Cover Image: How to Kill a Guy in Ten Ways

How to Kill a Guy in Ten Ways

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Member Reviews

Loved it! Funny, fun and fantastic. Love the cover and it would definitely catch my eye in a shop.
This is Eve Kellman's debut and what a great way to start! The main character Millie sets up a hotline for women to call or text when they feel unsafe around men. Millie as a character is fun and her personality develops throughout the book. We don't often get to see the story of a female serial killer and this felt fresh in that sense. Can we blame Millie for choosing to kill these problematic men? Or do we see where she is coming from? This story will have you questioning whether Millie is right or just a vigilante taking things into her own hands without good reason.
Thank you to Netgalley, the author and the publisher for this ARC.

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A mission-oriented female serial killer who want revenge for her sister who was raped and for all the woman abused.
It starts as a hotline for help and it ends with some bodies.
There's a lot of fun and food for thought.
Loved it.
Highly recommended.
Many thanks to the publisher for this ARC, all opinions are mine

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3.5/5 stars - This book was hilarious, and I really enjoyed it! I've been meaning to write my review, but got sidetracked. I think the pacing was a bit off, so it threw me at times (especially towards the end) and I think some additional context concerning Millie's past and expanding on the family relationships would have really helped this be a full 4 or even 5 star review, but overall, would read again!

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I would like to thank NetGalley and Avon for providing me with an advance e-galley of this book in exchange for an honest review. Look for it now in your local and online bookstores and libraries.

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An enjoyable read and very well done for a debut novel!
Thanks to NetGalley, the editor and the author for the opportunity to access this copy.

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3.5 (for that ending)

In her debut Novel Eve Kellman, flips the table on Men who try to take advantage of Women:

Millie Masters has set up a hotline for women, Message M, when they feel that unsafe to get home. Millie sees the worst of men in these situations, looking to take advantage of women Night after Night. Sometimes she even sees the same guy over again and that the men will just continue to do the same thing night after night. Millie is sick of them getting away with it with no consequences especially when an assault happens close to home. Millie decides it's time to switch things up and take the law into her own hands.

This is Kellman's debut novel and I appreciate the premise that she has presented here. I mean you do not often get the read about female serial killer (in Fiction or real life) and you know you are getting something along those lines based upon the title of this book. I think that when you realize the men that Millie is choosing, the question becomes, can you really blame her for the men she decides to kill? And when does it change along the way.

I struggled reading this one and I don’t know why, I found I wasn’t in the mood to read it when I first started it. I will admit that the book picks up and gets interesting the further you go into the book it just take a bit to get there. There was a point at around the 3/4 marks where I fully said holy fuck out loud with where Kellman took a plot point. it was totally unexpected, and I was there for it. I think people will either love or hate the ending, but I was there for the ending as it was not your typical one at all.

This book was really hindered by having long chapters. I’m just not a fan of them and it just seemed like each chapter went on and on and on and didn’t really give readers a break to process what was going on. I felt like there were places that Kellman could have broken the chapters up a bit instead of forcing them on. I feel like most people prefer shorter chapters than longer ones.

Millie as a character is fascinating and the moral ground and questions that she asks herself, especially at the beginning are really interesting. It is when you find Millie later in the book where she sees that she may not be just killing for saving women anymore. I like that Millie really started out just wanting to help women get out of situations that are just uncomfortable to downright dangerous with her Message M number and side job that she has. It is this side of her life where she feels purpose and excels, and I feel like there is a job that she could make of this somehow.

I would have liked a POV from someone else in the book, I'm not really sure who maybe James, not at the beginning as we have not met him yet but later in the book would have been great. Just break it up a bit, and then once again this could have broken up the longer chapters. I just felt that the book felt a bit stagnant with only having one POV.

I will not deny that this was an interesting read and Millie as a character was truly fascinating. I think that you can tell that this was Kellman's debut novel with the chapter length and the overall flow of the book. But that last 25% of the book and ending made me happy that I pushed through on this one. I do look forward to seeing what Kellman comes out with next.


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First off, the title and concept of this book is what drew me in. It’s very dramatic and highly unlikely but I thought it’s a good take on female violence and rage.
I really liked Millie as a character and appreciated the way her character develops throughout the story.
But at some points in the book I thought that it felt longer than it needed to be.
However! I enjoyed it overall and would recommend it!

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Thank you Netgalley for this ARC!

I enjoyed reading this book and may even be waiting for the hard copy so I can share it to friends!

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I'll be posting my review on instagram and threads shortly!

3.75 stars

In How to Kill a Guy in Ten Ways, our main character, Millie, sets up a hotline for women to call or text when they feel unsafe alone at night or on dates. After Millie’s sister was assaulted one night, she feels like she needs to protect other women that could need her help.

However, Millie definitely starts to enjoy the thrill of the kill a little too much and takes it a bit further lol! She definitely is a morally gray main character that you can’t help but root for.

I really liked Millie as a character and appreciated the way her character develops throughout the story. I didn’t find I was wanting to pick this one up all the time and it could be a bit slow at times. However! I enjoyed it overall and would recommend it!

If you liked How to Kill Men and Get Away With It by Katy Brent then I think you’d like this!!

