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On a Quiet Street

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Thank you Bookouture and NetGalley for an early copy of On A Quiet Street. Why oh why was Leah sooooo ridiculous as a character??? Never confronting Cain AND his lies were soooooo obvious. Very long time to get into the book because of these characters But there is hope! The 2nd part of the novel was very interesting and the ending I NEVER GUESSED!!!! It was a WOW moment, if you can get through the first half, it will be worth it.

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Wow , what an amazing book , full of interesting characters and twists and turns . Great twist at the end too . I love this authors books , she never lets you down writing the psychological thrillers , if anything the books get better and better . I would 100% recommend this book , 5 stars from me

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I really enjoyed most of this book it kept me gripped just felt the last few chapters a little far fetched. This is the first book I have read by this author and will try more.

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The book was OK and would give it 2.5 stars. I'm so conflicted with my feelings. I enjoyed parts of the book(Part 1) and some not so much(Part 3 and the ending). It just seems like everything was taken to the extreme and way over the top. Some of these people's actions were so dramatic? Why would you want to kill so many people for something that happened almost twenty years ago? Leah wasn't even going around talking about it. Plus, no one believed her, not even her own mother. She wouldn't even be able to prove it in court. The only witness is dead. So these people were just being crazy for the sake of being crazy. Did they really think they would get away with murdering so many people? They weren't masterminds and left DNA everywhere. I didn't love any of the characters. Leah went from living with a horrible mother to living with a terrible husband. I'm pretty sure every time Cain's lips were moving, he was lying.

Definitely recommend giving the book a try, it just wasn't for me. The story definitely kept me guessing because I had no idea who was behind everything or why. I love the Detective Gina Harte series. Look forward to reading more books by the author.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Bookouture through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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This story dragged, simply because it repeated the same whining and complaining from the main character who dif nothing to change or improve their situation which would have been easy enough. So frustrating.

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Read as an ARC via NetGalley, thankyou!

I thoroughly enjoyed this as my first book by Carla! I’m looking forward to reading the others that have now been added to my TBR list.

The story follows Leah, a married young lady whose husband is a cheat. She has a huge secret that is about to come to light, and we get to live through the twists and turns of everything through the eyes of a few different characters.

I do think there are a *lot* of characters in this book! I kept up fine, but after taking a short break it took me a moment to remember who was who!! (Totally my fault!) this also adds to the mystery of the storyline and the life long question of “who dunnit”!

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On a quiet street... life is peaceful there. Neighbors have a good relationship and there never is any tension. Is this right though?

Maybe it's a quiet street because the people who live there are masters in keeping up appearances and they keep everything behind closed doors, hiding what is really going on.

Where would you like to live? There where everybody shows their true colors or there where you don't know who you are dealing with?

Keep in mind that secrets do have a tendency to come out whether you like it or not. Someone is bound to spill the beans. Are you prepared to face the music or are you going to do whatever it takes to keep the lids on all those smelly pots?

I love this author's crime thriller series, but she can write a solid psychological thriller too. She has put me a few times on the wrong foot. Wonderful. :) 5 stars

Thank you

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I’m afraid I just couldn’t finish this book. Right from the beginning, I knew straight away that it wasn’t the type of book that I enjoyed, which was such a disappointment, because I love the author!

I managed to get to about midway point before giving up, but I have to say it was a struggle, even getting that far. I have a real issue with books that center around a main protagonist who is in a relationship that they could at any point, leave and probably should and they choose not to. And so for page upon page we are left with how they don’t trust that person and how they need to get away! And yet they don’t - even though they don’t want a family with that person, see no future with them AND have a second house they could move straight into!! It’s just annoying.

Annoyance aside, the plot was very slow, and the sage twists were screamingly obvious and a bit like cluster. They’re really for me was nothing going for this book at all, and I am slightly shocked that it was written by Carla Kovak, because, as I mentioned above, she is fast, becoming one of my favourite authors of all time, because her books are so brilliant! Sadly, this one wasn’t.

Thank you to NetGalley for my advance copy in exchange for my honest review.

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I enjoyed reading this novel. I will say I found the first half a little confusing and slightly unrealistic at times — almost like some pieces were missing. However, once I got to part 2 — I was hooked and could not put it down. It had my full attention and I felt like I was grasping everything going on.

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On a quiet street follows the quiet happily married suburbia lives of Leah and Cain. All that comes to a crashing halt when an 18 year old Charlotte turns up seeking her biological parents.

Immediately Leah suspects Cain has a secret love child, but the tables are turned when Charlotte reveals information about Leah and she finds herself the one under the microscope.

All the characters in this book have their own plot, history and a reason for being. This is a psychological thriller with some unlikable characters that you just love to hate.

The twists at the end are unpredictable, I definitely didn’t guess where this one was going and it ended on a bang!

Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for the opportunity to read this book!

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This was such a fantastic book full of secrets and lies I didn’t know who to trust. It had a great storyline and the characters were very well developed. It had me gripped from start to finish. I also liked the fast paced. I will definitely be recommending this. Thanks to netgallery and the publisher for my advanced copy.

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WOW this book i loved it. This was my first book by Carla Kovach and holy cow what a punch! I will read more by this author.

