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Four Weekends and a Funeral

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Member Reviews

I loved the slow build of Allison and Adam's relationship. It was very cold first and then become warmer and warmer. This was an unconventional love story that swept me up and captured my attention. Loved it!

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Well hey there new author to me...didn't you just deliver an epic book!
This book is a cleverly written, enemies to lovers that deals with medical representation that needs more focus on, The intital premise of the book is what intrigued me- it was original and reading the two main characters story and living their chemistry was everything. This is an absolute must read and will be making its way onto my physical TBR!

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this book was truly so wonderful. Adam was so funny and reminded me of a sitcom character. their romance was beautiful. I loved this story so much.

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The title of this book is what first caught my attention. Then I read the synopsis and was like this sounds like a fun book. Alison was Sam's girlfriend but they had broken up. When Sam passes away, his family thinks they were still dating so they throw Alison into the Sam's girlfriend category. Then enters Adam, Sam's long time best friend. Adam and Alison are now working together to clear out Sam's apartment. At first it seems that Adam can't stand Alison and Alison never tells Adam the truth, that her and Sam were not actually dating at the time of his passing. As the two continue to work together, there feelings start to grow. Can these two put the past behind them, One being the ex-girlfriend and the other the old best friend. But maybe just maybe Sam wanted to meet all along....

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Forced proximity, grump meets sunshine, millennial references - all the makings of an outstanding story. This was a charming story while incorporating some harder topics (tw cancer). The title I think lends itself to not all sunshine and rainbows, but also has some light hearted moments and a delightful story of falling in love. It is an adorable quirky story that Emily Henry fans would enjoy.

Thank you Net Galley for this ARC

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4.5 stars! What a spectacular debut novel. It would have been 5 stars for me, but I can’t stand the mention of social media in books, especially TikTok. (Just a personal ick. I’m sure it doesn’t bother anyone else.) Four Weekends and a Funeral had me laughing and crying! Very excited to see what’s next for Ellie Palmer. Thank you to NetGalley and PENGUIN GROUP Putnam for the advanced copy. I love discovering debut authors, and this was a winner. Publication date August 6, 2024.

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This was a fun rom com with a grumpy + sunshine pairing. I thought the premise was unique and I was excited to read it. I am a big fan of Christmas and liked that this book takes place around the holidays. I really enjoyed the first half, but the second half fell a little short for me. Having been through a tough health journey myself, I found Ali's thoughts about her own medical issues to be very relatable and spot-on. The author did a good job of addressing heavy topics in a way that was easily digestible. It was refreshing that Ali was 30 years old and not early 20s as you often see in romance novels. I didn't feel a strong connection between Adam and Ali. Adam spends a lot of time doing very thoughtful things for Ali, but she never really reciprocates. This was very much a hallmark movie in book form.

Thank you NetGalley and Penguin Group for sending this ARC for review consideration. All opinions are my own

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Thank you to Netgalley for the ARC of this book. This was such a fun rom-com, grumpy-sunshine, enemies to lovers story that I really enjoyed start to finish. Ali’s found family in her two best friends was such a realistic dynamic of friends who are totally different personalities but that always show up for one another, no matter what. Loved their relationship. And can’t forget Adam! He was such a lovable grump! This book dealt with some hard feelings of guilt and grief and finding yourself. But the overwhelming love throughout the book made it still feel so wonderful. Loved this one.

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I really enjoyed this book. It was different than anything else I've read recently. I couldn't put it down! I will keep an eye out for this author's future work!

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"Four Weekends and a Funeral" follows Alison Mullay as she goes to her ex-boyfriend Sam's funeral. Too bad that Sam's sister begs her to act as if she and Sam were still together when he died so her parents could be proud of him. Yeah, I got nothing people. Alison agrees and then finds herself agreeing again to help clean out Sam's place with his best friend Adam Berg. Too bad that Adam does not seem as if she can stand her. If that's not all, Alison is determined to do something more with her life after her double -mastectomy, even if it ends up driving everyone else around her mad.

This was wonderful! I loved the slow burn aspect of this book and the fact it takes place around Thanksgiving and Christmas. The heroine of Ali and hero of Adam were absolutely wonderful together and this whole book made my heart fall into happy gooey bits. I just happily sighed and laughed through it.

Ali's two best friends were hilarious too and the fact that one of the book's most laugh out loud scenes happened during a huge pub trivia tournament was too hilarious for words.

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Thanks to Putnam and Ellie Palmer for the copy of this book!

"Because I was asleep— in this walking, talking, waking coma. And now I’m awake. You woke me up."

FOUR WEEKENDS AND A FUNERAL is a romance debut you will absolutely not want to miss! Alison Mullally's attends her ex-boyfriend's funeral... only to realize his parents didn't know about the "ex" part. She plays along with the grieving girlfriend role and gets roped into cleaning out Sam's apartment over four weekends with his best friend, Adam.

This is one of those "stay up super late because I have to keep reading" books - it's so captivating and there are so many good ~moments~. Adam and Alison have a grumpy/sunshine dynamic that is absolute perfection, and I love how they started to meld toward the middle and warm up to each other as time went on. Adam is totally swoonworthy. He has FOREARMS and LEANS ON CABINETS with them, and he's a carpenter and thoughtful and good with kids. Sold. I loved that Alison wasn't the "typical girl" who is super feminine/girly, but she's obsessed with trains and plays trivia with her friends. Her BRCA survivor guilt storyline was excellent and really well-plotted, and I learned a lot about that experience through this story.

FOUR WEEKENDS AND A FUNERAL is a must-read if you like romance with great plot, character development, and heart-squeezing moments.

