Cover Image: Tangled Up In You

Tangled Up In You

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This modern day story of Tangled is beautifully written. It tells from both Ren and Fitz’s point of view. Ren has to live off the grid and doesn't know how to use an iPhone or the internet goes to college. Fitz has a troubled past. The book contains past and present moments, as well as other things, including true love.

Thanks to the publishers at Hyperion Avenue and NetGalley for giving me an opportunity to read this book and write a review.

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This book was so good and so precious. I have not read a Christina Lauren book that I don't automatically fall in love with.

The characters, the story, their writing (descriptions and all) and the way that my heart raced at a certain part of the book!? WOOOOW

If you love Disney's Tangled and if you love a good RomCom then you need to pick this one up! This book is SO good! I could not put this book down. The way that Christina Lauren brought this story to life (to make it more relatable)? It was just SO good! Please, add this to your TBR and read it. 😌

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I live fairy tale retelling a. This was fantastic. I loved the Tangled influence. Such a fun twist. Great story about learning who you are.

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A fun modern retelling of Disney's Tangled. I loved Rapunzel and this was definitely a wittier, romantic, modern day version. Christina Lauren did a fantastic job with is and added their own twists. Highly recommend to those who love Disney stories.

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This is the fairy tale retelling of Tangled from your favorite aunt. Think Princess Bride of Disney movies. It has everything, fighting, revenge, bikers, bad jokes, and true love. If someone wants to dip their toe into Romancelandia, this is the perfect stepping stone. It is bright and funny and all the characters are refreshingly familiar without being caricatures.

The book is perfect for anyone who loves what romance is at its core: people who care for each other and just want the other to be happy. Ren is optimistic and so well written that I found myself smitten. Fitz is charming, but also just so kind. What could be a smarmy version of a Disney bad boy, turns into a warm fleshed out main character.

I think that Christina Lauren's many strengths lie in the way they make me as a reader care so much about their characters individually as well as as a couple, and this might be their best ones to date. While the book does adhere to the overall plot of the movie, it feels like a Christina Lauren book at it's core. And who doesn't understand happily ever after like romance writers?

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Ren has never held an iPhone, googled the answer to a question, or followed a crush on social media. What she has done: Read a book or two, or three (okay, hundreds). Taught herself to paint. Built a working wind power system from scratch. But for all the books she’s read, Ren has never found one that’s taught a woman raised on a homestead and off the grid for most of her twenty-two years how to live in the real world. So when she finally achieves her lifelong dream of attending Corona College, it feels like her life is finally beginning. Fitz has the rest of his life mapped out: Graduate from Corona at the top of his class, get his criminal record wiped clean, and pass himself off as the rich, handsome player everyone thinks he is. He’s a few short months from checking off step one of his plans when Ren Gylden, with her cascading blonde hair and encyclopedic brain, crashes into his life, and for the first time Fitz’s plan is in jeopardy.

But a simple assignment in their immunology seminar changes the course of both their lives, and suddenly they’re thrown out of the frying pan and into the fire on a road trip that will lead them in the most unexpected directions. Out on the open road, the world somehow shifts, and the unlikely pair realize that, maybe, the key to the dreams they've both been chasing have been sitting next to them the whole time.

This was such a fun retelling of Tangled. I love the isolated and innocent Ren. She might not have a lot of experience in the world, but she can hold her own against the world anyway! Fitz is the perfect man for her. He's getting his life together and along she comes to knock him off his game!

This was a bit slow in the middle, but the ending definitely made up for it. What a wonderful homage to the original story with a bunch of fun twists and turns to make it modern. Loved this so much!

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the advanced digital reader's copy (ARC) in exchange for an honest review!

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Unfortunately this doesn’t work as an ebook, all I can read is the cover page. I hope the publisher fixes this issue so that I can read it before it publishes. 😔

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Unfortunately I could not read this pdf file on my e-reader so I am unable to review it. Unfortunately I could not read this pdf file on my e-reader so I am unable to review it.

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This was an adorable twist on Tangled and I really had a fun time reading this. The middle was a bit slow, but otherwise I definitely recommend to fans of Christina Lauren and Disney Princesses!

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I loooooved this book! I've really enjoyed all of the books in the Meant to Be series, but this one is definitely my favorite. Ren was so cute and funny and Fitz was the perfect Flynn Rider.

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Tangled Up In You is a modern day Rapunzel retelling!
Ren and Fitz both have guarded secrets and have never let anyone new in! This story is their adventure to truth and freedom!

This story does have a slow start and isn’t filled with sexy times but it’s packs such a punch with the original plot and twists that will shock you! I have come to truly appreciate the talent of these two authors because they create such original and emotionally gripping stories that keep me enticed and wanting more!

Ren has been sheltered her whole life but as she gets older she finally fights for a freedom she never thought possible. With that freedom comes a knowledge she didn’t know that would soon crush her world! By chance Ren embarks on a cross country trip with Fitz and we soon learn he has secrets tucked away and those secrets unlock who this gorgeous man truly is!

Take a chance on a fresh and fun adventure with two characters who will steal your heart!

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Thank you to Hyperion Avenue and Netgalley for an ARC of this book! I’ve willingly read and reviewed it. All opinions are my own.

TANGLED UP IN YOU is the newest installment of the Meant To Be series that reimagines classic Disney movies into contemporary romance novels. When I heard Christina Lauren was going to be doing the book based on TANGLED, a movie I’ve seen probably hundreds of times thanks to my nieces, I couldn’t wait to get my hands on it!

