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8 Down

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This story was an impressive workout for my brain!
A serial killler with a twisted mind who uses crossword clues to confound the Alaska Bureau of Investigation thinks he can outsmart Carrie Kintz who is lead on the case. Scott Patteson from Cyber Solutions is called in to help and is using all his expertise as the clues and bodies continue to pile up.
The despicable killer has the team scrambling for answers. “Scott was running out of adjectives to describe the depth of evil this man created.” They knew they were dealing with a warped person with an elaborate and sinister plan.
I liked the angle of the crossword clues and the way the team worked together. A nice peek at how cyber security works. Scott and Carrie were great protagonists who were solid Christians and they knew God was bigger than the evil they were up against. They learned to be honest with each other which lent authenticity to the story.
This is a masterful second book in the series. A bit different but connected. I am glad there is more suspense to come in book 3. Ms. Woodhouse excells at this genre.
* I received a complimentary copy of this book from Kregel on behalf of the author and NetGalley. All opinions are mine alone.*

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Intriguing premise, likeable characters, and an excellent blend of faith, romance, and suspense.

The premise—evil is all around us—and the execution–cyber world—keeps the reader engaged.

Loved the crossword clues at the beginning of each chapter and how they connected to the story.

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"People are dying. And they will keep dying."

Kimberley Woodhouse has penned another thrilling suspense in this second book in the Alaskan Cyber Hunters series. With brilliant plot pacing, clues are parceled out skillfully. I found the story intriguing, fully invested as I tried to solve the clues along with Carrie and her team.
I really enjoyed the changing POV, between the main characters and the demented mind of a serial killer. It gave an additional twist as the readers try to figure out his identity. With crossword puzzle clues, cyberterrorism and a dead body count rising, one wonders when it will end. A roller-coaster ride full of twists and turns from the first page to the last.
While the teams in both 26 Below and 8 Down think they have solved the crime, readers are left with an ending that foreshadows more to come. I cannot wait to read the conclusion. Fans that enjoy suspense with a light faith and romance thread will love this book.

**I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author/publisher through Netgalley. I was not required to write a review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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Wow! This was a book that was hard to put down. Clues from crossword puzzles link the serial killer's next method of killing. I so wanted to be able to solve the tips, but I never could, but I'm not good at those kind of puzzles. Maybe you are more clever than me and can solve them.

This is the second book in the series, and while I didn't read the first book, I had no trouble following the story. Although, I will be sure to read the first book, 26 Below, in order to fully understand the background for this story.

If you enjoy a Christian romantic suspense with a faith element that is action packed and exciting, I highly recommend you read this book. The plot is sure to keep you engaged, and the ending will make you immediately want to read the next book to see how Carrie and Scott are going to stop this maniacal killer.

I received a copy of the book through NetGalley. A positive review was not required. All opinions are my own.

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8 Down by Kimberley Woodhouse is the 2nd book in her Alaskan Cyber Hunters series. Oh. My. Word. It was so intriguing and full of constant action. I actually started a list of the clues to keep track of them, just to see if I could figure them out myself. Her twists and turns were nothing short of brilliant. If you haven’t started this series, it is a must for suspense/mystery lovers!!

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. The opinions expressed are completely my own.

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I received this book as a gift.
Alaskan Cyber Hunters book two. If you are into books about cybercrimes intermixed with a tiny bit of politics, the ABI not wanting to relinquish their case to the FBI, a wee bit of romance intermixed with some faith, this series is for you! I would recommend this series be read in order to get a feel for the characters, as well as to understand mentions of 26 Below throughout these pages and its aftereffects.
Carrie finds herself navigating her way through being the lead investigator on her first big case – something she thought she wasn’t ready for, but she had an incredible team on her side. She had to deal with her feelings of inadequacy of doing the job and doing it well enough to catch the bad guy; she had to deal with a tragedy none of them were expecting; she also found herself dealing with her feelings for Scott. There are a whole host of characters intermixed with this particular case that help round out this story.
I found this tale of intrigue to be quite fast paced, as well as a bit intense at times with Carrie Kintz and her team’s efforts to track down the bad guy. There is no secret who the bad guy is in this tale. The trick to this read was trying to figure out who the bad guy’s minions were and the roles they played. I thought I had it figured out by the very subtle clues I thought I was picking up; I was incorrect in my presumptions.

