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Filthy Rich Vampire

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Title: Filthy Rich Vampire
Author: Geneva Lee


✨★★★★☆ 4.5/5 Stars

Geneva Lee’s "Filthy Rich Vampire" is a tantalizing plunge into a world where wealth, danger, and irresistible romance blend seamlessly to create an unforgettable reading experience. From the moment you step into Julian Rousseaux’s sophisticated, opulent, and perilous vampire society, you won’t be able to put this book down.

Julian Rousseaux’s problem is one many envy but few could handle: as one of the wealthiest vampires, he’s expected to find a wife during the rapidly approaching social season. His reluctance to participate in the vampire marriage market is palpable—Julian would rather face the threat of a stake than conform to these expectations.

Enter Thea, a cellist whose life takes an unexpected turn when she stumbles into Julian’s world at a gala. Despite her innocence, kindness, and humanity—which make her an unlikely match for the brooding vampire—Thea becomes an essential part of Julian's plan. Julian’s offer to Thea is as irresistible as it is pragmatic: pretend to be his lover to ward off vampire matchmakers, and in return, he’ll protect her and help alleviate her mother’s crippling medical debt.

The chemistry between Julian and Thea crackles with intensity from the start. The unconventional arrangement soon blurs the lines between pretense and genuine emotion as they navigate the treacherous, decadent vampire social scene. Lee masterfully explores their evolving relationship, delving into forbidden desires, hidden vulnerabilities, and the awakening of emotions long buried in Julian’s heart.

The vampire world Lee crafts is as fascinating as it is dangerous. From lavish parties to the ever-present threats lurking in the shadows, Thea’s journey through this new realm is as captivating as her growing connection with Julian. Lee’s writing immerses the reader in a rich tapestry of dark magic, primal attraction, and breathtaking romance.

One of the standout elements of "Filthy Rich Vampire" is the depth of its characters. Julian is more than just a wealthy vampire; he's a complex individual with a deeply buried sense of longing and a protective streak that makes him both mesmerizing and relatable. Thea’s courage and kindness make her an instantly likable protagonist, whose vulnerabilities add a layer of realness to the high-stakes world she’s plunged into.

The book’s pacing is excellent, with each chapter unraveling new secrets and escalating the tension both romantically and in terms of external threats. However, some readers might find the plot twists somewhat predictable, though this doesn't detract significantly from the overall enjoyment.

In conclusion, "Filthy Rich Vampire" is a sumptuous blend of danger, sensuality, and romance that will sweep you off your feet. Geneva Lee has created a daring new world that is darkly enchanting and utterly addictive. If you’re looking for a story that combines the allure of vampire lore with the intrigue of high-society drama and heartfelt romance, this book is a must-read.

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This book was quite entertaining. It also gave me nostalgia vibes. Reminded me of the story structure of Twilight and reading that as a teen. Not in a its-a-copy-of-twilight kind of way. just the same feels.

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First time reading a book by Geneva Lee I thought it was a pretty good read. I did the audiobook of it. I liked the main character Julian and Thea. Love how you have old vampire mixed with waking up to this new advanced world and has to adjust to it.

What I didn’t like was how easy Thea was to follow and do everything asked or told of her. I do wish some scenes went into more detail. Really don’t like the nickname he gave her. Felt like some things should have more explaining or went into more detail like him wearing gloves etc.

What I did like was the Paris scenes. Thought it was pretty cool hearing her write in Beethoven and the opera. The spice level was good. Not overbearing.

Overall it was a good read!

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Thank you to Entangled Publishing and NetGalley for providing me with the eArc for the printed version of this book. It was difficult to read due to the formatting so I actually ended up reading the book through Kindle Unlimited because I wanted to finish the story but found it hard to read on my phone. I'm a sucker (no pun intended) for a good vampire novel. This fit the bill for a fun, intriguing, sexy vampire story. Obviously the scenery and people were lush and beautiful because, as the title says, they are filthy rich. The author does a great job of making you care about the characters and you really start rooting for everything to work out for them. Of course, life isn't that easy. As soon as Thea meets Julian, her life is turned upside down and you know things will never be the same again.

This was an enjoyable story that was only marred by it's many typos and grammatical errors throughout all of the books in the series (and yes, I did go on to read all of the rest of the books after I finished this one). I'm hopeful that maybe these were corrected in the printed version.

It's a solid 3.5 that I'll round up to a 4 because, vampires.

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DNF at 20%. This wasn't for me. I don't understand anything, the world building, the characters, just no. I did not enjoy it at all. I think the characters, conflicts and world building needed more depth to create an immersive read.

