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Sisters of Fortune

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Oh, this was such a fantastic read! I really enjoy Anna Lee Huber's writing, I just love her historical mysteries, and this novel about 3 different sisters-on the Titanic, well, I had to read it! We all know what happened to the Titanic, the question was-who, if any, or all, of the sisters survived?

Each of these girls were easily separated as different people, from Flora, the people pleasure, Alice, who is started to realize the life that's been set up for her, and Mabel, who wants doesn't want to be a wife and mother, she wants to further her education, and she's using her relationship with an unsuitable guy to get what she wants. But they were family, and they stuck together, as well as the parents, and their younger brother who were on the trip.

I really enjoyed reading about all 3 of these sisters and their own goings on in their lives, the emotions, secrets and drama, with the growing tension that we know that the Titanic is getting ever closer to sinking. I just had to keep reading!

For a story that does have the Titanic, and it's eventual sinking, I enjoyed the ending, and where we left these characters, after everything that happened throughout the story and how the characters and grown and changed. There were losses and heartbreaks, but I'm content with where the story ended.

This was such a wonderful read, and I can't wait to read more by Anna Lee Huber!

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I love reading historical fiction books and this one was a different twist on what I typically read in that genre. Focused on the Titanic, you will feel like you are on board with the characters and experiencing their joy, excitement, and fear. With the point of view of three different Fortune sisters, you will get a varied aspect of their time on the Titanic. Knowing how the voyage ends, you are still drawn into the lives of the characters and wonder if they will survive. The angst of the passengers as the men, women, and children are separated ... the women who choose to never leave the side of their husband ... the children who are traumatized by being stripped from the arms of their mother ... is heart wrenching. But it is worth every tear you shed as you travel aboard the Titanic on its maiden voyage.

Thank you to NetGalley and Kensington for my advanced review copy. All opinions and thoughts are my own.

For more reviews, please visit my blog at: Over 1000 reviews posted!

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Entertaining story about the maiden voyage of the Titanic. Historical fiction that was well researched based on actual people and events. The best way to learn about history is through a great story..

I have been fascinated with the Titanic and its stories for years. I was not familiar with the Fortune sisters, so I assumed that they were part of the fiction of the story. But no, there was really a Fortune family on the Titanic - Mark and Mary Fortune and their children - Ethel, Alice, Mabel and Charles.

This book is full of details about actual events that occurred on the Titanic. Some of the facts shared I had already learned from my reading in the past. But my favorite part - I learned new facts about the Titanic. It was fun learning about the Fortune family - their plans, interactions on the ship, relationships with others, etc. There is romance, fun, famous people, gossip, fashion, books and so much more in this book.

In the end, there is also tragedy, sadness, resilience and hope in this story. The author notes at the end of the book are informative and let you know where she moved away from facts to fiction and why. Anna Lee Huber did a great job researching and telling this story.

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The Fortune sisters--Alice, Flora, and Mabel--board the Titanic (along with their parents and younger brother) in no particular hurry to get home, even as the ship on its maiden voyage seems on the path to break speed records. All three sisters are apprehensive about returning their sheltered, albeit privileged, lives in Canada after their European and Mediterranean tour. Their futures as dictated by convention in 1912 invariably include marriage--to men their father considers suitable.

As the voyage approaches its well-known catastrophic ending, the family becomes acquainted with their fellow shipmates, unaware of the tragedy that awaits. The buildup to the sinking is overly long, while the ending seems too abrupt. As much as I typically love historical novels, I didn't love this one--just liked it. #SistersofFortune #NetGalley

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For lovers of stories of the Titanic - you'll love the detail Anna Lee Huber brings to this story about the Fortune Sisters. The Fortunes were from Winnipeg, Manitoba, and traveled first class on the Ship of Dreams. One is destined to marry someone from home but isn't convinced it's the right thing; another misses her sweetheart horribly, and the third chafes against expectations and wants to make her own mark on the world. But everything changes for them on the night of April 14...

Meticulous research brings this story alive, and the tragedy is keenly felt through the experiences of three young ladies with their lives ahead of them. Recommended.

