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The Jig Is Up

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Kate packs up her daughters and heads back home after getting a message from her sister Colleen. Home is Shamrock, Massachusetts. Colleen waves away her message, however, refusing to explain why she sent it. Not long after, Kate finds herself immersed in a murder. The main suspect? Colleen, the victim's best friend. Although she's with Kate when they discover the body, there's lots of evidence that points to Colleen, a talented Irish dancer. Heck, given the secretive nature of not just Colleen, who goes out of her way to avoid discussion with Kate, but others who are just as secretive, Kate even wonders if it's possible her sister did kill her friend.

As the first of a new series, there is a lot of background info worked into the plot as well as introductions to the probable recurring characters. To be honest, I never really warmed up to either Kate or Colleen, the latter being downright annoying much of the time. Kate is a chronic over-thinker, her mind seeming to whirl rapidly at almost every moment expecting the worst and she tended to wear me out. To be honest, I'm not sure I felt drawn to any of the characters. Maybe Garrett, former boyfriend, now cop, someone who seems to pop up unexpectedly and frequently. Kate's oldest daughter Maeve shows promise but, typical child, seemed to blow hot and cold. Kate's parents aren't well fleshed out and I was left wondering what the logic was behind her father being the former chief of police who was shot on the job and now in a wheelchair. Perhaps that will be made clearer as the series progresses. Oh, an Kate freezing up at playing the piano again sort of made sense but that's probably another thread for future books.

As for the murder, Kate arrived home just in time to go to the dance rehearsal with Colleen where they stumble across the dead body of Deirdre. Young Maeve and flighty Colleen handle it better than Kate, go figure. Could Colleen have murdered Deirdre? Why is there a trail of blood? Is it sheer coincidence that Moira McShane almost immediately tries to take advantage of Deirdre's death by advertising her soon-to-be-open new dance school? Where's the no-show pianist? Could the long-winded mayor somehow be involved? How about Conor, who works scooping ice cream, or maybe ambitious, organized Zoe? What secrets are being kept? Even Kate has secrets, of course. Bottom line, while I wasn't quite taken with this book (3.5 rounded to 4) and I'm also not quite sure how she figured out whodunit at the end, that may just be me. I am interested enough to say I'll definitely check out the next book in the series, however. There's promise here and still much, much more to be discovered about the characters and relationships/connections between them. Thanks #NetGalley and #CrookedLaneBooks for introducing me to Kate's grand debut as an amateur sleuth. The twist/reveal at the end definitely makes me curious.

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2.5 stars rounded up to 3. Ok, I really wanted to like this book. An "Irish" town set up in Western Massachusetts, a charming B & B, an Irish step dancing school, and an extended family. Unfortunately, what I found was a really cheesey town, with a slimey mayor, folks who were more interested in fame and status than helping a neighbor and a family that was crazily dysfunctional. When Kate drags her daughters up with her from New York city to answer her sister's frantic call for help she shows up to find her sister saying it's nothing major and then to be dragged into a murder scene within an hour of her arrival. She gets no clues from the rest of her family, and her sister is the prime suspect in her best friend's murder. Her father is a retired police chief, retired for injury in the line, and seems to be calling the shots from his home. A neighboring B & B, is casting shade, a competitor tries to open a dancing school in competition to the victim's school before there is even a cause of death and Kate's family wants her to solve all their problems without telling her what's actually going on. This was just too convoluted for me, I couldn't warm up to any of the characters, and the "reveal" was crazy. Unfortunately, I will pass on this series. Thanks to #NetGalley and #CrookedLaneBooks for the opportunity to read.

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The Jig Is Up by Lisa Q. Mathews showcases what family means to one another in this Irish cozy mystery, the beginning of a new series set in Massachusetts.

Can Kate clear Colleen's name before St Paddy's Day and the jig is up?

The Buckley Family
The Buckleys sure know how to get into trouble once they are all in town. This whole family is nuts, and I love it, though. It reminds me of my own family and how when we all get together, everyone has something going on. Either in our personal lives or at work. It's interesting to see what is happening in the Buckleys' lives. Family gatherings are the best, even if they don't always start off on the right foot. Like how Colleen got Kate and her daughters back to Shamrock real fast.

Kathleen and her girls
Kathleen Buckley, better known as Kate, is the eldest child of Shamrock's ex-police chief. He is retired now and runs their bed and breakfast with his wife and the help of Colleen. Being the oldest daughter comes with some hardships, as Kate tries to set a better example for her younger siblings. She is a wonderful mom to her two beautiful girls. Kate tries her best honestly and even more so to make sure that they keep safe. Since Kate's youngest is only seven and she mostly sticks at home, she is the easiest. It's her oldest that makes Kate worry since she is entering high school. Kate was going to be a professional dancer but gave it all up because she wanted to have a family instead.