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4 stars for Four Weekends and a Funeral! I loved Alison and Adam! I thought both characters were incredibly like-able and would read sequels about the rest of the ensemble in a heart beats. Unfortunately I couldn’t give it 5 stars for the following reasons:
-0.5 stars because of the 3rd act breakup
-0.25 stars because the state of her nipples were mentioned 22 times (I get it but it felt excessive)
-0.25 stars for the public declaration of love (I will never not get secondhand embarrassment)

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DNF at 51%

This was fine just not for me. I’ve had a streak of ARCs I didn’t really like reading (this is the fourth one in a row) and despite forcing myself to finish the last three, I could already sense myself falling into a reading slump with this one so I decided to just stop.

Some positives:
The book is definitely well written and I like the writing style/prose. Palmer is clearly talented. The plot an interesting concept that was playing out in a fun way so far. I liked the banter between Allison and Adam and the grumpy/sunshine thing was cute.

However, I was just getting super bored and it was too insta-love/lust for me. I felt like I just didn’t have a reason to really root for them. Also there was a lot of narration that felt kind of like info dumping (though this is something that got better as the book went on because there was less need for exposition).

This has a lot of amazing reviews and I’m happy those people found something that made them want to keep reading, but I’m not having a good time. It's not egregiously bad or anything I just want to read something that I actually enjoy. Let’s hope I read a good romance soon.

Thank you to NetGalley for providing an ARC of this book.

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I really enjoyed this book! I loved reading about Alison’s journey with the BRCA gene, I’ve never read an account of that experience before. I also loved the inclusion of Alison grappling with survivor’s guilt and her new body.

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What a phenomenal debut!

Alison has been through a lot. Diagnosed with the BRCA gene, she’s underwent surgery to mitigate her chances of getting breast cancer. Now she’s determined to live life to the fullest, even when living that life isn’t easy.

Like when her recent ex-boyfriend Sam dies and no one seems to know they’ve broken up when she goes to his funeral. Caught up in the emotions of the moment, she agrees to pack up Sam’s apartment with his grumpy best friend. What follows is an emotional rollercoaster of a romance.

This book had all the big feels - romance, grief, millennial ennui, and even a bit of humor. It was woven together masterfully and the pages flew by. I can’t wait to read Ellie Palmer’s next book. She’s sure to be a favorite of any Emily Henry or Abby Jimenez fans out there.

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A solid 5 stars!

Let me just start off by saying that I really wanted to read this book the minute I read the summary, but couldn't get my hands on it due to various reasons, and I reached out to the author, and she was the sweetest. She sent me a net galley review copy immediately and I'm so so happy that I got to read it, because it was way better than I imagined it to be.

This book actually made me giggle, swoon, AND laugh out loud, and not many books can make me do that. Everything from the titles of the chapters (yes each chapter has a title!) to the banter and names of the quiz teams was so creative and funny. The development between Ali and Adam was so natural and yet butterfly inducing I literally giggled while reading. Adam was such a cute grump and Ali such a persistent sunshine that I couldn't get enough of their banter. The book effortlessly balances the difficult moments related to Ali and her BRCA diagnosis with light moments that don't take away from those hard feelings.
I also loved that the side characters had so much depth, it made me fall in love with them (hoping her friends get their own books) Coming to her friends, they played such an important role even though they were only side characters and reading those scenes was as good as reading the ones with the main couple. The happy ending was also one not to be missed, to see Adam come out of his shell like that, all for Ali, my heart fully melted.

Recommendation: A must read wholesome romcom to be enjoyed with a warm drink on a cold day (if you read the book you'll get this reference

Grumpy x Sunshine
Forced Proximity
Witty Banter
Introvert MMC
Supportive bestfriends

Four weekends and a funeral is the perfect romcom to be obsessed with during any time of the year. If I could get my hands on the physical copy I would definitely re-read this book, and I'm not even a re-reader.
It was that good.

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I really enjoyed this story. It was very unique and unexpected. The relationship between Allison and Adam was the perfect friends to lovers slow burn. I truly enjoyed every character in this book.

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Ellie Palmer makes a HUGE SPLASH in the romcom world with this book! I was instantly hooked from page one, all the way through to the flip of the last page.

If you are a vibe/mood reader like myself, this is GUARANTEED to make you guffaw, blush, happy wiggle, heart melt, squeal, and tear up. Think of it like this... if Friends and Gilmore Girls had a baby, it would be this book!

You get front row tickets to Alison's life as she lands herself in a sticky situation, at a funeral of all places! Instead of attending as a supportive, grieving acquaintance she is slung back into the role of "girlfriend." Apparently, no one knows of the break up that happened weeks ago, and now Alison (who struggles with uncomfortable silence) is promising the grieving parents she will take on the emotional task of boxing up the deceased belongings and get the condo ready for sale. Struggling with his own grief, the "best friend" and grumpy hunk, Adam, won't back down and insists he will be helping as well.

The delicious combo of forced proximity and grumpyXsunshine is perfectly delivered in chapter sized portions. Everyone will see a piece of themselves in these characters and this story, I cannot recommend this book enough!


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Grumpy meets ball of sunshine, finding love while grieving, and being entertained is what Four Weekends and a Funeral is all about. Characters are easy to fall in love with and riding out their love story like you’re there. This was a different feel on a romance novel and I loved it!

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I have not been able to finish this book. I can tell Ellie really wants to develop her main female lead, and she tried to make he multi-dimensional with her health history and work. I tried to continue reading the book, and I got around half way through. I believe the plot/conflict could have been resolved sooner if Alison chose to tell the truth and be more honest with herself. She was constantly letting others walk over her, and it was like she did not want to give herself actual happiness.

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