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Victory for the Cornish Girls

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I have thoroughly enjoyed these stories of the Cornish Girls, they almost feel as friends. A lovely conclusion tying all the ends neatly together.

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This was due to be the last book in the series (6) we catch up with Alice, Imogen and Pearl again we have tears and laughter. The US rangers have left to further training.

Alice receives a gun shop wound while out watching some traitors and returns home to Cornwall, once recovered she re-joins the code breaking team again. Imogen receives instructions to watch the local vicar as he is believed to be a traitor, she knew him and his twin brother when they were younger. Pearl stays behind when all the other entertainers move on.

The war drags on, but then the news they have all been waiting for. The allies invade France, which became D-Day. The end was in sight, but how much longer ? VE came with great jubilation and a street party was organized.

Whilst reading this book, Betty Walker the author was overjoyed to post on Facebook, that this is not now the last book, there are going to be
3 more.

Again I can recommend this and give it 5* and look forward to book #7

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We now continue the story of the Cornish Girls and this book does not disappoint it ebbs and flows and it an amazing read and certainly the author knows how weave the stories.

We continue with Alice who ends up going back to her family after a mishap and continues her work to help the country win the war. Imogen is still living with her sister and has a task to do. We have Pearl who is staying at the guest house and is engaged to an American soldier. We see what happens with the woman and the families over the course of the book.

The book keeps you wanting to read more wondering what will happen and could not put the book down.

The author is a wonderful writer and her books are wonderful stories that all work well.

Well done.

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Love everyone of the Cornish girls series. Never disappoint and alway good to follow the story. Would highly recommend this book

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1944, England. Alice's last assignment with the Secret Intelligence Service went badly, George Cotterill offers her a job at Eastern House, as a code breaker and when Alice’s family first moved to Cornwall they worked as cleaners in the building.

Imogen returns to her sister’s boarding house in Bude, Florence has just married Sergeant Miles Miller, he’s a member of Second Battalion of the US Rangers and the troops have recently moved. They have been scaling the rugged Cornish cliffs and preforming mock battles on the beaches and getting ready for D-Day. Imogen is secretly working undercover for the government, her job is to trail and report anyone who could be passing information onto the Germans and could the new vicar be one of them?

Pearl is American, she was an entertainer for the troops and she fell in love with the wrong man, pearl's staying at the boarding house in Bude and trying to work out what to do next. Pearl offers to help at Stratton Hospital, everything is ready and they know the battle is immanent.

Doctor Fredrick Tyson and his two children Clara and Toby move to Bude, and he’s going to work at the hospital, he’s staying at the guest house. The sound of a plane flying over or air raid siren makes him panic and he feels weak.

When the prime minister announces on the radio that the first paratroopers have landed on French soil on the 6th of June 1944 at 8am everyone in England is listening, they want the war to end, but they know the British and Allied troops will suffer heavy loses, sons, husbands and fathers will be killed or injured, and the people in Bude wait anxiously for updates.

I received a copy of Victory for the Cornish Girl by Betty Walker from Avon Books UK and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. This story is told from the points of view of Alice, Imogen and Pearl, and it includes other characters from the previous books, Florence, Billy, Miles, Penny and John, Joe and Violet, George and Patrick, Lily and Tristan, Sheila and Arnold, and new comers, Richard the reverend, Fredrick, Clara and Toby. I have read all the novels in The Cornish Girls Series, and I happy to announce book seven will be released in October 2024 and it's called A New Hope for The Victory Girls.

The narrative focuses on how the war is almost over, but life in England isn’t easy and the long term stress is taking it's tole. However couples marry and babies are born, life goes on and they can't give up.

Five stars from me, when I read D-Day had started, I felt sad and emotional, with Betty Walker’s vivid descriptions of Cornwall and I have formed a real connection to the characters, I cared about them and how they endured years of hardship and suffering.

The war did created opportunities for women, Alice grew up and become a strong women and she did her bit and England was victorious. If you enjoy reading historical fiction set during the Second World War, I highly recommend Betty Walker's The Cornish Girls Series and it's not the end!!

