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The Burning

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This was my first Kate Burkholder mystery and will not be my last! I really enjoy a strong female lead in a crime/mystery setting and Linda Castillo obviously does this well. I particularly appreciated the setting and learned a little about Amish way of life and the tensions with the English. I liked the pace of the book overall but found it dragged a little half way through. This is a great read! Thank you for the opportunity to review it.

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Another riveting installment in the Kate Burkholder series. I love Burkholder as the Chief of Police because she is able to navigate among both the Amish community and the Englishers while not truly being a part of either group. She is privy to details about Amish culture that prove essential to solving the crimes in Painters Mill. And the cases in this series prove that there is a dark underbelly even in the most idyllic of settings. This book delves into the history of the Amish culture, the Anabaptists, and the persecution that early believers were subject to. The history and the separatism of the Amish culture are what enabled the current day burning at the stake. And, of course, only Kate Burkholder can massage out the information and put the puzzle pieces together. Tomasetti is still a great support for Kate, and I'm glad to read that she is adding a personal life to her professional aspirations. The book is fraught with history, secrets and danger - It is a thrilling read that I just couldn't put down!

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Wow, this was a chilling and somewhat creepy story!

Kate Burkholder, raised Amish in Ohio, is now the chief of police in her small hometown. Upon investigating a fire in a remote wooded area, a burnt body is found... tied to a stake!

It was interesting to see how Kate was able (or not in some cases) to navigate the nuances of the Amish versus English. The victim turns out to be excommunicated member, Milan Swanz. Even though he was banned, it's still like pulling teeth for Kate to get any decent intel. Why is the community still protecting him, even in death?

Kate is also left navigating the politics of police work, and implications that having a family member involved in the decedent's life bring.

Thanks to NetGalley, St. Martin's Press | Minotaur Books, and Linda Castillo for the eARC.

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Another good book in the Burkholder series. The murder in this one is a bit more unpleasant than most of the other books in the series, in my opinion. Don't let it keep you away from reading the book though. It happens early in the book and then Kate tries to figure out who did it. There are no real suspects for the first half or so of the book. Kate's brother seems to become the main suspect at one point. Did he do it? No spoiler here, you'll have to pick this one up in July to find out?

Definitely worth the read if you are a fan of this series or even if you aren't yet. You could just read this one as a stand alone also I think if you haven't read the others. Most of our favorite characters from the series make an appearance as usual in this addition to the series. I always enjoy learning more about the Amish ways, beliefs, etc. in this series of books.

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First of all thanks to Net galley for provision of ARC e book thru St. Martin’s press. The 16th of Linda Castillo’s Kate Burkehalter’s book and my second provided another very good mystery in who killed a former Amish man-Milan Swanz. An unfortunate soul who lost his Amish way, had to be excommunicated, and suffered a grizzly death. Kate, a former Amish descendant, who left the fold is Chief of Police, in her hometown leads the investigation. There are many characters with multiple reasons for involvement, and the plot twists and turns but provides a want to keep going pace.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an advanced reader’s copy of The Burning by Linda Castillo. I thought the story started off strong, but then it kind of dragged in the middle. I thought the main character got into way too many physical altercations in this story and was a bit over the top. I’d say this wasn’t one of my favorites in the series, but I still enjoyed it.

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The Burning is the continuation of Linda Castillo's popular Kate Burkholder series. As always I find these books easy to read and I always enjoy solving the mysteries.

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I thank the author, St. Martins/Minotaur and NetGalley for the opportunity to review this novel.

This latest in the long-running series featuring a female, former-Amish chief of police in a small Ohio town, "The Burning" has a grisly beginning. Our heroine Kate Burkholder has found commitment and happiness in her marriage to long-time beau John Tomasseti, and he acts as a calming force in this evolving story. There's some intriguing history of the Amish in the United States, as well as depressing signs that secular ills are finding their way into that community.

I found this a passable entry in the series, if not one of Ms. Castillo's best. The mystery has satisfying murkiness, and some questions remain. I was confounded by Kate's ability to operate without food and sleep for days on end. There is also an increased level of physical confrontation and injury. Frankly, she gets the crap beat out of her multiple times. . . and keeps on ticking. Good for her! But it makes me cringe, even while the physical violence drives the plot forward.

I will continue to enjoy further stories by Ms. Castillo. Three stars.

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This is a book in the Kate Burkholder series. I have read many of Castillo’s books and have enjoyed every one of them. The books in the Burkholder series provide insight into life as an Amish person which I find interesting.

Milan Swanz, who had been Amish, is murdered. The book twists and turns in true Castillo fashion. The reader learns of the countless faults of Swanz and is led to believe many people would want Swanz dead. Kate, Chief of Police, and husband, John Tomasetti, work diligently to solve the murder before more are murdered including themselves.

Castillo does an excellent job defining each character, developing the relationships, setting the scene of the murder, and the efforts to solve the crime with clues along the way. I highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a good “whodunit” with lots of twists and turns and some smiles along the way.

I received a complimentary copy of this book through NetGalley. Thanks to the publisher, Minotaur Books, and the author for the privilege to read this advanced copy. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own. This review will be posted on Goodreads under “Deb’s Review”.

