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Call It What You Want

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While this story was compelling, and I’m sure relatable for many, it just wasn’t right for me.

Honestly, this was a tough read. I think I was expecting a romance with a happily ever after, but this is not that. It’s definitely more of a “personal growth/self love journey with a romantic storyline” type of book but I had a really tough time rooting for either of these people. The years Sloane spent letting herself be strung along got tiring. The story felt overly repetitive and read more like a diary than a well-developed story. I wanted to shake the main characters, but also their best friends who just completely enabled this behavior. Despite half of the book detailing how they “got together,” I felt that Sloane and Ethan lacked history, chemistry, and any connection beyond the physical. Sloane thought she loved Ethan, but to me, he really didn’t give her enough of himself TO love. She just romanticized him based off the very little he offered her. But, the whole point is that to Sloane, it was love—you can call it what you want.

The time and mistakes it took Sloane (ie: cheating on her boyfriend, which I did not like) to get to a place of self respect were just tiring. I know that many will feel seen and inspired by this story and I love that for them. But truthfully, it was just a bummer for me and not what I was expecting/hoping for. Yes, it’s a “happy” ending, but not a “romance” happy ending if that makes sense. While it holds a mirror up to toxic dating culture, I likely would not recommend this as a work of fiction meant to bring enjoyment.

Thank you to NetGalley, the author, and the publisher for the ARC in exchange for my honest review. Even though I didn’t love the book, I appreciate the opportunity.

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‘call it what you want’ is alissa’s debut novel in which we meet sloane and ethan. they’re neighbors during their senior year at college and have a funny meet cute but everything isn’t perfect. the book’s timeline is two years and all i’ve to say is good luck.

it was just really repetitive. sloane would always ask what they were and ethan would reply with ‘idk’ like come on just stop seeing each other already. i still don’t get how she let herself try THREE times with him and that’s probably because graham told her about his past to justify his actions. but anyways.

both main characters pissed me off. sloane was selfish, everytime ethan would say something negative as in he didn’t wanna talk, she would be like ‘did you stop liking me?’ ‘am i not enough?’ girl go see a professional pls this was so toxic, she was so dependent of him. once he moved to nyc she was mad that he didn’t text her about it but i bet that if he had, she would’ve freaked out and her reaction would be the same one. and i’m saying some things in the past because i would like to believe that she changed since in the end one of them went to therapy and guess who it was

and now ethan. my fucking god. if sloane had problems imagine ethan. his excuse for not wanting to be in a relationship is because of his childhood which is valid and fair but could you go to therapy? because the abandonment issues are showing. he has drinking problems AND he was at her house but chose to end things over text. his best friend said that he has never seen ethan be so vulnerable as he was with sloane but ethan never said anything to sloane, it would always be about sex and their situationship, he couldn’t even reply with why he doesn’t wanna be in a relationship.

thank you to netgalley and sourcebooks landmark’s team for this arc for an honest review.

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This book was so good. I saw this on TikTok and was dying to give this a shot. This was so freaking relatable and it put me in my feels of being seen. I think every girl in her 20s should read this book. Highly recommend

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I was really excited to read this, as I feel so many people deal with situationships. But reading it felt like the story either dragged on and the same situations kept getting repeated. I wanted to relate to the story but I could not find myself relating as much as I felt like I should be.

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I almost cried so many times while reading this book because this book was MY LIFE. I wish I could tell 15 year old Kasey that it does get better ❤️‍🩹
Totally recommend this book if you are going through a situationship or just got out a relationship, really enjoyed this book.

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This newly published version was everything I had hoped it would be. This version had plot holes filled, more character background and the pace was quick.

I adore this book, and I wish it existed in my early twenties when I was going through my "first love" breakup. Alissa reminds us of our self-worth through gut-wrenching dialogue between Sloan and her friends, and reflection regarding situationships. I really cared about Sloan and her friend group, and surrounding characters because they felt like real people to me. Someone I knew, or someone I passed on the street. They felt familiar. I wanted the best outcome for everyone, because Alissa wrote about characters we the readers cared about!

This is a book I will be buying friends as gifts, and after break ups. It is the situationship bible.

Thank you Alissa, publishers and Netgalley for my copy!

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A short and tender read.

This book follows the toxic relationship between Sloane and Ethan.

