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Which Brings Me To You

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This book starts off fun with a silly premise that quickly grabbed my interest, and then fizzled quickly. The two characters hook up at a wedding, realize they might actually have some chemistry, and so agree to stop making out and write letters instead. From there we have them trying to get to know each other, which turns into a long winded replay of every relationship they had from beginning to now, showing the ones who hurt them, and the ones they hurt. The problem come in that I don't care about their past relationships. It was a boring biography I didn't ask for. I think this would play out in movie form really well, but on the page fell extremely flat.

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Thank you for the review edition.

I found the premise of this book interesting, but ultimately it felt a bit awkward and fell short for me. I did laugh out loud at times and did also find much of it to be quite "real" which I appreciated.

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I began this one on audio, but found this one wasn't for me. This story is told primarily in letters, and just couldn't connect with the characters and wasn't able to hold my attention. This way it is written, I believe it will make a great movie.

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I have not seen the movie yet but the book was wonderful!
I listened to the audiobook, read by the co-authors, Steve Almond and Julianna Baggott, and it was a delight.
It is funny, thoughtful, and soul crushing at times.
Two 30-ish people meet and feel the pull, but instead of getting into a fling - something that did not work for them in the past with various other people, they decide to confess all their heartbreaks and secrets to each other in letters first, before considering a new romance.
The letter format works perfectly - especially when read in two voices.
John and Jane end up confessing about much more than just the past relationships and we learn about their families, childhoods, and careers. The stories they tell each other are fascinating, the rhythm of the story is well paced, and both of their voices are strong and likable.
I really enjoyed the book. Without having too much plot situated in the present, it gives us a story of two lives - both full and interesting, and uniquely messed up. I am looking forward to seeing the movie!

Thank you, NetGalley and Blackstone publishing for the ARC. (It was suggested to me after the publishing date, I requested it and miraculously received it!)

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Which Brings Me to You by Steve Almond, Julianna Baggott is a good fit for those seeking a heartwarming and introspective exploration of love, relationships, and personal growth.

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I asked to read this because it was supposed to be funny. It's not funny. Two people with no real self-awareness decide to write letters to each other to see if they really like each other... With all the endless details about their sex lives, did we really learn anything important about them? And they were unlikeable and uninteresting.
Thanks to NetGalley for letting me listen to this audiobook. Both the narrators did a good job with the material.

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This one started out good but I lost interest after the first few chapters - I don't feel that it was badly written, I just didn't really connect with the characters.

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Thank you to the publishers, author and NetGalley for the free copy of this audio book.

I'm split on my thoughts on this one! It was an enjoyable read over all but it was a bit slow. The letters were interesting but I'm not sure I loved it. The narrators were great though!

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This just didn’t do it for me, which is really unfortunate. I wanted to love it so bad (the premise is great), but it just didn’t work for me.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Blackstone Publishing - Audiobooks, for an audio copy in exchange for an honest review.

Jane and John meet and start to hookup at a wedding where they are bored and looking for some excitement, but at the last moment decide to wait. They decided to start writing explicit letters to each other about their previous sex lives in an attempt to connect. It is told from the POV of both main characters but I think I hated this book about 5% in. They characters are vapid and dull with overt sex as their only connection. I finished it for the sake of the review but do not recommend it. I think I will pass on the movie as well. I had the audio version read by Kerby Heyborne and Renee Raudman who I also did not particularly care for. Don't waste your time.

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I did not finish this audiobook. I found that the books pacing was very slow. I did not find the characters likable. I thought that their letters back and forth, while giving each other a glimpse into their past relationships, didn’t provide enough excitement and they tended to just blur into one another. Nothing was exciting enough to keep me interested, and I found myself tuning out a lot.

Thanks for the opportunity! This book just wasn’t for me unfortunately.

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An interesting premise but predictable and it dragged on a bit. I lost interest about halfway through but forced myself to finish it. Initially I was intrigued by the letter writing concept but it fell flat. I didn’t like the characters and the romance felt forced…cringey, almost. Overall, not for me.

2.8 stars rounded up to 3.

Thank you to NetGalley and Blackstone Publishing for the ARC.

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I absolutely love this. I finished this in two sitting as the characters were mesmerizing. They kept me hooked till the very end of it and the writing is so beautiful, I a absolutely love it.

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I really enjoyed this unique take on a romance story. To me, the audiobook is better than the movie, (isn’t it always?) because I much prefer the lure of the penned romanticism over throwing it together in a road trip; much more heart that way. The narrators, I felt were good at making you forget they were not those characters, if that makes sense. They submerged you into their story with a fever and you just had to believe everything they said was true. Definitely recommend!

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I wanted to read this book (or I guess listen to it) because I'd heard about the movie and was interested in watching it. (It helped that Nat Wolff and Lucy Hale were the leads too). I don't have much to say about this book because while I can't say I hated it, I didn't particularly like it either. A lot of the confessions felt like they were meant to be funny but all the jokes just fell flat for me. I also didn't particularly care for either character and found it odd that they were called John and Jane. Were they named that because we were meant to put ourselves in "John Doe" and "Jane Doe's" shoes? If we were... it didn't work for me. The story felt like just a long stream of consciousness from two different people and I didn't like it. There were so many tangents in each of their letter confessions that I sometimes forgot what they were initially trying to talk about. It also astounded me that anyone could write a letter so long. I know it was all in the name of story but it made it hard to pause the story and then jump back into it later when I was in the middle of John or Jane's thoughts.
Overall it was an okay read but not something I'd ever buy for myself.

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I really enjoyed the first 90% of this book. I didn't have a good understanding of the premise besides the movie preview so it was definitely not what I was expecting, in a good way. I liked the witty dialogue and using the letters as the vessel. My issue came with when they meet and actually interact, it felt like something about them fell apart and became cringey.

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I was very excited to listen to this book after seeing the movie previews. However, the story fell a bit short of my expectations. The narrators kept me entertained the entire story and the unique way that each character's stories were told through letters was intriguing. But I did find myself asking what just happened during any given letter. It seemed like the story was built on the shock factor and trying to have one character one up the other the whole time. I did not feel a major connection between these two characters and their time together felt strained and traumabonded.
I did find their stories individually to be entertaining, but when the two main characters were together I did not have the same interest.

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i absolutely loved jane and will! their conversations and banter and undercover flirting had me hooked from the very beginning!

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𝚁𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐: 3.5⭐️
𝙶𝚎𝚗𝚛𝚎: romance📚

𝙼𝚢 𝚃𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚜:
A fun and enjoyable romance that fell a little short for me.

𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍 𝚒𝚏 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎:
Romantic comedies
Character driven plots
Friends to lovers
Realistic romance

𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜 𝙸 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎𝚍:
The letters were fun

𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜 𝙸 𝚍𝚒𝚍𝚗’𝚝 𝚌𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚏𝚘𝚛:
Its a little predictable
The romance felt a little forced
I feel like not much really happened

I enjoyed the narration, It really helped the story flow and made listening to the letters more fun

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this one was just okay for me. i thought i would love it but the story didn’t captivate me. i would still probably watch the movie as i think it would do well in a condensed version.

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