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Sincerely, The Duke

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This was an entertaining, well-written book. It was fun, steamy and held my interest. I enjoyed this book and look forward to reading more books by this author.

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Sincerely, The Duke is the second book in the Say I Do series. This book is a real slow burner. The beginning is slower than I expect from this author but the ending was stronger. Edwina Fine is in London to search for husband to uphold her promise to her father. Red headed and green eyed and one of the only set of triplets known to survive, superstition has plagued her and her sisters’ lives. A letter of proposal from a Duke seems the answer to her prayers if she can keep her birth a secret. Rick, Duke of Stonerick is afflicted by a mysterious fever (clearly malaria) and fears for his life. Needing an heir, Rick picks a name from a list in a drunken stupor and sends off a proposal. Lust at first sight gives Rick and Edwina more to build a marriage on than most marriages of convenience. In a slow drawn out engagement, Rick and Edwina find love and begin the pursuit of finding husbands for her sisters. Their secrets cause predictable problems but love wins out for a much needed HEA. I enjoyed the characters but I wished the story moved faster. I would read the next in the series when it comes out even though this one wasn’t as strong as the first. My voluntary, unbiased, and non-mandatory review is based upon a review copy from NetGalley.

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I really like the characters in this series. Rick and Edwina don't know they have been waiting for each other, but when they meet, it seems they have both found a home. Rick is pretty much a loner, except for a few good friends. He has his pursuits that keeps him busy, but he likes his alone time. He has been getting a terrible fever that has him concerned, and when his mother is on him about getting married, he just picks a name off a list and sends her a note. Edwina is a triplet. A very rare occurrence and some people think it is a bad omen. Add to it that they all have red hair and green eyes, their father decided to keep them hidden away from society. Now their father is gone, and it is up to Edwina to see that she and her sisters get married and are accepted into society. When Rick's proposal comes in the mail, Edwina thinks it is a sign and goes to meet her intended. Rick is immediately smitten but doesn't really remember asking her to marry him. He has decided that he should marry soon because of his fevers and promises Edwina he will take care of her and her sisters. Will society find out they are triplets and if they do, will they be accepted? Will Rick and Edwina find love?

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Historical Romances always make me so happy. I enjoy the stories so much. I love all the men and women in the books. I loved this one too, It was a great story. The heroine has a secret and must marry before it comes out.

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Final Score - 4.5 Stars!

Since I received the first book of the series via Netgalley, I was extremely happy to have been approved to to receive this one as well. I love reading a good series! This one totally lived up to 1st book.

This is the second book in the Say I Do series and centers on Roderick Cosworth, the Duke of Stonerick, or Rick as he is known. He's determined to marry by running his finger along a list of potential brides given to him by his mother. Huh? Oh Rick ... you lazy boy! He definitely met his match in Edwina Fine. Not only is shocked when she receives a proposal by mail from a Duke, but then she follows thru on the engagement. Again, HUH? Who are these people?! Her reasons are heart tugging (as she's fulfilling her father's dying wish).

The story develops a bit slow for me, but catches up in pace toward the middle to the end. I adored it. Rick and Edwina killed it with their magnetic attraction, but what sold them as a couple was taking the time to learn about each other's likes and good qualities, but keeping those secrets! Match made in heaven.

I can't wait for Hurst's story next!

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Roderick "Rick" Cosworth, the Duke of Stonerick enjoys his bachelor style of living. If it weren't for the headaches he keeps getting, he would continue life just the way it is....except his mother wants an heir so their family doesn't lose the dukedom. When Rick's mother presents him with a list of eligible ladies of the ton, he sarcasticly picks out a name blindly...Miss Edwina Fine, and even writes a letter asking for hand in marriage. Unbeknownst to Rick, the letter gets mailed and soon Miss Fine along with her Aunt Pauline are knocking on his door. Edwina thinks the Duke's proposal is the answer to her prayers. She just doesn't know if the letter is real or someone playing a joke on her. When the Duke acknowleges the letter is his signature but he's not sure how the letter was made, he decides to honor the offer anyways. Something about Edwina sparks his curiosity. Edwina says she will agree to his offer, only if he agrees to help her find suitable men for both of her sisters, Eileen and Eleonora. What Rick doesn't know is that the sisters are actually triplets!

