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A Friend in the Dark

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I was really looking forward to this one and finished feeling really underwhelmed. It had all the elements I enjoy in a thriller but for some reason, I found myself unexcited to pick it up and when I was reading, I felt really bored. Could just be a timing thing but overall I didn’t enjoy this one. That’s not to say you won’t! 2.5⭐️

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I love Samatha Bailey's writing, so I was super excited to read this one. Well, it didn't disappoint! This book is a prime example of why you need to leave the past in the past. Being that our female main character, Eden, didn't get that memo, what we get is drama on top of more drama. This book starts off fast, and keeps the same pace all the way through until the end.

This was a fast read that was hard to pause. Bailey has a way of pulling you into her books, and making sure she keeps you hostage until the ending. The twists in this one had my mouth open. Even though I thought I knew what would happen, I was wrong and shocked at the ending.

Thank you NetGalley and Thomas & Mercer for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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WHEW. Lots of mixed thoughts on this one! The premise of an online encounter gone wrong was intriguing! I was invested in finding out what happened, it was definitely a page turner, and there were some GOOD twists that I did not see coming. However, it did start off a little on the cringy and steamy side (I wondered what exactly I was reading at first!) and I found most of the characters to be either unlikeable or frustrating to read about. With that being said, I finished it in two days and was satisfied with the ending- so I would recommend it if you're looking for a unique and propulsive thriller to read although it may not be one that sticks with you long term.

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I thoroughly enjoyed A Friend in the Dark! Thank you to the publisher for the early access copy through NetGalley.

The book gets off to a slower start, with Eden, a 40-year-old woman, alone and messaging a man on Facebook. I wasn’t sure how relevant it would feel, but the book quickly picked up in pace, and was full of so many twists and turns that kept me guessing.


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I absolutely DESPISED the main character in this book. At 250 pages, I found myself questioning whether this insufferable woman ever became less annoying?!?!

I checked out GR's and several reviews mentioned it took the reader some time to get into the book, so I allowed the journey to continue.

Thank goodness the book had dual narrators or this old bag would have drowned herself in a bottle of pinot.

The second half of this book was much better than the first. It was a quick read and there were some interesting plot elements. It did carry some mystery and suspense, but not enough to cure my vitriol for the MC. A fine story, but not one that will go to the top of my list.

Thank you Netgalley and Thomas and Mercer for the ARC.

Available now.

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A Friend in the Dark by Samantha M. Bailey had me enthralled throughout this engaging read.
I absolutely loved the writing style as well as the storyline. I could not put this book down and it easily gets 5 stars from me!

Thank You NetGalley and Thomas & Mercer for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing eARC!

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A Friend in the Dark is a well written fast-paced thriller. It keeps you guessing until the very end. Eden’s whole life is crumpling and she sends her college crush a friend request. How does he know so much about her?

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In the realm of literary intrigue, emerges a captivating enigma that defies conventional storytelling. From the outset, the narrative unfolds with a series of perplexing events that challenge the reader's perception of reality. Yet, amidst the strangeness lies an undeniable allure, a gripping quality that compels one to journey deeper into the unknown.

The author's adept hand at crafting tension and suspense is evident throughout the narrative, as each twist and turn leaves the reader teetering on the edge of their seat. Characters, shrouded in mystery, beckon the reader to unravel their secrets, adding layers of complexity to an already rich tapestry of storytelling.

What truly sets this story apart is its ability to engross and captivate, even in the face of the most bewildering circumstances. While the plot may challenge traditional norms, its hypnotic prose and compelling narrative drive ensure that readers remain invested until the very end.

In a literary landscape crowded with predictable tales, this story stands as a testament to the power of bold storytelling and imaginative prowess. It is a journey that transcends the ordinary, leaving an indelible mark on those who dare to venture into its labyrinthine depths.

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Another great mystery from Samantha M. Bailey.

There were so many messed up relationships in this mystery. I loved the ending, I feel like everything ended exactly the way it should, I could not imagine Samantha writing that ending any differently.

I am very much looking forward to reading Samantha's future work. Her mysteries always keep me guessing.

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3.25 ⭐️ Thank you NetGalley and Thomas & Mercer for early access to this book.

It’s super hard for me to rate this one. I did like it, and I wanted to keep reading it to find out what was happening. But I really didn’t like any of the characters. They kind of annoyed me.

