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The Sky on Fire

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I somehow still haven’t read Jenn Lyons’ popular “Chorus of Dragons” series. And, as it is with all multi-book series, at a certain point it begins to feel a bit intimidating to start! So I was thrilled to see she was releasing a standalone fantasy book this summer! What better way to get on the bandwagon without having to commit to an entire series right from the start! It was helped by the fact that the book itself has an excellent cover. It’s eye-catching enough on its own, but it gets even better the longer you look at it, when you start noticing the details of the castle and city. So definite props to the artist on this one!

Unfortunately, this wasn’t quite the homerun of a read that I was hoping for. I will say that it’s easy to see how this author could be capable of producing a beloved fantasy series, and, given some of my problems with this book in particular, some of the weaknesses I found here could easily translate into strengths in a longer format. Some of these strengths include excellent world-building.

I loved the idea of flipping the entire “dragon rider” concept on its head. This is a hugely popular trope in SFF fiction, and, while enjoyable, myself and many other fans are often left scratching our heads when reading about some of these partnerships. Why, oh why, are the humans the more powerful members of these societies when so often the dragons are described as having more powerful magic, greater physical abilities (obviously), and often a much higher general IQ than their human compatriots. So I loved the what Lyons did here by flipping this relationship around to show a society where the dragons, not the humans, are the more dominant members of this society.

I also liked the expanse of this world and that we travelled to numerous locations throughout the story. Yes, this could also feel like a bit much at times, especially given that it was all packed into one, stand-alone book, but it was also incredibly interesting and made the world feel lived in and worth exploring to discover what else might be in store.

Where things began to fall apart was with the characters, and the problems were twofold. First, there were simply too many of them. As I read on, there seemed to be more and more characters added to the list well-past the point of reason. This increase in characters also resulted in a love triangle quickly rearing its head. The story took a different tact here, shifting the traditional love triangle into a polycule as the story went on, but as I’m not personally a fan of polycule romances, this sadly wasn’t an improvement. The characters all quickly began to fall flat as well, each seeming to only be defined by one or two overall traits with little other characterization to be found, either in the beginning or as the story progressed. I also felt no chemistry between any members of the romance, which really put the nail in that coffin for me. At times, some of these interactions were downright cringe-y.

That said, there was potential to be found here, even in these fairly stale characters. Again, given a longer book or a series, perhaps the author could have built out these characters better, helping them feel as full and realized as the world itself. So, while I didn’t love this book, I’m still very intrigued to check out the author’s other work. If you’re a fantasy reader who enjoys polycule romances, this might be one to add to the list! But I do think it fell a bit flat, overall.

Rating 7: A lot of potential to be found, but weak character ultimately let this one down.

Link will go live on The Library Ladies blog on June 12

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For those who love Throne of Glass and Six of Crows

The Sky on Fire is the story of an outsider thrust into a high-stakes heist. In a realm where dragons reign and humanity serves as their subjects, a few humans become dragon riders, forming unbreakable bonds with these beings. To escape her past and save her new friends, Anahron must pull off an impossible feat—steal from a dragon and redefine her destiny.

This book is for readers looking to escape into a realm of fantasy. With easily understandable world-building and magic systems, readers find themselves rooting for this band of misfits. The Sky on Fire is perfect for anyone craving a fun fantasy to keep you on the edge of your seat.

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I very much enjoyed reading this ebook! It was a very good experience. I liked the characters, the Worldbuilding and the plot very much.

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🐉The Sky on Fire🐉

Jenn Lyons became an autobuy author after I read and loved the Chorus of Dragons series by her. It’s quirky, it’s complex, it’s so great! It isn’t necessarily a series I recommend to everyone as I feel like people will either love it or hate it, but I definitely loved it! The Sky on Fire is a brand new standalone set in a world ruled by dragons.

I did quite enjoy this one but definitely not as much as the Chorus of Dragons series. The world building was brilliant and by far my favourite part of the book. I did, however, find the characters were a little underdeveloped which made it harder to become invested in them. This surprised me a bit as the strong and well developed characters are one of the many reasons I love the Chorus of Dragons series. I did however really enjoy the dynamics between dragons and their riders and how that played into the story.

