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One Big Happy Family

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When you hear the term “one big happy family,” nine times out of ten you know it’s anything but! And the Bishop family is no exception. Brought together after their father’s death, the Bishop sister father to hear the reading of his will at their family hotel. Never mind that there’s a major hurricane coming straight at them - literally AND figuratively! Get ready for a wild ride with lots of drama and surprises.

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I just don't think I'm a big Jamie Day fan. I didn't like The Block Party that much, and didn't love this one either.

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Thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for the advanced copy! This is my second opportunity to read an advanced copy from Jamie Day and this novel, One Big Happy Family, did not disappoint.

This story follows Charley, a 19 year old who is the maid at the legendary Precipice Hotel. She lives in a small room and was hired by George Bishop, Owner of The Precipice Hotel, who recently passed. His three daughters, Vicki, Iris and Faith along with their children and significant others, George Bishop's attorney come to the Hotel to settle his estate amidst an impending hurricane. Everyone has dark secrets they want to keep in the past. Just prior to the family's arrival, a young woman, Bree, shows up running from an abusive relationship and looking for a place to lay low. Charley decides to help Bree and hide. When the family arrives, they are worse than expected, and the storm hits, trapping everyone from leaving and "murder is in the air".

I enjoyed the locked in, who dunnit theme and the story really keeps you guessing.

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Death and inheritance have a tendency to bring out the worst in people. The Bishop family is no exception to this. Set in an old hotel on the Maine coast, we meet the sisters, the young chambermaid and a looming hurricane. Each with their secrets, motivations and quirks.

Day has well developed and unique characters, each adding to the mystery.

This thriller is a good summer read on a stormy day.

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for the complimentary eARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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As one who wasn't fond of Jamie Day's debut THE BLOCK PARTY, I started this one with some trepidation. I instantly liked the voice of the main character Charley, albeit I'm a sucker for first person narration. She's trying to support her grandmother in an assisted living facility by working as a maid in a small luxury hotel named Precipice. A bit morally gray, Charley's fine with pocketing some cash she finds in guest rooms.

Charley's informed that her grandmother's care will be going up $100 per month at the same time Hurricane Larry is looming. Under some not-very-well-explained circumstances, she meets Bree in line at a coffee shop, and Bree needs a place to live for a while to recover from a domestic abuse relationship. They concoct a plot that Bree will pay Charley $1,200 to stay in vacant rooms.

At the same time the storm is looming to create a perfect locked room setting, the hotel owner's will is going to be read with his three daughters Vicki, Faith, and Iris; Vicki's husband Todd and son Quinn; Faith's wife Hope and son Oliver who speaks in rhyme. None of the family is particularly likeable. A murder occurs. The book started to lose momentum for me soon after. I think part of that was due to the second part of the book changing narration to being backstory on the three sisters.

- Great coastal Maine locked room setting during a storm
- If you like a thriller with no one that's likeable, it can be fun.

- It doesn't make a lot of sense to get in a scheme with someone you've known 5 minutes. Charley doesn't seem that trusting with others, so a bit out of character.
- I'm wondering if the Part 2 (the backstories on the three sisters) reveal happened too early. It seemed to take some of the propulsion out of the novel for me.
- You could see where one of the early plot lines was going if you've ever read a thriller.
- This novel felt SO LONG! It only has 4,500 Kindle locations (per my Kindle app), but it felt like it really has twice as many.

Unfortunately, this is the second Jamie Day novel that hasn't worked for me, so I will be taking this author off my list.

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“One Big Happy Family” by Jamie Day is very aptly named … if sarcasm floats your boat. This book is about the Bishop family - from father, George who owns a hotel, his daughters (Faith, Iris, and Victoria) who are set to inherit the hotel after George’s death, their relations (Todd, Oliver, Quinn, and Hope), and those working at the hotel (Charley, Olga, and Rodrigo). I have to say, this book is a bit of a mess and wasn’t quite as gripping as Ms. Day’s first book. I kept finding myself thinking “this would make such an interesting TV movie” because there are elements that would’ve been better visually opposed to on the page. In general, I liked this book - but I didn’t love it. There is one section that is basically a “section of backstory flashback” and then another section that attempts to do that as well - I would’ve preferred those sections to not stop the story dead in its tracks. The romance part - eh, felt more like a high school thing than a “new adult” one and it also felt very tacked on. Did I figure out who did it - overarching, yeah, kinda, though I didn’t get all the details quite correct. Did I trust anyone - surprisingly, yes - Rodrigo, who was a minor character but he seemed more grounded than nearly anyone else in this book. A few things were off, for me, about this book (like the POV suddenly switches from Charley to another character; Oliver speaking in rhyme then not when it fit the storyline, and yes Maine gets occasional hurricanes, but why not a really big storm instead?) but I can say that for the most part, this book did hold my attention (looking at you long flashback sections - you were the exception) mainly because I kept waiting for the next crazy thing to happen - and they kept coming.

