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The Day Tripper

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Rating: 4.25⭐️
Audio rating: 5⭐️ British narrators are always my favorite!!

1 sentence review: This explores life, actions, and consequences in a really profound way.

I really, really adored this book. The moral of this story is that all of our actions have consequences and even changing your mindset can change your entire life and the lives of those around you. This made me cry on multiple occasions and there was such complexity to the story. I loved the MC’s character development and his relationships with the side characters were both heartbreaking and inspiring.

My only critique for this was that the time travel concept had some plot holes for me, but honestly the concept of time travel in general blows my freaking mind so this is probably a me thing lol. Overall, I know this book is going to stick with me for a LONG time.

Read This if You Like:
⏱️ The Midnight Library (probably lol)
⏳ Time travel tropes
🕰️ Reading about trauma, consequences, and greater purpose

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I really enjoyed the ending of this book. At the beginning, it was slightly hard to get myself invested in the novel (the pacing was slow), but it did bring me in about halfway through. Alex Dean gets a head injury from a horrible beating and after that his life is turned upside down. The days / years that Alex experiences are not in order, and he is unhappy with what he sees / experiences. Can he alter the future by changing the past? Time travel is one of the only science fiction troupes I enjoy. This was a character drive story where although Alex was unlikable, once he started trying to change things, I did have empathy for him. I loved that the title for each chapter was a song title that kept me guessing what would happen in that chapter.

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I love a good time travel loop story, so I was excited for the chance to read The Day Tripper. I went into it hoping to love it. Sadly, by the end my feelings were far more lukewarm. There were decent elements to this story, but there wasn’t really enough setup, and, the biggest flaw, the main character, Alex, was terribly unsympathetic. I really struggled with his personality (or lack thereof?) and his overall attitude. Things did improve some by the end, but I was still relieved to be finished.

James Meunier did a decent job narrating the audiobook.

Thank you James Goodhand, Harper Audio, Harlequin Audio, and NetGalley for providing this ARC for review consideration. All opinions expressed are my own.

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If you liked exploring the hardhitting themes focused on dogged self improvement of THE MIDNIGHT LIBRARY or nonlinear time structures of OONA OUT OF ORDER, I think you should check this out. This does deal with difficult subjects so please look up trigger warnings. Despite exploring traumas, this is ultimately a feel-good story.

Alex Dean was just a regular dude until a near death experience leads to a supernatural series of events. Every morning he now wakes up on a random day of his life. He lives his life out of order, seeing the effects without knowing what caused it. Marrying a woman who he doesn’t know instead of the love of his life when he was 20. Or waking to find himself sleeping in a car, homeless and alone.
I went into this thinking it would be mostly science fiction but its more a commercial book with time travel shenanigans. The author did include a bit world building that fascinated me in that Alex is not the only person to experience “asynchronous consciousness” due to a severe head trauma or near-death experience.. I like what we got and want more about how this phenomenon affected others as well.

Alex started out unlikable. He’s an alcoholic who never took responsibility for his actions. Due to the head trauma which catapulted his “asynchronous consciousness” he sees what a sad and pitiful life he ends up having. Busking with his guitar to earn a bit of money, only to squander it on booze. He meets a mysterious character who knows about “asynchronous consciousness” and gives him advice that if he wants to improve his life, he just has to go against the headwind, make different choices, and have better consequences. Because he hops around in time, he can make different choices in the earlier years and then see the ripple effect of that change later on. That part definitely reminded me of the movie “The Butterfly Effect” (with Ashton Kutcher)

The relationships are what really elevate this story. How they change over time and how our daily choices profoundly affect them. Treating your loved ones better before you lose them.
Overall, I recommend this to you if you like heartfelt stories about a person learning from their mistakes with a fun “time travel” element.

The Day Tripper will be published March 19, 2024. Thanks to Netgalley for my ALC (advanced listening copy)

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I really enjoyed this story. The concept of having your life already set and you visiting those moments at different points, out of order, a day at a time, makes for a crazy ride. It took me a minute to get into it, but after I did I flew through this book. I like how this book is a time travel story with a twist.
Thank you NetGalley for the ARC!

