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The Patient

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A girl who gets a heart transplant, murders, adoptions, family secrets revealed. Sounds like a great book, one that I could love, but there was just too much going on and I could not keep up with it all. I am one who loves a good, fast paced thriller, but this one was difficult for me, at times it seemed to be all over the place and did not flow well for me. I gave it three stars, because I did like the story, it just was hard for me to keep up with at times. With that being said the ending got me!

Thank you to Netgalley and Bookouture for the audio arc in exchange of The Patient

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This is one of the books where you are unsure if you are listening to a mentally unstable protagonist or if there is something slightly supernatural. I think perhaps a little of both.
The premise is a sad one; one woman is murdered but doesn't die until having been in a coma for a while. She was showing signs of progressing out of a vegetative state leaving her death a terrible shock to those around her. Another woman has a congenital heart disease and is in need of an urgent transplant.
On receiving Flora's heart, Saffie begins to have disturbing dreams and becomes obsessed with her donor.
The narrative (very nicely narrated by Sarah Dunham) has a number of shocks in store for you along the way, with a number of them right at the end of the action. The tale goes from slow burner to a firework display, with a straggler going off right at the last second.

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I was soo excited to listen to this one based off the description. It was a slow burn which made the middle a little difficult to get through. The characters were likable and you felt their struggles. The last 20% or so really picked up and the ending made the whole thing worth it.

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A gripping #psychologicalthriller, #ThePatient will keep you turning the pages. Fast- paced & incredible head spinning twists this book is unique in its storyline!

Narration by #SarahDurham was wonderfully done for this book!

Thank you, Teri Terry, Bookouture, bookouture audio & netgalley for my audiobook! All opinions are my own.

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Wow! Superlative narration. Wouldn't change a thing. Well-drawn characters, tense, suspenseful story line, and enough twists for Chubby Checker. Loved it!!!

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You know I need a good cover and this one doesn’t miss!!!! Terry lures you in and before you know it you’re like wait… what!!!!?? It was a bit of a slow starter but the ending came in with a bang! Floras family seems so put together and lovely….what a front!!!!
I can’t wait to read more from this author!

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Sassy has just got a heart transplant, she has figured out who was the donor. Flora has been murdered, but was on life support, she was known as sleeping beauty. Strange things start happening to Sassy and she feels Flora inside of her. It’s a twisted story about donor and recipient.

It’s a great story, twisty and got great supporting characters. It does open your eyes to being a donor.

I listened to the audio and the narrator was brilliant at reading this story, she was easy to understand and was very good at different accents between all the characters. She read well and kept me interested in the story.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publishers for a copy.

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It is the second time in around ten days, that I am frustrated about a book because the description actually describes things that will happen only quite late in the book. I waited for 2/3rd of the book for it to occur. What happened before was a bit too long but still useful as you get to really know the characters and it also plants the seed of the upcoming mystery. What really happened? Who is the murderer?

When Flora got attacked and left in a coma, the news is all over the country. When Saphi gets a call, that a heart may be available for her, she is convinced that Flora is the donor, and starts to develop a certain obsession for her. She had it all and died, and Saphi had so little and slowly wants to become all the more like her. But was Flora's life really as wonderful as described? And is her ex-boyfriend really the culprit?

All in all though, once the story really gets down to it, it was very enjoyable and to some extent, unexpected. The epilogue delivers a twist that left me uneasy. The whole story is well told, with a few loveable characters. The narrator did a great job in telling this story. 3.5 that I easily round up.

Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture Audio for providing me with the Audiobook in exchange for my honest review.

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This was a really well done slow-burn suspense, psychological thriller.

I really enjoyed how all the aspects of the book tied well together, but it wasn't easily sorted out throughout the book. It was possible to potentially put a few details together, but you weren't sure if they were all going to fit together in the end.

The narration of this book was well done. Sarah Durham did an excellent job of telling the story and not trying too hard, but also not being flat and robotic.

I definitely recommend this and give it 4.5 stars!

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The patient by Teri Terry is a book of two halves, the first half is a slow burn & I feel there was too much time spent repeating how Safire becomes obsessed finding out about her heart donor & her family, it became a bit tedious & I was almost ready to give up half way through as I couldn’t see that it was going anywhere but it did pick up the pace in the second half of the novel and it did leave me guessing at who was the killer so it wasn’t all bad.
Sarah Duram the narrator did a good job with the narration but I did have to speed up the playback just to keep the pace up.

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'The Patient' is my first read(listen) from this author and I was not disappointed!! If anything I was more gripped than I had expected to be from the blurb!

Saffie is a young woman who has had it pretty hard, adopted as a baby, she tragically lost her adoptive mum age 3, both Saffie and her Dad were left seriously unwell thanks to Covid, only Saffie survived but at the cost of her heart, in need of a heart transplant, Saffie finds herself receiving a phone call that changes everything - a donor match has been found.

