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A Novel Summer

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I loved this book. It was a great feel good book about three friends. It covered all of their ups and downs and how friendship is one of the most important things in our lives. A fun read.

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There is a lot going on in this book and a lot of characters to keep track of but the most frustrating is the switch between character voices at each new chapter. I think if the chapters had titles with the characters names, perhaps that would help. The plot involves 3 friends that have drifted apart when they move away from each other. It feels like their friendship was not really built on anything substantial when each one describes the other friends. They seem almost oblivious to the other's feelings. The boyfriends (ex or otherwise) serve as characters to move the plot along without really any real meaning. I didn't feel their connections.
This book was okay but I am not sure if this author's writing is for me.

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I enjoyed Jamie Brenner’s previous novels Blush and Gilt, and was hoping for more of the same here, but unfortunately, I found A Novel Summer to be a bit disappointing. The book felt rushed—the perspective switches between characters were often abrupt, which made it hard to follow at times, and it felt difficult to relate to any of the characters. I also finished the book feeling like I didn’t really get to know any of them, even with all the perspective changes. The lack of communication between every single person in this book was frustrating and, at times, unbelievable; the only person who pulled it off was the high school-aged character, and for everyone else it felt wildly immature.

Additionally, Provincetown is renowned for its community of queer artists and for its place in queer history, but that’s barely even mentioned as a backdrop to the drama of the book’s all-straight cast of main characters.

I wanted to like this—a story about a beach town bookstore sounds right up my alley—but this just wasn’t the one for me.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC. This is a story about a group of friend who parted ways after graduating and have found themselves together again for the summer.
I did like the concept of this book, especially with seeing the development of each character from beginning to end. However, there was a ton of things going on that made it overwhelming. One of which was how the chapters would switch between characters. I found myself often getting confused on who the story was following because it was so frequent and abrupt.
Overall, it was a sweet book and if you love a lot of drama and seeing multiple POV you should definitely check this book out.

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Book Review
A Novel Summer by Jamie Brenner

Second chance romance
Small town
Summers are the beach
Friend drama

Shelby - a newly published author
Hunter - in publishing, on her own, enjoys companionship on her terms
Colleen- bookstore owner , pregnant, in a committed relationship

I really enjoy books that explore female friendships. We can be the most supportive of each other and each others worst critics. Not all friendships can endure time, distance, and honesty. The evolution of friendship can be difficult but true friends are well worth weathering the storm.
This was my first by this author and overall a solid, light beach read and the perfect palate
Cleanser for the summer.

Thanks to @netgalley and @harlequintradepib for my digital ARC in return for an honest review. Opinions expressed are my own.

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Add Jamie Brenners new novel A Novel Summer to your TBR! It comes out July 15th, and it’s such a great summer book. Made me miss the beach from our vacation.

Three friends all went separate ways, but when desperate times call for help, they reunite. Colleen is struggling to keep her bookstore open, Shelby wrote her first book and is on a book tour, and Hunter is working through trying to find her course in life getting away from her families money. There’s past hurts that have to be sorted through, but the island is small and someone runs into their ex, and realizes maybe it wasn’t such a closed chapter. Theres a flood, a breakup, an accidental affair, the small town coming together- this book has it all! There’s so many sweet, funny, and adorable moments in this book! I am always a sucker for a beach love story, and I love a good book full of friendships. I loved the main characters love story and honesty with her feelings. It felt like I was on Cape Cod and apart of this story. I love all the detail used to explain the island, the bookstore, the book parties, and the atmosphere in each scene. Jamie Brenner takes you away to the beach and captures you with these characters and their life situations. Such a great book! Highly recommend. Thank you @netgalley @jamiebrennerwrites @harlequintradepublishing for this advance copy. #netgalley #jamiebrenner #anovelsummer

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I love how Jamie Brenner can take a setting and make it feel like its own character. That, in combination with her ability to craft strong, nuanced female relationships, makes A Novel Summer another heartwarming and entertaining summer read. Jamie Brenner's books are always a highlight of my summer reading!

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This is a story of three college friends as close as can be who move on with their lives, grow apart, find different paths and ideas of success. That’s not unique or uncommon. When one writes a book inspired on another’s life, on another’s community…now that’s something different entirely. How do we reconcile with the people we love, what are we willing to give up to make space for a relationship to heal?

Come with me to Provincetown, a small town on Cape Cod. Here a local bookstore held the hopes and dreams of three friends each summer throughout college. Shelby, Hunter, and Colleen’s shared love of books had been their binding force, and now their undoing. When they graduate Shelby is determined she won’t return until she’s met her goals of becoming a writer. Three years later she’s got a best selling book and is stuck trying to write her second when Colleen asks her to come back and help run the bookstore. Reluctantly Shelby agrees, but knows she’s not going to be welcomed with open arms, especially by Hunter.

I’m an unapologetic Jamie Brenner fan. I have (and have gifted) her books in print, ebook, and audio. We are immersed in Provincetown, the bookstore, the cultural, and surrounding community. It’s a hallmark of her writing that I look forward to! The literary theme throughout is so lovely. I felt that Hunter’s relationship with Shelby (and resentment towards her) was affected by Hunter’s own struggles, making it slightly messy.

