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Primal Mirror

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This was another good installment of the series but I don’t think it will bring new readers in. I like the characters and the world. A lot of previous charters are referred to which works sometimes and other times feels forced.

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am fan of this series and have enjoyed most of the books - some more, other less, and this one definitely falls in the group of my favourites.
I always like to go back this world. The over-arching suspense can get tedious, too convoluted sometimes and I am glad it took a back seat in this story.
I have to admit I avoid romance with pregnant heroines and I was apprehensive how Nalini Singh will handle this here. I can say that it worked for me because of all the circumstances of the pregnancy ||the father is a donor, she doesn't even know him, so there is no emotional connection||. Her lack of memories of the how and why she got pregnant was scary even in world were procreation was generally treated as a business transaction. I felt her love and fierce protection of her unborn baby were her leading emotions regarding the pregnancy and the baby and I went with it.
I liked the romance itself, and I liked a lot. Psy-changeling are my favourite couples. It was a bit different here. The heroine was not new feelings, her brain injury already made her an outsider among the other psys. In many ways she acted more like a changeling mother than a psy one.
We meet so many beloved characters from the previous books and it was a joy to see them all again and catch up on what's happening with them.
I complained how dark and emotionally draining the previous book felt, with all the violence both physical and emotional. Here I can say I felt hopeful by the end and it felt good. Yes, there is still violence and darkness but it felt more manageable.

CW: the usual - violence, abuse, + brain damage, memory loss, forced impregnation, traumatic childbirth

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Primal Mirror by Nalini Singh

This book is book 8 of the Psy/Changeling Trinity series. That is the second arc of the Psy/Changeling series, making Primal Mirror is the 23rd novel, with multiple novellas and short stories added in.

In this, we come back to the RainFire pack of jaguars, where we’ve met Alpha Remi Denier, Jojo and Finn in other books. Remi is our male main character. Our female main character is Auden Scott, daughter of former Psy Councillors Shoshanna and Henry Scott. When we meet Auden, she is very pregnant and has issues with black out times in her memory. She is a psychometric, meaning she can feel the emotions of the person or people that have touched an item before.

Remi and Auden first meet when she is having one of her blank spots, where she acts differently than normal and her scent is metallic. She reads a watch on Remi’s arm, telling him things he never would have imagined knowing about his mom, since she had passed away years before. This starts Remi’s interest in Auden. Soon after, he teaches her how to shoot a gun and tells her about the differences in her behavior and scent. After that point, they become friends of a sort and quickly become more emotionally involved. But at the same time, they’re trying to figure out how she’s missing all this time, what happens when she can’t remember, where does her mind go! They find all their answers in the end, but the journey to get there is quite a ride!!

We are visited by many characters that we’ve met in previous books including several Arrows, Kit and Rina formerly of DarkRiver, even Kaleb stops by. Jojo steals every scene she’s in of course!! All in all, I would absolutely recommend this to anyone that likes a little paranormal with their romance, but it’s so much better if you start at the very beginning or at the beginning of the Trinity Accord books. I count this among the top five of my favorite series, and I could never pick just one book out of the series as a favorite!! This book is worth the time and money, a hundred times over!!

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Nalini Singh books are the pinnacle of Paranormal Romance.
This book really kept my attention throughout. We got to learn more about a ps-psy which was always interesting to me and we got to go back to RainFire which I've been dying to return to since Shards of Hope.
While the whole romance between Auden and Remi was going on there was also the mystery of what happened to Auden and why her memories aren't all there, we got a side plot of what's happening in the unstable net and some familiar faces made an appearance.
I honestly can't wait to see where Nalini takes the series next, there's so many people I want a story for—Pax! Rina! Kit! I could go on!

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I've been reading Nalini Singh since the beginning of my time with my reading journey. She re-introduced me to the joys of reading in college and I loved the Psy-Changeling world and devoured these books when I first got my hands on them. I'm incredibly excited that I was given a chance to read and review Primal Mirror. Now I'll be honest, Nalini Singh is an author I feel a sense of loyalty to - I will read everything she writes for forever, but I'm pleased to say that Primal Mirror is an excellent and reliable next installment in Trinity. This is about our beloved Remi and Auden, the daughter of Shoshanna and Henry Scott!! I felt like this book did a great job with the overarching plot and we get many glimpses into other character's corners of our Psy-Changling world. While I wish that we got to explore more of the dynamic between Henry and Auden Scott and see a bit more development in Remi and Auden's relationship (I'm a sucker for there alone sitting together eating a sweet treat moments), I do appreciate that this book felt like it kept forward momentum going.

I think Nalini Singh can always be counted on for a strong romance and she delivers here. I'm excited to get to see more glimpses into the dynamics of the Scott family (Henry and Auden) in the future and get peeks into Auden and Remi's lil family! As always, I remain eager for the next book!!