Eden and her husband are recently separated as their daughter who isn’t taking it well is off to college. One night while all alone Eden stumbles across her old college crush’s profile (Justin) and friend requests him. They immediately start messaging. Things quickly escalate and Eden finds herself doing things she normally wouldn’t be doing
However, weird things keep happening and Justin seems to know way too much about her and her family. Them Eden’s world is turned upside down.

this book definitely leaves you on the edge of your seat but I do feeling like it’s missing substance. The characters just aren’t relatable. I’d recommend it if you want an easy suspense book. But not a must read.

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Wow! With A Friend in the Dark, Samantha M. Bailey starts off with bang (literally) and doesn’t let up. This fast-paced thriller had me up late at night racing through, yet wanting to savour, Eden’s online encounters with a sexy man who she fantasized about in high school. What a great premise! Who doesn’t wonder what happened to their teen crush? What if you had a second chance with them later on in life?

Recently separated, her daughter off to college and her parents having passed away not long ago, Eden finds herself lonely and with a need to redefine herself from ‘good girl’ and mother to someone new and exciting. A social media photo prompts her to look up Justin, a ‘bad boy’ she used to tutor and obsess over. When she befriends him, they engage in a steamy online relationship, something Eden never expected she would do.

Things get a bit creepy when Eden realizes that Justin knows more about her than she has told him. Author Bailey builds the suspense as Eden wonders whether Justin has been watching her and she reminisces about the past. Her memory of the one night she actually was invited out by Justin to a high school party is a blur, which she contributes to alcohol. Her husband-to-be, Dave, who had a crush on her, accompanied her home that night and they became a couple. The next day they discovered a friend of theirs was missing after the party and was never found.

When Eden decides she wants to meet Justin in person, things take an unexpected turn. Eden’s strained relationship with her husband and daughter pushes her closer to Justin. Revelations about Dave and his change in behaviour trouble Eden, driving a wedge between them despite their efforts to remain on friendly terms.

Half way through the novel, author Bailey executes a shocking twist you won’t see coming. Enough said. Read the book. And prepare to lose sleep.

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Truly wild from beginning to end. I enjoy a thriller that hits the ground running, keeps me guessing, and has excellent twists. This book accomplishes all of that. All of the characters were well-written and fleshed out, and enjoyed how the author wove them all into the story unexpectedly.

Definitely recommend for a quick thriller read.

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This book started slow however, once it picked up I couldn't put it down! It has a lot of twists and turns and I loved the ending! it's a quick read and only took a couple of days to finish it.

Thank you NetGalley for the ARC!

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Thanks Net Galley and publishers for letting me read an arc of this book for my honest review.

I really liked this one. It was a quick read for me only taking a couple of days to finish. It started off really slow so I wasn't sure what to think for a bit. Once it picked up there were so many twists and turns. I couldn't decide who was the bad guy and what was going to happen. I kinda enjoyed that the mc was 45, cause most psychological thrillers are always about younger people. She's recently separated with a daughter who hates her. She's pretty much going through a mid life crisis when her life turns upside down in the worst of ways. Kept me guessing until the end.

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Wow, what wild ride! A surprise ending that you wont see coming. This is will not be my last book by this author! What appears to be sweet and innocent, is chuck full of lies and betrayal!

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relatively standard but still kept me excited and intrigued throughout! The twists were just twisty enough to satisfy my curiosity thakns for the arc

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I thoroughly enjoyed woman on the edge so I had high hopes for this one. Unfortunately it didn’t get good until about 80 percent in (part 3). But once it did it really took off and finished well.

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Everything is falling apart for Eden Miller. Her husband is done with their marriage. Her daughter is off to college and their relationship has never been more strained. Her job is up in the air. She impulsively decides to reconnect with her college crush, Justin. As their flirtation takes off, Eden starts to notice some red flags. Is it just her past baggage coming back to haunt her or is there really something to be concerned about with this new life she's starting?

This book had so many twists and turns! Some of them caught me off guard, but still seemed believable. I loved the pacing and the way the relationships developed throughout the book. Samantha M. Bailey is quickly becoming a must-read thriller write for me.

Thank you to NetGalley and Thomas & Mercer for the ARC of A Friend in the Dark.

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A thrilling and chilling thriller Canadian author Samantha M Bailey. Eden had a crush on Justin in college which was several years ago and she reaches out to him to see if they is still something there. But Eden is forced to look into her past further and determine who Justin really is.

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This book was pretty cheesy and not a great read, in my opinion. The whole storyline and plot was weak. It was a little bit boring to read. The main character was very stupid and naive. Definitely not one to recommend.

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