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I was looking forward to reading the book Sisters of Fortune. The is a fictional book based on the Fortune sisters Alice, Flora & Mabel, and the trip they had planned to be on the Titanic.
The author did a wonderful job of describing the Titanic and the passengers on the doomed ship.
This was an enjoyable read. This gave me another glance into the lives of those who were on the Titanic.
Thank you NetGalley, Anna Lee Huber and Kensington Books for the copy of Sisters of Fortune. This is my personal review.

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Thank you @kensingtonbooks and @netgalley for my complimentary copy. My thoughts are my own.

Historical romance readers will adore this Titanic love story by Anna Lee Huber. The story follows three real life young women who traveled across the ocean with their parents and friends aboard the Titanic. The Fortune family routinely traveled in upper class circles and knew many of their fellow passengers.

The Fortune women were sisters. I enjoyed each of their story lines, as well as the glimpses of other passengers and the details about the ship and the lavish decor. The tale was emotional; and even though a helpful cast list was provided at the beginning of the story, I did not allow myself to look up the fate of the family and friends in the Fortune circle, because I wanted to let the book unfold as it happened in life. The author’s note also provided interesting details, but don’t read it until the end! All in all, this was a fascinating story and I thoroughly enjoyed it!

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In this Titanic historical fiction novel, Huber introduces readers to the Fortune sisters Alice, Flora, and Mabel, their younger brother, and their parents as they return from a Grand Tour in Europe back to Canada. Inspired by real Titanic passengers, Huber gives these girls life, stories, and personality as they travel on the doomed ocean liner and find strength, love, and agency on the journey. All three sisters, equal protagonists in their own rights, have unique stories, thoughts, and dreams, and Huber balances her many protagonists incredibly well. As the girls grow and change, the world they are returning to becomes different or undesirable, depending on the sister, and it changes how they see their futures, previously set in stone. Huber’s descriptions and prose are incredibly delightful, and she brings the colorful cast of characters who interact with the Fortune sisters to life in wonderful detail. The dialogue, settings, and background characters are all clever, period-accurate, relatable, and add to the atmosphere and emotional tone of the novel by fleshing out the world of the 1910s and the Fortune sisters’ company on the Titanic. Huber has clearly done her research, and it has produced an incredibly emotional yet enjoyable historical fiction novel that all readers will enjoy.

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this is a fictionalize story of the candian Fortune sisters who were on the Titanic. really enjoyed the story..

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Sisters of Fortune by Anna Lee Huber tells a fictionalized account of the Canadian Fortune family who traveled on the first and final voyage of the Titanic. The book focuses especially on the three sisters, responsible eldest Flora, who has a fiancee back home she's not sure she wants to return to.; middle sister Alice, who's also engaged but feels stifled by the life she's expected to conform to once she returns home, and youngest sister, Mabel, who's rebellious spirit hides a longing for learning and isn't afraid to fight for it.

As an American, I had no knowledge of the Fortune sisters or their history with the Titanic. Learning more about this family who's history was more unknown than some of the more famous passenger stories led to an interesting take on the familiar story. Leaning into the times and expectations was also interesting to learn coming from a more modern perspective.

I loved seeing the daily activities of the family leading up to the iceberg disaster and I loved the very frank depiction of the wreck and sinking, feeling the chill of the winds and cold water as if they were lapping at my feet as well.

Huber has an excellent eye for detail and this thoroughly researched and nuanced portrayl of the luxury, excitement and eventual terror that traveling on one of the world's most famous, and infamous ships, holds.

I have loved Huber's Lady Darby mystery series and I loved that I could see elements of her storytelling here but as she leaned more into literary fiction, that I was still hooked on what was going to happen next to the Fortune sisters and their friends, despite know exactly what would happen. That is the mark of a true storyteller indeed.

Note: I was provided a copy of the book by Netgalley. for the purposes of review

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This was okay, but not great. Nothing really happened for the first half of the book which made the story very slow. I had a problem keeping up with the different POVs and remembering/knowing which sister was talking as the writing didn’t vary enough to distinguish them apart.