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Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

This is the first book I've read by Day and I really enjoyed it. In what is essentially a locked room murder mystery, Charley is a young maid at Precipice, working and living in a tiny room at a hotel at the edge of a cliff in Maine. She is all on her own at nineteen, parentless, struggling, and doing what she has to do to earn extra money to pay for her grandmother's care home. Her nana is all she has left and has dementia. On top of that, her boss is constantly making unwanted advances to her.

When her boss suddenly dies, Charley learns that his three daughters, the Bishop sisters, will be coming to the Precipice with their father's lawyer for the reading of the will to see who the new owner's will be. Charley is on edge because she needs this job so she doesn't end up homeless and so her nana can stay at her care home. But, the secrets that the sisters all bring, along with an interloper that Charley sympathizes with and lets her hideout in the hotel, mean that not only do tensions rise as a literal hurricane approaches, but a murderer is in their midst and no one is safe.

I guessed a few parts of this mystery, but was also surprised multiple times. This was a great read that I highly recommend!

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I binged this in almost one sitting (on a long haul flight), which tells you I enjoyed it, but at the same time, I’m wracking my brain to remember specific details from the book and coming up pretty much empty (this could be a result of the sleep deprivation that came with that long haul flight, but I also suspect it’s the nature of this type of “brain candy” book). I love a good locked room thriller, and One Big Happy Family perfectly scratches that itch with the Precipice Hotel being completely isolated during a hurricane. I didn’t have the WHOLE story figured out from the beginning, but I was able to pull many of the threads together before we got to the big reveal– I sure do love it when that happens!! Plus, just look at this cover-- GORGEOUS! All in all, One Big Happy Family didn’t feel totally original or mind blowing to me, but I’d still recommend it, and I’ll definitely be picking up other books by this author!

If you’re a fan of thrillers with families behaving badly– like Daisy Darker– or written from the perspective of “the help” (eww. what a loaded phrase)– like The Maid or Turn of the Key– you’ll probably enjoy this one!

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Charley is a hotel made. This is a very tiny hotel in the state of Maine, there are only 14 rooms. She lives there, in a very big closet. Her entire life is set up to make money to take care of her Nana, who has advanced dementia and is in, assisted living. Charlie’s mother died of an overdose several years earlier, and she never knew her father. The hotel owners dies, and his family comes together for the reading of his will. This reminded me of an Agatha Christie mystery, with several different characters, somewhere more interesting than others. All of this is set during a hurricane, because apparently hurricanes happen in Maine also.

There are some minor plot issues, and the dialogue falls a bit flat. But it is an interesting story, and a fun to read mystery. Very light reading, which could be good for your summer. This book comes out on July 16, 2024

Thank you NetGalley and St. Martins Press for the arc.

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I had a blast reading this one, especially after not enjoying "The Block Party." I'm glad I gave the author another chance!

"The Precipice," a family-owned hotel full of vintage keepsakes, is perched near a cliff. George Bishop, the owner, is known in Maine for his collecting and conspiracy theories.

Charley, the maid, is overwhelmed as a hurricane looms and a homicidal maniac is on the loose. The creepy weather mirrors the chaos inside as the Bishop sisters arrive for the reading of George's will, leading to family drama and shocking secrets.

With strong Christie vibes, the story weaves through chaos, toxicity, and grudges. I took off half a star for minor issues, but I devoured it and enjoyed the ride!

Thanks, NetGalley, for my ARC. It comes out on July 16, 2024.

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One Big Happy Family is Jamie Day's second novel. It’s a slow-moving mystery/thriller that did not grab me.

Charley is a 19-year-old chambermaid at a historic Maine hotel, The Precipice. She’s alone in the world except for her Nana, suffering from dementia and living in a nursing facility that Charley can barely pay for. We meet Charley when the hotel owner, Charlie Bishop, dies, and his three daughters come to stay at the hotel for a reading of the will. A massive storm drives all the guests away, leaving Charley and the Bishop family stranded without cell service or power.

The story was unfocused, and the author threw plot twists to see what would stick. There was a lack of suspense and thrill, and the writing style felt simplistic and stilted. At one point, the first-person narrator is set aside abruptly, and another character's perspective takes over. Despite the slog, I kept going because I was invested in solving the crime. In the end, when the murderer is revealed and all the twists and turns have been resolved, I feel unfulfilled by the book. The ending introduced sudden romantic and embezzlement subplots. In my opinion, it needs editing and tightening up.

