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One Last Summer

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Thank you net galley and publisher for this ARC. The description of this book had so many things that interested me, especially since I went to summer camp as a kid and loved it. I had a hard time however getting into this book and Clara's character.

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This is a fun and engaging read that delves into the complexities of adulthood juxtaposed with the nostalgic allure of childhood camp experiences. Spencer was able to capture the essence of both worlds. While the setting and themes themselves offered an enjoyable journey through its pages, the main character was challenging to fully root for. I found myself wanting more depth and relatability in her character. Despite this, the book itself balances humor, nostalgia, and the bittersweet realities of adulthood.

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Ooh, I love a smart, funny, workaholic FMC whose personal life is a hot mess. Or, in Clara's case, non-existent.

For years, Clara has climbed the corporate ladder at an ad agency. She is chasing that one promotion that will solidify that she is a success. Sure, her boyfriend of ten years broke up with her a year ago, and now he is engaged, and she hasn't even gone on a date since. When her boss forces her to take a five-day sabbatical, it happens to be when her camp friends have their annual reunion, which she has missed for the past few years. She reluctantly agrees to go and comes across a letter from her 15-year-old self with everything she hopes to accomplish as an adult. Spoiler: Clara has yet to achieve any of them.

She returns to the camp, joined by her friends, including Mack, the one who got away (or ran away after they shared a kiss the last year of camp). Clara sees this week as a way to make her 15-year-old self proud, but can she genuinely unplug from her workaholic self?

This book was fun, a little smexy, sweet, and hit all the emotional notes of what it means to be a grown-up and have dreams. I get a little nervous at second-chance romances when the couple originally fell in love as teenagers, but Spencer approaches this in a smart way and doesn't use a duel timeline or have a "big bad thing" that broke the two up in the past.

It's only March, but I am ready for the summer, and I encourage everyone else to dive into One Last Summer.

Thank you to the authors, Kate Spencer, Forever, and NetGalley for the ARC and for my honest review.

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I have LOVED Kate Spencer’s precious 2 books so much- they were both 5 star reads for me- so I was extremely excited to get the arc of her latest! But this book ended up being just ok for me.

I found the MC fairly annoying and none of the side characters had any depth to them. I didn’t really feel like we got to know anyone in this book, even the MC Clara. I would have liked more character development all around.

I did love the setting of the book- sleep away camp always sounded so fun. The lake sounded dreamy and I could picture everything perfectly. I also love a book about old friends getting together and this one was really sweet. The epilogue was perfection and actually made me consider rating this book higher.

Overall I would recommend this book but just think In A New York Minute was much better and I would read that over this. I will continue to read anything Kate Spencer writes regardless!

Thank you Netgalley for the arc in exchange for my honest review.

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I couldn’t stop reading this Kate Spencer gem! It was the perfect beach read book. The romance was very swoon worthy. I felt like I was reliving my teen years at camp through the characters. This book needs no trigger warnings, which feels like such a treat! I could recommend this to any of my girlfriends and I know they wouldn’t be disappointed. Well done!!

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This was a fun, easy read. The characters were relatable, but I would have liked more flashbacks to the summer camp experience. There didn’t seem to be must connection between the character’s 15 year old selves and now in their 30s — I would have liked to delve into the past more. Overall enjoyable.

Thank you NetGalley for the advanced ARC!

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This was an easy read, but I wish there had been more character development. I think this book could've benefited from flashbacks to the summer camp days because I didn't feel the connection between the main characters other than they had liked each other when they were teens.

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Reminiscent of Happy Place by Emily Henry and Carley Fortune's books, One Last Summer was made for summer reading. The whole time I wanted to be reading at the lake or poolside. Another sweet romance by Kate Spencer. This time, Clara is putting the phone down and focusing on the time she has with her friends and making the most of her mandatory week long sabbatical from work. Reconnecting with best friends, rekindling an old flame, and rediscovering herself. Clara has support from her camp friends, her Gen Z assistant, and her 15 year old self, to discover what really fires her up and cures the burn out her boss has diagnosed her with. Clara asks herself what makes a good friend? Can she work it out with the love of her life? And can she live a life where she can embrace the bad with the good? She will find out this summer!
Love Kate Spencer, I could hear her voice reading this to me. A fun read, great for summer that kindly wraps up the nostalgia of childhood and summer romance all in one.

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I've been a big fan of Kate Spencer for a long time and was very excited to read this book. I really enjoyed it, and could relate to a lot of Clara's feelings about being a teenager.

