Cover Image: The Revenge Club - EXTRACT

The Revenge Club - EXTRACT

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Member Reviews

Oh how sweet this preview was!!
Although only a couple of pages, this excerpt did a fantastic job of giving us a look into this incredibly story! How can only 12-ish pages have so many twists and turns while also making me laugh out loud?
Can’t wait to pick up the full story for me and my mother!

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This is just an extract of the book and it a great appetiser.
I enjoy Kathy Lette’s style of writing always witty and makes the reader thing at times .
Look forward to reading the whole novel .

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This is just a taste of what this book is about but it sounds like one I could really curl up with and have a laugh a minute. I’m looking forward to finding out when it will be released because I really want to read this one. Thanks for the teaser, Aria and Aries.

Copy provided by NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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I recently had the privilege of experiencing both the text and audio versions of a captivating advance copy. The writing showcased remarkable skill, immersing me in a narrative rich with detail and depth. While reading the text version, I found myself engrossed in the intricate storytelling. Transitioning to the audio rendition provided a fresh perspective, enhancing my understanding of the characters and plot.

Despite revenge not being my usual preference, the story managed to weave it in with finesse, making it compelling and thought-provoking. Whether delving into the written words or listening to the narration, the experience held my attention throughout, leaving a lasting impression.

Overall, it's a testament to the author's talent and storytelling prowess, offering an engaging and immersive literary experience that is not to be missed.

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I received the first chapter of this book as a sample for review.
It reads very well, and the chapter ends in an intriguing manner, hooking the reader in to continue to the full copy.

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I only had the extract of this book so haven't quite got to the "revenge". What I liked about the book was it wasn't all sugar coated like others books. It showed dealing with heartbreak while washing up or having to deal with bills and children and not just dealing eith it by meeting friends (although that does happen in the book)

What I didn't like was the amount of pretentious wording. Mainly because I had to keep goigling what a word meant!

I think I probably appreciated this book more due to being a woman in her forties. I dont think the younger generations would "get" some if the issues until they have faced them personally.

I found the extract easy reading and will probably find the whole book to read now.

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The title to this excerpt caught my eye. It's only the first chapter, but wow if the entire book is as much fun as the first chapter I'm going to really enjoy this one. Putting it on my TBR list for when it's released.

Thanks to Aria & Aries through for an advance teaser of this book.

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I was just given an advance teaser chapter to read, rather than a full copy of the book. This makes it very difficult for me to give a realistic rating, I have marked it 4* as it shows promise, but whether this would apply to the final, complete book I don't know.

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I’m not sure why I requested this apart from the fact that I have enjoyed the author’s previous books and I obviously didn’t read it was an extract.

That said, from what I can gauge from the small part of the book I’ve read, it will be amusing and worth a read. It has now gone on to my “to be read” list

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When the odds are against you, it's time to get even. Matilda, Jo, Penny and Cressy are all women at the top of their game; so imagine their surprise when they start to be personally overlooked and professionally pushed aside by less-qualified men. Only they're not going down without a fight. Society might think the women have passed their amuse-by dates but the Revenge Club have other plans. After all, why go to bed angry when you could stay up and plot diabolical retribution? Let the games begin..

Loved it. I really thought that this was fantastical. Plot was easy to follow.

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Damn this extract looks so good that I might need to pick up the book for myself! Really unique take and I can’t wait to see where it goes from here.

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This extract started really well and finished even better. It's packed with witty descriptions and narration, and the characters are well depicted. I was so invested in the characters I just had to buy the whole book.

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The title and synopsis sounded fun, The extract was very fun. I really felt for all the characters and was eager to find out what was going to happen. It's made me want to experience the whole book.

Thanks to Kathy Little and publusher for my eARC in exchange for an honest and viluntary review.

4 stars

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Cracking opening, absolute loved it. Gutted when the sample ended.
Can't wait to buy the book when it comes out.
Highly recommend

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This was great fun - already an unexpected twist and can't wait to find out more about what revenge is planned!
Thank you to netgalley and Aria and Aries for an advance copy of this extract.

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This sample definitely had me wanting to read more, I had forgotten it was JUST an extract and was like darn! I will definitely be purchasing this book when it comes out - and have already talked to my friends about it, excited to finish this one - thanks for passing along!!

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The extract certainly whetted my appetite for more. I've read quite a few Kathy Lette books over the years so I knew this would be something I'd enjoy. I will definitely be buying the book when it's published as I want to finish the story!

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I didn't realize this was a shortened version when I downloaded it! Was "EXTRACT" always written there so big?! Well, I really enjoyed what I've read so far and i can't wait until May 9 to read more!

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Just a little taste of what is to come in this book!

After 4 friends are reunited after many years apart, what shocks are they in for?

I can not wait to find out myself and read this rest of this intriguing book!

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An extract wasn’t enough as it was really good. It’s a short review as I need more to give you my full opinion but so far so good.

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