Frank is the middle child and only boy. He thinks he has to be the one making sure that his two sisters don't get into too much trouble. That is honestly really hard when it comes to the Buckley girls, but everyone in town loves this family. Well, most people in the town do. He is a great character. Frank is on the police force as well and is one of many police officers that Kathleen knows. Meaning, she can probably use him later if this sleuthing thing keeps going. Out of all the siblings, Frank still eats like he is a teenager. He enjoys popping by the bed and breakfast for a meal or to do a bit of laundry.

The youngest child is Colleen. Colleen means well, but at the age of twenty-four, she thinks that she knows everything. She still lives at home, helping her parents with the bed and breakfast. You see, sometimes Colleen has a hard time keeping money and staying out of trouble. Colleen is meant to take over the family business, but I don't honestly see that happening. She really enjoys helping out at the dance school, as she was a dancer when she was a teenager. The youngest daughter was the most shocking character of them all. I loved Colleen, honestly.

Their Parents
Their mom is their rock. She had to be the disciplinary parent and the one that was always there. Everyone still calls their dad Chief, even though he is retired and hasn't been on the force in many years. He still has his fingers dipped into the police force and offers them his services if they need him to. Mom doesn't seem to like that very much since she wants him safe at home and resting. Except this is what he does best and is what he wants to do. The police force still listens to him. No one wants to hurt the Chief's feelings.

The Mystery
Kate, Colleen, and Kate's oldest daughter went off to grab Deirdre from the hall where Deirdre was having practice that night for her dance school. They were going to meet at the local pub, but Colleen got sidetracked by Kathleen showing up, and then Deirdre was running late, too. Deirdre was a famous Irish step dancer, and she came from a long line of champion Irish step dancers. She was one of them.

The three Buckley girls found Deirdre's dead body, and they thought that they could save her. I felt so bad for everything that was happening in this story for Colleen and Kate and their little family. Honestly, Ms. Mathews had me guessing who the murderer was throughout the entire story. I thought I had someone, but I got the red herring instead. Also, my supposed motive wasn't the right one. I mean, it kind of was, but it really wasn't. Ms. Mathews did a fantastic job of making the reader go around in circles trying to figure out whodunit.

Five Stars for The Jig Is Up by Lisa Q. Mathews
My rating for The Jig Is Up by Lisa Q. Mathews is five stars, and I'm recommending it to anyone who needs a new cozy mystery series to sink your teeth into. Ms. Mathews did a fabulous job of bringing me to Shamrock, Massachusetts, and making me feel like I'm part of the Buckley family. Kate is our point-of-view character, and it was nice to see things through her eyes and how she fits into her family. I honestly love the Buckley family, and I can't wait to see what other shenanigans they get into in the next book. Ms. Mathews has a brilliant series on her hands.

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Thank you for dropping by! I hope you enjoyed this review of The Jig Is Up by Lisa Q. Mathews.

Until the next time,
Karen the Baroness

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I'm always up to start a new cozy mystery series, especially with the promise of all the Irish festive vibes. I thought it was interesting to have a more mature lead character in this series. I'm more used to younger female leads, so that was refreshing, but unfortunately, I never managed to really get drawn into the story.

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Love this story it was a fun read with great details and fun characters. Characters were interesting an relatable and the story line kept reader wanting more

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This was a fun start to a new cozy mystery series. The story is structured like a typical cozy mystery (amateur sleuth, off-page violence, etc.) and is a good length.

The author is clearly a seasoned writer who understands how to structure a sentence and balance exposition with dialogue. I would absolutely read more of her work.

I enjoyed the Irish-themed New England setting. The author did a good job of peppering it in without being too heavy handed.

The mystery was set up nicely and not too easy to solve.

I initially did not realize and did not like that the amateur sleuth has children. I don't like child characters in cozy mysteries. I don't care if they're nieces, nephews, siblings, etc. After reading this book, I still feel the same way. I will not seek out cozy mysteries with sleuths who have young children. In fact, I will still actively avoid series with kids. I'm not saying that these series shouldn't exist or that people shouldn't like them. They just aren't my cup of tea.

That said, the author handled the sleuth's kids well in this particular book. The young characters were heavily incorporated into the story and mystery but they were likable and not annoying.

Thank you Crooked Lane Books for providing this book for review consideration via NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

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The Jig Is Up is the first book in a new series by author Lisa Q. Mathew and my first read by the this author as well. I was intrigued by the book because of the Irish and Bed & Breakfast components of the story line. Overall, I enjoyed the book and found most of the characters likeable with some needing a bit more development to make them feel more integrated or less like a stereotype. For the most part, the story line moved along with a few slow downs, which can happen as an author balances the start of a new series. My one criticism is that sometimes I felt like the family drama overshadowed the mystery and took center stage. I don't mine if there is some family drama because that's real life but I prefer the mystery to stay the focus of the plot line.

