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Covenant is a brilliantly inventive and beautifully illustrated comic following a demon-fighting church with magical angel blessings and weapons. All the main characters are incredibly coolly designed both in art (I am a simple man: I see full sleeve arm tattoos and I’m sold) and in characterisation. The comedy is well timed and paralleled with some seriously gut punch moments, and I’m endlessly curious as to where this story is going! Love the relationships the main character has with his angelic patron, best friend, and potentially love interest?

In summary I’m recommending this to everyone SO fast. If you like Warrior Nun, religious trauma, and high school supernatural shows, this is the vibe for you.

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Thanks to NetGalley for providing me with an ARC of this title in exchange for an honest review.
I came across this graphic novel first on tiktok when the author was promoting it, I never got around to reading it - but I'm so happy I finally did!
The world is so interestingly made, using Christianity as a basis for a fantasy world where demons are real and people use magic by evoking angels is such an interesting way to develop a world. Also one where the main character doesn't believe in god is so fun. The art style is gorgeous and I love the character design, the movements are so fluid and amazing to follow that I know it would be gorgeous if it was ever animated. What the book lacks in setting design, it makes up for in rich plot and characters, and I ended this book anxious to read the rest of it!

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This is an action Webtoon with religious themes, great art, and some silliness.

I enjoyed it, but I feel like it could've been better. The aesthetic and art are better than the story and the dialogues, in my opinion. Especially the dialogues from the villains, which are so cartoonish they took me right out of the story.

I understand that there's humor to this and I liked it in moments of everyday life, but I could tell that most of the moments with villains were supposed to be taken seriously, but that seriousness just didn't translate in the way they spoke.

Overall, I thought this was entertaining and I was very into the art, but I didn't quite vibe with the writing style 100% of the time. Still, I think I'll check out the next volume and see where this goes.

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The Covenant’s first issue introduces a world where special priests fight demons using their holy tattoos and macho weapons to keep their fellow humans safe. We follow Erza, a young priest who is struggling to find a strong conviction and belief in God. After speaking with an archangel, Erza is directed to protect a human, Sunny. Immediately, Sunny and Erza butt heads and have a tough time being near each other. With Erza’s home church under scrutiny, an increase in demon appearances, and a frustrating person to protect, will everything fall apart? And will Erza find his conviction?

Covenant was full of action and I really enjoyed the art style! Unfortunately, I was waiting for something to pull me in and that never really happened for me. I will still keep reading this, as usually Webtoons rarely disappoint and I think there’s a ton of potential for the story. Besides all the fighting scenes, it was actually relatively boring and I wanted a bit more world building earlier on in the issue. I think there’s definitely an audience for this and I plan to continue following the author’s journey!

Thank you to NetGalley, Oni Press, and the author for providing me an early copy. I’m leaving this review voluntarily.

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I wasn’t sure I liked this at first, especially with the religious aspect, but I ended up enjoying this!

The action is good and not overdone and while Christianity is definitely a focal point, it isn’t overbearing.

I am especially intrigued by the possibility of Ezra being gay! Will definitely be on the lookout for volume two!

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4.5 stars

Attention lovers of urban dark fantasy with heavy, subversive religious themes! Enthusiasts of Castlevania, Blood of Zeus and The Sandman rejoice as we are graced with the publishing of LySandra Vuong's dark and queer Webtoon series.

The story follows Ezra, an exorcist who believes in his conviction of good versus evil, dispelling demons left, right and center with the aid of his patron's, Gabriel's, powers and his other fellow whip-lashing, gun-slinging (and hot as f*ck) exorcists. It is so compelling, with a rather straightforward but massively intriguing plot. This is coupled with funny, charming and badass characters, all brought to life by such a clean and beautiful art style in full colour.

I would be buying a physical copy of this and collecting the entire series for sure, and I wholeheartedly recommend this series.

Thank you to the author, NetGalley and Oni Press for this advance reader copy. I leave this review voluntarily.

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Solid 4 stars for me! A strong and beautifully illustrated start and I'm definitely interested in reading the next volume. I thought the way they harnessed the angels' powers was especially cool.

Let me just start by saying it's been a long time since I've read a graphic novel or manga so I don't have too much I can remember well enough to compare this to. But I really enjoyed this, and I thought the art style was beautiful! (If nothing else, it's worth buying just to look at the beautiful visuals.)

Beyond the visuals, the story was enjoyable, too! Definite Warrior Nun vibes but such an inclusive cast of characters and they're all FINE too. Sunny has my heart. Love the gothic color palette and just the whole style in general. I did find the dialogue a bit YA / cheesy at times but it didn't bother me too much and I thought that otherwise, the plot was pretty fast-paced and intriguing.

