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The Hollywood Assistant

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Steamy, naughty, and twisty as heck, this is May Cobb’s best book yet! With her signature ability to slowly seduce and immerse readers, making them more than simple voyeurs to her characters’ bad deeds, Cobb has created a story about forbidden desires and wrapped it in the glossy world of Hollywood’s rich elite. It’s easy to fall for these characters, which makes it that much more fun when the beautiful veneers start to chip and the ugly layers beneath begin to show. And then the twists hit! Just when you think the twists are done and you can breathe again, Cobb pulls one last rug out and I was not prepared. Bravo!

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Thank you to NetGalley, Berkley & May Cobb for a digital galley of The Hollywood Assistant in exchange for an honest review.

May Cobb is an author who has grown on me. I started out not really caring for the first book of hers that I read, but either they've gradually gotten better or I've just started liking her work more! Last year, she got REALLY close to giving me a 5-Star read, so I felt like this year would be the year & I'm happy to say, I predicted correctly!

I absolutely love The Hollywood Assistant & cannot wait to share my review & praise with my followers closer to publication!

The synopsis is similar to another book I read fairly recently (The Spare Room by Andrea Bartz), however, Cobb pulled it off WAY better.

Our FMC, Cassidy, is depressed & stuck in a rut until a friend gets her a job as an assistant to a Hollywood "It" Couple, Marisol & Nate Sterling. It's the perfect dream job. She only has to run errands for them a few hours a week & the rest of the time she has access to all the luxuries that a lifestyle such as theirs has to offer. Then, an attraction begins to grow between Cassidy & Nate when he asks her to read scripts he's written. Cassidy soon learns that Marisol, Nate & their picture-perfect marriage isn't all that it appears to be & one half of that couple ends up dead. Cassidy happens to be the perfect suspect.

This book was everything & more. I was hooked from the start & binge read it in almost one sitting. This was a Suspense/Thriller that definitely lived up to its genre as both thrilling & suspenseful. With quick pacing, spice, romance, lies, deceit & bad girls doing bad things, this is an absolutely MUST READ. In my opinion, it is Cobb's best yet & definitely my favorite so far. She just keeps getting better & better & I can't wait to see what she has in store for 2025!

I can finally say.........a FULL 5-Stars!

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Cassidy is offered her dream job, working for Nate and Marisol Sterling. The Sterlings seem to be the perfect couple. Soon, Cassidy realizes they are not the perfect couple and Marisol is not the perfect wife.

Things start to progress with Cassidy and Nate. This story is filled with love, lies and deceit. Marisol smirks, tilts her head, winks at me (Cassidy). A chill shudders over me. I've seen this wink- and smirk- before. "It's how you handle them, how you stay in control." Her words float back into my head.

May Cobb books are always fun to read. This one, while not my favorite of hers, was very entertaining! My favorites are The Hunting Wives and My Summer Darlings!

I was super excited to receive this advanced copy! Spicy, Naughty, and Twisted! 3.5 stars!

Thanks to NetGalley for the advance copy!

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I have loved every book by this author, but this one is my favorite. Even though I wanted to shake Cassidy the whole time! It’s about a woman (Cassidy) that gets a great opportunity to move to Los Angeles to be a personal assistant. Not long after she starts, she notices tension between the husband and wife she works for. Soon things escalate…..

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The Hollywood Assistant
By: May Cobb
5 🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶

Every year I cannot wait to get my hands on Cobb’s latest book! This one definitely needs to be a movie!


Nate and Marisol Sterling hire Cassidy to manage their lives as they both have busy careers. Marisol is waiting for her next big break. This couple starts to depend on Cassidy for more than what she signed up for.

I will NOT spoil this INSANELY and FUN plot, but I highly recommend you preorder this one!

Thanks for the free book Berkley Pub! #Berkleypartner, #berkley, #beekleybookstagram, #thehollywoodassistant, #maycobb, #booksconnectus, #bookreview, #stamperlady50

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1,099 reviews
April 9, 2024
I received a free eARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

This is a bit of a departure from Cobb’s usual formula - in a good way! Although the main character is a Texan, it’s set in LA rather than Texas. There’s also far less rampant misogyny , which makes for a nice change of pace!