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Thank you NetGalley for the ARC audio version of "The day tripper" by James Goodhand. I thoroughly enjoyed this one as it is similar to others I've read, but also different. A book about second chances, do-overs and what you would do differently if you were given one. In life, I feel like we all have regrets, paths we would have taken (or wouldn't have) had we known the outcome. In Goodhand's new novel, Alex Dean gets to do just that. Will he make the right choices to end up with a better future than the one he is in now? Will it all work out for him in the end or are we destined to the same fate no matter what choice we make? As he relives his life out of order, he realizes what's most important to him and tries to make different choices to rewrite his future. I highly recommend this one to anyone who read and enjoyed, "The midnight library" by Matt Haig.

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"The Day Tripper" by James Goodhand is an interesting time travel science fiction memoir. It is similar to "The Time Traveler's Wife" (2003) by Audrey Niffenegger in that the time travel is unpredictable. What is different in "The Day Tripper" is that he lives one consecutive day at a time, and he wakes up in a different year, sometimes earlier and sometimes later in his life. He never travels before the incident, which causes the "atemporal (out of time) consciousness", which is a traumatic brain injury.

The premise is that our whole lives already exist, but most people experience the days in sequence. A certain type of brain injury can mess up the chart of this so that person might experience the days of their life all mixed up.

In the beginning of the book, we see Alex Dean as a teenager in love with Holly. Then he's an unemployed drunk. Then he's in prison for a crime he knows he didn't commit. Eventually, he meets a teacher/ counselor, Dr. Duphrates, who knows about his situation. He gives Alex the advice, "Change is borne of committing to living life differently." As Alex starts to make changes, his future life updates. The future gets better for Alex, and the story gets more enjoyable.

The book is intentionally confusing as we never know when he will be the next day, but neither does Alex. The dialogue is natural.

Series or Standalone - Standalone, I think
Genre - sci fi
Target Age - adult
Cliffhanger? - no
Will I read again?- Yes
Recommended for? - fans of time travel

Characters 5/5
Writing 4/5
Plot 5/5
Pacing 4/5
Unputdownability 3/5
Enjoyment 4/5 (more as the book goes on)
Narration - 4/5, James Meunier (enjoyable vice to listen to, but hard to differentiate the male voices)
Cover 3/5

Thank you to Netgalley, Harper Audio, and James Goodkind for providing this audiobook in exchange for my honest review.

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This book does a great job of depicting the importance of making the right choice, not just the easier one. It's the little choices we make every day that make the biggest impact. This book touches on a lot of difficult topics including the loss of a loved one, alcoholism, child abuse, and sexual abuse. The main character, Alex, must take accountability for his actions and deal with the underlying trauma of his childhood. #TheDayTripper #NetGalley

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So, I love all aspects of the Time Travel genre…but this one was tough…
I’d say the first third or so of the book, I was saying…what???
What just happened??

We start with Alex wooing Holly. They’re in HS. Alex has just earned himself a place at Cambridge next year, and he’s on cloud 9!
He also has the love of his life on his arm!

But then, there’s a fight.

We then wake up with Alex in a strange place, and a strange time…
It seems like time has passed him by…

When you finally start to figure out what was going on, you’re at about the halfway point…

And that’s when it actually starts to get really good!!

***** Some may say this is a spoiler, so I’ll put a warning here!! *****
But, if you want to know what the heck is going on, here it is:
Alex keeps waking up every day in a different place and time. Sometimes when he wakes up, the years have been good to him. Other times, they have not!

And so we go on, spinning in and out of days, years and decades! And he never knows what lies ahead…

Very interesting concept, and very different way of writing time travel.

So, overall the book was pretty good, but it was so difficult to try to figure out what was going on for the first half, that I’m not giving it such a terrific star rating.

3 ⭐️⭐️⭐️ for me!

Thanks to #NetGalley, #HarperAudio and #HarlequinAudio for an ARC of the audiobook which will be released on 3/19/24!

#TheDayTripper by#JamesGoodhand and narrated nicely by #JamesMeuiner.