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A brutal murder takes place one night in Painter’s Mill that sets off an intensive investigation for Kate Burkholder , Chief Of Police of this small little town. We are brought into the Amish Community, learning about their ways and the silence that is hard to break. Kate.finds that this particular homicide hits way to close to home. This story moves along quickly and is very exciting.
I have read all the books in this series and this one ranks high in great storytelling. Linda Castillo is an Author who is in a class by herself. After devouring this fantastic story the best stand out for me (other than whizz bang conclusion), was the first paragraph of the Epilogue’. This is a thought that I think everyone needs to read and put this in a safe place in your mind and heart. . I will be highly recommending this book to my patrons. Don’t Miss this one!
Thank You to NetGalley, The Author Linda Castillo, and The Publisher St. Martin’s Press for allowing me to read this advanced copy for my honest review.

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I have read and enjoyed all of Linda Castillo’s Kate Burkholder series. I was excited to delve into her latest novel. The Burning starts with a graphic violent description of a man burned at the stake. This is the case the newly wed Burkholder sets out to solve. Once again Burkholder manages to get herself in dangerous life threatening situations. This mystery involves the Amish community and even her Amish brother who is considered a suspect. It was definitely a page turner. I highly recommend this book.

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Great addition to the series. The book grabbed me at the start. One of my favorite series with great characters, interesting plots and solid storyljnes. Thanks to Netgalley for the opportunity to read this book

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Chief Kate Burkholder is back with book #16 in this series and it starts out with a bang! Hang on, it’s a wild ride and we are back in Painters Mill, Ohio in Amish country. I’ve been waiting for her next book as I’ve read all 15 books before this one! Chief Burkholder sure is one tough cop and I just love this series so much. Even if you haven’t read the others, I believe each book can be read a stand-alone if needed. Once I started reading, it was impossible to put down until I saw how it ended. I’ve always been fascinated with the Amish and I just love this series. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this early release in exchange for my honest review. To be published July 2024.

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The Burning is the latest installment of Linda Castillo's series featuring Kate Burkholder, the ex-Amish police chief of a small town in Ohio. An Amish man is found burned at the stake and Kate has a close relationship with one of the suspects. As she investigates, she uncovers a sect of Anabaptist vigilantes who mete out justice to those Amish whom they feel have committed heinous crimes. This book is excellent, my favorite in the series so far. It's fast-paced and really interesting as it explains some of the lore behind the sect. It's also a great standalone thriller for those who haven't read the other books in the series. I highly recommend. Thanks to NetGalley and Minotaur Books for the ARC.

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I am so glad I found this author. Her books are always wonderful. Kate has to solve another horrific crime and even though she does have obstacles facing her since she left the Amish she always prevails since the Amish trust her more than an outsider. The book is a series. If you haven't read the previous ones that's ok because it can be read as a stand alone.

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Ms. Castillo has just added another 5-star read for her Kate Burkholder series. You can always anticipate and look forward to a great mystery with lots of action along with twists and turns when you pick up good ole Kate.
This is a completely believable murder mystery with a great amount of research to set the stage. (The backhoe scene was a bit farfetched but could have happened.) I read it in just a couple days because I didn’t want to put it down. Highly recommend.
I thank St. Martin’s Press along with NetGalley for providing this Galley edition for no requirement other than my offer to provide an unbiased review. This one comes in with five stars.

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I’m a big fan of this series. I have read the first couple books but I had no idea how many books are in the series. I definitely need to go back and read them all. The author’s style is captivating and keeps you on the edge of your seat.

Thank you to netgalley for a copy of this book.

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Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this book. The Burning is the 16th installment of the Kate Burkholder series written by Linda Castillo. This is my favorite series of books. I always anxiously await the next publication. I have been fascinated by the Amish lifestyle for a long time, which is why I love this series. The Burning starts off quickly, with a body being found that has been burned at a stake. It is up to Painters Mill Chief of Police Kate Burkholder to investigate, along with help from her now-husband, John Tomasetti, an agent with the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation. Kate and John make a great team. The storyline, along with the connection these two have, really stood out for me in this book. As with all of the other books in the series, this one also kept me up reading late into the night. I can’t wait to see (and read!) what Kate and John investigate next.

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Thank you Net Galley and the publisher for an ARC of this book for an honest review.
Chief Kate is very familiar with the Amish community as she was once part of it. This case takes her to a horrible death of a man tied up and burned to the stake. Her brother is a suspect and she has to take a step back from the case. This book was not a favorite for me. I always enjoy stories about the Amish community but this one kind of drug through slowly and got more exciting when it was closer to the end.

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This is the 16th book in the chief of police Kate Burkholder series. Kate receives a very early phone call from the office. There is a horrible crime scene in the woods. Apparently, a man was tied to a stake and burned…… Alive. A hideous crime and the victim is Milan Swanz. He was an Amish man who had recently been excommunicated from the community. Why, because he repeatedly broke the Amish rules and no one, not his wife or his parents seem to care.
Kate digs right in and the more she uncovers, the more perplexing this case becomes. Even though she doesn’t feel like she is getting closer to understanding the why, she is in danger, and more than one time.
A compelling mystery that besides figuring out whodunnit, also had potential changes coming for Kate and her husband Tomasetti. That is, if they both survive. Another great read in this long time series.

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