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Not How I Pictured It

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The cast of teen TV show Ocean Views are being reunited for a new series twenty year later, including Ness who left the show under not-so-friendly terms and is no longer on speaking terms with her best friend Libby. Ness’ father/manager ripped off her earnings and she’s now a landlord who spends her days unclogging toilets and responding to messages from her tenants.
Ness only agreed to do the reboot because she could do with the money – and her former paramour Hayes is too big of a movie star to even consider returning to his role.
As the cast make their way to a Bahamas island for filming, their boat hits stormy weather and they make an emergency landing at a deserted island. They find an abandoned castle to shelter in, but next morning their boat is gone. And so it turns into a Survivor-like experience, with the group having to contend with limited food and water, snakes and rats while they await rescue. And the biggest rat may be amongst them.
Thankfully this story was the opposite of a shipwreck; it was a super fun read with dark humour, an offbeat cast, and a second-chance romance. I’d be keen to read more from this Canadian author.

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Unfortunately, this book just wasn't my cup of tea. I wasn't able to fully connect with the main character enough to dive into the narrative. (I'm sure plenty of readers will enjoy this book, and it definitely has an interesting premise. I'll try to give it another read in the future.

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This was described as hilarious but I don't think I laughed once... the characters were caricatures and it was hard to really get a sense or like any of them. I didn't find the torture, starvation or withdrawal from addiction to be funny or well written. I liked the Hayes/Ness dynamic but I'm still not sure I can get on board with the name Ness. I will say the ending was very satisfying and you may have better luck with this overall.

Not How I Pictured It comes out next week on April 23, 2024 and you can purchase HERE.

"You're an adult now," Libby had said over more than one Sunday brunch, in the know-it-all tone usually reserved for people other than her bestie. "Don't you want to know where your money is going?" But it had felt like a tomorrow problem, and besides, it was her dad. Surely, if anyone had her back, it was him.

Well, that turned out to be laughably incorrect.

Ness had tried to ignore the pitying looks, but she couldn't escape the feeling that she was not only the world's dumbest human, but also that she must be deeply and utterly flawed for her own parent to turn his back so easily. She'd suddenly found herself deep in debt and entirely incapable of digging herself out. It was humiliating. After a few months she couldn't take it anymore. The collection agencies, the whispers behind her back, the lowball offers for roles she previously would never have considered.

Navigating the minefield of showbiz and media attention without the guidance of the person who'd shielded her for so long was beyond shocking. Sure, she'd wanted some freedom, but being thrown directly into the lion's den without even a year's worth of savings to shield her? Disaster.

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Not How I Pictured It by Robin Lefler is absolutely brilliant! It was so fun to read! Our main character is former teen star, Ness. After some struggles in her early adulthood she leaves Hollywood for Toronto where she ends up being a very grounded adult and landlord. Deep down she regrets some of her choices and the wonders what would have happened if she hadn't run. A reunion of her hit show throws her back into the mix with her former friends and offers a chance to right past wrongs. Naturally, they get stranded on a deserted island with a porn castle and hijinks ensue. The story is a times silly and serious, but always fun. I enjoyed reading it so much I finished in just a day. It was a little lighter on the romance than I was expecting but that was still satisfying too.

Thank you, Kensington Books and NetGalley for this eARC!

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I loved this beachy second chance romance with a hint of mystery. The characters grow through the story as you get to peek behind the veneer they present to the world.

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The premise of a group of former teen stars reuniting to reboot their popular series twenty years later held so much promise. Who doesn’t want to relive their youth by living vicariously through their former heartthrobs - especially if those icons are stranded on a deserted island? There’s plenty of angst to go around. Unfortunately the execution left me feeling slightly unsatisfied.

The beginning and end of the book delivered. There were plenty of ridiculously absurd moments that fit perfectly in Hollywood’s version of an ensemble drama. Where else can you find a group of superficial characters held captive in a porn castle? It’s the middle of the book that nearly lost me. I found it easy to put the book down and had to make a conscious effort to pick it up again.

I’m glad I pushed through because the final chapters, including the epilogue, paid off nicely. This is a book that doesn’t take itself seriously and the reader should adjust their expectations accordingly.