Thank you Entangled Publishing, NetGalley and Geneva Lee for providing me with this ARC in exchange for an honest review

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Fifty Shades of Grey with vampires! Julian is one of my top book boyfriends! This book is so good and the whole series is amazing!!! You do not want to miss out on this one.

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If you need a book with so much suspense, plot twists, secrets and lust, this is the one for you! While reading, I couldn’t put the book down for more than 5 minutes without wanting to pick it right back up and see what was going to happen next. The 2 main characters were super likable! Thea, a cellist who is struggling to just get by in school and help her mom pay her medical bills after beating cancer, and Julian, the grumpy rich vampire who has just woken up from a 40 year sleep because it’s his turn to get married and help create new vampires. The love these characters ended up sharing was so pure, it wasn’t out of necessity or lust, but it was truly something so special and i loved every minute of this book. The cliffhanger however is very rude lol

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Wait vampires are real? And I didn’t know it? And the dark brooding one is…. Hot?

I’m not usually into vampire paranormal romance post my twilight era, but Filthy Rich Vampires was surprisingly a couldn’t put it down kinda romance read. So much so I read the next book immediately after, and couldn’t put that one down either. With engaging and mysterious characters, mixed with letting out little tidbits at just the right time, Geneva Lee writes with an intensity that comes through the page. Even during what are meant to be “lulls” Lee continues to engage the reader, in a way that doesn’t make it feel like downtime in the book. The supporting characters still engage in the story, and everything feels intentional without being forced. Overall 10/10 would recommend, especially for those looking for a place to start with Lee’s extensive catalog. These books are spicy, but still have a great story that doesn’t get watered down as it goes along.

Thank you to the entangled team for this copy to review!

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"Sensual, dangerous, provocative ― step into a daring new world of dark magic, primal attraction, and breathtaking romance."
This book delivered! I thoroughly enjoyed this fantasy romance and look forward to more!

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Forgot how much I love Thea and Julian. Such a cute little love story. It was gripping and couldn’t put it down!

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This book started out SO strong. I was super intrigued by the thousand year old vampire that just woke up from a 40 year nap.
I enjoyed the FMC and how strong she was but she just fell apart throughout the book becoming a weak, tagalong character instead.
There were so many things that weren't explained and it felt frustrating to not understand why the vampire world was the way it was. Why they did certain things, etc.
I think the storyline could maybe hold the series together but I don't know that I'll continue this one.

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Premise was interesting. Opening scene was very captivating. I enjoyed the characters for the most part and the writing was straight to the point with some prose. However, pacing was odd at times and it had a lull period around 30% through the book. Other than that, it was an okay read if you are into vampire romances

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This book was so easy to fall into, it was definitely Twlight meets Gossip Girl. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and can't wait to read the next. As a bookseller I constantly think what I could recommend to fill the gap after finishing a book, this one is perfect for readers of Bride, or Court of the vampire queen.

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Umm, scuse me.....I lost a week to this series. Forever, what have you done?!? This was a gem of a story that led to an absolute binge!!!

Its grown up Twilight with so much steam and I was here for it!!

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Sorry for the late feedback, I forgot to leave my review! I really enjoyed this book where a struggling musician meets a centuries old vampire and pretends to be his girlfriend. She gets thrust into a beautiful but dangerous world. I enjoyed their romance and I can’t wait for the next book!

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This is all the rage and for good reason! It is captivating and thrilling. If you want a good vampire story then this is the one for you! Being let into a vampire’s life isn’t a small deal.

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This was such a great concept for a book. i lovedddd the romance and i would definitely recommend this book! there were some things i would have changed but regardless what a great romance

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Thank you Entangled Publishing for sending me an e-arc.
This isn’t a typical vampire romance, it’s definitely not twilight either.
As a rich eligible bachelor vampire, Julian needs to get married. Unfortunately, when he meets the human Thea, he’s not interested in following the vampire traditions anymore.
This book is full of ups and downs, took me right into the vampire world and its etiquette. I absolutely loved the steamy romance and the innocence of Thea on the other side. I can’t wait to read more of those filthy rich vampires and their community.
The small cliffhanger at the end… I definitely could have done without. At least I can keep reading the next instalment.

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I feel like Filthy Rich Vampire is a story we've all heard before at this point. It was a fun read but I don't think I'll be continuing with the series. For the right audience, however, I can definitely see the appeal of this one.

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I have read a decent amount of vampire books, and I have also read a decent amount of series where romantic interest/steam doesn’t build until books further in the series. This one for me misses the mark on pace, romance, and characters. I don’t feel like the first book hooked me enough to see what the payout will be in further books unfortunately.

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