Cover Image: The Other Side of Disappearing

The Other Side of Disappearing

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I’m very grateful to have been given an eARC of this book. I love Kate Clayborn’s writing. She writes so thoughtfully, with deep characterization; her writing is always honest and is such a pleasure to read.

This book had all things I love about her writing, though it felt like a departure for her, in some ways. It was still a romance, but it wasn’t as romance-forward as her other work. I would have liked to see the romance built up more; it was hard to believe the characters were so committed to each other after only two weeks. I also felt a character’s motives at a climactic moment of the book were too easily explained away (being vague so as not to spoil). That’s why this book wasn’t a five star read for me. However, those are relatively minor criticisms. The exploration of podcasting and true crime (something I know nothing about) was really interesting, and the relationship between the sisters was so touching and well done. I really loved what this book had to say about family, loss, and finding yourself. Thanks so much to the publisher for providing an eARC via NetGalley.

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Kate Claiborne is an auto-read for me for her characters, the humanness of her stories, her incredible way with words, and the romance. But I have to admit, I wasn’t sure about this book. True crime isn’t something that I read, watch, or listen to so the premise was a stretch for me. True crime and romance?

This book is different than her others and deals with harder, somewhat darker topics and themes than her others, particularly what happens when people disappear from our lives, what happens when we disappear from ourselves. But she handles those parts of being in relationship and being human with such care and without flinching from the complicated emotions that are involved. And the chemistry between Jess and Adam was so tender and swoony.

BUT as a journalist, I had a really hard time with the idea of a journalist getting involved with a someone who’s an integral part of the story he’s chasing. That part of the story was really hard for me to believe and buy into.

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I loved Georgie All Along and I thought the premise of this book was fascinating. I had high expectations, and I’m happy to say they were very much met. Adam and Jess have an instant connection, but it is very much a meeting of kindred spirits- it never feels like insta-love, more like the introduction of real soulmates. The subplots are equally interesting- the story of Jess and Teagan’s mother, Salem’s relationship with her family, and Adam’s feelings about football and the loss of his best friend… it is all thought provoking and well-written. I highly recommend it! Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for the e-arc.

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Kate Clayborn's books are always lovely, masterful, and kind, and THE OTHER SIDE OF DISAPPEARING is no exception. It's filled with characters who want what's best for one another; the conflict is external and the thing they need to learn is how to love themselves, and it's just so wonderful and also gripping as hell.

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Kate Clayborn has done it again, composing a symphony by playing the strings of readers' devoted hearts. This heartwarming, genuine, and inspirational story delves into the lives of people who disappear from our lives, taking parts of us with them and leaving us feeling like half-empty shelves.

The narrative beautifully explores realistic dysfunctional family dynamics, sisterhood, self-discovery, and healing wounds, all blended into a poignant love story. The unique and complex bond between sisters is particularly moving, bringing forth torrents of emotion that had me shedding tears.

Let's meet hairstylist Jess Greene, who hides behind thick emotional barriers, having no intention of letting anyone in. She harbors secrets about her mother, who left her and her stepsister Tegan ten years ago when Jess was only 8. This event shattered her trust in people, forcing her to live like a shell of herself. Jess becomes Tegan's guardian when their mother, Charlotte, is lured away by a conman named Lynton Baltimore. Despite sending five postcards to inform Jess about her journey, Charlotte shows no interest in hearing from her daughters.

Although Jess never discusses the postcards with her sister, she discovers one day that Tegan has packed her bags without telling her. Tegan becomes enamored with Salem Durant, a popular podcaster whose show, "The Last Con of Lynton Baltimore," becomes a viral sensation. Jess realizes that Salem is investigating the same conman who promised her a one-on-one interview that never materialized. The journey reveals that Tegan has been imitating Jess to join a road trip with Salem and his charismatic, giant, ex-NFL star journalist, Adam Hawkins, to follow the traces of their mother and her grifter boyfriend.

Jess is startled by Tegan's betrayal but reluctantly agrees to join the road trip to protect her sister from the emotional crush she may have to face. Along the way, she slowly lets down her emotional barriers to allow Adam in. He demonstrates patience in earning her trust, revealing his own vulnerable parts and sharing his grief about a teammate who lost the battle against mental illness.