This gives twists and turns and the building of characters was awesome. This is the way to make you really want to stick with the book. I loved the the book even the characters i didnt like.

WTG and the writing was great! Some of the parts in the book made me want to throw my phone i wanted more after i was done reading :)

Thanks to NetGalley for letting me read and review.

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This book was GREAT!!! I was hooked instantly. So many secrets and lies, I had no idea what was going on!! When 18 year old Charlotte shows up at Leah's home claiming she's looking for her birth parents, Leah becomes desperate for answers! I loved all of the characters, even the ones I hated. This book was very fast paced and I read it so quickly! Highly recommend!!!

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On a Quiet Street by Carla Kovach is a standalone novel from the author of the Detective Gina Harte books. As a huge fan of that series, my expectations were high for this one, though I must admit that it just didn't click for me.

Leah and her husband Cain have their quiet existence blown apart when eighteen year old Charlotte comes knocking on their door, claiming to be searching for her biological parents. Leah immediately suspects that she must be Cain's daughter, whose existence he has never mentioned. But when Charlotte reveals information about Leah, Cain's suspicious wife will have the tables turned, wondering if the secrets from her own past will threaten her comfortable life.

While this is certainly a solid read, I had a difficult time connecting with any of the characters in a meaningful way, though I suspect that I will be an outlier here. 3.5 stars

Many thanks to NetGalley and Bookouture for an ARC.

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Eh. I read this book in less than 24 hours...honestly, just to finish it. The beginning was really slow, it only picked up around the halfway point and if I hadn't received it from NetGalley for review I would have put it on my DNF shelf.

The book follows the main character, Leah in the first half and then the second half follows another character. I didn't really like either one of them. Leah was boring and she didn't have much of a backbone. She had many red flags with her husband but let him gaslight her and she ignored it all. Honestly, her character didn't make sense. In some ways she was strong willed but then in other ways she was weak.

The only character I cared for was Zara and she was mostly in the peripheral.

The plot was interesting with twists but none of them were realistic either.

Thanks for letting me read this book, NetGalley.

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This book had me hooked instantly and it kept me reading. The tension build up was very well done and remained exciting.

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❤️ On a Quiet Street by Carla Kovach
Genre: Psychological Thriller

I finished reading this a couple of days ago but forgot to post my review.

Oh wow! I loved this book so much and really is a ‘pull you into the storyline’ kinda book.

I love Carla Kovach’s crime series but these standalone thrillers really pack a punch when it comes to twists!

It’s written in current time from the main characters point of view and in the second part from another. I loved reading how their lives intertwined and carefully ties up all the loose ends you’ve been wondering about. The storyline was really great and had me hooked from the start as Carla really has a unique way of pulling you into her stories. Even when youre not reading, you still think about them and can’t wait to read more. I read this pretty much every spare minute I had since I started and finished within three sittings over a day. I just couldn’t get enough of it.

The storyline was complex but so cleverly written. It gripped me straight away and that prologue really had me wondering who wrote it that as the chapters progressed I kept changing my mind. That fabulous ending really was a great surprise. The lose ends were tied up brilliantly

Such a brilliant thriller!

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Oh my word what a book, it had me up till late into the night to find out what happened.
Carla Kovach has done it again. An absolute rollercoaster of a ride.

Every family has its secrets. Some are more deadly than others…

I live on a quiet tree-lined street with my perfect husband Cain. But when 18-year-old Charlotte knocks on the front door, what she says has me questioning just how well I really know my husband.

‘I was adopted as a baby and I’m looking for my biological parents. I was told they live here.’

My heart races as I fear Cain has been keeping a huge secret from me. Does he have a child he never told me about? And has he been lying all these years?

Thanks to netgalley and the publishers for this arc.

4 stars

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This was honestly a great read. There were times while reading it that if I heard a noise in the mouse, I would jump out of my seat. I had a hard time putting it down. It's a psychological thriller, and I'm a sucker for not being able to predict a story, and I wasn't able to predict much happening. It was all a surprise, and I love surprises. It gave me quite a bit of heart palpitations and hot flashes.

This story is about the main character, Leah, and speaks about her current life, the surprises happening, and looking into her past. You don't know whether she is crazy, and that's the best part. You also don't know who to trust when it comes to the people in her life, and there is a TON of gaslighting. It is the true definition of a psychological thriller.

There were aspects I didn't like, but that was mostly when it came to believing certain parts dragged a little too much. That's all I can say when it comes to the negatives. This review is hard not to give spoilers because I'd love to dive deeper into how everything folded out and the characters. It's a book you truly want to discuss after reading it.

This book will come out on January 14th, 2024, so add it to your TBR list because I don't think you'll regret it. It's a rollercoaster with a lot of loops.

Love it, read it, and get freaked out if you hear a noise. That's part of the thrill, after all.

Thank you to Netgalley and Bookouture for early access in exchange for my honest review.

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Wow! Carla Kovach does it again! Such a gifted and truly amazing author. I really enjoyed this book. I had a huge travel day and picked this book to read on my journey. The characters were fantastic and made me feel like I was a part of this story. (And I may have read long into the night) And so many secrets and lies. The tension and twists were off the charts great. Thank you Carla Kovach’, NetGalley and Bookouture for the opportunity to read this book.

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