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The Messy Life of Jane Tanner

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This book was really great. And by the title, very messy! That's the best way I can explain Jane and her decisions! But one thing for sure is that Jane wants something, but she didn't exactly think about ALL of the reproduction's that would happen.

Jane is living through some big changes. She has her grandfather she's taking care of, (I was just shocked at how many people told her how great she is for taking care of him) her best friends were in serious relationships, and she wants to leave her small town. Which with all the drama I was like, "a baby too?" But I understand, sometimes we reach a certain age and our lives aren't looking like how we think they should.

One person she's gotten close to is a town friend Kurt. And who better to help her with her boyfriend/manless situation than someone who also isn't in a relationship? Thing is, Kurt's brother is married to her best friend. He "dated" her younger sister. And he's younger than her (which is everyone else's issue, not ours!)

With the complications of her personal life, there's also been some changes in some old friendships. Which I felt was one of the best part of the book. There's nothing better than someone apologizing for past mistakes and friendships being reborn. I hope we get Averil's story next.

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This wasn't my favorite of the series but it was a really good read. I enjoyed Jane but Kurt was the star for me. I loved seeing characters from the previous books. The romance has a lot of angst. The ending was perfect. This is an author who gives you characters who feel real and places you want to visit.

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Rating: 4.5 Stars

Jane Tanner wasn't getting any younger, and well, her clock was ticking. She made a choice that she was going to have a child on her own, but she didn't want an anonymous donor. What Jane thought was a favor from a friend turned into something that was simultaneously messy and wonderful.

I am a big fan of the Coyote Canyon books. It's been a pleasure getting to know Talulah and Ellen, and I was eager to learn more about Jane. I liked Jane a lot, and she earned my respect and affection because she was a good person. She gave a lot of herself to those she loved. Some examples are caring for her ill grandfather, stepping in to help her sister, and being a great friend. There were times I felt she sacrificed her own happiness for others though, and it really frustrated me. She almost passed on a man who had hearts in his eyes for her for a few not very good reasons if you ask me.

But not to worry, Kurt and Jane's romance took root despite her reluctance to let him in. Kurt really was a gem. I didn't care that he was younger than Jane, nor did I care about who he dated in his past. Kurt was a sweetheart who had had a thing for Jane for a long time. She had written Kurt off for being younger while he thought Jane was out of his league. It took them some time to realize there was something special between them to explore, and they were so good together.

If you have read the other Coyote Canyon books, I think you will enjoy how much page time Talulah, Ellen, and their partners get. I am such a fan of the couple catch up, and not only did we catch up, we spent some quality time with them, too. The inclusion of these characters really highlighted their friendship and the community of Coyote Canyon, and I have a soft spot for such things.

One thing I enjoyed more than I thought I would was Averil's part in this story. She was the villain in the past two books, but Novak was very kind, and granted her a redemption and comeback arc in this book. It was great to see Averil atone for her missteps and attempt to make amends while also taking positive steps to rebuild her life.

As expected, I had a wonderful time in Coyote Canyon. I really hope Novak has more stories to tell because I am eager to return to this world.

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Wow this story has everything you could want from a romance novel and more!!!!!!!!!! Brenda Novak has done it again, even if I don't know how!!!!!!!!!!!!! This series is so much fun & lovely to fall into.

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This is the final book in the coyote Canyon series. Jane Turner’s messy life isn’t what she planned on. She has always put everyone’s happiness and well-being before her own. She decides to have a baby on her own, but doesn’t want an anonymous stoner. She turns to a friend, Kurt, for help. She didn’t really think it through and had no idea how her decision would affect others.

The romance between Jane and Kurt is a he fell first which I loved. He is really supportive of her choices. I loved that the mcs from the previous book are in this one as well which really brings the series full circle. This was a great friends to lovers romance read, and I really enjoyed it. Highly recommend.