All in all, I enjoyed this book and will be giving the next book in the series a read.

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THE JIG IS UP is the first book in the brand-new Irish Bed & Breakfast Mysteries by Lisa Q. Matthews. With the darling cover inviting a reader in and conflict and action that starts quickly, the book captured my attention and held it throughout. The protagonist, Kate Buckley, is a single mom of two girls, one a young teen. I like that she’s older and has had some life experiences that have shaped her. Arriving back at her hometown of Shamrock, MA, after an urgent message from her sister, Colleen, Kate is met with drama and a tragedy. It brings family to the foreground and how the sisters relate to each other as they navigate a murder. The author’s way with words paints vivid visuals, bringing the Irish-themed town to life, as well as the characters. She writes with a subtle humor that gave me a few chuckles and added to the appeal of the fast-paced plot. The mystery itself was well-thought out and oh my, several twists and curveballs I didn’t see coming were thrown in, keeping me turning pages faster and faster. This is a terrific start to what I hope is a long-running series and I can’t wait to read book two!

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Really enjoyed this cozy. First in a series. After getting a text from her sister Kate Buckley and her two daughters head home to Shamrock, MA. Lots of suspects to keep the reader guessing. A great setting. Thanks #Netgalley and #CrookedLaneBooks for the eARC in exchange for a honest review. All opinions are mine.

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Single mom Kate Buckley is all about family after she receives an urgent text from her younger sister Colleen she puts her life on hold and rushes home to her hometown of Shamrock Massachusetts. When they arrive Colleen says it’s all a misunderstanding but everything changes when Colleen’s best friend Deidre a dance show star, is found dead in the parish hall. Colleen ends up becoming a person of interest in the murder convinced her sister isn’t a killer Kate is determined to clear Colleen’s name. While Kate investigates Colleen takes charge of Shamrock’s popular Irish dance show in honor of her late friend with disastrous results. With St Patrick’s Week in full swing Kate must catch a killer before the celebrations are ruined. This was a very enjoyable story I would recommend to everyone.

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new-series, first-in-series, bed-and-breakfast, ex-cop, family-business, family-drama, family-dynamics, amateur-sleuth, sisters, Irish, small-town, small-business, Massachusetts, Irish-dance, murder, murder-investigation, paraplegia, divorced*****

CPA Kate Buckley and her two young daughters take a road trip from their home in Brooklyn to go to her hometown of Shamrock, Massachusetts after an obscure text from her younger sister, Colleen. Her dad is the former police chief of town until a work related shooting left him in a wheelchair. Colleen has a different hold on reality than Kate, but when her good friend is found dead by them it really gets complicated. Then there is the whole mess about the Irish dance studios. The characters are convincing and the twists are sneaky. Excellent read and new series.
I requested and received a free temporary EARC from Crooked Lane Books via NetGalley. Thanks!

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The Jig is Up is a debut cozy mystery in the Irish Bed & Breakfast Mystery series with likeable characters and a lot of family. Kate Buckley is an Accountant in New York City and is asked by her sister to come home to.Shamrock, MA. Kate has two daughters, Maeve and Bliz. It is often difficult adding kids to mysteries. They are either left home most of the time or help solve the mystery neither of which is ideal if they are young. In this book it works really well and the kids add to the.story and present opportunities for Kate to ask questions and snoop. There is some family drama to.add to the.story as well. Kate has a sister Colleen who seems to be secretive and a bit unreliable. I wasn't sure I liked her at first but I did eventually. Kate and Colleen's parents run a B&B but are getting older and Colleen helps them. Colleen is hoping Kate and the.girls will move back. It is near St Patrick's Day and there are a lot of activities including an Irish Dance Show. Colleen's best friend.Deirdre runs the dance company and is in charge of the show until she ends up dead. An Irish dance star, Aidan is in town for the parade and activities. The.cozy mystery was decent but there are some slow points and it seemed too overrun with details at times. The mystery competes with the family drama at times but it works and keeps the story interesting. Overall a good beginning to a new.series. ##RheJigIsUp #IrishBed&breakfast mystery. #NetGalley #CrookedLaneBooks

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"The Jig Is Up (Irish Bed & Breakfast #1)" by Lisa Q. Mathews hit all the marks for a good classic cozy mystery. It has a woman old enough to have two kids, one a teenager. She's having/had relationship upheaval. Now, because of something potentially life changing is returning to a place she calls home and is made an offer to stay there. Then, a murder occurs and just happens to involve someone she cares about (her sister). However, we don't know if she's going to permanently move back once her lease in her current apartment is up. I bet she does.

I wasn't all that surprised by the reveal of the culprit. I say this because I got a bit of a gut feeling at the beginning when this character was introduced. It may have come more from hoping they weren't going to be a reoccurring character. Either way, the build up of clues did lead to them but not so much to pin point them. The clues lead to 2-3 possible people.

I look forward to more books in this series. It is a great first book. Not only is it Irish themed, it starts off with the most Irish American holiday, St. Patrick's Day.

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This is a great first in a new series. If you like Ireland or Irish things you will love this book! Kate Buckley's family runs a B&B in the small town of Shamrock, MA. Kate and her two daughters Maeve and Elizaeth aka Bizy live in New York but rush up to Shamrock after receiving a concerning text from her sister, Colleen.

Shamrock is the most Irish town ever, from the name of the businesses to the Irish jig's playing continuously to the Irish attire. When Colleen's best friend, Dierdre, also the queen of Irish dance is murdered and Colleen becomes the main suspect, Kate decides to investigate to clear her sister's name. I really enjoyed the characters. Kate's dad is the past chief of police but had to retire after being shot in the line of duty. Her brother is a deputy, and her high school sweetheart is a detective in the making. She is up to her ears in law enforcement and has learned a thing or two from listening to her dad.

Thank you to NetGalley for an ARC of this book. I am looking forward to more in the series.

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What a delight to spend time with Kate Buckley and her quirky family and neighbors in the charming town of Shamrock, Mass., in this captivating Irish-themed cozy mystery series launch.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the author for the chance to read this book!

I can’t resist the premise of a classic cozy, and this, the first in a new series has all the hallmark elements I’ve come to know and love about the genre. We have a female sleuth moving back to her her home town, an old flame waiting in the wings, an eccentric family and a few big secrets under wraps. We have a theme, that of Irish dancing and combined with small town rivalry in the air B&B business. Add in the mystery and murder, and the stage is set.

I will say there were a few times where I had to stretch the believability and convenience of the situation. I can’t help but feel the lead gives far too much leniency to her eldest daughter, although an end spoiler may account for that. I’d also like to see a bit more depth to some of the more stereotypical characters, like ex Chief of police dad and scattered never there mum.

All in all though it was a fun little jaunt into a new cozy series from an established author. Four stars.

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A nice start to the series. I had a few hang ups with the main characters sister (I’m assuming that it’s supposed to be that way. 😅), but enjoyed the rest of the characters. The pacing was great with plenty of red herrings and ending with several twists and turns.

Thanks NetGalley, Crooked Lane Books, and Lisa Q. Mathew’s for the eARC. All opinions are my own.

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I gave five stars to The Jig is Up by Lisa Q. Mathews

Single-mom and police chief’s daughter Kate Buckley is all about family. After she receives an urgent text from her younger sister Colleen, she puts her life on hold and rushes to her Irish-themed hometown of Shamrock, Massachusetts. With her two daughters in tow, she’s ready to fight if it means she can help her charming but hapless sibling. When they arrive, Colleen claims it was all a misunderstanding. But everything changes in an Irish minute when Colleen’s best friend Deirdre, a dance show star, is found dead in the parish hall. With the discovery of a possible witness, a chilling motive, and a wee bit of incriminating evidence Colleen quickly becomes a person of interest in Deirdre’s murder. Convinced her sister isn't a killer, Kate is determined to clear Colleen’s name. As Kate investigates, Colleen takes charge of Shamrock’s popular Irish dance show in honor of her late friend–with disastrous results. With the St. Patrick’s Week festivities in full swing, Kate must catch the killer before the celebrations are ruined and her sister’s Irish luck runs out.

-------- REVIEW --------

A new Irish cozy mystery series perfect for St. Patrick's Day. I really enjoyed this read and liked that it focused so much on the family. Kate, along with her daughter, try to solve the murder and they really have such an amazing bond. I hope to find more cozy mysteries with a mother and daughter sleuthing team.

The mystery was also good and I had no idea whodunit. But what had me turning the pages were the well written characters and the Irish theme that is very apparent, even just by looking at the cover.

I will be picking up the next one, and recommend this to all cozy lovers.

This book comes out August 6.

Thank you, NetGalley and Crooked Lane Books for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Super fun series and can’t wait to read more! I love the characters and their quirky personalities and town!

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This was a great debut novel in the Irish bed and breakfast mystery series, it had a great mystery element to it and worked with what I was hoping for in this type of book. Lisa Q. Mathews has a great writing style that worked with all the elements perfectly, it worked with everything that I wanted and glad I was able to read this. The characters felt like they were meant to be in this universe and glad I got to read this. I can't wait to read more in this series.

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