The Sky on Fire is quite fast paced so I found myself reading it much faster than I thought I would. The Chorus of Dragons series is quite dense so it would take me about a month to read through them but to my pleasant surprise, I think I finished The Sky on Fire in about 24 hours. The book starts of strong and I was instantly intrigued which kept the pages turning. However, I found there was a lot of build up to events and plot twists but when they came about they were over a bit too quickly.

I did enjoy this one overall but it felt underdeveloped. The dragons are of course the best part of the story and I felt like there was a good amount of them in the story! (My pet peeve is dragon books that aren’t dragon-y enough 😂)

A huge thank you to @netgalley & @torbooks for the eARC in exchange for an honest review. The Sky on Fire is out on July 9th!

⭐3.75/5 stars⭐

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The premise of this book was interesting with dragons, a heist, and general intrigue. However I am disappointed overall in the book.The establishing chapters were slow. When I got to chapter 8 I felt there was a better established set of information so I went back to the beginning and read the prologue again.

The book was meandering and needed more edits. The actual heist was a very small portion of the book. You’re 40% into the book before the heist even started. It seemed like the reader missed out on large chunks of information like what happened between Anahrod and Neveranimus.

This is my normal type of book to read and the dragon names and some of the human names were just too much / too long. Terminology is used and then never explained like “late sprouting”, which you can figure out eventually but not always. But what does leaves mean for the rings?

Overall a good premise but not a good execution. More things needed explaining whereas others could have been cut completely. In any case thank you NetGalley for the ARC.

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This has so many things I would like, dragons, fun characters, fantasy world building and spice. But it felt very meandering and annoying to get through at times. Disappointed.

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This is an enjoyable and entertaining fantasy adventure story with found family, dragons, magic, and high stakes action. This is my first book by Lyons, but I’ve wanted to read Chorus of Dragons for a while.

This book isn’t at all slow paced, but it reads slow if that makes sense. The world building is dense, there are a lot of characters, and a lot of intricacies to the plot and world. It takes some brainpower to process everything (one character speaks only in quoted poetry or plays that another character then has to interpret for example). It also feels like a much longer book because so much happens! There are several quests, several plots, a Mission Impossible style heist, and then there’s still 30% of the book left to address the plot with the First Dragon and wrap everything up! But I was never bored.

There’s a large cast of characters, but I’d say the 4 most important were Anahrod, Ris, Sicaryon, and Gwindinion. I have to say I think Sicaryon was actually my favorite and I would not have minded more time with him. I think there is just so much going on with the plot and the world, that I missed really feeling the emotional connection to everyone, plus it made some of the relationships less believable. Ris holds so much back in information throughout the book that I found it hard to believe how easily Anahrod trusted her. That being said, I definitely enjoyed the steamy relationship between Anah, Ris, and Cary.

Overall, just a little something was missing to make it a new fav, but it was highly enjoyable and I would recommend.

Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the preview. All opinions are my own.

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A thrilling fantasy that hooks you in right from the start, 'The Sky on Fire' is a must read for fans of Anne McCaffrey and Rebecca Yarros.

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this is an action and dragon field fantasy book, I had a really fun time with this and loved the development of the heist plot.

We follow a ragtag group of people planning a heist, and it was really fun seeing the development of the group and their character dynamics as the plot developed. Dragons are so cool, there’s a new span on the dragon and dragon rider trope that I really enjoyed. The plot itself is gripping and entertaining, there’s movement throughout the world which helped add to the worldbuilding and our enjoyment of the plot. It’s set in a queer normative world, and there is a subplot of a polyamorous relationship.

The main character is in her 30s, which I think adds a really fresh perspective to the world since she has had to move to a different part of the world.

This is a fantasy book that has everything you want in relation to dragons, the world itself is really cool and there is a really interesting way of showing gender identity and queerness- rings are used to show what you’re interested in and who you’re interested in which I thought was a new fun way to explore this.

if you’re looking for a heist fantasy with dragons and a fun queernormative world, this is what you should read!