While this novel was base on/influenced by a real family, I enjoyed the creative and artistic liberties with their story. The research into the Titanic and the people involved was clear and impressive.

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This was an awesome read.
The story flowed and I loved the characters. It being based on real-life events made it even more interesting reading because as you experienced the characters doings, you knew what was waiting in the wings for them.
The writing was respectful to the many that lost their lives in the tragedy.
I was amazed at the end of the book to discover that the family the story revolves around were really on the Titanic, even though their story was not 100% in real life as it was in the book.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for allowing me to read this book.

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I thoroughly enjoyed this book. I have always been fascinated by the story of the Titanic and loved that this novel was based on the true Fortune Sisters. The plot was cleverly crafted and rich in historical detail.
Many thanks to Kensington and to Netgalley for providing me with a galley in exchange for my honest opinion.

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A surprisingly lovely and lively tale. The sights and sounds and fashions and excitement aboard the Titanic are well-written. The author packs a lot in without the text becoming ungainly.
Refreshingly told from the point of view of four characters - our three Sisters of Fortune aboard the ship as well as Flora’s love interest Chess.
The story focuses on the characters rather than the tragedy. The sinking and its aftermath are there, of course, but it’s past the half-way mark when it begins. And it doesn’t get gruesome in detail.
Clean fiction with no bawdy scenes or vulgar language. Also free on the diversity checklist bingo.

Modern day thinking does unfortunately creep in a bit, with women wanting “more” than “just” being a wife and mother (as if there is any more important job in life?). Also, a dash of “the man is keeping us down” does come out of the mouth of a couple of the female characters’ mouths, however the argument is shortly thereafter successfully countered.

A beautiful edition! A lovely fabric hardcover in a warm salmon pink with a gold floral design. The paper jacket is also lovely in pale blue with matte black scroll work and a “cameo” of the traditional cover showing the ship and (presumably) one of the Sisters; also a nice quote and floral scroll work on the back. The only part I’m not fond of is the printed paper edges, which are mostly purple and don’t really match the book or jacket, in my opinion.

A pleasant read and a beautiful book for your home book shelf. Highly recommend.

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I want to provide an update to the publishers. I appreciate you allowing me a copy of the ARC, which makes me doubly sad that this book is not working for me. I have attempted to read it several times, but it starts so slowly. It doesn't hold my interest. If I find myself able to press on and make it through the book, I will be sure to update this review.

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I loved how the author did so much research to make this book as historically accurate as possible. All of the characters in this book were representative of people that were on the actual Titanic. Great Job!

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Sisters of Fortune, an epic story, is based on the true story of the three Fortune sisters, who with their parents and younger brother, set sail on the maiden voyage of the Titanic as the finale of a Grand Tour of Europe.

This story is written from the viewpoints of each sister: Flora, the oldest sister, dutiful and sensible, is returning home reluctantly to a fiancé she does not love; Alice, the middle sister, also engaged, wants to be free of the restrictions of the era; and Mabel, the youngest sister, who is strong-willed, seeks education rather than conventional marriage and family. Huber did a wonderful job joining fact and fiction of who these three women were, and what they came to discover about themselves during their time on the Titanic, giving each their own distinct and interesting personalities.

The author really draws her readers in with her descriptions of the magnificent surroundings her characters witnessed while sailing on the Titanic, showing off her detail to research This story is hard to read at times as we all know what happens in the end to the Titanic, but Huber does not end Sisters of Fortune at the sinking, giving her readers a pleasant ending. I highly recommend this standalone heart-wrenching story written by Anna Lee Huber.

Many thanks to Kensington Publishing via NetGalley for the opportunity read and review an advance copy of this wonderful book, Sisters of Fortune. I was under no obligation whatsoever to write a favorable review and all opinions are my own.

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Flora, Mabel, and Alice are three sisters on their way home aboard the Titanic with their parents and brother. They've spent the last few months traveling, which has Alice nervous about her engagement because she longs for more adventure. Mabel wants to get an education, but her father thinks she's destined to be a wife and homemaker. Flora, like Alice is engaged, but it's a loveless engagement and, while onboard, she discovers real love. But none of this matters when the Titanic hits and iceberg.