The four of them traverse the country to unravel the mystery of the conman and his lover, the girls' mother. This journey becomes an inner exploration, forcing them to confront lost parts and fears that have prevented them from living their lives fully.

Overall, this is an amazing self-exploration journey, a genuine sisterhood story, and a blossoming romance between Jess and Adam that warms the heart. Adam, with his cinnamon bun demeanor disguised under a giant facade, possesses all the qualities of the best book boyfriend. I recommend this book to anyone seeking something inspirational, soul-healing, and positive to lighten their mood.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Kensington Books for sharing this lovely book's digital reviewer copy with me in exchange for my honest thoughts.

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This is my second Kate Clayborn book after I read "Georgie All Along" last year.

I think this is one of my favorite reads in recent months. I love the flawed, realistic characters she creates.

Seeing the journey all the characters take in this road trip of revelations could make you laugh or cry or smile or all of the above. The idea of sacrificing yourself for family and losing your identity along the way also really resonated with me.

Highly recommend.

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I adored this book. The plot was so engaging I couldn’t put it down- which isn’t always the case with a romance. But this book walks the delicate line of having a truly enthralling plot and an all encompassing romance.
I also adored the sister relationship between Teagan and Jess.
Wow. This was such a beautiful book I was kind of stunned.

The only issue I found was when the characters traveled to the Pacific Northwest in July in the book and it is said to be rainy and cloudy, and cold.
I’ve lived in the Pacific Northwest my whole life and July is clear and sunny. Pretty much the only month of the year that the weather is consistently clear.
So that was a pretty decent inaccuracy

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Another delightful love story from Kate Clayborn! And this time we get a romance with a truly compelling mystery. This story follows the arc of a true crime podcast, with transcripts from the podcast that started it all woven through out. I loved the evolution of Adam and Jess, their individual growth as they learn to trust each other and their growth together.

Our MMC, Adam, falls first and he falls hard. It was fun to read from both characters POV in this story, especially as Adam learns to break down Jess’ walls.

This is a great story for fans of true crime (perhaps non-murder true crime) Only Murders in the Building or of course any of Kate Clayborn’s previous works.

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Kate Clayborn usually writes a gooey romance that is incredibly heartwarming. I’m a fan and she is an automatic buy for me, but this is different. This is a different genre and Kate does it just well by managing to stay true to herself. There is still a gooey romance but there are a lot more layers and complexity in a heartbreaking quest for family and answers in a beautiful and life changing journey. TYSM to NetGalley for letting me read this in exchange for my honest review. I highly recommend you preorder this book! Kate Clayborn is underrated and I’m excited to see what this book does for her career.

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I think this is Clayborn's best so far. This is a solid and believable romance -- yes, things happen fast, but it you can see the characters' motivations and impulses, so it all feels real -- that also considers the way our culture deals with motherhood, sports, and trauma. I was thoroughly taken into the story and, honestly, would have understood if we didn't get the HEA. Of course we do, because it's a romance. But if we hadn't, I would have been satisfied as a reader -- if a little sad for the characters -- because that ending would make sense, too. The characters still would have experienced growth. The story still would feel right.

Also, as a former journalist, journalism in books generally makes me cringe. I liked the way it's portrayed here, mostly thanks to a self-aware rant from Salem on the way podcasting has changed journalism.

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This was my first book of Kate's, and I really enjoyed the storyline. There's mystery, sisterhood, romance, and the modern use of a podcast to tie the story together. I liked the dynamic between Tegan and Jess, and the examination of their relationship as sisters and with Jess as the role of caregiver. I appreciated that there was more depth to the book than just your run-of-the-mill romance, though that plot line was enjoyable as well. Overall, an easy and enjoyable read!

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As always with a Kate Clayborn novel, this was such a lovely read. Thoughtful. Poetic. Layered. Emotionally resonant. Full of small moments made large by their impact on the central characters, and cemented in the reader’s mind with impeccably described imagery. A hug in a parking lot. A new set of sheets. A hidden tattoo. A view from a truck bed. An unexpected portrait. A trampoline. A hairbrush. A collection of shells. A curtain rod. A sign on a houseboat. I love Clayborn’s use of detail, and the way the small things balance out the big love at first sight feelings that hit hard and fast and deep, yet only really settle in once all the little things fall into place as well. I really enjoyed the way the love story between the sisters took center stage here, even in a dual POV story with a prominent, swoony, steamy romance. I loved the double meaning of the title, which only makes itself apparent in the reading. And I loved the way Clayborn asks us to truly see her characters, It’s a beautiful invitation, especially since that’s what her characters are so good at doing for one another. Fasten your seat belts. It’s a road trip you won’t forget.

