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On the Plus Side

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Thank you to Netgalley for providing a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. This was an enjoyable romance about a plus size woman who goes on a reality show that deals with bringing out the best in her and fat acceptance. It had some out loud chuckle moments I appreciated the explanation by the author at the beginning explaining her views and her goals of writing the book. However I struggled a bit during the first half of the book which felt like a non stop motivational ad about being fat and body positivity and such. It was stuff most overweight people have heard for years and maybe it is best meant for thinner people without that experience themselves but I felt like it was a little too in your face. Still great writing and some good romance and funny scenes.

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Everly is pretty content going through life unnoticed and not taking big risks. But when someone from her life nominates her for On the Plus Side, a plus-size makeover show, all of that is about to change. As she goes through the season, there is a lot that overwhelms her introverted self. However, she finds comfort in the growing friendship with Logan, the show’s camera man. As that friendship turns into attraction, and as that attraction is caught on camera, more and more attention comes Everly’s way and she’s not sure she can handle it all.
I LOVED this book. A plus size makeover show had potential to go very wrong, but this was executed beautifully. The makeover was not about Everly’s physical appearance, instead the focus was all about growing her confidence to help her life unapologetically. Everly’s relationship with Logan was also amazing. The lack of drama between them was perfect - they really stayed a team even when that huge 3rd act conflict hit and handled it so maturely. Logan himself was so sweet. I also loved the behind the scenes of the reality show and all the side characters associated with the show added an extra layer of fun!
I loved listening to the audiobook which was narrated by Zura Johnson. She was easy to listen to and did a fantastic job bringing the story to life.
Thank you to St. Martin’s Press, Spotify Audiobooks, and NetGalley for the advance copies.

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Truly love seeing good fat rep in books and while this is not my usual genre I wanted to give the book a chance because of this. In the end I'm glad I did because the rep was good, the banter was enjoyable, and the romance was sufficient - but honestly I almost didn't need the romance because the way our loveable FMC comes to love and appreciate herself would have been enough for me.

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This book was so delightful! I love the body positivity and the the creative story line. I’m not a big reality TV person, so jumping into this world was so fun. The characters were all so fleshed out and real, even the relatively minor characters. You couldn’t pay me enough to be on a reality makeover show, but it was fun to tag along with Everly while she undertook that adventure. The narration was great and this was a fun listen.

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This was nice. I love when a book includes modern media/television shows and has a plus size rep, so I knew I'd like it. Some parts were not holding my attention enough, but overall I thought it was sweet.

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This was a lighthearted, fun reality show romance. As a plus-size reader myself, I really enjoyed this one and appreciated Everly's struggles and remarks on "living in a world that was made to exclude fat people." In that vein, it was nice to read about a show that was made to improve the lives and wardrobes of fat people while reinforcing happiness at whatever stage people are at. On that note, I really appreciated that the focus of the show was not seeing Everly as someone who needs a makeover, but as someone who needs help embracing all that she is and what she wants to be.

While the romance was really soft and a touch insta-love, I still really enjoyed seeing Everly and Logan build a relationship. His compassion for Everly was a balm to my soul. I also loved that they were on the same side of third act conflict.

Overall, this book felt like a warm hug and it was a great way to end out 2023. I always appreciated a well-written fat-centric romance and this didn't disappoint.

Thank you to Spotify Audiobooks and Netgalley for the audio arc of this book!

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This book is a great read for anyone dying to know what happens behind the scenes of reality TV shows. It really makes you question how much is real vs how much is manufactured.

I loved the slow burn of Everly and Logan and really rooted for them the whole story. Everly was such a great character and the story really emphasized self-love regardless of your size, which I think everyone can relate to.

I received this book as an audiobook and thought the narrator did a great job. My only pet peeve, which is not the fault of the author or narrator, is that I find that forum posts don't translate as well to audiobooks. In a regular book they're a fun little break between chapters but that doesn't translate well when narrated.

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I really enjoyed this romance with a reality tv twist! One of my favorite shows growing up was What Not To Wear and this book gave that energy with an actually body positive affirming twist. Everly was a lovely character and I enjoyed her and Logan's romance as well.