Married life is going well and soon Rick realizes that his marriage of convenience may actually be more of a real marriage. Just when it seems that life is going perfectly, the past comes back to haunt Rick and Edwina. Everything explodes, but in the end these two do find their happy ever after.

I really enjoyed this marriage of convenience story. I just adored Edwina. She was a feisty little thing. I loved how she brought out a better side to Rick. It was fun to watch Rick come to the realization that Edwina was perfect for him. This book was a fun addition to this enjoyable series.

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Such a fun book! I loved how the Duke proposed and that Edwina is part of triplets. They were both things I've not encountered in a historical romance before and they added unique layers to the story. I enjoy books where there are secrets between the couple because I'm anticipating what will occur when those secrets are revealed so that was great to read as well. All the characters were very entertaining. I am looking forward to the next book in the series.

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I enjoyed the story of Edwina Fine and Rick, the Duke of Stonerick. They meet after Rick, tired of his mother's frequent attempts to encourage him to marry, pens a proposal note to Edwina after he randomly chooses her name on a list his mother's secretary had drawn up. Edwina and her aunt, Pauline arrive at Rick's doorstep to question the authenticity of the proposal she received. After they decide to go through with the marriage, Rick agrees to assist Edwina in finding grooms for her two older siblings. Sincerely, the Duke is a fantastic read of finding love and developing trust when both Edwina and Rick have never had much experience with it. The storyline was well written, clever and original.

I received an ARC from NetGalley and I am voluntarily leaving a response.

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Really enjoyed this historical romance. It was interesting for Edwina to be a triplet and how this was not common during this time period. Also them having red hair and green eyes being thought of as not ideal was crazy. Edwina is a plucky heroine with a lot of grit and spunk. She is determined to go through with her oath to her father and see that she and her sisters are married by the end of the Season and accepted by society. She gets an unexpected chance when she receives a marriage proposal from the Duke of Stonerick. She goes to his house to make sure the proposal is real and the rest of their story is well worth the read. Highly recommend this one!

Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for advanced copy, and I give my review freely

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Another great book in the “Say I Do” series. This book centers on Roderick, the Duke of Stonerick, who has been experiencing recent ill moments that have him caving to the long-standing demands of his mother to marry ( although I’m sure she never expected him to choose a bride in such a way). After receiving the strangest marriage request by someone she’s never met, and a Duke no less, Edwina decides to take matters in her own hands to verify the truth of the situation. Their initial meet is not quite what either expected, but their attraction to each other is almost instantaneous and not wholly due to appearance. Unfortunately, both are keeping secrets which could have this romance fizzling before in starts. This is a nice, sweet, historical romance with plenty of humor thrown in ( I can’t decide if my favorite anecdote is the dowager duchess’s reading selection or the advice from the maid for Edwina). For those who’ve read book one (which is not necessary to enjoy this book but I do recommend), you’ll be happy to note there are many familiar characters. I consider this to be a soft romance with plenty of attraction between the leads but more funny moments that steamy bedroom scenes, and with many lovable characters, not limited to the main two. My only complaint is that the end seemed a bit rushed, although the epilogue was great. Thank you to the author, St Martin’s publishing and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this book. All thoughts are my own. 4.5 stars

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Edwina and Rick married under unusual circumstances. And they continue to hide something from each other, regardless of their growing love for one another. The secondary characters are also important to the story. I found the book to be just so so.

