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Work It Out

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I really wanted to like this book, but I could never get into it. The characters were a bit quirky which I like but it was a struggle to connect with them and I ultimately found myself unable to finish reading it.

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I find that sometimes, you just night a light fun romance, that you can easily read in a quiet afternoon chilling at home. And it started that way. I think I read the first half really quickly, and while I did enjoy the book, I did find that the second half was quite packed and there were just a few too many things happening. And because of that, the ending became a little rushed.
Still, I did enjoy the book. It was fun, it made me laugh and I was definitely rooting for Rayah and Jake. They both had their own struggles, and their own side story beside just their blooming romance. It was interesting to see Jake and his struggle with POTS, and just seeing that being represented in the media (books, tv). And to see Rayah have her own struggle with her business and all.
Overall, I enjoyed it. It was fun and all. Still, I do think that the first half was more enjoyable than the second half, so if you do find yourself struggling with getting into the story, this might just not be for you. Still, I do want to see more from Eva Siedler, and I do look forward to reading her next book.

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I received this book as an ARC from Netgalley for my honest review! Thank you Netgalley!

This was a perfectly cute romcom. Elite gym resort ownere and b list star trying to buff up to hopefully get cast in his dream superhero role????? Super cute! I wasn't expecting the side plot of The Hunt! I laughed so hard at the back story for it! What a funny bunch! It definitely is a very easy romcom though. You can turn your brain off and let the story take you on a cute, funny little trip. OH! I also appreciated the POTS representation! Especially since it's the big movie star that has it! Although it was a little much how much it went on trying to hide his POTS. Any good personal trainer would take it as accommodations you need. But I do understand he was on a time crunch and didn't want someone to tell him to slow down or whatever. Still, a fun time.

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There's a trend that seems to be occurring more often in new books and that's where authors weave disabilities and real-world ailments/diseases into their characters' lives and backgrounds. When authors like Eva Siedler do it right, where the illness/disability is just another aspect of who the character is instead of being "who they are", it makes the story so much more enjoyable.

Siedler brings readers a very likeable MMC who just so happens to be a famous actor who also just happens to have an illness that can be managed, but has no cure. Obviously, this illness plays into the trope of secret keeping where the MMC's fear of the repercussions of revealing it leads to many questionable decisions and even causes more problems throughout. While I would have liked to see a more mature acting FMC, when we learn of her history, her almost stunted maturity in some moments makes more sense, while her other more overly mature choices in life also make more sense.

Work It Out and it's characters grabbed hold of me and wouldn't let me walk away - I finished this book in just a few hours. Jake and Rayah have just the right push/pull chemistry to keep you believing their story. The side characters also really drag you into the story - they're not one-dimensional plot pushers, they have stories of their own that I hope Siedler plans to expand on because this reader really wants to know more about their lives and see them find their happy endings.

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NetGalley Review -- my rating 3/5

"Work It Out" by Eva Siedler takes place in Bigbone, Arizona...a small town with a funny name. Jake comes back home to get into shape for the shot at becoming Hollywood's next superhero. His best friend, Pierce, just happens to be a trainer at the biggest complex in the region owned by Rayah, ex-gymnast and fitness fanatic. So many storylines to follow but it has great bones!

While I enjoyed the idea of this one, there was potentially TOO many storylines to follow. A few things could've been flushed out more and a couple of characters could've been removed completely and it wouldn't have hurt the story at all.

Overall, it's good. I thought it was funny at times. If you need something lighthearted, go for it! "Work It Out" is out TODAY!

#workitout #netgalley #enchantedpublishing #arc

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Work it Out by Eva Siedler


I found this story to have such a fun set of relatable characters and I loved how close the entire community seemed to be. Rayan was a strong character in appearance but she had her share of struggles we learn. While Jake we find immediately has current struggles that affect him physically and mentally. I think that through these barriers they were able to share their struggles and grow together. Such a sweet and spicy romance!

I received an ARC copy of this book and am leaving an honest review.

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Thank you to Entangled publishing for my advance electronic copy via NetGalley. My opinions are my own.