Cassidy came to LA to work a the personal assistant for a married couple - the Sterlings. Nate is a producer, and Marisol is a B/C-list actress hoping to land an actual starring role. And although Cassidy’s best friend Lexie got her the job, she’s on a set in Prague, so Cassidy is literally moving to a place where she knows no one except her employers. Sounds like my nightmare, but she’s running away from a painful breakup, so it kinda makes sense. She’s immediately enchanted by Marisol and Nate - they’re the picture perfect Hollywood couple. It doesn’t take long for her to notice the cracks in their relationship, but she’s making great money for basically just running a few errands, so she doesn’t question it too much. Then Nate starts asking her to give notes on scripts he’s been sent for development and she’s over the moon. Cassidy has always wanted to be a writer, but her drawer full of rejected romance novels means her career never really took off. But this job could mean a foot in the door. So when Nate asks her to spy on Marisol (for extra cash), she jumps at the chance. And it doesn’t hurt that she has a huge crush on Nate. So if Marisol is cheating…maybe that’s not so bad.

In the midst of all this, we have a few flash forwards to four weeks after Cassidy’s start date, when she’s talking to detectives and under investigation, and clearly someone is dead. We just don’t know who. Or how. Or why.

I flew through this, and have to admit that it surprised me in the end. However, I just did NOT like Cassidy! She’s extremely whiny and entitled - there’s a point where Lexie does come home from Prague, both to check on Cassidy but also plan her own wedding. And girlfriend is just SO needy. It’s painful. It has a little of that Girl on the Train car wreck feel, where you’re watching someone make one terrible decision after another and you just want to shake them. She’s a lot. But this is mostly fun, and not terribly rage inducing. A decent summer read.

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The Hollywood Assistant, by May Cobb, stole my weekend and I have zero complaints! My favorite book by Cobb since her incredible debut, The Hunting Wives. The characters were vivid, their dialogue snappy and fun, and the setting descriptions unbelievably evocative. The kind of novel so well built on the page that it felt like a movie playing in my brain. I was hooked from the first page to the very last. And now I'm in the worst book hangover!! Highly recommend!!

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Thank you Berkley and May Cobb for the advanced copy!

This book blew my mind! At over 400 pages I'd consider it pretty long for a thriller, but I tore through it in less than 2 days. The pacing is excellent and I was hooked from page 1. The female MC is an interesting character, to say the least, but I couldn't help but root for her and her madness.

The big twist I did not see coming in a million years. Like... I'm still thinking about it days later. It's that good. Endlessly grateful to Berkley for letting me read this one early!!

Pub date: July 9.

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I really enjoyed reading this, it had that suspenseful feel that I was looking for, I loved the use of the Hollywood element to this book and enjoyed the overall feel of the book. It uses the murder element perfectly and thought it was a great way of showing the dangers of everything. May Cobb does a great job in writing this book and I enjoyed the suspenseful feel of this with the Hollywood elements.

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It’s becoming tradition at this point to devour Cobb’s latest book on my Spring break vacation and let me tell you, this does not disappoint. A Juicy, twisty and salacious tale that I simply could not put down. She is the hands down queen of a soapy story with a twisty ending that left my jaw on the floor.
Cassidy is ready for a new beginning, a new career and a change of scenery as she moves to LA to become, as the title suggests, a Hollywood assistant. Marisol and Nate are the perfect Hollywood couple, or are they? When one of them ends up dead and Cassidy becomes a suspect things really start to hit the fan. It’s best to go into this one totally blind and will be the perfect beach, poolside, vacation read.
Huge thank you to @berkleypub @berittalksbooks @thephdivabooks @dg_reads and @netgalley for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you to Berkley @BerkleyPub and Netgalley @Netgalley for the e-arc.


Cassidy takes a personal assistant job in Hollywood after a horrible breakup. She’s broken hearted, and just fed up, so she jumps on the opportunity.

She finds that all she has to do at her new job is show up for a few hours, run a few errands, and she’ll be fine, with some designer things thrown in for variety. However, things aren’t always as they seem and there are always strings.

Nate, the husband to Marisol and her employer, seems to take interest in her. Cassidy can’t believe her luck, even more so when he has her read and summarize scripts for her.

Turns out, her employers aren’t the perfect couple they’d like people to believe. So when one of them is found dead, Cassidy, as their closest person by default, is the prime suspect.


I love May Cobb so much and this book did not disappoint me at all. It feels like every book she writes, she gets better.

This one left me so happy just reading about all the twists and turns and delightful ways people are horrible. This book grabbed my interest straight from the start, and then it sucked me into the pages. I didn’t want to come up to take a breath because I was so immersed.