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The Sky on Fire - Jenn Lyons

Who didn’t grow up wanting to be a dragon rider? Surely a universal experience. While you’re probably not likely to find me reading Fourth Wing, I have read my fair share of dragon related literature. Robin Hobb’s Realm of the Elderlings. Samantha Shannon’s Priory of the Orange Tree. Both all time favourites. I read Dragonkeeper by Caroline Wilkinson sometime in the noughties and that’s an absolute classic.
My point is… as a dragon enthusiast myself I think I can safely say that all dragon enthusiasts will enjoy this book. One thing about Jenn Lyons - she always delivers.

This is world that feels unique and complex, making you want to delve deeper, enticing you with societal structures, lore, and all the lively and intriguing details that make Lyons’ books such a joy to spend time with.
I loved the cast of characters here - this is your typical motley crew type fantasy, with varying personalities having to pull together to make the impossible (well, improbable) happen.
And while I must admit Lyons’ A Chorus of Dragons series was stronger (for me) in terms of characters (I really, really love those guys), this cast is still incredibly enjoyable.
You still get the joys of a queernorm setting, polyamory, talking dragons (!!), lots of banter. Lyons doesn’t let you rest on your laurels, you do have to keep your wits about you to a certain extent to keep up with the worldbuilding. Or maybe my brain was just not working at 100% while I read it. That’s also likely.

In conclusion:
I strongly recommend picking this up if it sounds like your sort of thing. I think it will prove to be a memorable read that I’d want to revisit.
But that’s just a Jenn Lyons book for you… always leaves you eager for more.

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Arc was approved by Tor Books in exchange for a fair and honest review! Thank you Tor!

First and foremost this book felt like Jenn just wanted to write something fun. She succeeded.

There's no real comparison to be had between The Sky on Fire and The Chorus of Dragons series - but there is a big difference in my opinion. TCoD felt like this epic sprawling epic high fantasy that was dense (in a good way) and full of brain usage to really grasp.

This was still a high fantasy but it just felt more relaxed, it would be a good book for casual fantasy readers as it wasn't overwhelming in details - the world building was still fantastic.

I do have some issues - mainly at times it did feel a little choppy - for example there was mention of 'getting caught in tidefishers' and I had absolutely no idea what that was until the last 90% of the book which felt a bit like an oversight. At times this felt a bit choppy and disjointed - the flow would cut itself off and I'd have to go back to try to understand what I missed. This did tend to correct itself but it was a bit frustrating.

I also was confused on what this wanted to be spice wise - there was a closed door scene which okay (please unclose that door in the future) but there was very descriptive and explicit (and hot) talk play about bondage - so I'm confused why the other scene was closed door and wish it hadn't been.

This book was FULL of inclusivity and I loved how it was described. The descriptions and inclusion were just part of the story and not put in to just be in. It didn't feel forced and it was exactly how it should be and I loved the representation. I also loved the bi/why choose/poly aspect of the romance within - it was really satisfying. I wish rings were a real life thing in our world the way they are in this.

Overrall, while this is described as a standalone, I think there's plenty of space for more and I'll be crossing my fingers for it.

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In general, liked this but I felt like the character arcs were underdeveloped (especially considering how long this book is) and ultimately unsatisfying. I wish I had a higher review because there was so much potential!

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Thank you SO MUCH to TOR and NetGalley for the eARC.
First of all: the cover is GORGEOUS.
Second of all: Heist story with dragons?? SAY NO MORE.

This book was a fun ride! Whisking you away on the first page to a world of dragons, I was surprised at how quickly the book grew on me.
With the representation (of both LGBTQA+ communities and disability communities), this book felt very "real" even though it is a fantasy realm. LOVE the queer-norm world. and the idea of the garden circles to pronouns?? Unique and absolutely brilliant. I enjoyed feeling a connection to each of the characters in their own little way. Anahrod is a wee bit chaotic, which was absolutely perfectly written and definitely more relatable than I care to admit haha!
Sicaryon, Peralon, Claw, and Gwyndion were each memorable, although I wish we had spent more time with all of the characters, At some points in the book, it felt a little rushed and I think that the book could be a little longer to allow for more fleshed out back stories into the characters, and more room to dive into the magic world. Between the sorcery, characters having ability to talk to animals, and all the different magical and nature affinities, it would have been nice to dive even deeper into all of the magics. I think the characters could have been developed a little bit more and that would help with the connections from the audience to the characters, but also between each character in the world.
As it is a heist story, I'm impressed at how well Lyons ties up all the different story paths and that the book comes to a conclusion. It is soooo refreshing to read a fantasy story that is captivating and is a standalone. Beginning, middle, and an end. Each part crafted to perfection with wit, adventure, magic, and fantastical dragons. What more does a fantasy reader want??