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Victory for the Cornish Girls is the sixth book in the Betty Walker's series about young women during World War 2 and the hopes and dreams and love that they find. In this story, Alice faces heartbreak when a mission goes terribly wrong and she heads back to her family to take up a job as a codebreaker. Imogen is trying to find the truth about a spy in their midst and is afraid it might be the local vicar. And Pearl is heartbroken when her fiancé turns out to be already married. Can they find hope and love in the midst of war? I really like this series. It is so much fun and I love the girls. I enjoyed seeing several of them in this story and catching up with them. I look forward to the next one as well!

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In this fun World War II historical fiction novel, readers travel to World War II Cornwall and follow three young women, Alice, Imogen, and Pearl (the lone American) as the war progresses and their lives change. Alice, training to become a spy, leaves it behind when tragedy strikes, while Imogen tries to take on a mission of her own when a new vicar arrives, and Pearl continues to raise morale when her soldier fiancé jilts her and she is still in Cornwall doing her bit. As the war goes on, the town changes as people come and go and plots thicken, and Alice, Imogen, and Pearl all continue to do their bit for Bude and its people as D-Day approaches. Walker’s characters are complex, with challenges to overcome unique to their separate narratives, and Walker balances the three different narratives incredibly well. The setting, isolated yet connected to the larger war effort, adds a local cultural element to the novel and sets it apart from other books in the genre. The combination of characters, story, and setting does a fantastic job in creating a complex, emotional and incredibly detailed atmosphere. Fans of the World War II historical fiction genre are guaranteed to enjoy the latest installment in Walker’s Cornish Girls series.

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Victory for The Cornish Girls by Betty Walker is the end of this six-book series which takes place during World War II. It is the story, initially of a family of women who retreat to Cornwall from London to avoid the bombing. Throughout the series plenty has happened to all of them, not only love, marriage, and babies, but wartime work as well. This is a fitting conclusion wherein the loose ends are all tied up, the war is over, and life can moved forward. Alice is one of the characters who had returned to London to train as a spy when her partner, Jim, was killed in an alley and she was shot. She then came back to Cornwall to work with codes and German correspondence. Imogene was living with her sister in her boarding house, helping out where she could and using her observational skills to keep an eye out for people behaving suspiciously. She had been successful but was less than enthralled with her current assignment.

People came, people went. It is more of a slice-of-life novel than one with a strict plot. It opens the reader to a time and place that most of us probably know nothing about. We have forged friendships with these people over a period of books and they have become important to us. The characters are well-written and interesting, despite being of humble origins and having simple lives. It was a terrible time to have lived through, but mostly they survived and these are their stories. Good job, Betty Walker!

I was invited to read Victory for the Cornish Girls by Avon Books UK. All thoughts and opinions are mine. #Netgalley #AvonBooksUK #BettyWalker #VictoryForTheCornishGirls

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This is the latest & I would imagine the final instalment of the following the fortunes of a group of women through WW2. I have read most of them & have enjoyed getting to know the cast of characters & the variety of ways women worked through the dark days of war. This made a nice conclusion. Thanks to Netgalley & the publisher for letting me read & review this book

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Great instalment catching up with the Cornish girls as the end of WW2 is coming to an end. There are marriages and deaths to contend with and someone from Lily and Alice’s past makes a welcome appearance.
Hoping the next instalment catches up with the girls now the war has ended to see what has become of them.
Great series set in Cornwall from the start of the war worth reading

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Thank you for the chance to read this ARC in return for my honest opinion

I have read all the books in this series and was looking forward to this one
It did not disappoint.

It was well researched and well written and kept me interested right to the end. However I did find the end slightly rushed - what had happened to Ernest? How did he get back to the UK? A few loose ends in my opinion

But don't let put you off trying this series. Each book can be read as a standalone but reading all the books keeps the context.

In Bude in Cornwall everyone is beginning to get fed up at the end of WW2 and Peace cannot come soon enough. But the strong East London women from book 1 come through more adversity and new family members in this book.
All the main female characters are strong women in their own right there is still room for romance and sadly some tragedy.