I highly recommend for those that love immersive summer romance with a strong sense of place. Readers that love books about women’s friendships will especially love this. Perfect for your beach bag and poolside reading! For those of us who are landlocked, it is a much needed escape to a breezy, costal location!

I received an early copy from my friends at HTP Books and Park Row Books via Netgalley.

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I loved this book so much. Each character grows in a significantly different way through the novel. Fast paced, great writing and a perfect summer book! I think it will be a huge hit when it's released. Another awesome Jamie Brenner book in the books! HA!

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Jamie Brenner is one be of the queens of the summer read, and Novel Summer is no exception. Everything about this story is my catnip- Cape Cod, an independent bookstore, and a peek into the writer’s life. While the cover tempts you into believing that this may be another beachy romance, this is more about the love story between three childhood friends and the place that binds them. It was truly magical! Thank you to Park Row and Net Galley for my gifted ARC.

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This was fun and light. Just what I needed during this time. The characters were smart and kind humans. The perfect beach read!

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A breezy summer read set in atmospheric Cape Cod. Shelby left Provincetown for New York to become a writer. Three years later, she returns as a bestselling novelist and realizes she hurt a lot of people in the process of becoming a success.

This is a fun read if you are looking for something easy and lighthearted - there is romance, friendship, and a celebration of books. There are also arguably too many characters, or rather, too many points of view as we get the perspectives of minor characters throughout the story. For me, this spreading out of perspectives meant I didn’t really get to know Shelby all that well and her relationships with others including Colleen and Justin felt underdeveloped (I was most interested in Hunter and Ezra!). I was surprised to find out that Shelby was 25 years old - it did not always feel like her actions and accomplishments matched her age. In any case, there is still plenty to enjoy!

Thank you to Harlequin and NetGalley for the opportunity to read a copy.

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Shelby is thrilled that her debut novel has finally hit the shelves. Until her best friend lets her know how hurtful it was that she used her life to create a character that is. While she tries to mend the friendship, her other bestie asks her to come back to Provincetown for the summer to run the bookstore while she is on bed rest. This summer might be just what she needs to help write her second novel and mend her friendship with Hunter.

This book felt like some of Brenners earlier works, which is not a bad thing at all, but I loved Gilt and Blush so much I was expecting something more along those lines, even though I knew it wasn’t going to be. That said, I still really enjoyed this book and the little look into publishing/running an indie bookstore it gave us. I did question a few of Shelby’s decisions, but I loved the independent small town bookstore competing with the big corporate giant vibes. While her recent novels have been a bit different, Brenner still knows how to write the perfect beach read!

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"A Novel Summer" by Jamie Brenner promises a beach read escape to the picturesque shores of Provincetown but falls short in execution. While the premise holds potential, the narrative struggles with coherence, jumping between numerous characters and lacking smooth transitions. This makes it difficult to follow and interrupts the flow of the story.

Additionally, as someone who grew up near Provicetown on Cape Cod, I find the lack of queer representation in a setting known for its LGBTQ+ inclusivity is disappointing. Provincetown's vibrant queer community feels conspicuously absent, overshadowed by a focus on straight characters. The failure to authentically capture the essence of P-Town detracts from the novel's credibility and sense of place.

Despite these shortcomings, the novel offers moments of charm as protagonist Shelby Archer navigates personal and professional challenges while managing a beloved bookstore. However, the overall experience is marred by disjointed storytelling and a missed opportunity to embrace the diversity and richness of the setting. For readers seeking a light summer read, "A Novel Summer" may provide moments of enjoyment, but those familiar with Provincetown's inclusive spirit may find themselves longing for a more authentic representation.

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she was so much fun i thoroughly enjoyed this book. more than a romance, a novel summer contained a vast and profound amount of beauty through the writing and sheer storytelling ability. what a beautiful novel.

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Well written and set in the perfect location for a summer novel, Jamie Brenner is cementing her spot as a “summer must read” author.

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A bookish friendship drama (with a little bit of romance) set in Cape Cod. I just love Jamie Brenner’s books.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC!

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A beach read about a bookshop at the beach? Could that setup be more perfect? Three friends have lost touch since college but they're together again for a summer in Cape Cod. Will they get through the things that distanced them and restore their relationships? The friendships are the heart of A Novel Summer but I enjoyed the side story romance as well. I'm a sucker for a bookish book so I really liked this read.

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I received an arc of this title from NetGalley for an honest review. This was a fun summer read with a book theme that made the title even likable. I liked most of the characters and how quickly the book started. I would love to see follow-ups to the other girls in the friendship.

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Thank you Jamie Brenner for making it feel like summer in mid-March!
A Novel Summer introduces us to Shelby, Hunter and Colleen- Shelby the author, Hunter the publicist and Colleen the bookseller. Shelby leaves Cape Cod, the source of inspiration for her first novel to pursue her writing dreams in NYC.
When Colleen calls her to come back to Cape Cod to help with her bookstore for the summer, Shelby is hesitant. Her debut novel seems to have been "too inspired" by her friends back home and they feel betrayed by her friendship.
I was particularly drawn to Jamie's descriptions of running the bookstore, applying for events- eyeing the "big box" competition- Jamie just "gets it". I enjoyed these three characters separately in their stories and together as a unit.
Jamie has all we want out of a novel that feels like pure sunshine- a beautiful setting, great friends, second chances and a beach bookshop!

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