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One Hundred Shadows

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This was a very easy read, not so hard to go through if you keep pushing it without questioning what’s going on.

I’m going to confess that I didn’t understand the story except for the shadow metaphor.
I guess this is, more so, a vibe book. It actually felt like reading an indie complex movie.

Thank you NetGalley for the ARC!

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Synopsis: In a Seoul slum marked for demolition, residents’ shadows have begun to rise. No one knows how or why–but, they warn each other, do not follow your shadow if it wanders away.
As the landscape of their lives is torn apart, building by building, electronics-repair-shop employees Eungyo and Mujae can only watch as their community begins to fade. Their growing connection with one another provides solace, but against an uncaring ruling class and the inevitability of the rising shadows, their relationship may not be enough.

Review: One hundred shadows

Beautiful, poignant translation with a writing style that is metaphorical and leaves room for interpretation. There is a lack of punctuation in the writing, not unlike that of Sally Rooney’s, however this was much easier to adjust to reading which I’ve often found challenging being neurodivergent.
A short novel, but this does not affect its impact. There were some beautiful undertones throughout the mystical story that I believe with another reading and ability for further comprehension will enhance the impact of the book overall. I’m left feeling indifferent about this book. I neither loved nor hated it. Obviously I recommend though!

2.5/5 stars ⭐️⭐️💫

My sincerest thanks to @netgalley and @kensingtonbooks for the copy in exchange for my review

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"One Hundred Shadows" is a novel by Hwang Jungeon set in a rundown industrial complex in Seoul, South Korea. The story revolves around two young workers, Eungyo and Mujae, who work in a poorly lit electronics market. They face various challenges in their environment, including the mysterious shadows that seem to haunt them.

Hwang Jungeon employs surreal imagery to explore themes of resilience, identity, and the human condition, similar to Han Kang's writing style in "The Vegetarian." Both authors delve into the psychological depths of their characters, revealing their struggles with societal pressures and personal demons.

In "One Hundred Shadows," the characters must choose between overcoming or succumbing to the hardships of their circumstances. When a shadow detaches itself from human form in times of adversity, following it leads to suffering or death.

So two things didn't make this a well-rounded read for me:
1. The lack of quotation marks made it difficult to follow dialogue. I believe this was part of Jungeun’s intention - to make us develop our own meaning.
2. The lack of depth in the characters - I didn't connect with them.

To close off, I wonder if the repetition of words in the book may symbolize the mundanity of Mujae and Eungyo's lives, or it may emphasize the need to be heard. Overall, an interesting read that had me analyzing the text as if I had a paper to write.

"That’s what’s scary, you feel light somehow, carefree if you surrender to the shadow’s pulling at you…"

Thank you to Netgalley and Erewhon Books for the ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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This was a simple, beautiful story about people who are struggling. I enjoyed the way that we get to know the characters. The story honors people lost to a tragedy. The concept is very interesting overall.

Overall, I enjoyed this book, but there definitely seems to be something lost in translation. I wanted to know more about the characters and see them develop their relationship. The plot needed more development, and more conflict and resolution.

If you like people-based stories, I think it's worth reading. If you are looking for more action, this is not the book for you.

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This novella had me constantly rereading to figure out more meanings out of it. The way shadows were written about was intriguing, suspenseful storytelling. The only did that it was lacking was more of an explanation of shadow rising phenomenon. Since this book was translated to English . There may be more context that was lost. Overall a quick compelling story.

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I want to thank Kensington Books for allowing me to read and review this book.

Irrespective of this being an ARC review, the following is my honest opinion:

Hwang Jungeun's writing is as clearcut as they come. There is no unnecessary fat. The structure is almost a stream of consciousness, while still highlighting details in absolute clarity and precision. One Hundred Shadows is not build on an overarching plot nor does much of "substance" happen, yet its theme takes you on a journey. It's the everyday themes that make this book so strong. The fantastical elements of "rising shadows" (pressure, expectations, dread that materializes in your shadow haunting you) juxtapose to the descriptions of the struggle to make a living in a poor neighbourhood of a Korean city in the current times.

If you're used to the prose of most modern Western fantasy, Hwang Jungeon's style might take some getting used to but through it's simplicity, it quickly gains an almost trance like rhythm. I've read this book mostly in one sitting and really enjoyed it.

I'm sure I'll spend more time thinking about its themes and can recommend it for those alone.

It might be a little unusual if you have mainly read Western fantasy so far, but this is a great introduction to modern Korean literature.

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Looking for a story beyond the glitz of K-Pop and Gangnam Style? "One Hundred Shadows" by Hwang Jungeun will take you on a trip to the real Seoul!