Saffie discovers her donor was a well known socialite, and Saffie develops an obsession to the donor, absolutely accepting when the family get in touch suggesting a meet. From there, all sorts of interesting things emerge!

This is a story told from different perspectives, all undertaken by the (very talented) narrator. The plot was easy to follow and very gripping - what more could you ask?!

My only criticism is that in writing this review autocorrect is adamant that Saffie should be 'safe' (not entirely inappropriately!!) but I will let the slide ;). In all seriousness however, I very much enjoyed his audiobook and wouldn't hesitate to recommend it to listeners of the psychological fiction genre.

My thanks to NetGalley, author and publisher for the opportunity to review this audiobook on exchange for an advance copy.

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📖 The Patient
Author: Teri Terry
Pages: 358 (10 hours, 35 mins)
Publisher: Bookouture
Genre: thriller
Rating: 🌟🌟🌟🌟
"My curiosity is stronger than my fear."
Saphy, a young woman with a heart condition, receives a heart transplant and gets a chance at life again. However, she becomes obsessed with her donor, Flora. Flora was killed, and she was an organ donor. Saphy meets Flora's family, starts dressing like her, and does things that Flora would do. Saphy starts becoming Flora and sees nothing wrong with that. That's until violent attacks against other patients of Flora's donors begin. Could she be next??
I enjoyed this thriller! Slow burning but keeps you wanting more. LOVED the dual POV between Saphy and Fern (Flora's sister).

Special thanks to NetGalley and Bookouture for the arc audiobook!

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I was excited to read this book, but it fell short for me. The synopsis had me really interested and I thought this would be a really exciting book, but it was a slow burn. I would say 3/4 of the book was spent developing characters. I listened to the audiobook, and the first twist didn’t happen until I was 75% done with the book. I guess I just expected more.

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This took quite a while to get to the good part. I like faster-paced thrillers and this wasn't one.
Interesting premise, but lacking in real development and thrill!
Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for access to this advanced audiobook.

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This is a slow-burning, character driven, psycholgical thriller, albeit not particularly thrilling until about 70% of the way through! The last 30% of the book did offer some great twists and turns and an unexpected ending so it's definitely worth hanging in there.
The main theme of the book centres around Saphy, a recipient of a donor heart and alongside Saphy's story we have the voice of Fern, the sister of the heart donor. The backgrounds of both families are explored through the process and lots of family secrets are revealed as the book develops.
The audiobook was particularly well narrated and contributed positively to the reader experience.
A great premise for a novel, slightly let down with the extremely slow build up.
I am grateful to NetGalley and the publishers for an advanced listener copy of this book and am leaving my honest review voluntarily.

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Saphy receives a heart transplant from Flora, who was know as the sleeping beauty by the public. After getting a feeling that Flora might be trying to tell her something from her afterlife Saphy gets obsessed with knowing more about Flora.
In this process she tries to learn everything about her through the family - they are already heartbroken about Flora's untimely death, she was left to die after getting strangulated.

As they get to know about Saphy they also learn that she was adopted and is on the lookout for her birth mom - least do all of them realize this will just open up more secrets from the past and Flora's killer is trying to keep everyone involved quiet!

An intriguing, fast-paced book by Teri Terry kept me listening without a pause till the end!

Thanks to Netgalley, Bookouture Audio and the author for approving the audio ARC in exchange for an unbiased review.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a copy of this audiobook in exchange for an honest review.

The premise of this book was so amazing and very interesting. It took most of the book for me to figure out who had killed Flora and I loved that I was guessing throughout the book. I enjoyed the twists and turns and how the book really made me question Saphy at times and if she was guilty. This was a pretty great thriller.

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I thought this book started out well enough, had a few twists and turns throughout and then ended fairly predictably. I enjoyed it but wasn't super wowed by it and had figured out all but one of the surprises by the end. It was, however, an interesting concept. Thanks for letting me read and review it, Netgalley.

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I think this thriller from Teri Terry had a lot of potential and promise, but sadly was missing that spark that kept the reader engaged and interested. I felt like this was a bit all over the place with not much getting accomplished in the overall plot until nearly the end. I had a hard time connecting to the characters because they didn't have very distinct personalities and behaviors. I think there were some exciting parts to this but overall seemed a bit monotone. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you netgalley and bookouture audio for the audiobook!

This was the authors first adult novel, and I loved it!! It was a slow burn, but the character development kept me invested and dying to know the outcome. I think the narrator was perfect for the story as well. The author also touches on sexual abuse and I think the messaging portrayed was poetic and justice was served!

Overall, well done, this book tugged on my heartstrings in some ways, especially given the heart transplant and organ donation setting, but also the warmth and support of family and friends during such challenging times. And then on the other hand, it gave me the thriller vibes of you can’t trust anyone. Clearly, this book gave me all the feels! Highly recommend!

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