I really wanted to like this book, but I would have easily stopped reading after 15%. The novel began with so many facts and names mentioned that it began to read as narrative nonfiction with a spattering of fictional storytelling. At the beginning I had no sense of the main characters or where their stories were actually going. I applaud the author for the level or research she did, but I didn't want to read every single detail about who was on the ship, how the ship worked, or what was for dinner. It slowed the story down and left me confused. It began with a character list of 50+ people! It was far too much to keep straight and most weren't necessary, just name dropping to show her research.

Once the novel gets into the meat of the story, it picked up pace. While each of the girls are unique in their wants, it was sometimes hard to keep track of who was talking to who or doing what. It might have benefited from one less sister. Flora's storyline seemed to take up the most attention, possibly because hers is the most fictional, so there was more license of what she's doing. The romance was a nice addition.

The story was there, but it got boggled down by details that, which, while showing a well researched novel, grew tedious to read. If you push through the numerous facts delivered throughout the novel, it is a worthwhile story to read. The sisters are interesting to realize that they truly experienced the sinking of the Titanic is fascinating. You just have to wade through a lot of characters and facts.

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Sisters of Fortune is based off of the real life Fortune sisters who traveled aboard the RMS Titanic. There is little known about the actual Fortune sisters, but these Anna Lee Huber used what she could find from their real lives to inspire this incredible story. Each Fortune sister is at loose ends when they board the Titanic on April 10, 1912. Alice is unsettled because of the fortune a fortune teller had given her when in Egypt. Mable is tired of living life the way she has and wants to go to university and learn, something her father is completely against. And Flora is engaged to be married to a man that she doesn’t want to marry. During their journey on the Titanic, each of these three sisters is forced to think about what they really want. The fateful night of the Titanic sinking changes everything they had known and might just give them the opportunity and blessing of living life the way they want to following this tragedy.

I am a huge Titanic fan so when I saw a book coming out by an author I already enjoyed I knew I had to read this. I was pulled in from the very beginning as the beginning of this book sets the scene for the tragic night we know is yet to come. I really enjoyed how this story was based off of the real Fortune sisters and liked how some of their real adventures were tied in to make these dynamic characters. This book flowed nicely and had a lot of detail about what it would have been like to be on the Titanic. I liked how this story followed multiple main characters instead of just settling on one or two characters. The multiple points of view made for a fun read and a good way to see life on the Titanic through different eyes. I am always going to read anything related to the Titanic because this tragedy fascinates me. Overall I really enjoyed this book and would recommend it to anyone looking for a good fictional read based in history.

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I love Anna Lee Huber’s writing and have read everything else that she has published so I was very excited to be granted an advanced copy of “Sisters of Fortune”. Unfortunately I struggled with this book. On the plus side this was an extremely well researched book. I loved the descriptions of the Titanic and felt like I was walking through Francis Browne’s photos of the ship. Also, I really appreciated the time and effort that was spent to populate the boat with historical figures. I’m thankful for the character list at the beginning!

However, at first I had trouble differentiating between the three Fortune sisters. When I was able to tell them apart I found that I did not connect with their motivations and struggles. Additionally, I was overwhelmed and distracted by the sheer amount of characters. Finally, the pacing was very slow and uneven. I struggled to stay engaged for about the first 30% and often found myself putting the book down. The flow improved around the halfway mark but floundered again at the finishing line when the ending spent too much time wrapping up all of the characters’ story arcs. I appreciate that the author wanted to follow three real life sisters and their experiences on the Titanic. Unfortunately it just didn’t translate into a compelling plot.

A really amazing amount of research went into this book however the narrative felt burdened with too many details. It left the book feeling stilted and slow without a good flow. Anna Lee Huber is still an auto-buy author for me and I’m looking forward to her next work - this one just wasn’t for me.

Much thanks to NetGalley and Kensington Books for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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