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If You Tell a Lie

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I had a difficult time following this story. The different character POVs and the time jumping had me scrolling back to the beginning of the chapters to see which character's POV it currently was. I never really did manage to remember which girl's backstory was which, but I guess it didn't really matter anyway.

The ending was less than satisfying and left much to be desired. As I got closer to the end, I kept thinking how is this going to get wrapped up in 2 pages? Well, it just didn't get wrapped up, not fully anyway.

This was my first novel by this author, I will definitely try reading some of her other books as I've heard great things about her past work.

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Berry probably one of my favorite writers of all time. I absolutely loved this one. Probably one of my top for hers. I've read it in one day. I give it 5 out of 5 stars.

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If You Tell A Lie is a gripping, fast-paced thriller about a group of friends who attended summer camp together throughout their childhood and teenage years and a choice they made at camp that would go on to haunt them into adulthood. Twenty-six years after that fateful summer, Thera, Grace, Meg, and Blakely find themselves forced back together when their secret is in danger of being revealed. Just what happened at camp that summer? And who else knew about it?

If You Tell A Lie is dark and disturbing. It shows the dangers of peer pressure during vulnerable ages, especially for groups of girls. In warning, the book touches on a lot of upsetting topics to include sociopathy, child abuse, pedophilia, domestic abuse, manipulation/bullying, and animal cruelty. This is definitely not a happy, sunshine book, but it is a gripping thriller. It is written in a dual timeline with multiple POVs. I enjoyed getting all of the characters perspectives both in the past and present. I also really appreciated the open(ish) ending. