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This book was amazing,it was thrilling from the very first page.
To imagine how one man could deceive two women,for yrs.was indescribable.
Both women looked exactly alike & both wanted a child,but only one could fulfill that destiny.
They were destined to meet under unimaginable circumstances & what circumstances they were.
The characters & situations are box office worthy.A real gem to read.
Thank you to NetGalley for the opportunity to review thus book & to Nolon King and Lauren Street for their writing

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Thank you, NetGalley for giving me the chance to read Replaced by Nolon King and Lauren Street. I was so excited to start it after reading other reviews and it had me hooked from the beginning!
Although, I do love a good plot twist in a book, I found it rather easy to figure what was going to happen as it was happening, but it still kept me interested all the way until the end. If you enjoy a fast pace thriller, this one is for you!


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I am starting this review at 10% because omg omg omg!
What an opening!? I was expecting it but I was not expecting this!
This is why we need to have some friends.
I couldn't put this book down at all. It was so crazy. What was the adoption agency thinking choosing these folks to have a baby?!
The ending though! This was a lot and I love it and I want to read ten more of these.

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Replaced was a good wee thriller. Lot's of exciting bits where the action really ramped up and a great story. It gave me the creeps when Jessica turned up at her house to find someone looking exactly like her and her husband having no idea who she was.

I enjoyed Jessica's fighting spirit - not willing to give up easily and I found her and Jess to be likeable characters. There were some great supporting characters and wee side stories that really added to the story.

There were a few confusing moments with the Jess vs Jessica storylines and how old the baby was meant to be, a few inconsistencies with the editing and a few grammatical errors which i'm sure will be fixed before publication.

Overall, a great read and the storyline, while far fetched did feel believable and realistic.

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This was a very tense read and often scary when a life can be changed so quickly and you can be replaced like that!

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Ok, is it just me, but isn't it DOUBLE the thrill when you read a book written by two authors? I mean, look at Liv Constantine, Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen, Preston and Child, and now...

Nolan King & Lauren Street

I mean HELLO!!! where have you two been hiding all my life ?


This book flows so perfectly, I zipped through it in one sitting. At 347 pages I literally felt like it was 100. There is no wordy paragraphs or any lag, I was easily thrust into a psychological thriller that had me doubting myself.

This is a must read and I have become an instant fan of these two.

Check out this teaser

Jessica Clarke had the perfect life. Until someone stole it.

Jessica Clarke has the perfect life. She’s married to the man of her dreams, they’ve bought a house in white picket fence suburbia, and she’s just adopted a new baby.

Everything is as it should be.

Until she gets home to find her keys don’t work.

When she knocks, a woman who looks a lot like her answers while holding Jessica’s baby. When Jessica screams, her husband comes –

And insists that he’s never met Jessica before.

He calls her an imposter.
A fraud.
A liar.

But Jessica knows he’s lying.

Someone has taken her life. Her husband. Her baby.

And she wants it all back.

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A MASSIVE thank you to NetGalley and Sterling & Stone for allowing me to read this book ahead of its publication date today!

This. Book. Was. Wild. It was a crazy adventure and I loved every minute of it! It took just under 4 hours for me to read it after work today, cover to cover, and I literally couldn't put it down. I even carried it into the kitchen with me while I cooked dinner!

The storyline was intense (in a good way). The characters were flawed and vulnerable and believable - together as an ensemble and individually too. There were a few typos, (like glove instead of globe), but honestly, I didn't even care.

I kept waiting to figure out what was really going on with these people and what was going to happen next... But each time I thought I figured it out, the next chapter completely upended my theory! There were several times I yelled out, "WHAT?!" as events unfolded. I felt like this crazy scenario could really happen to someone, and it's terrifying to imagine. I genuinely couldn't wait to see how this one turned out - and I wasn't disappointed!!

This was a riveting, page-turning thriller and I'm going to tell everyone I know that they HAVE to read this book!


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Replaced was definitely a page-turning thriller. Something so seemingly normal, husband goes ahead and wife follows, only to discover during that time that. she’s been replaced by somehow who looks like her… what a nightmare. There were some inconsistencies, but I can look pas those. I enjoyed this book.

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This is an excellent psychological thriller. I was turning pages as fast as I could to know what was going on! This would have been a 5 star except for a few inconsistencies that maybe will be fixed before publication.
You drive across country to move you and your husband’s belongings to your new home where he is waiting with your brand new adopted baby. You excitedly get to the house only to have a woman who looks exactly like you answer and say she is you. Your husband denies knowing you. You can’t get in your new home, can’t see your baby and your husband has another wife. Are you crazy? Is he? Who is this strange woman claiming to be you?
This book was such a wild ride. I couldn’t read fast enough to answer all my questions. I highly recommend this book. Thank you to net galley for my advanced copy!

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Thank you, Net Galley, the publisher, and the author for an E-ARC of this book.

It started out with a great concept and really kept my interest for about the first 50% but then it became extremely convoluted , confusing , completely ridiculous and even though I finished the book I found it to be a total waste of time.

The authors’ use of profane language and descriptions was not necessary for the story. One description in particular was just completely uncalled for and degrading.

I would not recommend this book.

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✨ B O O K R E V I E W ✨

Replaced - Nolon King & Lauren Street

Description in a quick blurb (my version): Jessica and her husband David adopted a baby girl and decided that NYC would no longer be home for them. They decided to move to Texas. Since the baby was only a week old Jessica decided it would be best that david flew to texas and she drove the U-haul across country. After the long drive and many bumpy situations along the way - Jessica finally made it to her home in the suburbs. When she walked up to her front door and put the key in the door and it wouldn’t fit properly she thought she was at the wrong house. Until the light upstairs came on and someone came downstairs to open the door. When another women opened the door and said she was David’s wife - Jessica’s life would never be the same.

My Thoughts: I absolutely ate this book up. It was a mild suspense, but it had me hooked from the beginning. I loved how everything unfolded and I was able to “play along” and try to determine who the replacement Jessica was. I would have love to see more suspense thriller in it and would have loved more character development across all characters but especially Jessica’s (Amber) mother. overall I think it was a wonderful and easy book.

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️.75

*I was given this book as an ARC. While I did not pay for this book these thoughts and reviews are 100% my own*

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This book was a definite page turner. I was curious to know how it would all come together, and the authors did a great job. I would’ve given it 5 stars if it wasn’t for several issues. It needs editing to correct inconsistencies. Chapter 37 mentions Jess where it should be Jessica. After that there more errors with the names. Some sentences didn’t make sense and I had to try to figure out what they meant. Some were due to typos, others were just badly constructed sentences. Many times things were mentioned that wasn’t necessary to the flow of the story and it slowed it down. Otherwise, it was a great read. I hope there is more editing before the book goes to publication,

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Imagine living a perfect life. A life with a loving husband, a beautiful home, and a new baby. A life that you cherish and protect. Now imagine coming home one day and finding out that you have a double. A double who has your name, your face, and your family. A double who claims to be you, and that you are the impostor.

That’s the nightmare that Replaced, a novel by Nolon King and Lauren Street, plunges you into. You follow the lives of two women, both Jessica Clarke, and both telling the truth. But how is that possible? And who is the mastermind behind this twisted game?

The story starts with a bang and never lets go. You get to see both sides of the story, as each Jessica tries to unravel the mystery of the other, while facing their own challenges. One has to verify her identity, while everything that proves who she is has been erased or destroyed, and no one believes her. The other has to protect her family, while convincing her husband that she is not insane.

What I liked about this book is that the authors have a realistic explanation for everything that happens. They don’t resort to cheap tricks like paranormal or supernatural elements, like The Outsider by Stephen King or Behind Her Eyes by Sarah Pinborough. It’s annoying when authors take the easy way out and make up something unbelievable to explain their complex twists, turning the book into a nonsensical mess. The authors do a great job of creating tension and mystery, making the book impossible to put down from the very first page, as well as exploring the themes of identity, murder, deception, mental illness, and drug addiction.

The book is not flawless, though. It’s pretty easy to figure out who the bad guy is, and there are not many plot twists to shock you. But plot twists are not everything. There are also some minor plot holes, but they don’t affect the overall story much.

Replaced is a gripping psychological thriller that will challenge you to think about who you are and what makes you unique. The novel is clever and original, as the authors create a scenario that is both terrifying and intriguing, without relying on paranormal or supernatural elements. It's not a perfect book, but it's a very entertaining and satisfying one. If you enjoy stories that are suspenseful, thrilling and make you curious how the authors will untangle the knot, you will love Replaced by Nolon King and Lauren Street.

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Great book!! I wasn't to sure about this one but I'm sure glad I read it! What a book! This book had a bit of everything! It had great suspense, intrigue, action, murder, mystery, gas lighting, double crossing, great plot twist, and some really crazy twists and turns! The storyline was so very interesting and had me glued to my Kindle! I highly recommend reading this book as it was well worth reading! I thoroughly enjoyed reading this one! Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for sharing this book with me!