May Cobb writes amazing characters, and I feel that even if you wouldn’t typically relate to them, you always can and then you are taken on a wild ride. I particularly like that she writes them all with flaws, while showing their good side as well. She writes them as whole people, not just glamorous ones. They are just so well written and captivating.

I feel that this book was long, but it didn’t feel that it was long enough, it felt like the perfect length. The pacing was on the faster side, but not so fast that I got lost or overwhelmed. I do wish a few things were further explained, but I did enjoy this one a lot. I did particularly enjoy the ending and it was a fun way to wrap up the book. Not what I anticipated at all.

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Wow!!! This was an explosive book! I was hooked from start to finish. This may be my favorite book of 2024 so far. I absolutely did not see the ending coming. I thought I knew where this was going, but I was wrong. May Cobb is one of my favorite new authors and 100% an autobuy for me from now on.

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May Cobb has done it again - writing a perfect summer read that I stayed up all night to finish and I was not disappointed!

After a heartbreaking relationship ends, Cassidy decides to move to LA to be closer to her best friend. When offered a position to be a personal assistant to an actress and a screenwriter, Cassidy jumps at the chance. After getting close to the couple, the assistant position takes a strange turn, and secrets and lies are uncovered when a someone ends up murdered. Why are the police questioning Cassidy? Does she really know the people she's been working for?

Huge thanks to Berkley and NetGalley for my ARC.

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It’s May Cobb, it’s the way she paints these characters… multi-dimensional, complicated, lovable and at times even hate able.

Her creativity shines on each page, there is no author that could ever compare to the way she makes my insides glitter. The pure excitement I get, with each book she puts in my hands.

How the heck am I worthy to read her books early? I can’t answer that, I can tell you I’m grateful.

It’s no secret, May Cobb is not only one of my most favored authors but someone I have been lucky enough to “chat” with. She’s not only exponentially talented but she’s a fierce and strong woman. I truly admire everything about her.

The Hollywood Assistant

This book is “chunky” ! I usually feel quite intimidated by books over 400 pages and feel that they at times “drag”. This was not the case with this book. I whipped right through it and hungrily, could not wait to get to the next chapter and delved deeper and deeper into the plot.

Marisol, Nate, Cassidy, Lexie. Who could you trust? Who do you want to trust?

They all started out lovely…

But everyone has secrets

The deeper and deeper I plunged into this book the less I felt attached to my own reality . I was so consumed with the lives of 3 main characters, how would I ever come back from this?

May Cobb IS my favorite author, I doubt I’ll ever feel as though anyone could compare.

This book is fire and it needs to be pre-ordered and on everyone’s wish list.

I’m sure I’ll come back and edit my review. I’ve read this book 3 times now and I’m sure I’ll read it again. Yes, it’s my favorite, yes it’s my “book of the year” and yes I’m going to suffer a wild book hangover.

Teaser :

Offered a dream job in Hollywood with a famous director and his actress wife, an insecure woman becomes their personal assistant where their secrets and lies place her in the crosshairs of a murder investigation.

Cassidy Foster is heartbroken, stuck in life, and getting a little too obsessed with plants. Then when a well-connected friend becomes sick of Cassidy’s moping and gets her a gig with famous Hollywood couple, Marisol and Nate Sterling, Cassidy jumps at the chance to move to sunny LA.

The Sterlings are warm and welcoming. A perfect couple. All Cassidy has to do is be available a few hours a week for errands. In return, she has access to luxury: Designer clothes. A sparkling pool. Great pay.

When Nate takes interest in her, asking her to read scripts he’s written, Cassidy thinks this could be the key to kickstarting her writing dreams. As their business relationship grows, so does their attraction. Nate is sexy and talented, and Cassidy can’t believe her luck. Clearly, Marisol doesn’t know what she has. Maybe that’s why the two are always fighting when they think Cassidy isn’t around.

Thank you, May Cobb, Berkley and NetGalley, for allowing me the opportunity to read and review this banger before publication. It was a dream come true.

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I just finished "The Hollywood Assistant" by May Cobb, and I have to say, it was an outstanding book that I would highly recommend to anyone who loves a good page-turner. This book is a true masterpiece and deserves a solid five-star rating without any hesitation. As a big fan of May Cobb and her writing style, I was eagerly anticipating this latest release, and I can confidently say that it did not disappoint.

Right from the very first page, I was completely engrossed in the story and found myself unable to put my Kindle down until I had read every last word. The pacing of the book is incredibly fast, and the plot twists are perfectly placed, leaving the reader on the edge of their seat, eager to find out what happens next.