When actor Jake Newman learns that they are making his favorite comic book character into a feature film, he knows the role is perfect for him. The only trouble: his less-than-superhero-shaped body. So he checks himself into a private high-end training and health resort in his hometown in the Coconino forest of Arizona where his best friend promises to whip him into 90 days. There are only two problems: one, his chronic POTS disorder keeps getting in the way of his regimen, and; two, the sexy, hard-ass, litigation-shy owner of the health resort, Rayah Summers, can't know about his POTS or he's afraid she'll kick him out. But Rayah has reasons of her own for wanting to see Jake succeed--her business could very well depend on his getting the role. So how will the two of them balance their secrets with their growing attraction toward each other?

I can't gush enough about how wonderful this book is! I LOVED the mental health and chronic illness rep, and points for found family! They've both been broken, and we get to witness a lot of healthy emotional processing and unpacking. Good premise, great dialogue, and spicy spicy spicy (read: open door romance). Yay for ensuring that consent is sought and acquired, and that boundaries are established and respected, all in a realistic, natural way! Of course everything moved quickly, but who doesn't want to see that in a romcom? I appreciated the interesting cast of characters--even the "supporting" characters' development was highlighted, which made the story more full and engaging. Lots of young, attractive people isolated together=love triangles ensue! Dare I hope that a series of exploring more of their individual stories is in the works?!?

Trigger warnings: sexual abuse and assault

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Very cute and going very strong until the hero started saying cheesier and cringier (?) things and the plot got all... messy and erratic.

The characters were all super fun and Siedler's humor was on point, on pace, and just perfectly written into the right spots. The original plotline was interesting and there was lots of representation of a disorder that isn't well-known. There was also a lot of growth in the main characters, especially from the hero as he accepted he wasn't going to be this big, burly guy, but that also didn't decrease his manliness, or whatever.

It started going a little downhill when it felt like there were eight different plots/conflicts all at the same time. It just felt messy, and because there was so much to be cleaned up, but ending felt a little rushed and honestly could have been stretched so we don't just see the worst part, a little of the fixing, and then a recap by one of the characters of how they fixed their issues. I would have liked to see them as they fixed the problem(s) and maybe if it were drawn out more it wouldn't feel so hurried.

The hero also needs to come up with a wider selection of nicknames/chill out on the "cupcake" business. After it started appearing several times a page, it got a little old. And the dirty talk was so cringe-worthy I'm banishing every spicy scene from my mind.

thank you Netgalley for the free ARC

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This book is absolutely adorable, and should be on your radar.. along with its incredible author!

Actor Jake needs to get buff for his dream movie role, except he has a health condition that won’t make it easy.

Rayah is trying to keep her gym afloat, and Jake may be her saving grace. If only she didn’t also have other problems, like blackmail, coming her way.

I love the setting here — small-town Arizona (north, where the mountains are) is such a unique place!

It’s quirky- like our characters. Jake and Rayah are both nerds. Strong as steel with major cinnamon roll energy. I am here for it, and for them!

Not to mention the meddling grandmas in town. There were serious themes, yes, but plenty of humor to lighten the pages.

The romance here was so satisfying. I loved how Jake touched Rayah in small ways— we have a he-falls-first for a more skittish FMC, and he’s always comforting her, telling her wordlessly that he cares.

I melt, I tell you! And Rayah’s determination is nothing short of amazing. Both of the characters are incredible and kind to the point that I need more content with their sweet selves.

He calls her cupcake. I swoon!

If you want an utterly loveable romance for fans of Amy Lea and Mariana Zapata, this is for you! All the stars for this reread-worthy romance!

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Thank you NetGalley and the author for providing me an ARC of this book.

I must say this is a 2.5 ⭐️ read for me. The premise of the book seemed really good and I was so excited to read it, but the execution just wasn’t there for me.

The storyline felt rushed, the dialogue was too cheesy (even for a romance book) and the characters seem to randomly overcome years of trauma by just simply saying “it’ll be ok”. There was too many things happening in a short amount of time that I wasn’t sure what was the main plot line going on and the POVs could be confusing at times.

Also I would honestly be mortified if a guy slapped my ass in front of everyone I know after meeting him for a week so pls let’s not do that.

