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The Songbird of Hope Hill

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This is a great book with example of God’s love of all. It takes on. Points of sin that people think are worse than others and shows how God loves everyone despite their sins. That He can bring healing and renew all things. Hope there will be a second.

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Kim Vogel Sawyer has once again written a beautiful story of hope and faith in her newest release, The Songbird of Hope Hill. I loved it and am giving it a very well deserved five plus stars.

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Beautiful story of redemption and struggle to exit from a live of struggle and despair through faith
I enjoined the plot and the execution.
the christian romance not disturbed me no too much IMHO
nice really nice.
very very long
Thanks netgalley for this ARC

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The Songbird of Hope Hill by Kim Vogel Sawyer
Soiled Dove or Songbird?
I had read and enjoyed several of Kim Vogel Sawyer’s novels, but I don’t think she had ever attempted to tell the story of prostitutes. Are prostitutes so vile that God cannot save them? This was a story of redemption, forgiveness, second chances and new starts. “ Whoever believes on Him, shall not be ashamed.” Romans 10:11 King James Version
Kim Vogel Sawyer does a good job of developing several characters in this story. My favorite characters are Ophelia, Rev. Isaiah Overly, Birdie, and Ephraim. Even supporting characters were fleshed out. Isaiah and Mrs. Overly were examples of true Christian love, so why is Lida Holland so bitter against them? Along with the struggles of the soiled doves, was an underlying family secret of the Overlies.
I highly recommend The Songbird of Hope Hill and rate it 5 stars.
I was given a copy of this book from Waterbrook through NetGalley. The opinions are my own.

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Kim Vogel Sawyer is a new author for me, and I thoroughly enjoyed this book. Birdie faces desperate times and begins working as a prostitute at Lida's Palace, only to be rescued by Reverend Overly. He and his wife welcome her to Hope Hill where she begans to heal and find her way. She eventually becomes attracted to the Overly's son Ephraim. But will she and he believe that Jesus can truly redeem her?

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I have read many of this author’s books and loved them. I was eagerly anticipating this book as well. Unfortunately, while I liked the story overall, it didn’t end up being a favorite of mine by her.

I really liked the overall message of the story. The fact that no one is without sin and no one person should judge another, especially for past indiscretions.

This story deals with a husband and wife (and their son) who work to rescue young women working as prostitutes from various brothels in the area. The main character Birdie is one such young woman rescued from a brothel and brought to Hope Hill. I should mention that while there is a lot of talk about prostitution and brothels, this is overall a clean read. It’s about Birdie finding grace and realizing that her past doesn’t have to define her future.

I think my biggest problem with this was the characters. There were a lot of characters in general but also a lot of POV characters which is not unusual for this author, but for whatever reason, it was harder for me to keep them all straight in my mind this time around. I was constantly getting Ephraim and his father confused, which meant that I was constantly forgetting who Ophelia (Ephraim’s mother) was married to.

There were also quite a few subplots, which didn’t help my confusion, and while I found Birdie to be a likable character, she was also a little flat and didn’t have as much dimension as characters in this author’s other books. The pacing was very slow as well. This is very much a character driven story. The message was the best part of the book. It was very powerful and very sweet. I just wanted a little bit more from the book overall.

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Historical Fiction that boldly proclaims the gospel is an hallmark of Kim Vogel Sawyer’s newest novel, THE SONGBIRD OF HOPE HILL.

The story takes place in Tulsey, Tx during the late 1890’s. It’s centered around a family, (Pastor/husband, wife, & son), that’s devoted its collective life to help in women escape from the dangers of prostitution. Biblical references and hymns are quoted freely. It’s the goal of this family to see these women safe from harm and introduced back to society with regular jobs or to find husbands.

Sawyer gives us well drawn characters with complex relationships and backgrounds that take almost the full book to unfold. Some aspects are predictable but others surprised me and made for unexpected twists in this saga like tale.