Overall, I would recommend! Makes me wanna read more comics and manga again. Already rooting for Sunny and Ezra too. Talk about grumpy x sunshine!

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Or KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY. Give me the second volume right now because it's great.

I started this story without expecting much and ended up totally in love with the story, the characters and what could happen. When I got to the last page I was trying to go to the next page AND THERE WAS NO NEXT ONE. Suddenly it's over!! AS!!!! Impossible. I did not want to.

A pleasant surprise, a story with great diversity and representation, with a most interesting and captivating plot. The art is BEAUTIFUL, and the fact that it is all in color gives it a special touch (I am always very used to reading in black and white).

The truth is that I really fell in love with the story. I look forward to the continuation!

Thank you!! Thank you Oni ​​Press for the ARC I read on NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I always love when people play with religion in new ways and narratives. I liked this a lot! Nice action sequences, a little silly, very fun read. The art is seamless and shiny, really excited to see how it continues!

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I found it mostly boring.

This was my last chance to truly enjoy a web comic adapted. I won't be picking up anymore of them.

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This was just not for me! I thought it'd be a cool spin in general but it was a bit more religious-focused for my taste.

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I loved the character designs and the pieces of worldbuilding that were revealed in this book. Some of it was confusing at first, but most of those things were straightened out over time. The character plots and developments were intensely interesting, and I look forward to seeing how they play out.

My main complaint is that this volume was just too short for anything to really move forward.

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thank you netgalley and oni press for the arc!

i loved this! i loved the art and the complex yet easy to follow plot! i also loved the characters, specially samson lmao, and the pace of the story. can't belive i'm left with a cliffhanger, but this is a story i am most definitely following!!!

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Samson and Ezra's sibling dynamic? The family bonds of the church? The instant connection between Ezra and Sunny? THE GORGEOUS ART!?

Ughhhh, gimme gimme gimme!

I am really intrigued by the premise of this series. I have already fallen in love with that characters and can't wait to find out more about their histories and how things are going to play out. I'm also super interested to find out how Sunny fits in to everything. The only thing I have not enjoyed so far is the greater church as it seemed like they just kind of appeared with little explanation and then didn't stay around for too long before they were gone again. i think a bit more time with them would have made it even better, but seriously, this is an amazing start and I'm already now following the series on Webtoons as there's no way I can wait for the next volume!

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I loved the art and setting of the comic very much, im looking forward to seeing it published for sure !

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*Thank you to NetGalley and Oni Press for providinf me this ebook in exchange for an honest review*

I didn't get the story of Covenant and even though I love graphic novels, this I guess wasn't my cup of tea. The only thing I loved was the illustrations so cudos for that. But the story, lacked. Maybe I'm not so familiar with manga style graphic novels. I don't know. Aside from that the illustrations were beautiful and hence the 3,5 stars.

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Thank you to the publisher and the author for giving me a free e-ARC of Covenant Vol. 1.

As someone who is interested in:
1.) the concept of the Church
2.) sibling angst
3.) priests vs. exorcists
4.) breathtaking graphics

I very much adored this book. It was such a good introduction to the world building and the characters. For me, sometimes it's hard to understand graphic novels, but that was not the case for this. Everything was well so put, and I couldn't ask for anything more for an introduction.

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I received a copy from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Everything about this book was a hit for me. The art style? Stunning. The plot? So interesting. The characters? Intriguing. It truly hit every mark for me when it comes to graphic novels.

The moment I saw the cover for this it went straight to my most anticipated releases list for the year and I’m so glad it didn’t disappoint. I’m very excited to see where the story goes in the next volume as it did feel like this first one was mostly setting up the story.

I’m especially excited to learn more about Sunny and why the demons are hunting him. I’m very intrigued by every character we’ve met so far, honestly! I hope we get more back story on each of the characters and get to know them more in the future. They all are designed in the coolest way possible, I want to be all of them.

PS I have a crush on Samson.

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This was a fun introduction to this world. While the characters aren't fleshed out you have an understanding on who everyone is and some of their personality traits.

This volume does end on a cliff hanger so I will be anxiously awaiting the next volume.

I think that people who like Constantine and Warrior Nun would really enjoy this.

Thanks so much to Oni Press from giving me an EARC.

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I have been following LySandra Vuong on social media for forever and have always loved this series, so it's great to see it in a full compilation! Entertaining with attractive characters (nuns and priests and demons and angels and all) and set in a cool world with the sickest tattoos.

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