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I really wanted to love this book. I did. But it was in 3rd person, which in my opinion doesn’t work well for romance novels. The author was trying to accomplish a lot of things and explanations in a short book. I felt like I had whiplash with all the characters and how the main characters had the same issues but different people. The concept was great, just had poor execution.

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I found myself thinking about my life a lot reading this book, as someone who's living with multiple forms of heart disease it hit home in so many ways, and maybe that clouded my vision reading this or maybe it made it clearer I'm still not sure.

As a whole this is a good story, one that you go into thinking it's just going to be a fluffy rom-com with some life lessons about overcoming limitations, it is that but it's also so much more, it's inspirational, it's heartbreaking, and it makes you believe in redemption on top of being that fluffy rom-com I was expecting it to be.

Overall if you're looking for a story with characters who are real, who have trauma-based baggage, and who are trying to be the best version of themselves despite it then this is the book for you.

On a very personal note, to Eva Seidler for bringing attention to different forms of heart disease, it can affect anyone and in so many ways, thank you for writing a book where it's there and part of a life but not the only part of life.

Thank you to Entangled and NetGalley for providing an advance copy of this E-Book, I have voluntarily read and reviewed it and all thoughts and opinions are my own.

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The banter was well done. The story on the other hand fell flat for me. Though the characters were likable, they didn’t exactly stick for me to fall in love with them.

Both MCs had their struggles which I respected. I appreciated the POTS recognition. I am very familiar with the disorder and the explanation was well done. I also appreciated how Rayah’s past was addressed as well. It explained her attitude to me.

There was a moment of confusion for me. The main character Jake’s real name was Chris and it was used a few times. It took a moment to realize it was the same person, not another character. The side characters are what made me stick it out.

*Thank you to NetGalley, Entangled Publishing, and to the author, Eva Siedler, for providing me with this e-arc in exchange for an honest review.*

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Work It Out is an opposites attract, forced proximity romance. Author Eva Siedler offers a terrific premise, with quirky characters, grumpy sunshine vibes, and disability rep.

3.5/5 stars

Actor Jake heads home to his quirky Arizona hometown to train for a role in the latest superhero movie. Former gymnast Rayah owns an exclusive gym where his buddy works as a trainer, and it seems like the perfect place for Jake to train under the radar. Sure his POTS makes it difficult to work out intensely without passing out, but he won’t tell Rayah because he doesn’t want it released in the press. Meanwhile Rayah’s precarious financial situation makes her desperate for Jake’s transformation to happen. Can this plan actually work to get Jake the role of his dreams?

I really like the set up, and think this story has tons of potential. The characters are likable, and grumpy sunshine romances when she’s grumpy, he’s sunshine are my favorites. But the pacing was uneven, and there were too many secondary characters and subplots to keep track of. For example, I would have liked to see more of Jake’s grandmother, but she all but disappears partway through the book.

I understand that the main conflict is Jake wanting to keep his POTS diagnosis to himself, but it goes on long enough that it truly seems like he’s endangering himself by not sharing his health info with Rayah. I also understand that as a former gymnast, it makes sense that Rayah is described as small, but sometimes comments about her size feel mean spirited instead of cute.

Work It Out is a great premise, with tons of likable characters and potential. Some of the execution fell short for me, but I like the story. I’m definitely interested to see what Eva Siedler writes next.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advance copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This was funny, romantic, and cathartic all wrapped up in a nice little romcom package. I loved the way the characters were laid out and interacted. How easy it was for things to seem like something they aren't, but that's what made this one feel so real. Rayah runs her gym her way, despite it not being a great business plan. Jake is hoping to get in shape to land a big role, but he's got limitations of his own. This was a great disability rep, but more than that I just liked how grounded Jake was - maybe a little bit unrealistic for someone famous, but he was exactly what Rayah needs. She also brought out the best in him, which made everything else flow so nicely!

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I was pretty excited to read this book, it gave me strong Set on You vibes from the cover. Rom-coms like Work it Out are heart-warming and fun. I really liked the premise and the banter between the two main characters. It did feel a little rushed at some parts of the story. I would still recommend this to people if they like rom-coms with good banter and premise. I appreciate the disability rep I don’t see a lot of that.