Much was happening during this time in history but it’s not discussed by Sawyer. Instead, she focuses on specific relationships of both young and old, women and men and how they heal and grow as a consequence of faith. Music plays an integral role in the daily lives of these folks I enjoyed the blending of classical music and old, some very old hymns, with scripture.

As seems to be a new trend that I’m not fond of, the ending was rushed and tied up with a bow that’s far too neat. After hundreds of pages of toiling with these hardscrabble pioneers, they deserve more than a page and a half epilogue; so does the reader📚

Read & Reviewed from a NetGalley eARC with thanks

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I enjoyed reading this ARC copy and highly recommend it. The storyline is about a couple that goes to brothels to encourage girls to leave. They take them to their home and care for them, teach them, and minister to them so that they can work in another field. But can they put the past behind them?

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How to begin. How to live. Affirming and guiding at the same time.

Seeking God first, praying, giving grace, asking for forgiveness, worshiping, listening, and reading. These are the core actions that pervade the pages. Nestled within are elements of story: intrigue, mystery, danger, hardship, emotion, family, love, joy, and hope. Top these off with an historical setting and a smidgen of friendly romance, and you have "The Songbird of Hope Hill."

This book is "Redeeming Love" for a different generation. "The Songbird of Hope Hill" explores multiple experiences of redemption, not just those of the main character. Well-developed, believable characters provide examples of living faith daily. Good and bad, trust and doubt, mistakes and lessons learned. The reactions to these scenarios occur in various stages of growth and maturity depending on which character is on hand. Each reader can find someone to relate to within these paragraphs.

There are small elements without conclusion. What a clever way to infuse reality and engage the reader over time. I am still pondering two points. Fodder for thought indeed.

In the future, when someone asks for a fiction book that points people to faith, I am going to remember to share "The Songbird of Hope Hill."

Thank you to NetGalley and WaterBrook & Multnomah for an ARC in exchange for an honest opinion. Thank you to the author for an exceptional story.

#TheSongbirdofHopeHill #KimVogelSawyer #WaterbrookMultnomah #NetGalley

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The Songbird of Hope Hill by Kim Vogal Sawyer was a good book. The author takes you on a journey of the life of Birdie and how she is trying to get to her family. This book has many different things that happen and will keep you turning the pages to find out what happens. I have read books by this author and enjoy her writing. I was given a copy of this book by Net Galley/publisher. All thoughts are my own.

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This book was long. This book had a lot going on and a very filling story. And this story was very good. The story itself, how everything and everyone fit together was well written and interesting and I enjoyed getting to know everyone. Faith played a very central role in this story, slowing up on almost every page. Sweet, touching, and redemptive. A worthwhile read.

*I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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Great historical romance read! I really like this author and want to read more from her. Thank you to Netgalley, the author and the publisher for a chance to read and review this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Birdie has found herself working as a prostitute in Lida's Palace, so when Reverend Overly offers her a haven, she takes it. Over the next months, she grows and learns becoming a Christian and gaining Freedom from her past. She also desperately seeks her family. Ephraim, Reverend Overly's son, is also looking to his future and where he fits into the world as an adult.

This book was only so so in my opinion. The characters were a bit too perfect to feel real. The struggle of leaving prostitution wasn't portrayed in a way that feels accurate to me. Maybe Birdie is believable, but the rest of the prostitutes don't feel that way. Everyone was just a little too perfect for my taste.

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Although the story plot in this book could make some people a bit uncomfortable while reading it, it is an excellent narrative of history to read. This book is truly an inspirational story about forgiveness and second chances. I enjoyed reading about many of the characters and how their story lines weaved respectfully throughout this book. I'm looking forward to reading more books by this author as she is one of my favorites!

*Thank you to NetGalley & WaterBrook & Multnomah for an eBook copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion/review of this book!