A great read - thank you

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The year is 1944 and Alice has to give her spy training up but is asked to join another special group.Imogen feels she should help out in the village but thinks the vicar is not what he seems.Pearl is entertaining the troups.What will happen too them all Thank you to Netgalley and Avon books UK.

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This is the sixth and last book of the series and I have enjoyed the whole immensely. This one didn't grab me as much as the others. The opening chapters are very busy and there are a lot of people to keep track of. The war may be coming to an end but there is still a lot to be done to help the country and people are chopping and changing jobs regularly. We're mostly at the boarding house with Florence and her tenants and at the farm in Bude with Joe, Violet, Sheila and the rest.
I found Imogen's story implausible at times. Alice also, had a momentous happening at the beginning but seemed to shrug it off easily enough.
I know the story was winding up but there were a lot of coincidences and at times it was a bit rushed.
There's a sad part towards the end that could have had a larger part of the story.
However, all is neatly tied up and overall this has been a great series!

Thanks to Avon Books UK and NetGalley for an early copy of this book.

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A charming continuation of the story of the girls who now call Cornwall their home.
There’s mystery and intrigue, however it’s all told in a gentle way.
There seemed to be too much recapping of the previous books which spoiled it for me, but it could be useful for people reading this as a standalone book.

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Victory for the Cornish Girls is the final book in the Cornish Girls series. Whilst it works as a standalone, I would advise reading earlier books first. Not only would it give the reader more of an idea of the characters, but there are also a number of longer running storylines that are completed in this book.

Set towards the end of WWII, the book focuses on Alice, who returns to Cornwall after a failed assignment in London, on Imogen, who is tasked with spying on the new vicar, and on American entertainer Pearl, who needs to learn to be accepted and to love again.

It was lovely to revisit old favourite characters, and to have the plots that have run throughout the series tied up neatly. All in all, I have really enjoyed visiting Cornwall with this series.

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Such a fantastic way to end the series! I have invested many enjoyable hours in the characters of The Cornish Girls. Thanks to the author, I have traveled back in time to World War 2 England. I got glimpses into what life was like for my relatives. They are so right. If you weren't there you can only understand a little of what went on. Stories like this one, give me little glimpses.

As the story comes to a close with the end of the war; emotions are running high. The reader watches as spies are uncovered, and surprises are brought to light. I can't imagine always having to watch my back and be suspicious of others. The reader watches as codes are broken and reminded what a challenge it all was for women.

I wanted to celebrate as soldiers came home, not always in one piece but bringing smiles to the characters and me. The author did such an amazing job of bringing their stories to life. I closed the book on the series wondering what happened to all of them as life went on. Did they keep calm and carry on?

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I'm sorry that this is the last time we'll be in Bude, Cornwall but also glad to see that the women in this series have come through WWII and, for the most part, have happy endings (albeit in some cases different than they expected. ). It helps to have read one or two of the preceding novels so that you can fully appreciate everyone, how they fit together, and how their lives have evolved but it will also be enjoyable as a standalone for fans of the genre. Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC. A genial well told tale.

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Taking place in Cornwall (a place I know & love) I was hoping for more description to really feel like I was there, but it felt lacking in that area. It was a bit confusing figuring out who all the characters were - although if I’d read others in the series I’m sure it would’ve been easier. Everything turned out well for the characters at the same time as the war ended, which doesn’t feel believable but at the same time was nice to have a happy ending. A clean, sweet book which flowed well.

I received a copy of this book from @netgalley in exchange for my honest review.

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Thanks to the Publisher and Netgalley for a nearly review copy.

I have thoroughly enjoyed reading all the books in this series.

The story was well written.

Alice arrives back in Cornwall after she was injured and lost the man she was in love with during the last assignment whist undercover.

She is asked to join a team of code breakers and as she has decided not to do spy training anymore, she agrees..

Imogen’s next task is to be around the new vicar, as it’s thought that he could be a spy.

Pearl, who used to be in a group that used to dance and entertain the Americans is not that happy as she’s been let down by the person she loved.

I recommend this book.

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An atmospheric, comfort read of a book that will make you want to book flights to somewhere warm immediately. This book has stayed in my mind for quite some time after reading it, very much the mark of an outstanding book.
Can’t wait to read the next instalment!

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