I realized this later on, that this wasn't a romance. Yet, I enjoyed it very much. The way the author addresses toxicity in relationships that are simply not meant to be, seemed realistic and raw. I really felt for Sloane throughout. I loved the Taylor Swift references as well as the ending of the book.
I really enjoyed the writing and set-up in the book. But the characters, not so much. They were all very grey and unlikable, but it seems obvious that the author intended it to be so.

The middle parts were a bit slow for my liking but the tempo picks up in the latter parts. I was also not a fan of how Sloane seems oblivious to Ethan's feelings about her and does not accept facts as facts. This again seems on purpose by the author.
I also felt that there was a lack of cohesiveness in the book overall but it did not take away from the reading experience.

Overall, it was a good read which shows how fragile and painful human romantic relationships can be, especially unrequited love.

I received an ARC of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.
Thank you to Netgalley, the Author and the Publisher for providing an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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I'm sure I would have loved this book, but unfortunately, my little brother's name is Ethan, so you can imagine how difficult it was to continue reading....

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For the Millennial Swifties!!!

Meet Sloane, a college senior whose world revolves around partying to the Chainsmokers and memorable nights out with friends. Her life takes a turn when she crosses paths with Ethan, her neighbor, at the bus stop, sparking an unpredictable, roller-coaster romance. As their final year at college ends, Sloane moves to the bustling streets of New York with a friend, embarking on a new chapter in her life and the looming question: Can her situationship with Ethan withstand post-grad life?

The cleverly woven Taylor Swift Easter eggs stand out in this story, winking to the Swifties. The nods to August in the narrative are genius for those in the know. But honestly, Sloane should have known when it's time to go. The story would've been better if we had seen more character development. The storyline also felt predictable and uneventful. The NYC setting needed to be more realistic; no one could afford to live in such a large apartment, party, and eat out that much while working an entry-level position in New York.

This book will not find its way back into my reading rotation, primarily because of the lack of a connection with Sloane. She didn't make decisions that made sense, had no character arc, and was superficial. Yet, perhaps this portrayal was a deliberate reflection of her naivety and the superficiality that can accompany early adulthood.

It is made for the Millennial Swifties who graduated college in 2016, as they can relate to all the references—someone who is not as attached to character development and is in it solely for the tea.

Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Such a great read! Definitely one of those books that needed to be longer!! I loved everything about this book. I can’t wait to see more of this author.

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When I started "Call It What You Want" I was really liking the dynamic of the characters. They felt real. After the first chapters, my interest in the book started to decrease. Not because I wasn't liking it, but 'cause it felt so toxic. I understood the point of the author and closer to the end I was really really enjoying the journey of self-discovery, but the middle was just not for me. However, as a coming age, all that toxicity was a part of the characters path and in the end everything felt as it should be.

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This book was EVERYTHING. As a fellow situationship survivor (who is now about to marry her dream man) and a therapist who has worked with SO many folks in situationships, this was written in such a beautiful, relatable way. I love that while it didn’t have a traditional “happily ever after”, it had one in a different way — one where she found herself outside of him. Beautifully written, and I’ll be recommending it to everyone I know.

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unfortunately relatable but i think that this was rushed and did not have enough backstory to immerse in the story properly

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Thanks to Netgalley & SOURCEBOOKS Landmark for access to this E-ARC! This was really cute! I enjoyed the writing style & the chemistry between the characters. Definitely will read more from this author.

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I was very excited to read the arc for its rerelease and the first 20ish % were very fun and captivating! However it went downhill from that and at 70% I was considering DNFing.
We were constantly dealing with the same issue. The FMC just didn’t have any self respect in my opinion and I was so annoyed with her for constantly going back to the same exact toxic man. Both of them are very toxic, he doesn’t deal with his past which affects his present life. She is sort of an emotional vampire and she ended up annoying everyone around herself. I can deal with going back to the same person…but to do it TWICE?! And do dodge a what would be considered a dream man as well?!? On the other hand that might have been her smartest move as she was waisting his time for a whole a** year.
It did feel very repetitive and as if I was stuck in a loop. Also chapter 8 has wrong date, there’s a sudden 2 year jump

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Boy oh boy. Where do I even start with this book? In the words of a Goodreads review I once read “it’s so important to see yourself reflected in fiction. And just like me, this book was incredibly annoying.”

TLDR: Sloane continually tries to “make” Ethan love her and be with her despite him being the biggest red flag ever.

My issues with this novel come down to three main points: Sloane made the same mistakes over and over again; Ethan was so annoying and such a red flag I genuinely didn’t understand why Sloane was so obsessed with him; and this book needed an editor, there were so many mistakes.