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I haven't read this author in a while since I've been somewhat disappointed in the archangels series. However this book did not disappoint. A perfect mix of action and intrigue. We have a mentally damaged woman who feels like someone or something is happening to her, she's loosing time. She is a member of a notorious family but considered a waste as she is a psychometric not a high powered telepath. The alpha of the rainfire jaguar pack is intrigued by this woman, feels a need to protect her and obviously gets himself involved in the house politics surrounding her. I really like the male need who is strong but not overwhelming and is compassionate as well as protecting. Of course the metaplot is going on as well because the net is failing. So we get peeks at other characters from the past as they struggle to save Psi lives. It is an enjoyable book all around with some romance mixed in. Fans of older Singh books will enjoy this one. Thanks to netgalley and the Author and publishers for letting me review this book.

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Nalini Singh does it again in this type of book and I enjoyed getting to read this, it continued the Psy-Changeling Trinity series. The overall feel worked with everything that I was expecting from that world. The characters were wonderfully done and enjoyed getting to know them in this world. I’m excited to read more from Nalini Singh as I’ve been enjoying everything about this world.

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After twenty-plus books I’m still loving Singh’s world-building and I adore her characters. This outing takes us back to RainFire pack and its alpha, Remi Danier, who in watching a party of Psy on the edges of their territory is intrigued by the very confusing Auden Scott. Auden is dealing with what appears to be mental health issues but also reappears heavily pregnant–and with no knowledge of how it happened, but with a desperate need to protect the child. No changeling is going to back down from helping someone genuinely in need and spark will fly. This one’s a little more twisty than normal–but given it’s the Scott family (her parents were each individually megalomaniacs), that’s entirely appropriate.

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Back in the Psy-Changeling world and it’s Remi’s turn! I love the RainFire pack and it was great to see them again and this time get their alpha’s story. We’ve seen Remi quite a few times in the series. He has a nice mentor relationship with Lucas and one of his closest friends is Aden, leader of the Arrows. And now we get to see who is mate ends up being. The answer? Auden Scott, a Psy who was the daughter of two vicious Councillors who are now gone. But their plans? Not completely gone. Auden has suffered by the hands of her parents in a way that has caused permanent damage to her brain. When Remi first meets Auden near his land, he knows something is off with her. Her scent is quick to change and she isn’t completely with him in their conversation. He does sense the real her though when she uses her ability to read an object from his mother. Months later, he sees Auden but this time, she is heavily pregnant. Auden may not remember how exactly she became pregnant and other gaps in her memory that tell her she has missed some important things but she does know she will do whatever she can to protect her child. And if that means leaning into the personality shift that thrives from Silence in order to take take the rest of the Scott family? So be it. She also isn’t afraid to get help from Remi. Remi who she is drawn to in ways she can’t explain but knows she isn’t afraid of him. And Remi will do what he can to protect Auden and her child. He isn’t letting her go and will do anything to protect her from those who wish her and her baby harm and even Auden herself. What a ride this one! On top of Auden and Remi’s wild story, the Net is still collapsing and only complicates matters. This was a pretty intense story and I couldn’t put it down. I loved getting to know Remi more and Auden was another great character to add to this cast! This series remains to be one of my favorites and as always can’t wait for the next one!

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Nalini Singh has once again delivered an amazing story! The Psy Changeling trinity arc just keeps improving with each book. While I love all of Nalini's couples, the Psy Changeling pairs hold a special place in my heart.
This time, we follow the story of Alpha Remi, and Auden Scott, daughter of former counselors Henry and Shoshanna Scott. The romance between these two characters was beautifully portrayed, although the relationship buildup felt a bit rushed compared to other couples in the series. The focus of the book was more on the overarching series mystery, providing some answers while leaving room for future exploration.
I was thrilled to see a throwback to a beloved character and to meet a new, empathetic character that I couldn't help but root for. The series continues to captivate me, and I eagerly anticipate the next direction Nalini will take us in.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the arc!

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Thank you to Berkley for giving me access to an early copy!

Primal Mirror by Nalini Singh dives into the story of Auden Scott and Remi Danier. If you have followed the previous books in the series you know that the PsyNet is on the verge of collapse and in this book we explore it on a deeper level. Right from the beginning, I was invested in the mystery surrounding Auden. As with any classic Nalini Singh's story, the romance in the book is charming. I liked that Remi was not a typical changeling with high handedness though there were a few moments of it. He was very protective and supportive and I loved how he interacted with the kids of the pack. Both the main characters had a strong sense of protectiveness when it comes to their loved ones. Despite how old this series is, I always fall in love with this world and the found family trope that plays a big part in each book. Definitely recommend this, if you are a fan of Nalini Singh's previous works!