Ren Gylden is attending school for the first time. Having grown up on a homestead in Idaho with her parents, she’s been sheltered from the majority of the outside world. On her first day at Corona College, she meets the charming “big man on campus,” Fitz, who has been working hard for the past four years to be the top student. Ren, despite never attending any sort of educational institution, is super smart and is immediately a threat to Fitz’s position and GPA.

After taking a DNA test in one of her classes, something that would definitely go against the strict rules of her parents, Ren discovers an unknown match that sends her and a reluctant Fitz on a road trip to find out more information.

Filled with tons of Easter eggs and nods to the movie, TANGLED UP IN YOU was fun and just different enough to keep me engaged. Although the middle dragged a bit, I was absolutely riveted by the action at the end! I loved getting to see how much both Ren and Fitz grew and how their relationship evolved as they traveled the country.

I’ve read a few books in this series, but TANGLED UP IN YOU has definitely secured my top spot.

3.75 ⭐️s.

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I loved this Tangled reimagining! The characters and pacing are so well done, nothing felt too rushed or drawn out. A very sweet romance

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Christina Lauren can do no wrong. They write hit after hit after hit and Tangled Up In You was no different. When I read the blurb (a Tangled retelling? A roadtrip?? A leading man with a criminal past???), I couldn't have ran fast enough to request an advanced copy. And I'm SO happy I got to read it ahead of its release. This book has all the elements of a perfect romance, all wrapped up behind a pretty little cover. I loved the grumpy/sunshine vibes, the laugh-out-loud banter, the (spoiler alert) ONE BED TROPE. Really cannot say enough good things about this one, and was pleasantly surprised by the clean read of it. Perfect for fans of forced proximity, Disney retellings, and just enough suspense to keep you guessing!

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🎧Song Pairing: When Will My Life Begin? - Mandy Moore (sung this a lot while reading)

💭What I thought would happen:

I seldomly drop everything I’m reading for any book but I did for this one. 🩷

📖What actually happens:

Ren has lived a nearly Amish existence her entire life, homeschooled - self taught, zero technology. Now her day has come. She gets to attend college on a full scholarship under strict rules with her parents.

When she is there she meets the charming and oh so cool character that is Fitz, enchanting everyone around her but him. She will only get in his way until they end up on a cross country journey together.

🗯Thoughts/sassy musings:

Christina Lauren x Tangled. SAY LESS! I looove Tangled. Frozen gets way too much hype when Rapunzel is my blonde home girl

The way Ren & Fitz were written…wow wow wow did they represent the characters well. Especially Ren. She was pure sunshine in just a likeable way.

The end! As a mother terrified me. But I crushed those last pages quick quick!

Anyways, this is going to be a favourite of Bookstagram. It’s a darling! If you like the Meant to Be books as much as I do you’ll get much joy from this read!

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christina laurennnnnnn this is so fun and i love the vibes and tangled retelling ahhh! this was so cute and i loved it

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Every book that Christina Lauren has ever been has been my favorite, and this one is no exception. Can’t wait for the next book.

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This book was such a fun and unexpected journey!

This is the first book from the Meant To Be series that I read and I am adding the others to my list!

Recap -
In a modern day retelling of Tangled, Christina Lauren created Ren, a sheltered 22 year old girl who is leaving her home to go to school for the first time. She has always been at her parent's farm, with no official education or access to any technology. Ren has taught herself everything from Calculus to Mandarin, and was admitted to college with a full scholarship. There, she meets Fitz - the charming guide appointed to show her around campus, who has a few secrets of his own. When a DNA test in one of their classes shows Ren something unexpected, they go on a journey that leads to a discovery of some secrets and a discovery of themselves.

Review -
I was not sure what to expect with a modern day fairy tale retelling, but this was so enjoyable! Ren was sheltered but never gave the impression of being a damsel in ANY distress. She was tough, brave, smart, charming, and curious. Fitz had no option but to fall for her because... who wouldn't? The twist at the end was unexpected and if I was enjoying my reading before the end, I was not able to put the book down until I knew how this ended! You will not be disappointed.

Read if you like:
Strangers to Lovers
Forced Proximity
School Rivals
Fairy Tale Retellings

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Thank you net galley and publisher for this ARC. This as a cute and modern take on Tangled. I would recommend if you are a Disney fan.

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The fourth romance in the Meant To Be series is a modern retelling of the Tangled/Rapunzel story. It's a delightful fairy tale featuring an almost too-charming-to-be-true heroine. Ren is accomplished at almost everything, having read all of the books in the town library, schooled herself in every possible subject, and turned herself into a capable auto mechanic, linguist, farm animal expert, and more. But because her rigid parents have kept her close to their homestead, not allowing her any liberties, she is definitely NOT schooled in the real world.

When she finally gets their grudging approval to go to college, having won a full scholarship, Ren starts to realize what she had been missing and sets out to experience everything she can, with the caveat that she must return home every weekend and complete her full weekly complement of chores. Early on, she strikes up a relationship with Fitz, a campus ladies' man who has secrets from his past and an action plan for the future that he won't share and that he can't risk anyone derailing. How they come together on a road trip for their mutual benefit is the crux of this very entertaining story.

I feel the character of Ren is unnecessarily over-the-top, but it's a fairy tale after all. Her romance with Fitz is slow going, as they learn to trust each other. And the ending sequence is unexpectedly suspenseful. It's my first read in the series, and I'm curious about the rest.

My thanks to Hyperion and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and provide an honest review of this book.

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