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The Messy life of Jane Tanner is the 3rd book in the series. Jane runs a Vintage gift store & is still living in her home town. She looks after her grandpa who is suffering from dementia and doesn’t feel he is ready to be placed in a nursing home. So she balances her store and managing her grandpa but feels life is getting away from her with her biological clock ticking. Jane decides she wants a baby to add to her hectic life and she has the perfect guy picked out to help her. Kurt might be 5 years younger and has dated her sister Kate but Kate is engaged to be married and really has no interest in Kurt.
So Jane approaches Kurt and he finally agrees to be the father of her baby- Jane thinks she has all the logistics worked out but does she really….
Thank you NetGalley for ARC of this great story.

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Jane's conflicted about life in Coyote Canyon, where she has a shop. Sometimes she wants to pack up and move but what about her grandfather, who is declining? One thing she's not conflicted about is her desire for a child and she's picked Kurt for the dad. Two problems- he's younger and he dated her sister Kate. And he likes her. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC. This is a friends to lovers tale in a small town with good characters and a sensitive portrayal of dealing with a loved one's medical issues. And it's a good read.

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The Messy Life of Jane Tanner is the third (and hopefully not last) book in the Coyote Canyon series. I'm loving how each book brings a different person to light. The friendships remain with subtle changes in dynamic. The caring is consistent. I enjoyed the nontraditional approach Jane takes to fulfill her life. It's definitely messy but filled with love and fun!

Thank you NetGalley and Harlequin for allowing me this early read!

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Another Brenda Novak book to brighten my weekend! I loved Jane and Kurt's story. Loved getting to know Averil a little better. This is another book sure to be a best seller for Brenda. I love to read about strong women making their lives better and finding love in the process. Can't wait to see if there will be another book about Coyote Canyon!

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The Messy Life of Jane Tanner
Brenda Novak
February 20, 2024

Jane Tanner has lived in Coyote Canyon her entire life. She has run her thrift shop providing unique gifts for visitors and townsfolk. Many pieces of furniture have been dropped off to become sanded or painted for resale. She is happy, has great friends in Talulah and Ellen who also own business in the small town. Now as she rereads the new rental agreement on her shop she pauses, wondering if she would be better off in a new location; perhaps moving to a large city in a new state. She could load up all her inventory and head out but what would happen to her beloved Papa? When she was young, he and Nana carried for she and her sister, Kate. They guided them through. Now that Nana had passed and her grandfather needed her help to remain in his home she couldn’t let him down.
The Messy Life of Jane Tanner will be published on February 20, 2024 by Mira. I was able to read the ARC of Brenda Novak’s recent book via NetGalley. I appreciate their allowing me to read the pre-publication copy of the 3rd book in her Coyote Canyon series. This story pulled me into Jane’s life in the first chapter. Novak’s entertaining writing style gives the reader a view of her characters that few authors present. We know their thoughts as well as their history. The plot itself is one I hadn’t envisioned after reading the first two in the series. It presented a quandary that many women face. Jane accepts that challenge in a way that I had not anticipated. Her readers will be thrilled with this latest publication. Do Enjoy!

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When Jane gets her good friend, Kurt, to agree to father the baby she longs for, she believes it will be a simple plan. What could go wrong? Maybe her plan isn’t conventional and people in her small town will talk, but it’s her life, not theirs. She doesn’t take into consideration how many people’s feelings will be affected, if it would ruin her friendship with Kurt, how much he would want to be involved, and how she can still make her dream to leave Coyote Canyon come true. There are also her sister’s feelings to take into consideration since she dated Kurt briefly in the past. It’s too late to reconsider now. She’ll just have to suffer the consequences and hope for the best.

I loved this story! When Jane was explaining her situation to her grandfather during one of his better times, the conversation between the two of them brought tears to my eyes.