Thank you again to NetGalley and TOR for the early copy!

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DNF. I wasn’t drawn in by the first couple chapters, was confused, and I didn’t feel like sinking time into a book I wasn’t connecting with.

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Anahrod is believed to be dead, instead she is hiding in the jungles of the Deep. When the local warlord tries to capture her she is saved by an adventuring group, but her past catch up to her and the group of misfits need her help to steal from a dragon who wants her dead.

I have mixed feelings about this book. There were times when I felt the plot was too fast paced and other times when it was too slow. Something I really liked was the world building and the author’s creativity.
This world has so much potential, but it still didn’t meet my expectations. My biggest criticism is that I did not connect with the characters. We are introduced to too many characters at once, which not only confused me but also made it difficult to get to know them individually. Compelling characters are really important to me, so when the characters are lacking, I also lose interest in the plot. There were times when I wanted to DNF, but the story was engaging enough for me to finish the book.
Overall, I liked the world, and I can understand how some people will like this book, but I also can’t say I’m not disappointed.

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Anahrod used to be a Skylander, until she committed an unforgiveable crime and was sentenced to death. She was thrown from a skyship to her death into the Deep. Somehow, she survived, and 17 years later, she has built a new life in the jungles of the Deep. This world is separated into sky cities who lives in the clouds, and the Deep, a jungle on the ground that most skylanders think is desolate and uninhabitable, and everything is ruled by dragons. Anahrod believes she has left her skylander life behind, until she is found by a group sent by a dragon to find her. She soon discovers that they are planning an ambitious heist to steal the First Dragon’s hoard, and her criminal past makes her a perfect addition to their group.

I came away from this book really loving the world. I think the author did a great job of creating two distinct realms, the sky and the Deep, and a believable government wherein the people run their cities but overall answer to the Dragon Council. There were a lot of descriptions of day-to-day life that helped immerse me in the world, and I really want more stories set here.

The rest of the book was mostly a miss for me. There were a lot of characters, and it took me a long time to keep them all straight, especially because the first half of the book has us moving locations every couple of chapters, so between trying to keep track of 7-8 main characters, you’re also trying to keep track of where we are in the world and why. I really disliked how the romantic relationships were handled in this book. The insta-love was so unbelievable, and one of the characters is set up as a villain in the beginning only to be a love interest as soon as he appears on page. There is one fairly explicit scene that comes out of left field and doesn’t fit the tone of the rest of the book. I felt that those relationships either needed more time dedicated to building them, or my personal opinion is that they took away from the actual plot, and the book would have been better without much/any romantic subplots.

Once I was about 60% in I was finally able to get interested in the story, but it was not a book that held my attention from the beginning. I did overall enjoy the author’s writing and would read more from her, but this book felt a little underbaked. I would still recommend for anyone looking for dragon-related books, fantasy, and LGBTQ+ representation.

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I enjoyed this book immensely! After reading The Ruin of Kings I had to read this new release by Jenn.
I found the story engaging and very funny. I loved the humor, the characters and the world building!
The author incorporates some interesting concepts in this book. I loved everything! The rings, the dragons, the magic and the friendships! It is supposed to be a standalone but if in the future we see more books in this world, I wouldn't mind it one bit.
I thoroughly enjoyed it!

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Rating: Absolutely Loved It, 5 stars

Jenn Lyons is back with her first novel after wrapping up A Chorus of Dragons, and she knocked it out of the park! The Sky on Fire is a standalone that follows Anahrod, a woman who lives in the jungles of the Deep after being cast out of the cloud cities ruled by dragons on the mountain peaks high above. She is just trying to mind her own business and live her life when she endures multiple rescues and subsequent kidnappings in a row and is drafted for a daring heist to steal the hoard of the current dragon ruler.

