Cover Image: Invisible


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What a love letter to first romances and the thrill of finding yourself in the magic of every day! I wasn't sure what to expect going into the novel, but it turned out to be somewhat of a comfort read. I can see myself coming back to this when I'm in need of good spirits. Also, I would LOVE to visit Unwin Emporium.

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Could not get into this story. Nothing much happening except two young ladies silly banter about costumes and make believe.

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The writing style fell a little flat for me although I absolutely loved the plot and characters overall. But something made it difficult for me to connect to the story as a whole. I'm not sure if it was pacing or the style or what. Still, I don't regret reading it.

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I have had to DNF this book at 30%.

There was so much about the premise that worked for me, and that I was excited about. I liked the idea of the whimsical girl who is lost in a world of her own imagination in a costume shop. I was looking forward to the layers of meaning around identity and imagination and belonging.

For me the family conflict didn’t sit quite right. The family dynamic was so extreme as to present a bit of a caricature of “bad family dynamic”. Complete with the broom cupboard bedroom it reminded me of a Roald Dahl or boy wizard middle grade family dynamic where it’s so obviously mean and unfair. And while I recognise that may have been a deliberate choice to connect with Violet’s childlike dynamic, and an intentional story beat, it wasn’t something that worked for me on a personal level.

The premise looked engaging and it was what drew me to it, but for me, it didn’t connect.

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This is the first book I’ve read by this author and I don’t know if it was the writing style or subject matter but I just could not get into it. The book read very young and did not hold my attention. Unfortunately was a DNF for me

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This was a beautifully done novel, I was invested in what was happening to the characters and thought the romance element worked well. I liked the supernatural element with the ghostly Vi. It had everything that I was hoping for when reading this and glad the story was so well done. The cover was a great concept and I’m glad I got to read this.

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DNF at 40%

Two immature manic pixie dream girls meet and their love story is just a ruse to shoehorn in facts about female historical figures every other paragraph.

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This book was sweet, the perfect low key romance novel for a relaxing weekend. The characters were very cute and I loved the settings.

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Could not get into this story. Nothing much happening except two young ladies silly banter about costumes and make believe.

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Such a special story

Violet is convinced no one can see her and no one cares. Her uncle has had to retire from their family costume shop, and now his son is selling it. Phoebe is struggling, she’d dropped out of medical school and has no idea what to do now. Working for Mr Duke, a drag king who owns a local bar that is falling on hard times, Phoebe meets Violet when she visits the costume store to ask for help with their fundraising ball.

No words can explain how much I loved this book! Never has a story felt so deeply relatable. When I first saw some promotion for this story Anna did quite a while back, I could instantly tell from just the title and the cover art that I was going to enjoy this story, but it completely blew my expectations. Everything about it was amazing, from the affect it had on me personally, to the way it moved my emotions. I spent most of the time reading it with a lump in my throat because I felt so seen and accepted, able to relate, empathise, and sympathise with both Violet and Phoebe.

They were beyond cute together, and apart each of them was so endearing. If I could have reached into the pages and hugged them, I would have. I really wish I could find people like them in life, they embody everything I can understand. Violet had this way about her that made me smile, she had such an amazing imagination and was just the most fun person to be around, so I understood how Phoebe was instantly taken with her. But it’s not just their relationship that makes this story so cute, there is a really special and unexpected connection, and lots of surprises throughout the story to really elevate it.

An exquisite masterpiece of a story, completely unforgettable, and a story that will stay with you for life. My review really doesn’t do it justice, and I can’t urge you enough to get this book and give it a go. It was magical, life changing, and just the most special of stories.

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Invisible by Anna Larner is a cute love story that fell flat. I enjoyed the characters on their own but it felt like it took way to long for anything to develop or happen, and it felt like their problems were so big as to be unbelievable. I think for some people who enjoy reading cute, semi slow-burn novels, this would be for them.

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I was a bit apprehensive, but I really enjoyed this book. It was very unique and well written.
I recommend 4 stars.

Thank You, Bold Strokes Books and NetGalley.

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I really enjoyed this author’s previous book, Love’s Portrait, so I was curious about this one. Phoebe Frink has a crisis of doubt so she takes a break from her studies in medicine to reconsider her future. In the meantime, she works at the Banana Bar, a queer establishment and the home of a popular drag king show. She visits a local costume shop and meets Violet Unwin, the niece of the owner of Unwin Emporium which has been a family business since the 1800’s. The shop is not your typical Halloween style store but rather more like a Hollywood inventory of elaborate outfits. Unfortunately, her jerk of a cousin is selling the building and Violet is devastated.

I genuinely had a smile on my face through most of the book because Phoebe and Violet are incredibly sweet people. It reads a bit younger, like a ya book, because of their innocent personalities but they are the perfect match. The tension in the story comes from the pressures of family expectations and the impending stress of their unknown futures. Violet is my favorite character. In spite of the worst childhood, her spirit is magical. She has an artist’s touch when she helps people reinvent themselves through a costume and a swagger. Phoebe’s friend, Mr. Duke/Dee is a treat on the page as well.

There are also some brief historical moments as well as supernatural touches as we get a glimpse at both main characters’ ancestors, women who were suffragettes. Hopefully, the author revisits Harry and Vi’s story in more detail in a future book because I am very interested.

I recommend this book on a day when you need some sunshine.

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I received an ARC copy of this book from the Publisher via Netgalley and voluntarily leaving my review.

Violet believes no one sees her especially her family who took her in when she was young. She was close to her Uncle Walter but her aunt and cousin Carl didn’t like that so he distanced himself from her but he lets her runs his costume shop where she can lose herself in and be who she wants. Phoebe is struggling to be the perfect daughter she doesn’t know if she wants to continue being a doctor she gets taking in by Dee aka Mr. Duke who owns a bar that’s is struggling she meets Violet when Dee needs costumes for fundraising they are doing. Violet and Phoebe grow closer and find out things about their families I enjoy this read normally I don’t like to read where characters are teenagers but Violet and Phoebe were mature for their age despite everything going on with them.

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This book felt very unique to me, which is why I ended up enjoying it so much. The ability to intertwine the past and present was done in such a beautiful way.

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