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This was a cute and funny book by one of my favorite authors. Ms Grey has written a hit with this one. Even though it's part of a series, it can be read as a stand alone. The characters are fully developed with thoughts and feelings of their own. I really enjoyed this witty and sensual book. It had me at first chapter and never let go.
Rick, the Duke of Stonerick, is a man who likes his life which includes his friends and doing manly things. But his mama is haranguing him to pick a bride so he picks one. He then forgets about it until one day a woman arrives with a letter accepting his proposal.
Edwina Fine is a woman who will go to great lengths to honor her father's dying wish. She wants to do the right thing so her family can be secure in their futures. She is one of the triplets, but doesn't tell the Duke right away.
Rick and Edwina start a marriage of convenience, they learn how to accept each other without issues of the past. Their attraction between these two is real and turns to love that was meant to be.
I appreciate Net Galley for this ARC title in which I gave an honest review.

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Absolutely loved this story! It is entertaining, engaging, well written, witty, and a heart warming romance!

There is so much going on in this story that I adored, the secrets and the superstitions regarding these three sisters were just so cleverly done that it kept a smile on my face. The wedding night information that the heroine received from her chamber maid was definitely entertaining as well.

But mostly it is the main characters that kept me glued to the pages. My heart would take flight each time these two were in a scene together. Their bantering so charming and their allure for one another breathtaking. I was pulled in immediately and never wanted it to end.

This is Rick, Duke of Stonerick and Miss Edwina Fine’s journey and I loved every moment of it. If you are a fan of historical romance then this is the book for you!

I received an early copy and this is my honest review.

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Red headed triplets! Shall the ton be shocked?

An interesting plot. Three sisters, triplets, all with red hair and green eyes. The eldest, Edwin, had promised her dying her father to have her sisters introduced to society and married.
Meanwhile up in London, Roderick Cosworth, the Duke of Stonerick, (Rick to his friends) promises his mother to finally marry and beget an heir. He chooses a name from his mother’s list of eligible parties. Yes, one Edwina Fine. The duke who’s nearly insensible with a fever on this occasion totters off and forgets all about that decision.
That is, until his peace and quiet is shattered by a disturbance in the entryway between a feisty red headed lady and his butler.
It’s his intended Fiona, paying a call to see if the offer is a hoax or true.
Rick as you can imagine has forgotten all about what happened with his mother. What with having been struck down by this mysterious recurring fever for a time. Looking at the note Edwina produces he recognizes his writing, and after some thought, declares it’s all above board.
Edwina informs him of her stipulations for the marriage. She wants her two sisters to attend the coming London season. She neglects to say they are triplets. (Due to fears about superstitions and rumours that infect society’s thinking)
The Dowager Duchess has been reading about the veracity of superstitions (all very negative) at her ladies meeting. She’s perturbed enough about the red hair and green eyes. Triplets might be a step too far. That point is not mentioned.
It just seemed to me that what might have been an intriguing plot was sidetracked by inanities, Edwina’s over bearing stubbornness, and a disappointing chemistry between the two main characters. The zing just wasn’t there.
I actually like the Duke better than Edwina. I appreciated how he handled her sister Eileen, even though he was suffering the dratted fever that persisted, and Edwina thought he’d drunk too much brandy. I shake my head!!
Still Edwina and Rick resolve the challenges between them and move on to have their HEA.

A St. Martin’s Press ARC via NetGalley.
Many thanks to the author and publisher.
(Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.)

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Rick, Duke of Stonerick needs an heir. When his mother presents him with a list of viable women that will be new to the season. He drunkenly chooses one and writes a proposal. He is more than surprised when Miss Edwina Fine arrives at his home the following week to accept his offer. She has some conditions of her own, including helping her two sisters find husbands. Rick feels up to the job. Turns out they are triplets, which causes concern for the superstitious.

