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Accidentally His

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A final installment in a series I liked, but didn’t love.

This book was fun! I always love some good spy shenanigans and Rafe was a really nice hero. It felt like a good conclusion to the series.
However! I had a very hard time liking Verity a lot of the time. She is constantly suspecting Rafe of doing things without any basis, like that he’s going to leave her alone even though he’s constantly shown over and over again that he won’t. She gets petulant on the turn of a dime. I wanted to like her! Really, I did! But 70% of the time I just was annoyed with her.
The plot is a little convoluted but in a good way, and honestly if you liked the series you’ll probably like this finale.

Star Rating: 3.25/5
Tropes: Spy, forced proximity, marriage to cover scandal
TW: Abuse, sexual assault, kidnapping, death

I received an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you to Net Galley and the publisher for this arc. It was a good read. The characters were okay.

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Accidentally His by Sabrina Jeffries is book three in her Designing Debutantes series. This is a charming Regency romance. The characters, dialogue, and narration are all vibrant. I rate it 4 out of 5 stars and recommend it to readers of historical fiction, especially historical romance.

My thanks to Kensington Books for the opportunity to read an advance copy of this book. However, the opinions expressed in this review are 100% my unbiased opinion.

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Sabrina Jeffries, you've done it again! Rafe and Verity had a ton of chemistry, and it felt like it was leaping off of the page. I love historical romances, and Jeffries is one that I often pick up. That will continue after this!

Thanks to Kensington and NetGalley!

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Thanks to Kensington and Netgalley for this advanced copy!

I have really been loving this series by Jeffries, focused on a trio of sisters who help put on events and find (other) people husbands. I'm glad we finally get to Verity, the busy woman who has been fluttering through the last two books. She and Rafe are great together, her figuring out all of this spying, him completely dumbfounded by how smart and great she is. The subplot about actual spying and Rafe's paternity were fine and helpful for moving the romance along a bit, but Rafe and Verity are enough and it was fun to read as they fell in love. I can't wait for Jeffries's next series!

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A delightful read and a great addition to the series. The story blends romance, intrigue, and secrets and will captivate the reader. I loved the sizzling chemistry between Rafe and Verity.
Many thanks to Kensington and to Netgalley for providing me with a galley in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Rafe Wolfford is looking for a spy passing Wellington's plans to the French. He suspects someone in Lady Verity's family. She and her sisters run Elegant Occasions. Their auction for the Foundling Hospital, is Rafe's opportunity to gain an invitation to the Elegant Occasions house party. Verity believes Rafe is the Phantom, a master of disguises to everyone but her. Rafe keeps his secrets to himself, but Verity's guesses are close to the truth. Kisses and seduction catch them in an unexpected partnership. Reads at a steady pace with a few may or may not be surprises. Descriptive sex.
I voluntarily read and reviewed a copy of this book from NetGalley.

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A delightful historical romance between Rafe and Verity. Just the right amount of heat with the thrill of a mystery and a spy thrown in for good measure. A good pace, interesting characters and a nice twist.

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Here finally is Verity's story. As she and her two sisters have survived the scandal created by their selfish parents by creating Elegant Occasions, Diana and Eliza have found love matches. But Verity doesn't know that marriage is in her future. She has been burnt before and will only marry for love. Meanwhile she had been spotting a mysterious person who has appeared in disguise at many of their parties. No, she has not been imaging the Phantom. He is real and his identity is revealed. Little does she know that by the end of the book she will have fallen involve and married him. Colonel Raphael (Rafe) Wolfford is a spy for the British government in a secret division. He was orphaned as a baby and raised by his soldier uncle, but by the age of 16, became his uncle's aide-de-camp. There is a spy selling troop information to the French which his uncle was investigating, until he was shot in the head and became confused. Rafe has been tasked by the spymaster, Sir Lucius Fitzgerald to continue his uncle's work and find the spy. Clues left by his uncle point to the Harper family, so Rafe pretends that he is looking for a bride, though he has no interest in marrying yet. He quickly rules out the Harper sister's and their spouses, but is very suspicious of their father. He is drawn to Verity and she is pretty sure that he is the Phantom. Aside from the mystery of who the spy is, there is an attempted kidnapping, an actual kidnapping and a lot of confusion. I am always caught up in Ms Jeffries' stories. They are delightful to read with wonderful characters, lively banter and an enthralling plot.

I was gifted with an advance reader's copy from This is my honest, voluntary and unbiased review.

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Another great historical romance novel from Sabrina Jeffries!

I received an e-ARC from the publisher.

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Rafe Wolfford grew up being trained to become a soldier and a spy, both things he does incredibly well with no plans to stop. But when his uncle is wounded while on the hunt for a traitor who's selling military info to the French, Rafe returns to London as the viscount’s heir in search of a wife. It's something he'd have to do eventually while also giving him an excuse to court Lady Verity in order to get closer to her family and find the traitor. He thought he could do it easily and not fall for Lady Verity, but Verity is a force unto herself and things around her never go according to plan.
It's a nice twist on a historical romance where most of the focus is on the hero while still giving the heroine a lot of agency and power. I really enjoyed that because it showcases both sides as equally important in the relationship that slowly develops between Rafe and Verity.
The mystery isn't as developed as I would have liked and there's one big plot thread that never really gets resolved or explained, but there's enough there to push the leads together and drive the urgency of the relationship so I'm forgiving that.
Overall, it's a quick, sweet read with a nice dash of danger and excitement to spice things up.