Category 1: Sloane made the same mistakes over and over again.
While I completely get being in a situationship can be really hard and being in love with someone (or at least feeling like it) can lead to obsession, I just couldn’t excuse Sloane’s behaviour. There is an instance where she’s at a party with Ethan and she sees him talking to and exchanging info with a girl. Despite clearly not being in a relationship with him, Sloane gets irrationally jealous and picks a fight with Ethan, ruining the night for the two of them. There were so many instances of something like this happening, where Sloane completely overreacts and overthinks that she’s just so unlikeable. Every time I was like “babes, chill out. You’re not even dating this guy and you’re acting insane.” Additionally, even when Sloane is in a - seemingly - happy relationship, the moment Ethan comes back into her life, she throws Rhys aside just to be a cheater and have an affair with Ethan. Unacceptable.

Category 2: Ethan was so annoying and such a red flag I genuinely didn’t understand why Sloane was so obsessed with him.
I am still mystified as to why Sloane was so obsessed with Ethan and unable to see him for the giant ICK that he is. This man knew Sloane was obsessed with him and unable to do the casual “no strings attached” sex that he wanted and yet he continually led her on. He acted like they were in a relationship yet only when it suited him. When he came to New York to visit Sloane, he didn’t even try to have a good time (or even pretend like he was) and he just put in absolutely no effort. It infuriated me that Sloane was able to overlook these giant red flags and still be obsessed with him - especially obsessed enough that she cheated on her partner! I don’t understand it. Ethan was just such a red flag and such an ick I don’t understand how Sloane didn’t see that.

Category 3: this book majorly needed an editor.
There were sentences that genuinely just didn’t make any sense whatsoever. I genuinely had no idea what they were trying to say sometimes. Additionally, there were major timeline issues too. For example, at one point it’s stated that Graham and his partner have been dating for over a year. Yet when you do the math, Graham was still dating Lauren less than a year ago so that just doesn’t make any sense. I also think an editor could have helped limiting all the exposition. There was so much “tell don’t show” going on and it made me feel like I was reading a book written for middle schoolers or something. I think a proper editor would’ve been a great edition to this novel.

Category 4: Miscellaneous issues.
There are two characters at the beginning of the novel, Jordan and Jake, who just completely disappear halfway through the novel and are never mentioned again. They really didn’t need to be in the novel to be honest, they added nothing and wouldn’t be missed.
There was far too much insta-attraction. I think this was done so the reader wouldn’t see what a red flag Ethan was too early, but I hated the way they met and he INSTANTLY started calling her Heart (her last name) or the way they were obsessed with each other from the get go.
A part of this novel takes place in NYC and it was just the most unrealistic thing I have ever read. All these characters work entry level jobs, yet somehow, they can afford a super nice apartment (that has lots of space) and to go out to eat for every meal and go to bars every weekend. Make it make sense please!

I honestly could not get around this novel and I absolutely would not recommend it.

1.5 ⭐️
1 🌶️

Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Omg this book was so well written.
The beginning took you right into the story and you were immediately in another world. I really liked the main character, I felt all the emotions while reading and at times I just wanted to shake her and say everything will be ok.
Just the way the story was laid out and the topics the author addressed in the book was just great. You somehow felt immediately connected and comfortable reading it. I have to say towards the end the book dragged a bit for my liking, but it was still good there. I loved how it was partly set in New York and I immediately felt transported to the city and felt the vibe. I wanted to be friends with her and her friends and wanted to tell her in so many situations that it's okay the way it is. I will definitely be buying this as a book, I marked so much and loved the cover so much, it's so so beautiful. For anyone who wants to read a quick, easy, great, heart-warming and emotionally charged book. It's for you. Definitely a 4.3 ⭐️ read for me.

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I wanted to love this because I got a copy from NetGalley but honestly it was hard to read. From the beginning you knew that the main characters wouldn’t end up together, which was fine, but it left you wondering how it all happened. You go back in time where she’s “falling in love” but there was nothing to fall for. He did not care about her really at all. And then the cheating scene really was the nail in the coffin, it made me so angry.

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I was so intrigued by the cover and description of this book but unfortunately for me my favorite thing is still the cover. The lack of chemistry and repetitiveness just made this one not my cup of tea.

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This book was a quick read. Great character development and well thought out plot. It kept the reader engaged and I enjoyed the storyline.

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