This novel inspired by Yongsan Apartment incident on 2009, when local residents protested against a redevelopment project, in Seoul on January 20. Five people died in an apartment block blaze when riot police in the South Korean capital broke up a sit-in by protesting residents throwing firebombs.

Writers take us to dives deep into the lives of ordinary folks working in a rundown electronics district. Their world is threatened by decisions of the rich and powerful, and things get dark and surreal real quick.

These "shadows" aren't your creepy monster shadows, but the shadows of people forgotten by society. They're slowly taking over, symbolizing the struggles these folks face.

Enter Eungyo and Mujae, 2 young adults just trying to survive in this messed-up situation. They don't have much, but their connection is real. Their love story unfolds through quiet moments & stolen glances. It's simple but heartwarming.

The book throws in some magical twists that aren't cheesy, but actually make the story more real. Plus, the way the characters tell their stories is unique and keeps you guessing.

"One Hundred Shadows" like a seven beautiful, heartbreaking poems. It shows a side of Seoul you never knew existed. It tackles social issues without getting preachy, but definitely makes you think about the people left behind in the rush of progress.
I found some repeated words and sentences here and there, but that's fine.

One thing's clear: Hwang Jungeun REALLY cares about her characters. she even wrote a poem for Eungyo and Mujae, wishing them for a kinder world.

For me this book got 3,5/5 🔥 Thanks @netgalley for this beautiful ARC ☺

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I really enjoyed the setting, characters and plot of this book overall. Personally I enjoyed the dynamic between both sets of main characters. I also really like the setting overall too as I had not read a sci fi book like this with Asian characters that I had enjoyed this much in a while. I'm looking forward to the book's release soon.

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This is a really wonderful reflection on grief and mental health. It was very interesting to have these stories of emotional vulnerability all haunted by an acknowledged darkness. Also I do understand the lack of quotation marks are an artistic choice, but I found it difficult to parse what exactly was dialogue and what wasn't without them.
Overall, it was a very sweet work about community and love despite all the cruelty that exists in the world.

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Rating: 3.5

"If you spot someone who looks just like you, it's your shadow, and once your shadow rises it's over for you, because shadows are very persistent, because you can't bear not to follow it once it's risen"

One Hundred Shadows is a magical realism novel inspired by the 2009 Yongsan apartment disaster in Korea.

Through this novel, Hwang Jungeun offers the voices of the working class and underprivileged people who had to witness the destruction of their homes, businesses, and livelihoods.

Upon reaching the limit of the suffering they can endure, a strange phenomenon happens to these people; their shadows begin to appear and separate from their bodies.

I really enjoyed reading this book because, like any other magical realism book, it haunted me in a mysterious and strange way.

I also liked the fact that the book wasn't completely depressing. The characters in this book, still try their best to stay positive despite experiencing the most bizarre phenomena and about to lose everything they have.

My only complaint about this book is that the dialog is written without quotation marks, which makes it hard to understand. I really had to read it very slowly in order to understand it properly. (I will definitely reread the book in the future for further clarification)

Anyways, thanks to Netgalley for the arc copy!

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The landscape of Eungyo & Mujae's world is disappearing and people's shadows are rising. Don't follow the rising shadows.

This book is a quick and easy read, but forgettable at best. I was curious where the story was going and was intrigued by the principle of shadows rising, but ultimately felt the story was about 100 pages too short to really make an impact, or even make the themes that the author was touching upon apparent enough to feel. I did really enjoy the writing style, as it was captivating enough to have me read this in 2 or 3 sittings.

Reading some reviews, perhaps I should know the context on which this story was based (the Yongsan Tragedy), but still I feel there was more to be explored in the story.

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One Hundred Shadows by Hwang Jungeun is a brief and poignant look into the life of Eungyo and Mujae. They live and work in the frustration and claustrophobia of abject poverty, and people’s shadows have started to rise. Don’t ever follow your shadow…

This book was moving. It had aspects of critiquing the surrounding culture, when it comes to social issues such as poverty and gentrification. It was filled with incredible descriptions that had me feeling as if I was there, with the characters. At times there was a dark feeling that hung over this book, but that feeling was right for the story, the characters, and the ever mysterious rising shadows.

The budding romance between the two main characters was offbeat but endearing!

Overall, this was a short but worthwhile read.

Thank you Hwang Jungeun, Kensington Publishing, Erewhon books, and NetGalley for the ARC. All opinions expressed are my own.

#OneHundredShadows #NetGalley

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A calm mix of magical and social realism, rising shadows and urban development projects and the people who hang onto life as well as they can.