Some of what I loved about this book:
- The characters. I think that Jenn Lyons does a fantastic job of writing characters. When I feel like I know the characters well enough to anticipate their reactions to certain events that will happen, I know that they feel real. I think that Lyons' characters are so well crafted. The whole cast of characters is endearing and I loved all the character interactions that took place. The banter and back and forth discussions, even with side characters is top-notch. Anahrod is such an endearing, chaotic, disaster, and those are my favorite kinds of characters. I also loved Sicaryon, Peralon, Gwyndion, and Claw so much. I feel like even though this was a relatively short period of time that we spent with the characters, they felt authentic and fully fleshed out.

- The world: Jenn Lyons creates some of my favorite worlds. This is no exception. It felt so creative and fully formed. I felt like it was a place that I could actually visit and wander around - it felt like it extended beyond the story. I was fascinated with not only the different settings, but also the general set-up, the culture, and the magic. The dragons are the absolute power in this world, but they are forced to take on humans as riders to keep them from going rampant, a sort of maddened state brought about by magic usage, the only cure for which is death. In general they treat humans pretty terribly and ensure that they remain subjugated, but I loved Peralon's relationship with his rider and his general perspective on the world. The magic was interesting and there is sorcery, inscription, the ability to talk to animals, and the dragon's different affinities. The world building is just so rich and immersive.

- The inclusivity: this is a queer-norm world with a really cool system of identifying so many different things through the rings that one wears. This includes preferred pronouns, gender, sexual preferences, career, and so many other things. There was not much explanation for these rings and it was explained as we went, but I am hopeful that the finished copy may have some appendixes that explain them more fully because I found them fascinating. I also appreciated some of the discourse around the peoples of the Deep compared to the peoples of the sky cities and the pushback on the concept of "savages." There was also disability representation that I really appreciated - one of the characters is a double amputee in a wheelchair. He doesn't get a ton of page time, but I felt the way that he was portrayed was pretty well done and it was just a portion of his character, not his defining, sole characteristic.

- The plot: I am a hard sell on heist stories, but when they are more about the characters than the heist, I can get on board. I had such a great time with the plot. It is just such a fun adventure. I just had a blast being along for the ride. I loved the humor that we get, and just the general absurdity of some of the situations. This book made me chuckle numerous times whether it was character interactions, internal dialogue, or just goofy situations in general. Also, I feel like this did a fantastic job of wrapping up the loose ends of the story into a standalone book. The epilogue leaves a door open for a return, but I felt like the story this book was telling wrapped up nicely.

Overall, I definitely think that fans of A Chorus of Dragons will love this book! It has so many of the things I came to love so intensely about that series. I also think that this is a really good entry point to Lyons' works - the storytelling is much more standard and straightforward, and it's a standalone. I highly recommend this book, and it is definitely a favorite of the year so far!

The Sky on Fire releases on July 9, 2024. Thank you to Tor and Netgalley for an early copy. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This book had a lot of potential. The dragons and magic system are very unique. There were a few hang ups with the plot and character development that threw me off a bit.

If you like intense world building that really makes you work for it then this is perfect for you. Most of my Kindle highlights from the book are world building snippets and I still don’t know if I fully understand the world..

It’s definitely worth reading if you are looking for a fantasy book that is more plot driven than character driven.

Things I disliked:
-Fade to black sex scene (should be illegal)
-Romance side plot was not fleshed out enough
-World building is very confusing. Still finding out new information 80% through the book
-No map (could just be the ARC copy)
-The ending was very short, definitely needed more. I am still left with many questions.

Things I liked:
-Polyamorous relationship
-Lgbtq+ friendly
-Talking dragons
-Interesting story concept

3.5 stars

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While I really loved the premise and appreciated the unique building. I felt underwhelmed when it came to the characters and their arcs. Jenn Lyons is an amazing writer but unfortunately this wasn’t a memorable read for me.

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