Cover Image: The Life and Death of Rose Doucette

The Life and Death of Rose Doucette

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The Life and Death of Rose Doucette is a fast paced, edge of your seat, keep you hooked till the last page thriller.

I would absolutely recommend this book to anyone who loves true crime.

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It's been a while since I last read such an electrifying thriller; thank you for sharing this ARC!
I could list many more, but I'll stick to five reasons why "The Life and Death of Rose Deucette" is going to be a tremendous success:

1- The suspense is created in the first chapter. This catches the reader's attention and instigates them to keep going
2- Since Rose dies right at the beginning of the story, you instinctively CANNOT stop until you find out who did it
3- It's impossible to not empathize with Dylan, Mia, and even Tito, in my humble opinion
4- It felt like I was watching a movie - I would shout at them or curse aloud, and I also laughed out loud on many occasions, but neither reaction came from corny or cliche moments
5- The plot twist right before the end - even though I had figured it out, there was a final twist I wasn't expecting.

Now, since nothing is perfect (or so people say), I have a single comment about the ARC:

1- I started to notice some editing mistakes/errors towards the end of the book, only

Looking forward to reading more of Dylan (and of Harry Hunsicker, of course!).

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Rose Doucette has been murdered and her ex-husband is bound to find out. He has to or he will be found guilty of the crime. What was Rose hiding about her past? Her new husband has to work with her ex-husband to unravel this mystery before time runs out. This book was non-stop action and a very fast read. It kept me guessing until the very end about whodunit.

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I enjoyed this book. I read it very quickly. This story could have gotten very muddy. There are a lot of characters and it deals with some things that happened in the past. However, I think the author provides enough info that you understand what happened and is happening without going overboard or leaving you with a bunch of questions. I would recommend the book and look forward to reading more from this author.

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This story follows Dylan Fisher as he tries to solve the murder of his ex-wife, Rose. The story starts very slow and it was hard to get into the story, but the action picks up around chapter 6. There were several twists in the book that I did not see coming and kept me entertained. I liked the ending and would recommend to those who like mysteries and thrillers.

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I could not put this book down. I did not see the ending coming and I loved every moment of this story. I now will be looking into more books by this author.

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This book has a noir feeling to it. Dylan’s voice was very Sam Spade.
Two men who love the same woman, one her former husband and one her currant husband, team up to solve her murder.

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Wow! This story really grabbed my attention from the beginning and gripped me. It was fast paced and thrilling. I will be recommending this book to others.

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Dallas private investigator Dylan Fisher hasn' t seen his ex-wife, Rose, in three years— which is why he' s surprised when she asks him to meet her at a hotel. Rose Doucette is a homicide detective, and she wants Dylan' s help with a murder investigation that she' s been asked to step back from but can' t seem to let go. They review the details of the case and part ways— but as Rose is leaving the parking lot, Dylan sees a suspicious car begin to follow her. Feeling uneasy, he tails the car and tries to warn Rose, but he' s too late— the driver of the car shoots her, killing her instantly, before speeding away. The police are determined to pin the murder on Dylan, so he' s left with no choice but to find the killer himself.

I have not read this author before but I will now look for more books by Harry Hunsicker as I really enjoyed this. book which grabbed my attention from the beginning and held it throughout. The chapters are short which I personally like and being presented like this it is a case of just reading one more chapter which generally means you read ten more if you are anything like me. I enjoyed meeting and getting to know Dylan and the supporting cast such as Toto all of whom create a great base for the plot which moves fast and keeps you engaged.

The book has a great storyline with many twists, turns, and surprises and provides the reader with all you need to make a great mystery. I hope that in the future we get to see Dylan at work again, I definitely will be looking out for more books that will allow me to get to know him even more. A very solid read.

Thank you to Netgalley, the author and publisher for an advanced copy of the book, all opinions are my own.

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This book was a whirlwind of an adventure with elements of action, mystery, murder, revenge, and plot twists.The Life and Death of Rose Doucette centers Dylan Fisher a PI who meets up with his ex-wife one day and is framed with her murder. Along the story there are multiple twists and turns that keep the reader engaged.

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this book was a ride of plot twists and surprising revelations. you follow a man (Dylan) trying to uncover the "who, what, where, when, and why" that is behind the hit that took the life of his ex-wife (Rose), which he is also unfortunately being accused of doing all because he was a witness. he does his best to stay clear headed and clear his name while silently navigating his grief. meanwhile, he himself becomes a target for merely seeking answers.

the author's writing style is easy to follow along and does a good job of painting the picture of what the main character sees and feels, including the city that is Dallas and its surroundings. you feel completely intrigued and enveloped by Dylan's journey. i devoured this book, eager to find out what happens next and to see the main character uncover new information along the way. the last few chapters blew my mind and the ending was nicely done. if you enjoy a good mystery, crime, private investigator, thriller, etc... then you'll enjoy this.

there are trigger warnings for the mentions of su*cide and assault, so those who may be triggered by sensitive topics should prioritize their mental health should it be an issue.

thank you to NetGalley and Oceanview Publishing for allowing me the opportunity to read this book. i received this book as an ARC and leave this review voluntarily.

