Cover Image: Self-Love Crystals

Self-Love Crystals

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This was a really well thought out and informative introduction to crystal healing with some mention of other complementary practices like colour magic, chakras and moon magic. What I liked about this was that, above all, it introduced key elements of using crystals as tools (charging, cleansing, affinities) while stressing that they are just that- tools. The author was knowledgeable and keen that intention is the key to self love healing and other similar practices while also guiding the reader with various spells, rituals, sprays, potions and charms and giving them a broad array of crystal meanings, affinities and affirmations. The illustrations were eye catching and gorgeous and overall this is definitely a book I would recommend to beginners and experienced crystal lovers alike!

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Thank you to Netgalley and Leaping Hare Press for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

This is a lovely book which is a great crystal 101. The books beautiful illustrations make identifying crystals very easy as well as telling you their uses. It includes details on how to clean and cleanse crystals and includes affirmations and spells you can use in your daily life to promote self love. I am sure this would be a great reference guide for beginnings and people who have been practicing for years. I look forwards to using the book to help me on my journey of finding out more about crystals and there properties and how they can help me in my every day life. I will be buying a physical copy of this book it is so beautifully laid out and designed.

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Self-Love Crystals is an fantastic guide for crystal enthusiasts, it offers a comprehensive exploration of crystals and their unique properties. It's incredibly reader-friendly, allowing readers to easily navigate and discover information about individual crystals. There is also useful inclusion of warnings regarding the interaction of certain crystals with water and salt! The stunning illustrations enhance the visual appeal and they make the learning experience even more engaging. My favourite features are the rituals and affirmations which are tailored to each crystal. Overall, Self-Love Crystals is a must-read for anyone keen on delving into the world of crystals, combining knowledge, practical advice, and aesthetic appeal in an enriching package. 5 stars from me!

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I just read Self-Love Crystals by Katie Huang. #SelfLoveCrystals #NetGalley This is a great book that I will be keeping near by to reference. I really like how the author gave a affirmation and ritual forceach crystal described in this book. Thinking that I will also need to get a physical copy. Thank you.

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This is a great book for anyone who’s either new to crystals, rituals and spell work, or for those looking for a quick refresher :) The material is easy to understand and everything is well described. I also love that the book includes precautionary notes, like the one that talks about the importance of double checking whether certain crystals are safe to put in water, for example. Overall I recommend this book!

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I was sceptical when I first saw it. I thought it was interesting things that I could read about, but I wasn’t very sure about how good this book would be after reading this. I would say it is pretty good. It’s one of the better ones that I have read in the summer and I would recommend, I think it’s easy to read, it’s good for beginners it’s simple to understand

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A great book for those interested in learning all about crystals and their properties. The book is well laid out and it's very easy to look up the individual crystal. I loved the illustrations as well. Cute section at the end with rituals and magick! The encyclopedia with brief description of every crystal is very handy for a quick check. I'd love to read other books by this author as well.

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I love this book so much! It has medical warnings, reminds you not all crystals should be put in water and salt. Has adorable art. The rituals are easy to understand and well written. I have been practicing for over 15 years and this was still useful.

5 stars

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It has an engaging forward that sets the tone for the rest of the content in the book. This is a great resource for information, all in bite-sized, easily digestible sections. I thoroughly enjoyed the suggested rituals, especially because they actively encouraged a unique and personal touch. The artwork was very pretty as well. It is a fantastic starter for anyone interested in the benefits of crystals.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the author for the free book in exchange for an honest review. I recently got into crystals this year and have been reading and learning all I can about them. I loved this book for someone who needs to spend more time taking care of myself. This book has so many helpful ideas for those who are unsure how to use crystals in their lives. This book was stunning from the gorgeous drawings to the layout - this book was a work of art and a labor of love. I was absolutely in love with all of this book. Overall this is a great book for beginners who are unsure where to start reading and learning about crystals.

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Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review

This book is delightful. Initially I picked this up because I don't see a while lot of witch-y, crystal-y books written by Chinese people, so I wanted to give it a shot. I love the descriptions and the illustrations. This feels like a very useful reference book for people who are just getting into crystalology, magic, or research for books.

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The Self- Love Crystals by Katie Huang is a great start in one's crystal journey. I especially loved that crystal care and cleansing were included in the book and although I felt that certain crystals were lacking in information I still enjoyed reading and learning new things about crystals as well as their corresponding Chakras and useful affirmations. This book did contain a few spells but none that would cause harm. I loved the cute artwork in this book and it's an overall good read.

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I am magically and all things beautiful surrounded by the awe of the creatures within the universe of energy and crystals of life.

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This was a decent basic introductory book about crystals, but I wish that there was more depth and information about each crystal.

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This book is absolutely beautiful! I found that this book was super informative about crystals, their properties, how to cleanse them, etc. It also covered chakaras and self-love rituals. I think this is the perfect guidebook for anyone interested in crystals.

Thank you for this ARC!

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I'm kind of obsessed with this book. I think it's the perfect crystal book for beginners, but will also work well for those further along in their journey. The layout of the book does a great job setting up a foundation and builds on it as you progress. I often find myself struggling to identify my crystals or what their purpose is, but this book does a beautiful job of describing them, their properties, and how to properly use them in your daily rituals. Additionally, the graphics in this book are stunning and very aesthetically pleasing. I'm excited to try some of the rituals and perhaps a spell or two? Most of the information is easily digestible and relatively easy to understand but I wish in some parts the author would've gone into more detail instead of saying do your own research for more information only because I find crystal research overwhelming!

Thank you, NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC!

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Firstly, I really liked how this book was laid out, introducing the reader to the intentions of crystals, how to cleanse them and then breaking down the chakras and giving a short introduction to associated crystals gave a informative but brief overview and allowed the reader to know what they would be encountering in the rest of the book.

Something that I found different from other crystal books was that not only does Huang talk about the crystals and provide descriptions and uses but she also outlines the specific chakra and provides affirmations and rituals for them. This enables the reader to explore how they can use the crystal and for those who are being introduced to crystals it helps them learn about how to use them and how they can benefit from them in their lives. The illustrations in this book are beautiful representations of how you can visualise and utilise the crystals, they are lovely delicate drawings of the crystals.

I appreciated that the Spells, Rituals and Meditations chapter of the book focused on minor light magic and didn't present spells that could cause harm or be misinterpreted, the energy of the book is light and loving and this is something that strengthens the book and makes it an enjoyable and easy read that is uplifting. The book supports the message of self-love and focuses the spells/rituals on ways to improve yourself and create a positive image of yourself for you only.

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NetGalley ARC App review

Every basic and standard crystals and self care book. Nothing too fancy about it. For a well “known author” and had written previous book, I expected more. I’ve read 10 of these book this year alone and everyone the same.
Author also lack origin information or full expansion knowledge of energy work that might be useful, this is more ‘ new age witch’ not anything else more than that.

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