thoughtful, wonderful novel. Please read this unputdownable, lovely book!

Thank you to NetGalley, Olivia Dade, and Avon and Harper Voyager for the complimentary ARC of this book. All opinions are my own. I was not compensated for this review.

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𝚁𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐: 4.25⭐️
𝙶𝚎𝚗𝚛𝚎: Contemporary romance 📚

𝙼𝚢 𝚃𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚜:
Overall, I enjoyed this one once I got over the fact that she was dating her ex fiancés bother

𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍 𝚒𝚏 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎:
Slow burn
Romances that discuss heavier topics
Small town
Confident plus size rep
He falls first
Ex’s brother
Enemies to lovers
Forced proximity (neighbors)
Monster erotica bookclubs
Great banter

𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜 𝙸 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎𝚍:
Emotional support chicken
Mental health and therapy rep
All the Google searches were relatable- I also google all my random questions lol

𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜 𝙸 𝚍𝚒𝚍𝚗’𝚝 𝚌𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚏𝚘𝚛:
Some parts felt a little awkward to me

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When someone told me there's no good romance in library books-they read all their love stories on AO3, I almost squealed. out loud. I spent the next 10 minutes fan-girling as I introduced this person to the books by Olivia Dade. When I adore a series as much as I did All the Feels, I always feel apprehensive when I start a new series by the author. Thankfully Dade has created a series that feels fresh but maintains all the things that we love about her writing. I look forward to future books in this series.

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This was a pure delight! Funny, sexy, and compelling, Dade does it again with characters that make you swoon and think. I loved the history with the Sprite house and how she honestly explores the mental health challenges each character had to work through without it feeling too heavy. So good! Releases 2/13!

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Olivia Dade welcomes you to Harlot's Bay in this delightfully sexy rom-com about a woman who buys the town's famous Spite House, only to realize the infuriating man she can't stand lives right next door--and their unwilling proximity might spark something neither can ignore.

What you'll see inside includes enemies to lovers, a plus-sized female main character, mental health representation, he falls first, and a whole lot of forced proximity. I thought the way the author handled Athena's depression was pretty spot on. As someone who has been there I totally related to the isolation and intense negative thoughts. Matthew is such a cute hero. His caretaker personality is so precious but he also loses himself in it all. That being said, he is also extremely unlikeable. His actions are the reason Athena's wedding never happened but can't help but fall in love with her. It's very counterintuitive. The whole scenario was weird. Also, his virginity subplot was not needed and felt very unrealistic. At almost 40 he is a virgin but also knows exactly what to do in the bedroom like a pro, then says oh I'm a doctor, I know anatomy. Ew. I need to say it! Brothers going after the same girl subplot gave me the ICK. Also, the whole "Professor Google" bit was funny in the beginning but got old pretty fast.

Thanks to the publisher for the ARC in return for an honest review. This book releases 2/13.

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At First Spite was one of my most anticipated 2024 reads and I really enjoyed it. I love Olivia Dade’s books and this one really resonated with me. There’s excellent mental health representation in this, particularly depression. I really liked all of the characters and I’m really looking forward to future books in the series!

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I have found a new favorite Olivia Dade book, and it's this one. Why? Olivia Dade has a knack for marrying absurd situations, an enjoyment of the ridiculous that comes across in her sense of humor, wonderful depth of emotion, and serious issues like depression, fatphobia, etc. It doesn't seem like a book that includes an in-depth exploration of clinical depression, including a lengthy depressive episode, could also be gloriously sexy and hilarious - but it is.

Honestly not a ton happens plot-wise in the book. The setup for this one is that Athena is dumped by her fiance a week before their wedding, partially at the behest of his older brother, who's argued against their relationship from the beginning. Athena has already left her job, sold her condo, and bought the house next door to her fiance as her wedding gift to him, and she doesn't want to move back in with her parents, so she moves into her new house. Which again, is next to her fiance's house. Oh, and also? It's next to her fiance's BROTHER'S house. (She's the meat in a Vine brother sandwich, as another character puts it, only not very sexy.) She's trying to make the best of things in her new life, but honestly it's rough going. Turns out her fiance's brother, Matthew, MOSLY broke up the engagement because he didn't feel like Athena and the fiance were right for each other, but ALSO because he is ridiculously attracted to Athena. When she moves to town, he's able to get to know her, and realizes that not only is she wrong for his bro - she's perfect for him. And that's kind of it, as far as plot goes.