Thank you to NetGalley and Kensington Books for the opportunity to read this advance copy in exchange for my honest review.

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This book was crazy fun! I love the premise of the story, its unlike anything else I’ve ever read. The characters are endearing, I loved their reunion, and the setting was vivid. This was just a lot of fun!

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This was ABSOLUTE bonkers in the BEST way!! Think a survival film where a cast of former teen actors sign on for a reunion show but get stranded on a deserted Bahamian island and have to fight to survive long enough to be rescued. Reading this book was like watching a train wreck where the twists kept coming and the drama was over the top ridiculous in all the most fun ways!! I couldn't put it down and it is by far my new favorite from Canadian author Robin Lefler. I can't wait to see what she writes next! Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an early digital copy in exchange for my honest review!

Steam level: closed door/kissing only

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Imagine the cast of Beverly Hills 90210 brought together again to film a reunion show on an island in the Bahamas. Now imagine a ferocious storm, a boat off course and an emergency landing on a remote island. Could you imagine that the main structure on the island was an abandoned castle, once the vacation home of the Prince of Porn? Still with me? This is what happened to the cast of the teen drama Ocean Views. They grew up together but Ness, Hayes, Bradley, Libby. Coco and Ian parted ways when their series was cancelled. All (including new actor Daisy and production assistant Tyler) have reasons for signing up for the new show Ocean Views: Turning Tides and those secrets will be revealed in the quick, impossible to put down wild ride that is Not How I Pictured It.

It is almost impossible to believe that this is a debut novel. Sign me up for whatever comes next! You might leave out the python, though. 5 stars.

Thank you to NetGalley, Kensington Books and Robin Lefler for this ARC.

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Fans of reality tv (think Love Island with a touch of Survivor) might enjoy this light read that sees a group of former teen stars on a desert island. Ness thought the trip might revive her career and her life but it turns out that there are a lot of old grudges etc. And there's a mystery. And someone seems to be filming them. Thanks to netgalley for the ARC. These people are annoying but it's funny enough to keep you reading.

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This was a book with a lot of promise in the plot, I love behind the scenes TV stuff, island settings, romance... but the execution did not quite work for me. I was looking for fun and banter, some snark and self growth, and while some of that is there (esp self growth) and I loved that the main characters were in their 40s (yay!), this book never quite came together for me, some pacing was off, some writing/dialogue didn't quite land, and some themes just weren't for me.

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Loved this book! What a fun and unique ride this was. I read constantly, and I just love when a book is not what I was expecting. I didn't see any of it coming! Ness is a great FMC! I love how she talked about therapy like it's a regular part of her life. I enjoyed this book from beginning to end. Robin is definitely an auto-buy author for me from now on.

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The opportunity for a great story lay firmly in this book; sadly it never materialized. Poor written, with horrible dialogue- save your money.

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First of all, the Author and I share a first name so shout out to Robin Lefler! Anyway, this book was everything I wanted in it and more. It was a great read and I can see it being very popular at my library. I can see a book club reading this and really enjoying it!

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When I saw Not How I Pictured It available on Netgalley, I immediately requested it. I really enjoyed Reasonable Adults and am always eager to read more from Canadian authors. I skimmed the blurb and crossed my fingers that Kensington would approve my ARC request. I was so excited when they did.

Ness Larkin, a former child actor, has agreed to participate in a reboot of the teen drama that made her famous. Ness has been out of the spotlight for a long time, making ends meet like an average person. This reboot is her chance to get ahead and finally right some old wrongs. The tension between Ness and her former castmates flares on day one, and it looks like it will be a lot more complicated than she'd initially thought. While on the way to the exotic resort film location, things take a wild turn, and the cast will have to work together much more closely than expected.

Since I only skimmed the blurb, I was unprepared for the entire cast to get stranded on a remote island in the first couple of chapters. It was such a turbulent ride! Locked-door mysteries are one of my favourite plot devices, and Not How I Pictured It executes it wonderfully. I learned who was behind the mayhem and trickery when the characters did. Everyone on the island has excellent motivations, and a heavy cobweb of mistrust connects each person.