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Great to see a Christian novel tackling a hard topic, even in a historical setting. I struggled a bit with Birdie being so young but considering the time, she wasn’t that young.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Hope Hill is home to a ministry that rescues women from brothels. There was so much hope and beauty in this story. Challenges and disappointments as well. I loved the faith portrayed in the story, too. Birdie’s story is told from her rescue to her growth as a young Christ filled adult. Music was also a focus in the story and that was nice as well. Highly recommend.

The story of twins and how different they are. Definitely unique. They both appreciate their differences and are still best friends. Nicely illustrated.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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This book shows that everyone has the chance for redemption, forgiveness, and second chances. Such an inspirational writer, Kim Vogel Sawyer demonstrates all 3 of these qualities within the characters. This book was different than what I am used to reading and that is what I enjoyed about it. This would also make a great gift.

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The characters in this book quickly draw you in. I couldn’t believe how invested I was so fast! My heart just broke for the women of this story that were in or had left a life of prostitution. It is a condition we feel we would *never* find ourselves but how wrong we are to think we could never be destitute enough to do something like that. I was so able to relate to trying to clean my slate by working, working, working which is how Birdie behaved trying to earn the money for a ticket to get to her aunt. Birdie left the hell of prostitution only to find herself in a self-imposed purgatory because she couldn’t seem to forgive herself.

Throughout the story there was the doubt that causes us to waffle back and forth in our faith from multiple characters-the one who had committed atrocious sins and the ones who had living a “squeaky clean” life. Even the prostitutes judged one another, forgetting their own sins! The author brought all of these realities to life from multiple perspectives in a fresh way, putting an entirely different spin on the biblical story of Hosea while staying true to the original message.

The overwhelming joy of salvation was so moving, so humbling, and so alive that I couldn’t help but smile while the tears fell. A wonderful book all around!

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Kim Vogel Sawyer's "The Songbird of Hope Hill" is a heartwarming novel inspired by historical events that eloquently portrays the redemptive power of faith and love. Set against a backdrop of struggle and longing for a new beginning, the story follows Birdie Clarkson, a young woman whose life leads her to a house of ill repute, driven by the sheer need for survival.

When Reverend Isaiah Overly and his son, Ephraim, offer Birdie a chance for a better life and a fresh start, she seizes the opportunity, despite the resistance and fury of her former life's ties. Birdie's journey takes her to Hope Hill, a haven established by the Overlys, where women like her are provided with guidance and taught skills to break free from their pasts.

The narrative beautifully captures Birdie's reluctance and inner turmoil as she navigates her newfound sanctuary, eventually finding herself singing in Ephraim's choir at revival meetings. Despite her belief that she's unworthy of God's forgiveness, Reverend Overly's teachings about redemption and Ephraim's growing affection challenge Birdie's perceptions about her own salvation.

Sawyer skillfully weaves a tale of resilience, faith, and the transformative power of love. Through Birdie's journey, the novel delves into the universal themes of redemption and self-forgiveness, questioning whether one can truly believe in the possibility of divine redemption after enduring immense hardship.

The author's prose effortlessly draws readers into the emotional depths of the characters, allowing for a profound connection to Birdie's struggles and her path toward self-acceptance. The evolving relationship between Birdie and Ephraim serves as a poignant reminder of the unconditional love that transcends human flaws and past mistakes.

"The Songbird of Hope Hill" is a touching and uplifting narrative that inspires hope and belief in the possibility of redemption, illustrating how love, faith, and forgiveness can bring healing and renewal to even the most broken of souls. Sawyer's storytelling prowess shines brightly in this compelling tale, leaving readers moved and enriched by its powerful message of grace and second chances.

Thanks to Netgalley and WaterBrook Publishers for a complimentary digital copy for my honest review.

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The Songbird of Hope Hill by Kim Vogel Sawyer

A wonderful book that portrays Gods love, mercy and forgiveness. There is no sin that is so great that it can separate us from God.

I would like to thank Net Galley and WaterBrook & Multnomah Publishers for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review

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