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Have you ever felt anxious over the future’s uncertainty that it feels as if a shadow is constantly looming over you like an unfortunate rain cloud, initially lurking in dark corners making you think you’d just imagined it, waiting for the right moment before it takes on a more tangible form encompassing all your cracks and crevices until you can barely break free from it and it ends up consuming you whole? In this cross between magical realism and reality itself, Hwang Jungeun portrays the day-to-day life of the working class through the eyes of Eungyo and Mujae, two friends in their 20s who work in a slum electronics market in Seoul. Around them, shadows are on the rise, threatening to control those who follow it.

Despite being less than 200 hundred pages long and appearing immensely mundane at first glance, One Hundred Shadows is packed with social commentary, depicting the stark differences between the Seoul we see on modern media and the Seoul Hwang Jungeun grew up in, having worked at her father’s electronics shop herself. I found so much meaning in Eungyo and Mujae’s fleeting conversations, from their repetition of the word “slum”, rolling the word around on their tongues until it lost its meaning, to their mishap on a remote island leading to the book’s perplexing conclusion.

While I was utterly entranced by the somber setting and the sort of ethereal way this book was written, a part of me wishes the fantasied aspect took on a heftier role. There were several mentions of the shadows in the form of anecdotes, but it seemed more like a distant phenomenon than the fearfully common occurrence it should have been. I felt like it wasn’t fully integrated into the storyline and I was desperate for that link. The lack of quotation marks also left me quite confused – a personal pet peeve – that I had to double back quite a lot to figure out who was talking.

Overall, this book had the potential to join the ranks of Human Acts and The Memory Police, raising awareness to the jarring reality behind the glamour of South Korea, but ultimately fell short in terms of establishing a deeper emotional impact on its readers.

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Thanks to NetGalley and the Publisher for the ARC of this book!

I really enjoyed the lyrical nature of the book and the development between the lead characters as well as the historical context of the book. It brought attention to an event I had not yet heard about in an interesting way and felt somewhat slice of life in a location that I was unfamiliar with. Unfortunately it wound up feeling a bit unfinished in terms of the social commentary I was expecting and the shadows themselves weren’t well explained.

I’m willing to bet some of the nuance is lost in translation, so I’m giving this a 3.5/5 to account for that, rounding to four stars.

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I love the Asian fiction that is around at the moment however sometimes I do find they can be a little lost in translation if that makes sense. I liked the idea of the storyline however there were times where I did feel a little lost and found it hard going. I really wanted to love it but sadly I struggled.

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Rating: 3.0

I found it quite difficult to stay engaged and focused with this book, and it felt that way until the end. Normally I would have DNF'd something that I struggled to stick with, but there were bits and pieces of the story that I thought were worth staying for, only to be a little let down.

I understand the issues with translated books, where sometimes things don't come across as intended, or it's lost in translation. And unfortunately, I feel like this was one of those times because it left me feeling unsatisfied. There was potential, but it didn't come across as much as it was supposed to.

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I thought the writing and translation were very good - there's a spare elegance to it, and I love a novella. I think the blurb comparing this to Yoko Ogawa's book The Memory Police was a good comparison. I am not familiar with the other author used as a comparison. The pace of the book is slow and it's subtle, so I don't think it's for everyone, but I really enjoyed it and I think it will find its community of readers. I needed to do some reading on my own about the 2009 Yongsan Tragedy to discover that the setting is based on real events.

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Thank you NetGalley for approving me to read this arc.

"One Hundred Shadows" is a novella written by a South Korean author in which we follow Eungyo who is a helper in a repair shop. Her workplace is about to be removed alongside other as a result of urban redevelopment which is heavily based on real life event called The Yongsan Tragedy that happened in 2009. Besides that people around are followed by shadows and it is well known to not follow your shadow if it wanders away.

This book is very enigmatic and I am genuinely conflicted about how to rate it well. The story seems really simple but if I am honest nothing really gets developed at the end. We have some kind of relationship with electronics shop employee Mujae that from the description on the back cover is supposed to be a romantic one but I don't really see the romance to be fair. The shadows problem stays the way it is till the end as well. We also don't see the moment when our main characters have to move from their regular workplace. The idea felt really interesting and this story is really well written but I'm not the biggest fan of metaphors there and I definitely read better examples of Asian literature.

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You can immediately sense the authors skill in crafting character and setting the exact type of mood they are going for. As always it’s important to know the historical context the author responds to, and with that knowledge this novel is short, haunting, and still hopeful with the two characters leading en way.

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