While the shenanigans keep escalating, every cast member achieves significant character development. Old grudges from when they were teens get rehashed with 20/20 vision, and new problems arise from their challenges surviving on the island. Each character is nuanced and complex. I was so surprised by Daisy's unexpected skills and impressed with Libby's acerbic wit. Ness stepped up to every challenge and she performed outstandingly.

Not How I Pictured It is definitely a romance novel, but I wasn't sure if they'd make it to a happily ever after. I was impressed by how patient and kind Hayes is, There may be low steam, but the high emotional intimacy throughout this story makes it so heartwarming. I am really satisfied with this book.

Overall, this is another knockout from Robin Lefler. It has well-executed plot devices and a great second-chance romance. I had a hard time putting it down, and I connected with all of the characters. Looking forward to more from Robin! Thanks to Netgalley & Kensington for the opportunity to read this ARC.

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Super cute book that sucks you in from the very beginning and does not let you go. Loved all the characters in this one.

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This story was so fun! A celebrity romance with a twist, where the celebrities end up vulnerable due to being stranded on a tropical island... It kept me laughing and smiling throughout reading and I thoroughly enjoyed following along as Ness tried to rediscover what is important to her, and more importantly, who. I really enjoyed this story so much and highly recommend.

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I thought this was a really cute rom-com! It took probably the first 30% for me to really get into it, and even then, it was a bit slow at times. But overall, I really enjoyed the book and liked the mystery woven in as well. I would've liked more romance between Ness and Hayes, but it was still cute nonetheless. I absolutely loved the humor, especially Ness' self-deprecating quips.

Thank you to NetGalley and Kensington Books for the ARC!

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When ex-actress Ness Larkin finds herself stranded in a desert island with her old estranged friends/co-actors, we get to know more about her past and why she estranged her best-friend and ended her relationship with big name star Hayes Beaumont.
Since the beginning when we get to know more about her old friends, it's clear that a lot of unresolved issues were bottled up which now came to the surface as they had nowhere to go and were very much stuck on an Island using a castle wannabe as refuge.
As time goes on we get to experience the characters explore the house/porn director's sex castle as I like to call it and understand more about not only Ness's past but also her friends, exploring issues such as addiction and how hard it can be on a person to always be under a spotlight and being watched by so many eyes.
There are twists and turns and a lot of hidden spaces and an unexpected mystery that they uncover in a hidden room in the house.
There are a few adventures and character growth mostly from our main character at first and by the end of it we actually get a happily ever after with the flames of not only love but also friendship reignited.
Overall it was a fun experience to follow their adventure on Ginger Cay, that even though didn't seem like a very good experience with them suffering with hunger, from the awful heat and the "castle" almost collapsing on them, it had however a positive outcome as it was what the characters needed to resolve their past issues and come together as one to survive.
It had no plot twists by any means as a fan of murder mysteries, I found that my guess was correct quite early on the book, however the book was not meant to be any of that, it was a lighthearted version (kind of) of a mystery which nonetheless was quite fun.
Overall it was a solid 3.5 for me, the writing was good, and it was an enjoyable book, the characters were a bit insufferable at times which I think it's to be expected as they were Hollywood stars and I had a bit of trouble connecting to the characters at times. I would have liked to see a POV of Hayes or even the other characters of when Ness was stuck in that underground place with Bradley as I found that their reactions underplayed what actually happened as they almost died.

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After Agnes, a child star, has her money stolen from her by her manager/father, she moves to Canada, purchases properties, and becomes a landlord who unclogs toilets. When she is approached with the chance to participate in a 20 year reunion show, Ness sees it as a chance to dip her toe back into acting, something she loved, but also to repair friendships that she broke with her former castmates, and in particular, her former best friend.
The romance in this story almost took a back seat to the mystery, as the castmates end up on a deserted island, trying to use their talents to survive... But, as it turns out, a group of spoiled actors isn't the best at survival skills. When they find out they're being recorded, fingers start to point, and most are pointed at Ness. Can Ness prove her innocence while trying to survive, learning to fish, and chancing a rekindled romance?

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