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Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for this eARC.

An enjoyable and clever (albeit sad) mystery about a good guy (retired cop, a PI) unwilling to give up when it comes to uncovering the mysteries and secrets in his ex-wife's past and the reason why she was murdered. As the past is uncovered, a tenacious private investigator unveils numerous crimes and sins (which almost the entire local police force seems invested in keeping hidden, denying justice).

At the end of the book is a study guide, this would make a wonderful book for a book group, with great ideas included regarding discussion points.

I hope to read more police procedurals from this author.

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This was a wonderful mystery that was fast paced and kept me engaged throughout! I enjoyed the characters and I felt it was written well with great payoff. I will recommend this to other readers of mysteries as an enjoyable read.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher of this book for allowing me to read and review this title. I absoultely loved this book! I read it in almost one sitting. It started out with a bang, evolved into a twisty mystery. The characters were well developed. I would highly recommend this book to anyone looking for a excellent mystery.

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The Life and Death of Rose Doucette centers Dylan Fisher a PI who meets up with his ex-wife one day and is framed with her murder. Along the story there are multiple twists and turns that keep the reader engaged.

I thought that from the beginning the novel was fast paced which I thoroughly enjoyed seeing as it didn't require much effort on my part to stay interested. Overall, the book had great components that made it worth reading. It just needs some minor changes when it comes to the editing :).

Would recommend to a friend !!

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Thank you NetGalley for the eARC and Oceanview Publishing for allowing me to read this before the release date. I absolutely loved this book. This book had me at the edge of my seat with every page. I couldn’t put the book down, it’s everything you want in a thriller book. Twists and turns, cliffhangers, and a good ending. Very fast paced book and keeps you engaged the entire time. One of my favorite reads of 2023. 5/5 stars.

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Firstly, I just want to give a thank you to NetGalley and Oceanview Publishing for giving me the opportunity to read and review this book prior to its release in October of 2024.

The Life and Death of Rose Doucette is a difficult-to-put-down, page-turning read.
Set in and around Dallas, Texas, Private Investigator Dylan Fisher is invited by his ex-wife, Sergeant Rose Doucette, to meet at a hotel. Unbeknownst to either of them, life was about to pull a dirty stop and take off bucking.
Author Harry Hunsicker did a phenomenal job at keeping my attention while not being overwhelming, making this book perfectly paced with twists and turns happening the whole way through.
Having lived in Dallas for many years, I really appreciate the vivid picture that the author paints with his words. I was able to picture exactly where Dylan was standing to the point I would wonder "What movie was that from?" when I wasn't reading this book.

Overall, it was a really good read that I knocked out over the course of two days, and I can't wait to read more by Harry Hunsicker!

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3.5 to 3.75. A bit slow at points especially near the beginning, but an engrossing crime noir. Thanks for the arc!

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The Life and Death of Rose Doucette by Harry Hunsicker was an okay read for me. It was not my favorite book that I've read this year. It was hard to get into.

Rose asks her ex-husband Dylan for help and then ends up being killed right after they meet. Dylan is accused of killing her, and he sets out to find out who really did and what she was investigating.

Rose has a secret that Dylan eventually uncovers.

Definite dysfunction in the relationships and with the characters, and a divide in the justice system between those who have and those who have not.

The Life and Death of Rose Doucette was an interesting story, but sometimes a bit implausible events occurred.

#TheLifeandDeathofRoseDoucette #NetGalley @oceanviewpub

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Thank you to Netgalley for the Advanced Reader Copy (ARC) of this book in exchange for a review/feedback.

The life and Death of Rose Doucette is a novel that follows Dylan Fisher who one day gets a call from his ex wife asking him to meet her. The story is as the title and blurb says with some twists and turns along the way.

They say don’t judge a book by its cover but in this case, I did before I read the blurb/description. I would say the cover is stunning and the blurbs/summary had sold it for me to start reading. Thankfully the story does pick up during the sixth chapter, in which case the narrative started to form cohesively and made me read without much effort to push myself for the sake of reading. I would say it has a great base and storyline that was lovely to read although I did have some things to say about it to which I will touch base below.

With that being said, there were components that I felt either needed work or I wasn’t a big fan of. Please note with some of these things, I’m not sure if it was how the book is meant to be or if it was the kindle version I had received as other works didn’t have these issues that I had with this book.

Beginning with the first few chapters, which were, in my opinion, had too slow of a pace. The story did not pick up until the sixth chapter and I was getting more invested over time, but I would have appreciated it if the main clause of the story was expedited to prior chapters. I also felt like the dialogue was occupying the page 90% of the time, with what little descriptions of the scenes leaving me wanting more but not getting any, making the experience less immersive.

Overall, this book is a well put together mystery/thriller book with intriguing components that could easily become a great book with more editing and fixes. The above is my personal opinion upon reading the book so take it with a pinch of salt.”

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