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Much more enjoyable than the last book, but it ended too abruptly. Sometimes a book should be a bit longer to wrap things up, and this book could have used that for sure. Also seems like a missed opportunity to not have Auden interact with Ivan given what we learned about him in his book. It was nice to spend more time with Remi and his pack, but again, giving everything a bit more time to breathe would have been great.

Side note-I really hate the bits from the Wild Woman magazine or whatever it's called. I'm sure they're supposed to be funny, but they're gross. I'm not sure which book started having them, but the series does not need it.

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I’m gonna keep it 100 with you folks coming to read a review of the.. 24th (?) book in a series - it’s getting too stressful out here for me.

I am finding the B-plot running through the series so anxiety provoking that I genuinely could not enjoy the A-plot of this book because I was too stressed about the mass extinction event to think about baked goods (and, to be clear, I love thinking about baked goods). I think one of the reasons I found this book so hard to get into is that, for the vast majority of the book our protagonists are not interacting with the series plot.

It was really hard to feel like there were any real stakes in the Remi/Auden dynamic when the chapter blurbs and cutaways to characters we already know keep saying things to remind me that we 👏 don’t 👏 have 👏 time 👏 for 👏 this 👏!

Anyway, see you all back for book 25!

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This was one of the best, most exciting Psy-Changeling books so far. Nailini never disappoints and always creates new ways to thrill and bring you amazing characters and a love story while building more of the world. Love, Love, loved Auden and Remi. Auden's baby affecting the Net was a brilliant twist I can't wait for more. Carly Phillips, NYT Bestselling Author

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This book felt like coming home. Honestly it felt like a starting point to a new series where there were so many ways the characters could go and I really hope that's the case. I loved Auden. She was fierce from the first page and one of my favorite heroines now. Remi reminded me so much of Lucas, but in his own way. There were two special surprises in this book that made me kick my legs in glee and I REALLY hope something comes of it.
I truly loved this book and cannot wait to read more! And OMG that ending!

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CW The heroine is a Psy, so she has suffered abuse as a child. Every book in this series with a Psy main character will feature child abuse.

Absolutely incredible! I have loved Remi since we've met him in Shards of Hope, so I'm excited to read his story.
The book felt quite different than previous books. Maybe because of Auden's situation, maybe because it's book #23 in the series. There is a lot of focus on Auden's mental health and her being pregnant. I will have to read it a few more times to better identify why it feels different. As I loved every page it's not a hardship;).

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I received an advance copy from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I'm going to reveal a big plot point at the end of this review, if you don't want to read it, STOP.

Nalini Singh does it agin, continuing the overarching storylines of the Psy-Trinity series (the fracturing of PsyNet, the Scarabs) while also exploring a new generation of Psy and Changelings. This time, it's a new pack of cats in the Great Smoky Mountains, led by new alpha Remi. The property near the cats' territory has long been owned by Shoshanna Scott, absentee owner and powerful Psy councilor. When her daughter, Auden Scott, comes to claim it, she meets Remi and sparks fly as much as they can between a tightly-wound, mentally damaged Psy and a suspicious leopard shifter. Auden's own mind and body are keeping secrets from her, and as she slowly unravels them, she will face a choice: herself or her future?
Here's where it gets WEIRD. Auden is explicitly described as having ebony skin and dark, curly hair, reading as Black. The twist is that the baby she's carrying isn't her genetic material, it's her mother's child (her half sister), who is white, "ice-white", like Shoshanna. And Auden names her Liberty. So a Black woman's body is hijacked by a powerful white woman to carry a white ubermensch baby named LIBERTY, and then the Black woman's body/brain will be used to save the white baby and their shared mother? I don't often stop to take notes when I read a book, but this FLOORED ME.

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This was good and I liked how it moves the overall story line along but I wasn't all that interested in the two main characters.

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Auden's parents did an experiment on her brain when she was a child and now, she suffers from a brain injury. She has memory loss and loss of time issues among other things. When she ends up pregnant without her consent, she decides to take a stand. When she meets Leopard alpha Remi Denier she feels and immediate connection. When she decides to trust Remi the real battle begins. As always with a Nalini Singh book I could not put it down. Wonderful story flow with characters you can't help but feel for. With the overarching story line of the psynet crisis I cannot wait for the next book.

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Primal Mirror is the latest installment in the Psy Changeling Trinity series by Nalini Singh. Singh is the best paranormal romance author in the game. She's created such a vast universe and has written so many beloved characters. I couldn't pass up a chance at reading her latest work! Remi and Auden's story was well crafted, well written, and well paced. Auden is the daughter of former counselors Henry and Shoshanna. Names sound familiar? Remi was introduced to readers earlier as the Alpha of a new pack. I had such a great time reading about these two. The romance was great and there's one trope I loved that was explored here as well. Like all of her other work, there was more focus on the plot and the arc that ties all the books together. Still a great book and can't wait for the next.

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