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Okay, this started well and had me ready to keep reading, but there are several inconsistencies that prevented me from being fully engaged. I also felt like this was leading up to some big revelation and was waiting for the climax, but instead the plot was figured out early on (cheating husband found a look-a-like for his wife so he could use her to adopt them a baby because of the wife’s drug history) and no twist came. It has potential, which is why I’m giving it 3 stars. But it needs work.

“So she went upstairs and sat in front of her computer,”- the stolen computer from a few chapters before? Where did this come from? There was no mention of replacing it.

“Bella clapped.”- this baby is less than a month old and her reactions to them speaking to her are simply not possible. She most definitely did not clap.

“Then Jessica got out her knife. Cleaned the handle. Then set it in David’s hand.”- She just discarded this across town a few chapters ago.

“They’ve concluded that Peter was trying to find a hitman to off me,”- wouldn’t this be David? Peter WAS the hit man.

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Jessica Clarke and her husband, David are moving to Texas. He is flying, with their newly adopted baby and she is driving the U-haul. Delayed by a accident, she arrives at the address she has been given late at night and is faced with a woman that looks exactly like her, with her name, and a baby that looks like her child. David claims that he does not know her and in fact has never even met her.

What is happening? Is he lying? Why?

I loved the premise of this book and thought the first half was very interesting. Then the book became a bunch of inconsistencies and plot holes. I wasn’t expecting a believable plot but the plot twist and ending were almost laughable. Still, I enjoyed reading it. It’s a fast-paced and exciting read.

I would definitely read something else from this author. .

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When Jessica finally completes her u-haul drive from NY to Texas to meet up with her husband David and their baby Gwen she is shocked to find out that her key doesn't work in their new house and that David is living their with his wife Jess ( Who looks just like her) and their baby "Bella". When she becomes hysterical the police are called and haul her away.
Jessica can't figure out what is going on and why David is gaslighting her. As she struggles to figure out the pieces in the puzzle she meets up with someone named Pete who says he can help her and that David is trying to get rid of her. Not trusting Pete she sets up a fake rendezvous only to find out that Pete was going to murder her. Meanwhile Jess is having troubles with anxiety and fear and with David who keeps trying to push her to believe she is losing her mind.
Lots of trauma and twists and turns but a fast moving book with a great ending.

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Thank you NetGalley and Sterling & Stone for the copy of Replaced by NolonKing and Lauren Street. If I had known that I wouldn’t want to put this book down, I would have had some snacks close by! From the very beginning the story was intriguing, and I couldn’t wait to see what happened next. Which Jessica was the real wife? Was someone lying? I didn’t really connect with any of the characters and no one was very engaging, but the narrative more than made up for that. The big reveal wasn’t a huge shock, but what came next was. It was a little hard to follow some of it, and I’m not sure I understood or loved the very end. But, most of the book was really compelling and was a joy to read, so if you’re looking for a fast, gripping book, pick up this one!

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This book had an interesting storyline. I had no idea how it would all play out. It had me hooked, needing answers as to what was going on. Overall, I enjoyed the book and would recommend to other readers!

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by Nolon King & Lauren Street
Book 1 of Replaced

When a book starts with “”so and so “ had a perfect life, we know that 💩will hit the fan. And boy does it hit.

Jessica leaves New York by car to travel to their new home in Texas. She and David just adopted baby Gwen. Due to Jessica’s aversion to flying, she drives across the country. Finally at her new home, her keys won’t fit the lock. A strange woman who oddly looks like her opens the door
With her baby on her arms. David denies having ever seen Jessica.
But clearly someone is lying here!

I mean if that does not sound intriguing, then I simply don’t know. Was this book unrealistic? Highly so. Did I care? Not a single bit! This was such a wild ride! Imagine driving for three days and then your spouse tells you they don’t know you. The thought alone is insane!

The chapters were switching between the Jessica we meet first and Jess, her “replacement”. I liked the switching up, it kept me guessing what was going on, which one was real and which one the fraud?

Let’s be real here, the story was as implausible as it could get. But I still did enjoy the book to an extend. It was action packed and wild. I did like the first half better than the second as it made sense. I think the twist is so far fetched that it could be from out of space. The concept was great, but the execution felt like literally two different people were writing down their ideas and they kind of blended.

What confused me a bit, as far as I remember the baby was supposed to be really young but the way she was described throughout the book was like an older toddler. I even googled it. A week old baby is not yet laughing or in general acting like she does in that book. That confused me, but maybe I was just remembering wrong. Apologies if so.

There are several plot holes and inconsistencies in the book, which I would have loved to be resolved before publication. Maybe some editing wouldn’t hurt to figure out the plot holes.

Publishes 23 Jan 2024 by Sterling & Stone

ARC received courtesy of the publisher and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. I was under no obligation to review. All opinions are my own.

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