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Chloe Baker's Lost Date

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Well, I must say that this one soooo wasn't a read for me.
I finished it, but it was just a such a hard work .
What to say, it was okay... Maybe a 2.5 stars ...

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I think my review is going to be similar to others. I’m not sure how this book was published with the toxic diet culture and the lack of acknowledgement towards her drinking problem.
Not only are these major red flags but i also just didn’t care about the two main characters. They didn’t do anything for more.

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I would like to thank Wattpad WEBTOON Book Group, NetGalley, and the author for an ARC of this novel in exchange for an honest review!

I couldn’t finish this one.. I’m sorry to say but I feel no connection towards the 2 main characters.. one major thing I did not like so far is that every time Chloe has a meal, she will always talk about calories, or going for runs and having to lose her weight.. like you do not have to say that after every single meal you eat. It’s these toxic diet culture comments that really got me in my opinion. The comments bothered me.. I just dont care for this story.

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This was a great read! I loved this wonderful Rom-Com with a fantastic Meet cute! There were missed connections and then there's the background characters, they are absolutely the best!!! I loved this and tore through this in one setting!! This is a 5 out of 5 stars!
I just reviewed Chloe Baker's Lost Date by Katie Wicks. #ChloeBakersLostDate #NetGalley
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Katie Wicks's sophomore rom-com, Chloe Baker's Lost Date, is a cute story with a Serendipity feel.

I love that this novel took place in New York City and it made me want to go back there to have more touristy experiences. There were some fun supporting characters, as well, especially Chloe's work colleagues. (Even though I don't watch Bridgerton, I was amused by Jameela's devout obsession.) I loved Chloe's job, as I also work in the book marketing industry. So it was definitely relatable. The chemistry between Chloe and her dating companion was off the charts, plus they had great banter, so I was just as disappointed and flustered as she was when she couldn't find him afterward. I appreciated Katie's handling of grief in this novel, as it is mentioned quite often, especially in relation to Chloe's tragic loss at a young age.

I recently started watching Felicity (yeah, it took me long enough) and would recommend reading this book after you've seen this series or if you have no plans to watch whatsoever. At the time, I had no plans to watch, so there was a spoiler revealed that I didn't care as much about. Now I'm trying to forget this spoiler. Funny enough, this novel has a similar feel to the show and Chloe reminds me a lot of Felicity Porter. (And now I have the theme music in my head!)

Some parts felt slow because Chloe kept going back and forth about what she wanted. That made it hard to feel sorry for her sometimes. I also wish it took longer for Chloe to find her lost date, as the search was a lot of fun and I loved how she was retracing her steps to find more answers. Not to say there wasn't drama when she found him, because there definitely was!

This novel will be available in May, so add it to your summer TBR for a romantic armchair adventure.

Movie casting suggestions:
Chloe: AnnaSophia Robb
Chloe's date: Joe Keery
Kat: Ashley Park
Rachel: Taylor Misiak

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Chloe Baker lets her best friend set her up on a blind date - and she has THE BEST day with Jack (even though he showed up quite a bit late for their date). After their fun day traipsing around NYC she texts Jack to thank him and gets a text back that she was NOT expecting.

This was a quick read, a bit frustrating in parts, and I'm not thrilled with the main male character. But if you enjoyed the romcom Serendipity, you will enjoy this blind date romance by Katie Wicks.

Thank you to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for my honest thoughts.

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One of my favorite entries in the "mistaken identity first date" category, right up there with the movie "Man Up." The two leads get off on the right foot at the wrong time and then promptly discover the awkwardness of not being the intended blind date. Witty back-and-forth and genuine connection helps grease the wheels as they try to figure out if their first unintentional date's sparks are worth continuing as a connection and a possible relationship.

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Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC .

I'm on the fence about this book. While an incredibly interesting trope, decent writing style and story progression, I wasn't sold on this.

Chloe is a very strong and relatable protagonist, but I'm on the fence about Ben and the cast of characters. Of I'm not sold on the male lead, really what's the point? He was painted as a kind and introspective, but a liar, slightly manipulative and ready with an excuse every time. That's a major red flag and doesn't fly for me.

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Many thanks to NetGalley and the Publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
2 stars
I really enjoyed the beginning of the book and thought the premise was so cute and original. Unfortunately, there were some glaring issues that I just couldn’t overlook and then the story took a turn for the worse.

The first red flag was the toxic diet culture comments that were everywhere in the first half of the book. It’s 2024, we know better! No, you don’t have to go on a “massive” run because you had an indulgent dinner. You don’t need to force your friend to share a pint of ice cream so you don’t “gain a million pounds”. You don’t need to say “2,000 calories later” after another meal, or feed into your friend’s issues of being “wedding ready” by going to a spin class. This book had nothing to do with weight or body image, yet it was over run by these remarks that added nothing to the story and really haven’t been done in books in years. I read over a hundred books a year and can’t remember the last time I saw this much diet culture nonsense.

The second issue was her unacknowledged drinking problem. Drinking one and a half bottles of wine, or the equivalent, frequently is a problem. Knowing you are on the verge of “blackout” and drinking more is a problem. Once she stopped complaining about calories, she turned to copious amounts of alcohol. Repeatedly getting drunk did not contribute to the plot. This was way beyond a young twenty something having fun in the city.

Three: The insta love and lack of relationship development. The first day was cute, but then the chemistry got weird and fell flat. Her 180 later in the story was unfounded and annoying. Nothing was really built on lies and the weird “cell phone number” thing was ridiculous.