I just absolutely loved the slow-growing respect, affection, and love between Matthew and Athena. His unwavering support for her is so satisfying to read - especially since he is the reason why she broke up with her fiance in the first place. The caretaking is top tier, as Matthew tries to alleviate the difficulties her breakup put on her, first anonymously, then in person. His sense of responsibility and caring for her are delightful.

I'm talking about the sex now. There are a ludicrous amount of sex tropes that speak to me very specifically. I am going to list some of them, so if you feel like these are spoilers, maybe skip reading this next part:

Athena decides she wants to "put on a show" for Matthew which she DOES (I am obsessed with a solo session!). In addition:
1. Matthew is a virgin hero who
2. Did a lot of research on how to go down on women (Athena, specifically)
3. Finds out he LOVES it
4. Is worried that wanting to do it doggie-style is degrading (but Athena sets him straight).

So anyhow, I loved this book, it was sweet, funny, poignant, hilarious, and so, so sexy!!!

This objective review is based on a complimentary copy of the novel.

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DNF at 40%. I really wanted to love this one and at the start I was really into it but unfortunately the initial spark fizzled and then I was left with a lot of pieces that didn’t fit. I don’t really buy why Athena was ever marrying Johnny to begin with and if we are supposed to think she loved him? And Matthew feels like he time traveled here from the past which could totally work if that was true but it isn’t so just felt clunky. Unfortunately this one just wasn’t for me. Thank you to Avon and Netgalley for the free ebook to review.

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Olivia Dade is an author whose books I always beg for (no shame) because she is such a gifted writer that can make you laugh hysterically one moment and then cry the next, all within the same chapter. It is hard to choose a favorite, but At First Spite may be her best work yet. This was so different from the Gods at the Gates/Spoiler Alert series and yet Dade’s voice was still so clear. At First Spite is a slowburn that surprised me because it didn’t feel like one and I didn’t even notice or mind that physical intimacy hadn’t happened already (in complete contrast to Ship Wrecked which had a one night stand on page 1).
In the fictional town of Harlot’s Bay, Athena is stuck living in a spite house—I had to use “Professor Google” as Athena would say, and look it up, you should too!—between her ex-fiancé Johnny and her ex-fiancé’s brother, Matthew, the catalyst for their breakup. The forced proximity fuels the animosity between Athena and Matthew resulting in some hilarious pranking and nosy neighbor vibes familiar to small towns. But the closeness of the houses and closeness of the townspeople begin to have an alternate effect that causes Matthew and Athena to learn about each other and their habits, whether they want to or not.
Serious moments first, depression plays a significant role in the storyline without being overdone and feeling extremely authentic. Loss of parents and the death of a child also play a heavy role in shaping one of the MCs, but here Dade takes the opportunity to explore how love can cut through grief and loss, and she is so deft with using her characters to cut through the hurt and belief that they are unlovable. There are such tender moments from both MCs; Athena notices the littlest things that Matthew likes where no one has paid him attention before, Matthew has always been in a caregiver role, and seamlessly knows how to care for Athena when she is unable to take care of herself. The moment Matthew is able to be present for Athena is so heart wrenchingly beautiful and I know I will be thinking about it for years to come. Little touches of love are sprinkled throughout and I loved watching Athena and Matthew fall for one another.
Humor plays a big role, both in cutting through the MCs fears but also Dade is the queen of using humor to balance grief. Comedy artfully enacts “revenge”, breaks down walls, and of course, is used to flirt. I was completely trash for the monster —-cking audiobooks and all the jokes that went with them (you’ll be rolling on the floor), the pranking of ahem, DOCTOR Matthew Vine the Third, who was so sweetly clueless about many contemporary memes and -isms. The way that Dade can balance humor and depression is masterful. It takes a tremendous about of trust for a reader to know that they can read heartbreaking and viscerally heavy moments, but feel confident that an author will deliver them through to the other side where moments of lightheartedness can coexist and a happily ever after is sure to follow.
Ultimately I fell for both Matthew and Athena and know this book will be a seasonal reread. I loved the parts of each of them that fit so well with the other and to read At First Spite is to truly read the romance genre at its best. And also, if you know Olivia Dade, you KNOW she will deliver the juiciest, hottest intimate scenes with nothing held back, and although not many, there’s a reason Matthew is given some, (cough) appropriate nicknames in the bedroom. Oh if we were all so lucky. I received an early copy from the publisher. This review and opinions are my own.

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