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So so so wanted to love it, but I didn't.
I don't know what is ti, maybe is my, but I just could not connect with MC.
I am sorry for saying this but this was not a book for me. 2,5 stars.

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A fresh fun take on a rom-com, as it actually has a MMC who has a disability & some vulnerability as a result. That’s definitely not something I’ve encountered in a romance book before, but I’m here for it and appreciate it. I will say that I kind of wish the author had chosen to keep it just like that and not have the FMC also have some vulnerability from past trauma…just because women are always portrayed that way. Regardless of my feelings on that, I really enjoyed this book exactly how it is.

Rayah, our FMC, is a physically strong bad*ss who owns/runs a fitness center. Jake/Chris, our MMC, is a successful actor looking to get into top notch shape for a dream movie role…but he’s hiding a serious health condition from the world. When these two collide, sparks & snark fly.

That’s it…that’s all I can give you without giving too much away. For me it felt like a perfect blend of snark, humor, spice & heart.

Humor/banter 😂😂
Spice level 🌶️🌶️ (only like 2 on page scenes)
Heart 💕💕💕

Thank you to NetGalley and Entangled Publishing for the opportunity to read the e-ARC of this gem. All opinions are my own.

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💖🩵 Work It Out ARC Review 🩵💖

Thank you so much to Eva Siedler and Entangled Publishing for the opportunity to read and review this book!

Work It Out is a standalone contemporary romance. Jake is an actor who is looking to train hard for his next role. When he signs up for an exclusive private resort in Arizona, he meets the Ray, the resort owner and realizes that he’s signed up for more than he expected with her

This was a fun read. I enjoyed Jake and his growth throughout this story. Ray was a strong woman and I enjoyed her dynamics with Jake. While I enjoyed the story overall, I did feel like some parts felt a little too long

Overall this was a solid three star read. Fun characters and interesting dynamics. There were some darker themes in this book so check triggers if you’re sensitive. This book was a smidge of a slow burn, but did have some spicy scenes later in the book, so overall two flames for spice

If you’re a fan of opposites attract, small town romance with found family vibes, then absolutely check this one out!

Please note: Review will be posted to Amazon upon publication

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This was a fun RomCom, that had me cackling at times, but there were also several serious issues being dealt with as well. It also has a pretty cover and I am obsessed.

There will be some spoilers in the review, so please read on at your own risk




I LOVED the back and forth between Rayah and Jake. He was a shameless flirt, and I couldn't get enough of it. Jake was such a Green Flag (for the most part) I loved how respectful he was of Rayah, and when Rayah told him he needed to back off, he did. As someone who also has a chronic illness, I can see why he struggled with telling other people about it. For me, personally, I don't hide it on purpose, but it's not something you just casually blurt out in a conversation. I do think that he shouldn't have dragged it out as long as he did. Especially since the training he was doing was adversely affecting his health.

Rayah was such a strong character. I loved her and rooted so hard for her to get her happiness. She was hurt and let down by the people closest to her, and instead of letting it stop her, she managed to become successful, and she also took care of everyone around her. her little Found Family made my heart so happy.

I was so angry for Rayah. At her deadbeat father and the rest of the people who abused and took advantage of her. I really would have liked to see her confront him about everything, but you know what? I also like the way that it was taken care of.

I also really liked Blaine, and I'm glad that everything was able to work out the way it needed to. I literally giggled imagining Blaine and Jake taking a million pictures to find the one with JUST the right angle and lighting.

There was no big fight that let to their break up, but there was an issue of... forgetting to communicate about one thing, that happened at a very bad time, and while they didn't fight about it, it led to hurt feelings.

Did It Make Me Cry? Yes. Towards the end, when Rayah walks into the room of *spoiler redacted* She thought it was going to go one way, but I knew exactly what was happening.

Thank you SO SO much to Entangled Publishing and Netgalley for this ARC. All thoughts and opinions expressed are entirely my own.

*My review is currently posted on my blog and goodreads. I will submit it to Amazon once the book is out. I will leave the link to my amazon reviewer profile below.

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