Clara has skipped the last five years of friend reunions at the camp she went to as a teenager. This year when her boss gives her a forced week off, she decides last minute to join them at camp. When she arrives she finds that the camp is up for sale, and there have been big changes that she's missed in the lives of her friends. Realizing her priorities in the last few years may have been wrong, Clara starts to re-evaluate her life. She has a letter and list that her 15 year old self wrote, and realizes she hasn't met the goals that she set for herself 20 years ago.

I thought the dynamics of their friend group were so realistic -- when I am with my old friends we always fall back in to the ways of our teenage selves. I would have liked to known a little more about her friends -- I feel like I didn't get much of a feel for Eloise and Nick and Trey. I loved Sam and I loved the realistic conversations that Clara and Sam had about their friendship.

And I loved Mack -- I could easily see why both teenager Clara and adult Clara would fall for him.

I was always envious of kids who went to sleep-away camp and made close friendships with people there and this book really captured that so well. I loved Clara's reflections on what her 15 year old self would think of her now, and how that guided her making changes in her life.

I will read everything Kate Spencer writes!

Thank you to NetGalley for the advanced copy of this book.

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This book was a delightful read, evoking a sense of nostalgia as characters revisit their childhood camp spot, reveling in carefree moments with friends. It poignantly highlights the reality of work burnout and the necessity of vacations for mental health and personal growth, emphasizing the importance of friendship over the daily grind of work. The summer camp setting adds to the joyous atmosphere, making it a perfect choice for fans of romcoms, friends-to-lovers narratives, and friendship-based stories. I highly recommend it as a refreshing summer read that captures the essence of fun and camaraderie.

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This story follows our lead Clara a workaholic who is voiced by her boss to take a one week sabbatical due to burn out. This week just happens to coincide with her camp friends annual reunion (which of course includes her childhood crush Mack). Just as Clara is reconciling with her years of not keeping in touch with these
Important friends she is also discovering the news that the camp is being sold. What follows is a fun steamy week of Clara reconnecting with old friends and her crush. This book is a delightful trip down memory lane and served a lovely dose of camp nostalgia. Such a sweet book!

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I was so excited to get an advance copy of this book as In A New York Minute by Kate Spencer is one of my absolute favorite romances. This book is more of a friendmance. Clara has always known how her life would turn out as a workaholic her boss makes her take a mini sabbatical. She ends up going to reunite with her friends from camp for a week and finds herself and discovers what she wants out of life. Ultimately, I didn’t connect with the story or characters like I had with Spencer’s previous novel but I think readers will like this one this summer. Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the advance copy.

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A sweet, summery beach read with a great setting that truly becomes its own character, ONE LAST SUMMER is a romance, but also a friendship story, written with a very charming voice that you can't help but root for. I loved the nostalgia of the summer camp, and watching Clara figure out what she wants to do with her life, and what her priorities are, was fulfilling.

Spencer keeps a quick pace so the pages turn effortlessly, and the balance here is great -- there's a touch of steam, a lot of swoon, and a very, very cute moment on a diving board at the end that is extremely heartwarming. Those who enjoy Sophie Kinsella, Sarah Grunder Ruiz and Abby Jimenez will find a lot to love here.

Thank you to NetGalley and Forever for this digital ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Read this if you:
•Ever went to summer camp
•Have a close knit friendship group
•Like a good second chance romance
•Have ever felt burned out (looking at your corporate America!)

This book had so much nostalgia. I love that the summer camp theme is coming back in so many book right now, it makes my heart so happy. It’s so incredibly relatable to reconnect with what you thought your life would be. There’s a lot of silliness in the book but there’s also hard conversations too which I really liked.

Thank you Forever for the eARC!

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This was a fun book but kind of fell flat for me. It didn’t grip me like her previous book did. It is a fun book to reminisce about camp if you had great experiences. I felt like the characters experiences were relatable. Overall a good book.

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I love this book! It felt like a vacation. Reading this book on a raining day was just what I needed.

I haven’t read a book by this author before this one but I really enjoyed it and will be reading more by this author in the future. Also, I don’t normally do this but I will be buying this book when it comes out!

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This was a thoroughly enjoyable novel! I love summer camp books and romance novels with protagonists in their 30s, so this was right up my alley. Well-rounded cast of friends as well as two three-dimensional main characters. Have already recommended to friends!

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This book was boring. I never made any connections to the characters or the romance and it had too many modern references. The characters acted way younger than their ages and the romance was boring too

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Thankful to be able to read this book early! It made me so nostalgic for my summer camp days. The romance storyline was excellent - steamy while still being closed door! I loved the friendship storyline as well. Clara’s struggles with work/burnout were very relatable. I truly loved this book!

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I gave this story 35% and I just don't care about any of these characters. Why is this being marketed as romance? There is none.

Thank you to Netgalley & Forever (Grand Central Publishing), Forever for my ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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