Delighted thanks to NetGalley and Kensington Books for the wonderful romance read!

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I love everything Sabrina Jeffries writes!
As a viscount’s heir, Rafe Wolfford is obligated to take a wife someday. But she must be the right sort of wife—not too independent, and not inclined to delve into his escapades as a spy. The forthright, perceptive Lady Verity is altogether the wrong choice. But Rafe’s courtship is merely a ruse to discover whether Verity or anyone else associated with Elegant Occasions is leaking crucial information to the French. That mission is all that matters—until fate, and desire, intervene.
After enduring one disastrous engagement, Verity won’t easily open her heart again, preferring to devote herself to Elegant Occasions. Rafe is charming, handsome, and kisses like the very devil, but she knows he’s harboring secrets. Still, when her ex-fiancé tries to ruin her reputation, Rafe offers his hand. For the sake of her family and business, Verity has little choice but to accept. Yet turning this arrangement into a true marriage will require daring and trust—which neither will embrace easily, making surrender all the sweeter . . .
I enjoyed a lot that this book is a perfect mixed between romance and mystery. Verity and Rafe are so good together! Verity was definitely my favorite character and in some pages it was impossible to stop reading. As always, Sabrina’s writing is flawless and page turner. The characters are well developed and the dialogs smart and witty. There are great and passionate sexy times and a few action-packs moments.
SO GOOD. I highly recommend it
I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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I read Accidentally His as a free Net-Galley book. I like reading Sabrina Jeffries books for the conversations her characters have. Verity is just as astute as her romantic interest Rafe. She swears she has seen him before and has kept a book about a man she kept seeing at past events that she was beginning to think was her imagination. Rafe is an English spy who is trying to find the person who shot his "Uncle" and has Lucisus Fitzgerald introduce him to the Harper Sisters and the Elegant Occasion that they run. He catches the eye of the youngest sister and he begins to become enamored with her. At times the writing seemed to drag, but it was mainly during descriptional parts. As I said I enjoyed the back and forth conversation between the two protagonists but I thought Verity was too strong willed. As is custom for romances, there is an HEA. I would recommend it for those people who like to read Regency romances.

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I usually love Sabrina Jeffries but for some reason the pace killed me and I could not get into this book. DNF at 35%

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This is a voluntary review of an advanced copy.

I had been waiting for this book when Verity would find out who this Phantom was but my life required me to take a pause in my reading so I kind of forgot about this series. So, I was very excited when I could get back to my reading to get back into this series.

And wow, how did Rafe think he could get away with pretending to court a young lady and then drop the courtship?! You could just see disaster coming but Verity was surprisingly accepting when she found out.

There were so many twists and turns and Rafe had to rule out Verity's family - people that he really liked! - to find the traitor who was sending the messages to France.

I loved that Verity helped Rafe on multiple occasions to get the information that he was missing - sometimes it was just hilarious that she knew what he spent nights at the tavern trying to find out!

This was such a fun book with romance, humor, drama, and almost non-stop action that it was hard to put the book down until you get to the end and the HEA.

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I loved this book. Just the right amount of mystery and romance. It kept me guessing until the very end. You won't want to put it down! I know I didn't.

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Thank you #NetGalley for the advanced copy of #AccidentallyHis by Sabrina Jeffries in exchange for an honest review.

This has been an incredible series and this was a great way to end it. Accidentally His can be read as a standalone but you get glimpses of this couple in the 1st two books in the series so I'm glad I read those first but again, it could totally be read without reading the other 2 books in this series. Sabrina Jeffries really knows how to blend plot with character development very well. I enjoyed reading about the mystery in this book just as much as the romance between Verity and Rafe. Now that I've finished this series by Sabrina Jeffries, I need to find another one of hers and get started on it.

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This was a fun story, I certainly enjoyed it. The character were developed well and thought out, and it was set during my favorite time period as well.

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Sabrina Jeffries has been a go-to author since the beginning of my historical romance journey over 20 years ago. They never fail to create a brand new storyline with refreshing characters and witty banter . Jeffries HEA equation never fails to keep my eyes glued to the page.

Verity and Rafe complement each other in an intellectual sense. They match wits and I found myself giggling at their encounters, intrigued at the way they stimulated each other’s minds like two pieces of a puzzle coming together. Rafe happens to be a very intelligent spy who has been working undercover in London with nobody the wiser as to what his true identity is.

When he finally decides to continue his assignment as himself, he is completely unaware that Verity already has her suspicions as to who he is. She calls his the Phantom when he is in his disguises, and she’s been keeping a close eye on him. So close, in fact, that she keeps a notebook handy with all her suspicions written down. Although I didn’t get a clear motive as to why Verity had begun her suspicions of the Phantom in the first place, the story and characters made for a great read.

Reading about these two made for such an entertaining read and reminded me how much I adored reading from Jeffries. Another win for Sabrina!

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I loved finally getting Verity's story. She's so incredibly smart and resourceful. Rafe didn't stand a chance. Of course, he was going to fall in love with her even if he was trying to concentrate entirely on his mission.

Accidentally His was such a wonderful conclusion to this series. Each book was a pleasure to read, and I truly hope the ladies of Elegant Occasions end up being featured in more books!

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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