First, I want to commend St. Martin’s books for the beautiful cover. This is the second in the Say I Do series, and both times it was the covers that caught my attention. The story is perfectly fine for a historical romance. Some of the humor comes from her being very naive. She takes advice from the maid for the wedding night to lay there and endure. The idea of the rarity of triplets is interesting. And I like the appearance of the previous couple in the series as friends of the Duke. But after two books by Grey I think her writing style is not for me. I prefer stronger heroines and more descriptive, less flowery wording in intimate situations. Also the Duke is already forgettable as nothing unique stands out to me about him. Grey is an established author so I think this is a personal preference issue and shouldn’t keep others from enjoying her books and writing style.

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I was lucky enough to receive an ARC of this book and I thoroughly enjoyed it! I love Edwina’s strong personality and love for her family. Rick’s gruffness paired with his loving ability to care for his friends and family is a great juxtaposition. I enjoyed the premise of them both needing a spouse for their own reasons, fate brining them together, and trust being an issue to overcome. Plus, the superstition about triplets and women with red hair and green eyes were a fun touch. I thoroughly enjoyed watching Edwina and Rick fall in love, the cast of characters surrounding them with their own quirks and desires, and the foray of the Fine sisters entering London society. A lovely read—my first from the author—definitely want to go back and read the first in the series and more!

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Miss Edwina Fine is desperate to hide her secret but still find a husband, so when she gets a letter proposing marriage from the Duke of Stonerick, she immediately accepts. Will his illness cause her to leave? Will her secret cause him to leave? I loved finding out while reading. Edwina is a strong woman, regardless have having red hair, green eyes and being a triplet. It's amusing the things people believed back in the day. She is determined to honor her fathers last wishes and make sure they are married, maybe we'll find out if they find someone in the next book? Great read and I can't wait to see who gets the next story.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. This review is based on an ARC from NetGalley, courtesy of the publisher.

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They each have a reason to wed....

A marriage between two people who never met. Rick, a privileged duke who is used to people bowing and scraping and doing exactly what he wants, has decided to finally wed. He makes two of his best decisions when he is feverish and under the influence of brandy. The first? He picks a name off his mama's list of debs because he is feverish with a malady we all recognize today, but he doesn't know what it is. At thirty, its time to produce an heir and stop dallying with his numerous mistresses, actresses and opera singers. Its a wonder he isn't suffering from an STI/STD. It is also a transactional relationship where he holds all the money and power. These women are pretty much prostitutes or don't have the means to refuse. Anyway, he scribbles a proposal to a Miss Edwina Fine, sight unseen.

Enter Edwina Fine. She, too needs to wed, post haste. She has a secret. Well, two really. She is one of triplets. There is much conjecture around triplets in that time frame. She also is militant about keeping an oath to her father to see her two sisters wed. I really did like the triplet angle. That was fresh. For the most part, I liked Edwina. She had back bone.

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This was a fun entry into the crowded Regency duke must marry genre. The main characters both had some flaws that added character depth. I would have liked to know more about the side character's stories, but I assume that is coming in future books in the series. Also, I could have wished the lone steamy scene to be a little steamier after so much building towards it, but it's probably just right for some readers.

Thank you to the publishers and NetGalley for the opportunity to review a temporary digital ARC in exchange for an unbiased review.

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**Thank you to Amelia Grey, St. Martin's Press and NetGalley for sending me an ARC of Sincerely, The Duke in exchange for an honest review!!**
I loved this book!! Honestly, Historical romances are a really hard area to nail and this book was perfect. There was just the right amount of explanation needed for context in the historical era. I really enjoyed the relationship between Rick and Edwina. Her reactions and fears are totally understandable when it comes to the naivete that she would have as a woman during that time period. I also really loved her sisters and hope there may be another book about at least one of her sisters! I enjoyed Rick mainly because of his no-nonsense attitude and I think others will enjoy him as well. I really liked the reasoning behind Rick getting her sisters to come to town and I liked the kind of slapstick feel this book had. I have already read the book before this in the series and I also really enjoyed that novel. I highly recommend this series and look forward to reading more books by this author!!

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