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This book is lovely and complex. It is much more than a romance novel and I think fans of all genres will enjoy it. Personally, I think is is Kate Clayborn's best yet.

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Kate Clayborn is a must read! Get ready to fall in love with Jess and Tegan and the perfect way Clayborn has depicted this complicated and imperfect relationship. Travelling across the country with a podcast team to unravel the mystery of why their mother left for the last time. Another extraordinary addition to her oeuvre. Old fans will not be disappointed, and new fans are sure to find this extraordinary author through this new work.

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Years after their mother disappeared with a con man, Jess (reluctantly) and her sister Tegan (more enthusiastically) travel across the US with two podcast hosts to try to unravel the mystery of their mother's disappearance . Through their quest Jess and Tegan unpack their own identities, their relationships with their mother and each other and Jess even falls in love. Throughout the book you slowly learn more and more about the sisters, their mother, and then man she left with and grow to root for Jess and Tegan's happiness. I loved this book. I have loved every Kate Clayborn book but this might be my favorite. I have read very few books that are able to effectively navigate romance and mystery but this book does it perfectly! Thanks to NetGalley for an ARC to give an honest review of this book. I honestly loved it:)

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I always love Kate Clayborn's books and The Other Side of Disappearing did not disappoint! It was such a unique premise from the start and combined two genres - mystery and romance - all at once. I enjoyed how the sister relationship between Jess and Tegan evolved as they dealt with their family trauma individually and collectively. And I loved the connection between Jess and Adam, how he created a safe place for her to land, and she did the same for him. Wonderful read!

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Another hit from Kate Clayborn! This was a swoon worthy romance with a hint of mystery intertwined. Fans of her previous work will enjoy.

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I loved Georgie, All Along. I loved this one too. The story of the sisters at the center, and the romance being secondary gave the book its depth and meaning. The pace was quick but not rushed. I also liked the element of mystery and how it unfolded.

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Why I read it: Because Kate Clayborn! When this went up on NetGalley, I decided to request it, and was thrilled when I was approved. (Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the advance reader copy; this is my honest review.)

Review #insixwords: Clayborn’s writing is warm and tender.

*My note for next steps after reading the digital galley: “Flail. Then preorder.”
*This is such a layered story, set up so that it’s not just a love story between Jess and Adam, but also features the complicated relationship Jess has with her half-sister, and the mystery of what happened with their mom. (And, honestly, even more than that.)
*This is a road trip book, but it’s not a light, adventurous road trip—it is a road trip in search of answers, the kind of answers that you know, deep down, can only ever cause more pain. But also answers that need to be unearthed so that the questions do not fester inside!
*This book is warm and tender, with characters who care deeply about each other and for the causes that have impacted their life. I wish Adam’s podcast about his friend, and his struggles with bipolar disorder as a professional football player, was real!
*There are secrets and promises and pain and comfort. Small touches from Adam that anchor Jess amidst a fast-changing landscape as all the secrets she’s tried to keep unravel.
*The book plays with the question: when someone we love disappears, how do we disappear as well? What do we lose of ourselves in the wake of that disappearance?
*Family relationships and dynamics. Not just between Jess and her sister, but Jess and her father, or Adam and his family. Adam’s boss and her husband and daughter. The (non-existent) relationship between Jess’s mother and her daughters.
*The kind of book that you want to savor, to read slowly, to sink into on a dreary Saturday morning. The kind you don’t want to end.
*Already cannot wait for whatever Clayborn writes next.

Recommendation: This is for anyone who likes contemporary romances that are warm and tender, with all the messy complications of life. (Also, road trips and gentle giants.)

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Sad to say I was underwhelmed by this one from Kate Clayborn. She's become somewhat of a go-to author for me and her writing here is still a cut above. However, what didn't work for me is how similar the two main characters are. Or at least, the tone of both of their POVs is similarly on the heavy and dark side. It's not that that isn't apporpriate for the subject matter that Clayborn is engaging with, but for me there wasn't enough spark to leaven the grayness. I'll look out for her next one, though!

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