⭐️ Time Travel genre, one of my favorites!
⭐️ Interesting, diverse set of characters!
⭐️ Family drama, love interests, friendships made along the way, and a difficult past…

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IG @ #BookReviews_with_emsr or
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Thanks so much for reading!📚⭐️

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This book had me from the beginning. I really fell in love with the characters and couldn’t wait to see how Alex’s life panned out. The chapters were easy to listen to and keep me engaged. I couldn’t wait to see where the next day would take him. The relationships that he held throughout the book were heart breaking at times. I like time travel type books and this one was a good one. It really made me reflect on my own life and remember not to take things for granted. I thought the story was really heartwarming and I liked the way it ended.
The narrator did an excellent job. Thank you to NetGalley, Harper Audio and the author for allowing me to listen and review this audiobook!

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I was provided an ARC of this book via Netgalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing, all opinions are my own. I was also provided a ALC version of this book via Netgalley and Harper Audio/Harlequin Audio..

I found it very helpful to have both the print version handy as I was listening to the audiobook because of the way the story is told in a non-linear timeline. I found it helpful to go back and reference when he was and what age he was several times when reading/listening as it is critical to the storyline. As the title indicates, Alex's story is told as he visits various days of his life in his future and past. His story starts in 1995 at age twenty, when everything seemed to be going right for him when a pivotal and brutal event occurs that changes the trajectory of his life. Every morning he wakes up at a different age and can't remember where he is and what has happened in his life. Determined to get back to the woman he loves and the life he wanted, he begins to piece things together as he lives his life out of order.

As Alex slowly beings to understand what is going on and why he is living his days out of order, he attempts to make small changes where he can both in the past and the future. He tries to be a better man, help a someone in need, get help for past trauma experienced, and tell the people in his life that they matter to him. Alex finds that by making small, impactful changes over time he can't undo everything bad that happens in his future and all the bad decisions that he has made, but he can change some of them for the better.

This took me a while to get into, it is a slower burn and I found Alex unlikable in the beginning but make no mistake he is on a journey and does redeem himself by the end and turns into a great guy. I'm not the biggest fan of non-linear timelines, and it took me a while to settle into the time jumps. In the beginning Alex makes a ton of bad decisions. Toward the latter half of the book we find out what is truly going on with him and get more information about his past and why the fight happened that left him for dead in 1995 that began this whole time jumping situation. Once you understand Alex, the reason for the time jumping to different parts of his life clicks and the decisions he made at different points of his life and the lessons he learns at each visit begin to make sense. Alex starts to understand what is going on and begins to make incremental changes for the better to mend his relationship with his mother, recover his relationship with his true love Holly, and mentor a bright young man named Jazz. I really began to enjoy the book in the latter half once Alex begins to understand himself and what he needs to do.

If you enjoy time travel books with a soul searching aspect and a love story at its heart this is a great one to pick up. It really is a beautiful story.

Trigger warnings <spoiler> alcoholism, substance use, molestation/sexual abuse </spoiler>

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I received this audiobook from NetGalley.

This had an interesting story. At the end, I had questions that these types of stories don't usually answer. So if you're able to ignore practical considerations, then this story is engaging. It kept me intrigued at what would come next, even if some things were a bit convenient. 3.5 stars.

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ARC audiobook provided in exchange for an honest review.

James Meunier does a fantastic job with the narration on this book! He effortlessly tells this story and made me feel like I was right there with the characters, running around England for answers. I really enjoyed the plot and love the spin the author puts on a time travel story! I would definitely recommend to anyone who likes science fiction mixed with romance and heartbreak!

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Stories that deal with the concept of nonlinear time are hard to pull off, they have a tendency to get lost in the science and the plot suffers. This story was able to avoid those pitfalls and develop a really beautiful story with many complex characters. This book also goes beyond the basic “would you change the future if you had the chance” and plays around with the idea of knowing the consequences of bad decisions you don’t know you made. It leaves you (the reader) asking, “how are the decisions I’m making today shaping my future”, it shows you the power of foresight, and reminds you of the beauty of living in the moment and not taking your loved ones for granted.
It did take me a little bit to nail down my feelings on this book, I really liked the concept and the characters but there was something bothering me that I couldn’t place my finger on. Then I happened to rewatch Barbie and I figured it out. My only grievance with this book is the focus on a romantic relationship being what saves a man from wrecking his life. While there are other factors involved that one plays one of the biggest parts in showing him the error of his ways. This Ken storyline of basing who you are around a woman and not seeing that woman as anything more than a prize is frustrating.
I do want to make it very clear though that while that one aspect of the book was very frustrating there were a lot of other aspects that were very powerful and well done. There is a focus on abusive relationships, childhood trauma, alcoholism, homelessness, dementia, and sexual assault. Each of these themes were discussed in very profound and nuanced ways. I think everyone can learn something from this book.
Finally, I have to mention the audiobook. It was very well done, James Meunier read beautifully. I highly recommend giving it a listen!

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I love the time travel trope in stories. Especially when it comes to traveling through times in one’s own life. Having the chance to fix mistakes and realize things you’ve taken for granted. That is what drew me to this book.

After reading it, I’m honestly a little surprised I haven’t seen higher rated reviews for it! I really enjoyed it! I will agree that it wasn’t necessarily sophisticated in the way I’ve seen in other time travel novels. But I don’t mind that.

Alex’s life was in a spiral and heading down a dark and dangerous path. Through his journey, he learned to cherish those he was taking for granted. He learned to accept responsibility for his actions. He learned to put petty grievances behind him and see what was really important in life.

I thought the story was heartwarming and I’m so glad I had the opportunity to read it.

Thank you NetGalley and Harper Audio for the chance to listen to and review this audiobook.

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This was a time travel book with an interesting concept that the MC travels to a different day on his preordained life timeline each day. I was intrigued enough in the plot and hopeful for Alex to better himself and get his chance at happiness, but (without saying too much and ruining the plot) I am still left pretty confused and not able to be content with the ending because of that. I also think it needs a trigger warning for the child sexual abuse. It’s only described in one part of the story, but it was enough for me to have to leave the book and come back to it days later. But aside from that part it was not a bad read, and the audio version was read very well. Thank you to NetGalley and Harper Audio for the ALC in exchange for my honest review.

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"The Day Tripper" is a thoughtful and compelling story with a magical realist twist in which a young man with immense potential is suddenly thrust into chaotic and unpredictable events and must atone for bad decisions he has yet to make. The strongest elements of this book are the portrayal of the protagonist and his journey to overcome profound personal failings to restore his relationships with those he loves. However, the implications of the protagonist's time-hoping are under developed and sometimes not completely thought through, so hard-core fans of time travel stories may find parts of this book to be overly simplistic. Additionally, the book's intense and brutal depiction of alcoholism and childhood sexual trauma will make it a hard read for many.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with a review copy in exchange for my honest review.

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James Goodhand's 'The Day Tripper' was a captivating 5-star read. As a Doctor Who fan, I'm naturally drawn to anything wibbly wobbly timey wimey, but this book transcends its SciFi roots. Delving into a complex narrative where the timeline is all jumbled up so readers are treated to a multi-layered experience. Amidst the temporal chaos, a love story unfolds, themes of solving a murder, reconciling familial bonds, and grappling with protagonist Alex's tumultuous past and personal demons, including battles with both adversaries and addiction. 'The Day Tripper' is a masterfully crafted journey that transcends genre boundaries, offering a compelling narrative that will resonate with readers of many genres.

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Although I love time travel stories, this one fell a little short for me. Overall, I did enjoy the story and the characters. I think I was just hoping for a little more from it.

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Many thanks to NetGalley and Harper Audio for the free audiobook in exchange for my honest review. This is narrated by James Meunier who does a great job! I highly recommend the audio version if that is of interest to you!

Alex is dating the love of his life, Holly, and has been admitted to Cambridge. As a young man, life for him is going places. However, one night he gets into a fight with a man from his past and that sets off a change in the course of Alex's life. He begins to live his days out of order. He may wake up in July of 2000 and the next day it's January of 2014. One moment he is with Holly and the next he is living in a dump meeting his parole officer. The reader gets to live Alex's life with him as he makes choices and then lives out the impact such decisions have, both good and bad.

The initial scenes with Holly and Alex provide a little romance to the story and also make it bitter once the reader, and Alex, realize that he has lost it all. As he starts to put the pieces together, I was rooting for him to find a way to change the course of his life back to Holly!

Highly recommend!!!

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