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This book was not at all like Jamie Day’s last book, so that was surprising. It’s told from the perspective of the hotel maid (reminiscent of Molly the Maid, though not quite as fleshed out or likeable). After the hotel owner dies, his family gathers at the hotel for the reading of the will, only to find a hurricane is happening and they are locked in. It this becomes a locked door mystery, with characters starting to die, threats happening, guns being waved about, but no one is sure who to fear or who to trust.
I found this book to be ok. Readable, but fairly forgettable. Characters were not deep or relatable. The ending was so-so for me.

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It took me a minute to get into this story, but then a situation occurred that changed everything. After that I couldn’t wait to see what was going to happen next. This story definitely has some surprises. The characters are perfect and the story – well, you need to read it yourself. I received this book from NetGalley, but my opinion is my own.

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An atmospheric
if somewhat flat whodunit.
A fine summer read.

I write haiku reviews but am happy to provide additional feedback.

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This the second time that I have had the opportunity to read Jamie Day's newest release as an e-ARC and as their second book I can say I adore the stories that have been told. The stories have new twists that I enjoy a little refresh from the typical thriller storyline. Where this can normally feel busy, I believe Day adds many elements and makes it entertaining.

I personally love an escape room and crazy family themed thriller/mysterys and this book hit a lot of those favorite points. Charley is the POV throughout the book and she is an interesting and caring person, who works as a maid in The Precipice for the Bishop family to survive and take care of her grandmother who has dementia. The story kicks off with the death of the father of the Bishops and Charley getting the hotel ready for the Bishops sister arrival before a major storm hits. Iris, Vicki, and Faith have a lot of secrets and become the focal point to the death that comes in their wake.

This was an interesting book and I was able to guess one the twists early on but Day is able to add enough twists and drive to make the reader continue the story. I was happy for the ending and what happened with the characters, although I wish more consequences happened to those that caused harm.

I recommend this for readers who like an escape room theme story and chaotic families with a lot of secrets. The other characters are also not the most likable but that makes the story even better.

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for the e-ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you NetGalley for an early copy to read and review. It was my first book by this author. I had a hard time getting in to the story but once I did I wanted to know what happens next. It is centered around a maid,, Charley,at what I would describe as a historical hotel. The owner passes away which brings his dysfunctional daughters to town for the funeral and reading of the willin the midst of a major hurricane. Needless to say, the hurricane inside the hotel after everyone arrives is wat worse than what is brewing outside. There is so much going on in this story that you really need to pay close attention to every detail. It is full of twists and turns with lots of secrets which will all come out in the end. I did enjoy the book.

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Jamie Day

Jamie Day is back! This time with a cast of unlikeable characters with one thing in common- they’re family!

When the patriarch of the family dies, the entire family comes together to discuss the will and what is going to happen to the family’s hotel. There are many things to hash out and everyone wants their piece of the pie.

Before everything is resolved and before the ink can dry on the will someone ends up dead and someone else in the family killed them. Everyone has a motive, and everyone suspects everyone else did it.

A storm is coming, and secrets are being exposed as the sky is being covered by clouds. There’s no way out, there’s no way home, and there’s no going back to where they’ve come from. They’re all a little eccentric, keeping more than a few secrets, and they’re all ONE BIG HAPPY FAMILY.

ONE BIG HAPPY FAMILY is about good people doing bad things and rich people doing cheap things. It feels like two books in one and reminds me of THE MAID. If you were a fan of a mystery set at a hotel with a novice detective at work, this is your 2024 play at that.

I thought Day did a great job of knowing when to change things up. As soon as the action started to lull a new tangent to the storyline was introduced and it freshened everything up. I had fun reading and I think this would be a great addition to your summer thriller line-up.

ONE BIG HAPPY FAMILY releases mid-July and should be on your list.

Thanks to Netgalley and St. Martin's Press for the advanced copy!


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I really enjoyed Jamie Day's first book but for me this one was just a touch predictable which made it slightly less enjoyable. This domestic thriller did have some good twists and I do enjoy Day's writing style. Overall, for me this was an ok read. Thank you netgalley for this arc in exchange for my honest opinion.

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An old, remote hotel, an impeding hurricane, unsavory characters, secret pasts are the makings for a perfect thriller. These elements were all well written but the story itself read flat and boring. I felt it was going in too many directions never really truly being suspenseful. I did like Charley and the crazy dysfunctional Bishop sisters-it just didn't work for me. Many thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for the Advance Reader's Copy. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This is a complex read with unexpected twists or is it turns?
Charley is a chambermaid [20yrs old] at an old hotel in a small Maine village. A hurricane is coming. The owner has died. Now the daughters are all coming for the reading of the will by the attorney. The hurricane approaches as they arrive. There is a death--murder? Soon a missing attorney, a teenage rhymner, yelling, gun shots, and more.
Read this story as it rushes from one secret to another. Charley asks questions, almost goes over the cliff into the ocean, learns more about old secrets and new ones. A tangled web.

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