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Writing about a sensitive topic like plus size people can be so difficult but the author did it really well. I love how something the main character loved so much opened up her eyes but in a much different way than she anticipated.
Honestly, the romance portion felt like a bonus to the character really finding herself and her strengths.

Everly is obsessed with the makeover show On The Plus Side and she’s Saratov when she’s selected to be a member on the show. She’s sure it’s going to help her figure out her life.
At first, she’s nervous and overwhelmed. With the help of one of the cameramen Logan, she seems to be getting adjusted to the show fairly easily. Logan is grumpy, but seems to have a sweet spot for Everly and their relationship blossoms as they spend more time together.
Unfortunately, things start going wrong with the show. She is shown the true side of entertainment and she’s hurt and disappointed her favorite show turns out to be a scam. In the end, she finally has to decide if she’s going to stand up for herself and put herself first. A true story of triumph for Everly.

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This was a heart warming, body positivity romance! I loved how Emory took a journey from doubt towards confidence over the course of the book. Would recommend!

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On the Plus Side was a quick and easy story. If you need a book to pass the time or ease you back into reading, then this is a book for you. Simple and relatable story.

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This was really great and fun and I liked the narrators a lot. I dont usually love reality show romances but they did a good job with this one.

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The story of a body positive women and her experiences on a reality show. Told with lots of wit and wisdom we follow the tale of a plus sized women that the reader can’t help but root for. Although the ending was predictable couldn’t help but enjoy this story.

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Thank you netgalley spotify audio and SMP for the ALC in exchange for my honest review . This was the perfect book needed to turn my crappy week back on track. This was tender, gentle and executed so so well. This is my favorite book by Jenny Howe.

3.5/5 rounded up.

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This book had admirable goals. I believe the author's intent was to normalize being overweight instead of continuing to stigmatize it. What happened instead at times felt like the character's weight being targeted as a weakness instead of pointing our her many strengths.

That said, I did like the basic storyline. It was an original feeling plot and I got on board with it. It was well-written and gave solid insight into the character's thoughts.

AUDIOBOOK: I also listened to the audiobook and found it to be quite good. The narration was solid and pulled me into the storyline. 4 stars

Thank you to NetGalley for both the ebook and audiobook. I chose to review them and the opinions contained within are my own.

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A good book about body positivity and loving yourself. I thoroughly enjoyed her journey and opening up to love despite past hurts. They were just lovely together and I really loved seeing them confront their fears and hurts together and overcoming them!

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On the Plus Side follows Everly who finds herself on a TV show similar to Queer Eye. She has been putting herself in a bit of a box just trying to make herself disappear but this show starts to bring out the fierce zesty side she has been silencing. Will it make her irresistible to her long term crush/co-worker or will she want the attention of a new man in her life?

What I love about this book is that the plus-size main character is not discovering love for herself and her body in this book but discovering how to embrace and love her life. That might seem like a small thing but so often when there is a plus size main character so much of the book is focused on how she can't imagine someone loving her due to her lack of self love and that can get repetitive. This book shows a plus size character just trying to find her way in life which anyone can relate to.

This book was real and I felt myself really rooting for the characters. I guessed a little plot point pretty early on but that's fairly normal for me. This book felt fresh and I enjoyed ever bit of it.

I would recommend this book for anyone who is wanting to read about about a character finding their passion and zest for life again. Thank you so much NetGalley for the opportunity to read this story.

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Just felt like something was missing. Maybe it's because I'm in TV that the methods bothered me a bit, but whatever.

I had a terrible time with the audiobook. It constantly crashed and repeated chapters when I could get it to work. Netgalley wasn't much use toward finding a fix, so I got the print version from edelweiss to finish it

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I loved the premise, and the cover is great. I read The Make Up Test (the book that came before), and though I didn't love it, I liked it. So I had high hopes for this. But somehow, I didn't feel connected to this book. The characters are likeable and a very diverse cast but this one just didn't do it for me. I'll try again with Howe's next book.

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This was an adorable and heartfelt story about a woman becoming comfortable in herself and finding love where she least expects it. I enjoyed the pace of the character growth for our lead character. I also liked seeing a more vulnerable side to our male lead character as well. It was sweet and heartwarming. I can't wait for more by this author.

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