Thank you Avon Books for my copy of this!

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This one was quite a letdown for me. The premise was all there: a superhero woman, deliciously dark, serial killer thriller. However, what I felt I got was an unnecessarily dark, YA, woman hating book with a woman as the protagonist. The MC started okay, but quickly I found I couldn’t stand her. She was immature, rude, and derogatory even towards her friends.

DNF at 40%.

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Loved the premise of the book but had a very hard time liking the main character. Loved how fast faced it was but I felt that the ending was a little unrealistic.

Thank you to the Publishers Avon Books UK and to NetGalley for the Arc in exchange for an honest review!

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Something happened to Millie's younger sister on New Year's Eve which puts her on a path for vengeance. Starting with a service called Message M, a hotline for women who don't feel safe, whether they are being hassled in a bar or feel like they are being followed

I totally understood Millie's reach for vengeance, although, whether the vengeance she seeks is for her sister, or herself, is another matter.

I enjoyed this 5-star read but found myself reading too fast and missing details, which meant re-reading whole sections of the book. Always a good sign IMHO..

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Unfortunately I had to DNF this title. I wanted to love it so much. The concept was great. I tried to get into this book on several separate occasions and at first it was just the formatting that was excruciating to overlook. In the end it fell short for me and I just couldn't spend more time on it. Great idea, great concept, needs a little more on the execution.

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First off, the title and concept of this book is what drew me in. Yes, it’s dramatic and over the top and highly unlikely BUT it’s a good take on female violence/rage and vigilante shit. I did find that it felt longer than it needed to be and that I’d maybe have liked to see some remorse? But at the same time, maybe that’s what the author is getting at, that these crimes are committed by men regularly and there is often no remorse? Either way, if you’re after unhinged vigilante vibes then this is for you (but check warnings!). Also there is a (I think?) typo ~66% in referencing saving men from creeps, and feel like this should say saving WOmen from creeps.

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Eve Kellman’s debut novel, How to Kill a Guy in Ten Ways, is a dark and twisted tale of vigilante justice with a feminist edge. Protagonist Millie Masters embarks on a mission to seek vengeance for her sister’s assault, leading readers on a rollercoaster of emotions as they confront uncomfortable truths about society, justice, and the human condition. Despite Millie’s flawed and reckless nature, Kellman manages to make her a compelling and relatable character, weaving dark humor and poignant insights throughout the narrative. The breakneck pace, sharp writing, and gut-wrenching finale make for a gripping read, challenging readers to question their own moral compasses while offering a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness. How to Kill a Guy in Ten Ways is a powerful commentary on revenge, resilience, and the complexities of human relationships, leaving readers breathless and questioning everything they thought they knew.

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I’ll preface this review by saying that although I liked it and gave it three stars, It’s a lot darker than I expected and I do think the book name and cover art and just the way it’s sold all-round is a bit misleading if i’m honest.

How To Kill A Guy in 10 Ways follows Millie who runs Message M a hotline where she rescues women from difficult situations. This is all ramped up after her sister is sexually assaulted and Millie becomes set on getting revenge, she begins killing men who she thinks deserve it and things very soon begin to spiral out of control.

It was fun and thrilling despite the bleak subject matter and I did find myself mostly rooting for Millie to succeed in her crimes until the end where I think things went a bit too off-piste.

A good , fast paced read about a woman set on revenge but please do look up the trigger warnings!

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I was drawn in quickly by this premise, and overall enjoyed my reading experience. The first and final third were the best, with the middle dragging slightly, but I would still recommend this novel!

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Thank you Netgalley for the ARC! I downloaded this book right after I was approved, and I started reading it immediately. It didn't catch my attention liked I hoped it would, so I took a break for a couple of days and tried to read it again. I had the same experience the second time, and I decided not to read it until the week I went on spring break. Unfortunately, I read it and was never really impressed by it. I love the idea of a female serial killer, but this was just way too much. The details were so realistic that I had to pause at times just to catch my breath. Aside from that, I have no problem admitting that it is very rare that I like a book that I cannot get into the first time I read it.

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Thank you to the Publishers Avon Books UK and to NetGalley for the ARC!

First off TRIGGER WARNINGS GALORE: murder, depression, domestic abuse, child abuse , suicide attempts and self harm ,stalking, rape, sexual assault, incest. So please read with caution. It has humour thrown in but it can be be very upsetting if you’ve been exposed to something similar.

On to the feedback. I feel like I’m on a deserted island but here it it goes 😬

Millie was my least favourite character of all time. What a jerk. I’m sorry. I just couldn’t get I to this book because she was so unlikeable and mean. And not in a good way.
I feel harsh but it feels like a missed opportunity or something. It was a miss for me.

1/5 ⭐️

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This started strong for me. Jumping right into a confession, Millie telling us her story of how it all began I knew I would be hooked. It did get away from me a little in the middle, slow and repetitive, I found Millie’s character to be confused, was she always a killer and psychopath or had she just stumbled upon this? It wasn’t consistent. But the ending ramped up the intensity and made it overall more enjoyable for me.

Trigger warnings- suicide, abuse, self harm

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