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A powerful new thriller that takes you on a chilling ride! This next book in the Alaskan Cybercrimes Series starts out with a powerful punch that keeps going with fast paced danger at every turn. It takes turns in the cybercrime world that I would have never dreamed of and quite frankly are downright terrifying to imagine really happening.

It is expertly written with characters who you both can love and loathe and exceptional detailed scenes making the story come to life. Without giving any spoilers, I wish it was a little longer to have more expounded on a few parts of the story.

This book is a must read! I not only found it an enjoyable read, but also eye opening to the many ways we could be hacked in our technology use. I can’t wait for the next book in the series!

I was given a complimentary copy of the book by the publisher through NetGalley. All opinions expressed are completely my own.

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“Eight down meant crossword puzzle clues? Why would he do that? Is he really killing people based on crossword puzzle clues?”

“We have a serial killer on the loose.”

“If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault.”

This book was okay. Very similar in style to 26 Below which I liked a little better. I don’t read a lot of books that take place in Alaska, so I did enjoy the setting once again.

The serial killer aspect along with the crossword clues used in the killings was an interesting plot. I enjoyed that part of the book and feel like it was pretty strong; however, there were a few negative things that kept this from being a 4 or 5 star book. First, for being a suspenseful book dealing with law enforcement and a serial killer, it was too cutesy at time. I would have preferred it a little more gritty and realistic. A lot of the character interactions and dialogue didn’t ring true to me. Also, the romance angle, like 26 Below, was pretty bad. I’ve never been a fan of insta-love in books and I guess this must be the author’s thing. Definitely took away from the book.

* I received this book free from Netgalley and publisher Kregel in exchange for an honest review

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Kimberley Woodhouse’s 8 Down is a surprise a minute – it’ll keep you guessing from the first page to the last! This book has the fastest pace and the highest stakes of any I’ve read in 2023 yet. 8 Down starts with a bang and doesn’t let up until the end.

I love the way that Woodhouse gives the reader glimpses into the mind of the villain without revealing exactly who he is or what the exact plan is. Even though you’re getting to know more about that character, you still can’t pull it all together.

And the plot? The murder and mayhem in this book is definitely a step – or two or three – above the typical shoot’em-dead kind of story. Woodhouse credits a cyber-security relative with research help, and it’s clear that she’s done it. You won’t find these dastardly deeds anywhere else.

As if that weren’t enough, I couldn’t help but like the nerdy quirkiness of the main characters. Carrie isn’t afraid of a burger and fries, nor to let her temper show when she’s stressed and upset. Scott can’t get a full sentence out in a logical order when he’s nervous. It’s nice to read about characters who aren’t necessarily skinny, beautiful, and rich (though these two are lookers) but who’s value lies in their character and their wisdom first.

8 Down has a lot going for it. For high-stakes action, it’s my top pick of 2024 so far. If that’s your kind of book, pre-order yours now so you’re ready to go on February 20.

I received a complimentary copy of this book. All opinions are my own.

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8 Down continues the Alaskan Cyber Hunters series in a powerfully thrilling way! I was totally immersed in the masterfully constructed, unique, suspenseful plot from the beginning to the “to be continued” ending. Being a puzzle enthusiast, I was intrigued and entertained by the brilliantly created crossword clues aspect of the story. The characters are well-crafted and engaging. A bit of sweet romance and an inspiring faith thread round out this amazing read. I love the sneak peek at 70 North, the next book in the series, and can’t wait to read it! This book and series are a must read for Inspirational Romantic Suspense fans!
I received a copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley with no obligation to write a positive review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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