The story is told from the perspective of a personal assistant working for a Hollywood A-list couple, which in itself is a unique tale. But add in a murder mystery, and you have a must-read novel. I particularly appreciated the author's skillful use of descriptive language and attention to detail, which helped to bring the characters and settings to life in my mind's eye.

Overall, I can't recommend "The Hollywood Assistant" enough. Whether you are a fan of mystery, suspense, or just great storytelling in general, this book is sure to impress.

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A perfect summer read. Make yourself an old fashioned or a dry martini, grab sunglasses (or binoculars), and enjoy.

Thank you, big thank you, to Berkley, for early access to May Cobb's The Hollywood Assistant. I am a big fan of May Cobb, I just love her soapy wine soaked thrillers as I call them (and I 100% mean that as a compliment, I love her books)... I love that she allows her women to be complicated, messy, flawed, but.. not stupid (naive at times perhaps but also ... sassy and capable and strong). The Hollywood Assistant expands on themes about complicated marital relationships, infidelity, and female friendship present in her early books, The Hunting Wives and My Summer Darlings in particular, and takes them into a new space, new state, and brings in more of a sense of unease and uncertainty about what is truly happening to and with the main character.

All Cassidy had to do was leave her past behind, which she did willingly, and be a personal assistant for a model/actress and her Hollywood director/producer husband. And yet this all she had to do vibe becomes all she can do to hold on when she suspects there is a lot more to the marriage than what most see, when she becomes entangled in their marital challenges, and then the police show up at her door (possibly just when she has witnessed something she should not have seen... or should she have seen it?).

What works is the subtle and then growing knowledge that Cassidy might be unraveling (or is she winding up?), the pacing of the story with hints and notes that so much more is going on with Cassidy, Marisol, and Nate, and that there are a lot of players in an increasingly risky game of chess. Subtle cat and mouse vibes are at play (who the cat and mouse are is fun to figure out), a lot of the expected sultry gin and wine soaked drama is present, and the confidence that the women running this story, driving this game..., are a lot more savvy and complex than they might seem.

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I love it when a thriller humbles me and this one HUMBLED ME May Cobb. 😮‍💨 Reading nothing but thrillers with horror sprinkled in occasionally, I can get a little arrogant from time to time thinking I have the twist all figured out. 😏 🤦‍♀️

🏎️ Zoom zoom zooming through this book I thought I knew exactly what direction it would be taking. HAHAHAHAHA 🤡 - JOKES ON ME 🤣 🤣🤣

I did not have a seat belt on while on this ride and I did in fact LOSE MY HEAD by the TWIST CRASHING into me head first! 😳😵🤕🏎️💥 ⚰️

If you would like to keep all your body parts in tact, please keep your body inside the moving vehicle at all times because this twist will turn you upside down. ☠️🫨😮‍💨



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I thoroughly enjoyed this book! Receiving an advanced copy was a delightful surprise. I believe both existing fans and newcomers will find it equally enjoyable.

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I've read every one of May Cobb's books, and this is my favorite so far! Always a good sign when the author keeps getting and better. Cassidy Foster is a recently dumped 29 year-old from Texas. She's just moved to L.A. thanks to her friend who helped her get the job of personal assistant to the Sterlings, a Hollywood couple. Marisol Sterling is an actress on the verge of hitting it big, and her husband, Nate, is a writer/producer. Cassidy is nervous, but can't get over how welcoming they are. Nate soon has her reading scripts for him (her dream job!) and Marisol is kind and generous, even giving her her old (often still new!) clothes.

As the plot progresses, Cassidy can't help but feel attracted to Nate. And also, she becomes sure Marisol is hiding something. When Nate asks her to spy on Marisol, she agrees--with added bonus of extra money. The prologue tells us SOMEONE will be murdered, and Cobb does an incredible job of building tension toward that moment. After which, there's a whole mystery to unravel before Cassidy is pinned as the killer. I really loved this one and plan to buy my own hardback! Thanks to net galley and Berkley for the e-arc!

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THE HOLLYWOOD ASSISTANT is nothing short of amazing! I was hooked from the start and immediately swept up into the lives of the Sterlings. Once Cassidy started working as Marisol's personal assistant, I knew things were going to get juicy. Filled, with love, lies and deceit, I had a tough time putting this down. I have enjoyed all of May Cobb's books so far and this is another "must read" to add to your list. The way she writes makes me feel like I am right there watching. Highly recommended!

Many thanks to Berkley and NetGalley for my gifted copy.

This review will be shared to my Instagram ( closer to pub date.

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