I would love to see this series continue. I would love to see what the future holds for Kate, Averil, and Charlie, and maybe Kurt’s single brothers.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Coyote Canyon is such an inviting small town and I have loved the stories of those who live within it. This book had me riding a roller coaster of emotions from cheering characters on to being incredibly annoyed with some as well. It’s always nice when you can read a book that even the side characters elicit some kind of response.

Wonderful read, I couldn’t put it down once I started.

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The Messy Life of Jane Turner is part of the Coyote Canyon series but I believe can be read as a stand alone.
Jane takes care of her grandfather and wants more. Jane wants to leave the town she grew up in and also wants a baby. You will love Jane and Kurt’s story, their ups and downs and their slow burn romance. Thank you to NetGalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing MIRA for the E-ARC. This is my own opinion.

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Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for this book.

This book is the final book in a three part series, but can easily be read as a stand alone novel.

I love Brenda Novak books. This series. In my opinion, is one of her best. Such a beautiful small town romance between Jane and Kurt.

The book is full of drama. Jane's friends are champions in supporting her dreams. I love Kurt and his devotion to Jane. All the characters are amazing.

Jane's Grandfather, suffering from dementia tugged at my heart. This part of the story brought me to tears.

Hoping to perhaps see a spin off from this series.


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This is the final book in the Canyon Cove series. Jane Turner so wants a baby but has no special man in her life so she plots how she can get one. Living in a small town you can’t keep anything a secret and everybody knows your business. The book is filled with joy and heartache, and people feeling betrayed
It was a very fun story that kept me totally engaged in the book

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“The Messy Life of Jane Tanner” by Brenda Novak is the third in the Coyote Canyon series. I hadn’t read the other two books, but I don’t think that made much of a difference—it could be read as a stand-alone. As the title suggests, Jane’s life is quite messy. Jane is determined to do what it takes to get what she wants most in the world. At the moment, her life is on hold—she can’t do much while caring for her grandfather who has dementia. But her budding and complicated friendship with Kurt is rapidly heading in a direction that will have permanent consequences. But will this be the best for everyone? I can’t say I loved this book 100%--some of the characters were rather unlikable for me. But the story had plenty of twists and turns in it to keep me going.

Thank you Net Galley and Harlequin Trade Publishing for an ARC of this book. My opinions are my own.

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The Messy Life of Jane Tanner by Brenda Novak ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Definitely can't go wrong with a Brenda Novak book. This is Book 3 and the final in the the Coyote Canyon Series. Although its stand alone, I prefer to read them in order. All characters connect together.

This book is about Jane and she wants what all her friends have, a happy ending and a baby. Come along on her journey to find her happily ever after, if thing line up. Will she find a love, does she get her baby? Pre-order your copy today, this book releases Feb 20th.

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Any book by Brenda Novak, is an auto-buy/read for me. She is the queen of romance and I love her small town books. Amazing writing, plot and characters that leave you wanting more. Highly recommend and can't wait for the next one!

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The third installment in the Coyote Canyon series follows Tallulah and Ellen's friend, Jane, as she embarks on her unconventional quest for a baby, and a closer peek into Averil's character is also revealed. Will it be for further revenge or will Averil seek redemption? As Jane's story unfolds, her "messy life" draws the reader deeper into the family and friendships of this small town in Montana. Truly recommended for fans of the latest series from Author Brenda Novak!

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Drama and love go hand-in-hand in the third installment of Brenda Novak's Coyote Canyon series! I love this group of strong natured women who have forged a caring friendship as life delivers happiness to all in this small Montana town. It's nice to see the couple's from the past two books playing a strong part in carrying on the set up of the town. I felt like the development of Jane and Kurt's relationship lacked development once they truly decided to be together, but I enjoyed them as a whole throughout the story. I'm hoping to see more in the series down the road, because we all know redeeming Averil and Charlie for a couple more books could add some true challenge and drama into the mix.

I recommend this book as well as the rest of the series to anyone who enjoys a small town romance filled with a strong support system of family and friends as drama surrounds the current couple trying to weave their way towards a satisfying happily ever after.

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