Four: toxic relationships galore! Her Bff? Kinda self involved. Co-workers? Bitchy. Guy she almost dated? A real jerk in the end. Chloe? Um, finding fault in any way, shape, or form over someone spending time with a dying loved one is unforgivable.

Overall, not a fan of Chloe, or any of the characters.

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Thanks to NetGalley for this arc!

This was a good read, it sadly didn't come without its frustrations. The premise of the book was sweet, and I was interested to see to what lengths Chloe would have to go to find this mystery guy. Well, let me tell you, she went to the depths of the earth to find him aka putting her own career in major jeopardy.

You see, the thing is, I get that love makes us do things we never imagined ourselves doing. It pushes us in ways we never could have seen coming but the things that Chloe did, I just can't relate to. There was no forethought or understanding of the consequences of her actions. She behaved as if she were a child, and then kept kicking herself for not doing more, not communicating more, for getting into the situation that she was now in.

There also seemed to be very little depth to every single conversation that was written between, honestly, every character. It was all completely surface-level with the interactions being super basic. I couldn't connect with any character, nor could I get a sense of who they are.

Ben's character frustrated me. It felt like he just kept stringing each girl on, but was in love with Chloe, but kept playing this really weird cat and mouse game with her phone number that made me cringe.

Overall, I don't think I'd recommend this to a friend.

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Chloe Baker is on a date with Jack or she would be if he wasn’t 5..10…20 minutes late, it’s finally at the 30 minute mark that he walks in and while the start of the date wasn’t ideal the rest of it could possibly be the best date she’s ever been on, but when she texts him to make sure he’s okay after he received a call from a family member and had to cut the date short, the person that responds is Jack just not the Jack she had an amazing date with, but it is the Jack she was supposed to have the date with originally. Even days later she can’t stop thinking about this guy that she had the most amazing date with but so many questions remain, why did he sit down at her table and pretend to be Jack? Was any of it real? Why can’t she stop thinking about him? Will she ever see him again?

I don’t think this book was for me, that’s not saying it’s a bad book but there’s some choices that the FMC does that I just couldn’t get behind, a big part of any rom-com book is that while the FMC does some crazy things as a reader you get behind the character and cheer for them, because you want her to get her happy ending, but with this FMC there are points in the book that just weren’t funny and at many times I cringed at the choice’s/decisions she was making.

As for the romance I didn’t really feel the connection between them, I feel like it could have been developed more and honestly when he refused to give her his phone number that’s kinda where they lost me… it wasn’t cute and the reason wasn’t justified.

As for the secondary characters I found the two FMC coworkers to be very annoying one of them OBSESSED with Bridgerton, anyone says one bad think about it and this character would not speak to you UNTIL the person that spoke bad about Bridgerton apologize, at the end I was hoping that this character would have a moment to realize her obsession isn’t healthy… nope didn’t happen. As for the other coworker she was very cold about love but turns out she’s writing a book about the FMC and everything she’s going through to find this guy and when the FMC reads it she realizes that her coworker is making her look bad and at times on purpose. Honestly if I was the FMC I would have asked her to take it down, like why does the coworker think she has a right to tell her story.

Over all not for me, but it was a quick read.

Solid 3 stars

Thank you Wattpad Webtoon Book Group and NetGalley for this eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Loved the concept, didn't love the execution. I wish there was less dialogue and more description, and trust me, I never say that. But it was something this story was really lacking! Wouldn't recommend it personally.

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Chloe Baker's Lost Date by Katie Wicks is a charming romantic escapade featuring the endearing protagonist Chloe Baker. As an aspiring author, Chloe embarks on a quest to find a mysterious stranger with whom she shared a magical evening but lost contact. Wicks skillfully weaves humor into the narrative, capturing Chloe's misadventures in the world of modern dating with a lighthearted touch. Beyond the quest for a lost connection, Chloe's journey becomes a rediscovery of herself and her aspirations, navigating the complexities of relationships and personal growth. The well-drawn characters, witty dialogue, and brisk pacing add to the story's charm. Wicks goes beyond the typical romantic comedy, infusing elements of self-discovery and empowerment, creating a delightful read recommended for those who enjoy uplifting romantic comedies with a touch of quirkiness. The vivid setting, urban landscapes, and cozy cafes enhance the appeal, immersing readers in Chloe's world and making the novel a heartfelt and entertaining choice.

My in-depth-review will be posted online and the links will be shared closer to release date..

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The concept of this was really cute and interesting. I just felt like there was more dialogue than events happening. Overall, not my favorite book.

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i didn't like it!

at first, i find the story plot to be interesting and cute. but later on, it gets worse. the fmc seems so creepy and obsessive! i know it's "romantic" that you want to find a person you met and had a really good connection with, but the actions that they take just to meet that person again are so creepy. also, i feel like it's way too conversation packed!

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Fairly predictable rom com but it was still a good read that I enjoyed it. It was also a quick read.

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Another ARC from Netgalley for my review.

Although a predictable rom-com, I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It was super fast-paced and I finished it in about five hours. It was really hard to put down because you get invested in Chloe and Ben's relationship.

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Fun and funny–what would you do if you met your perfect match and then he disappeared? Chloe goes to hilarious lengths to find the answer to that question. For fans of rom-coms, Emily Henry, Ali Hazelwood.

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This was okay!

I didn’t think it was particularly well written, and I feel like the plot jumped around quite a bit. It was an interesting concept, but I honestly really dislike love triangles. I was largely bored reading this, and would’ve DNFd it if it wasn’t an ARC.

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This was too angsty for me. I can see it appealing to readers and it was well-written, but the angst was just too much. The premise of the book really grabbed my attention and I was excited to see how it played out… it just sounded so romantic. But sadly, not for me.

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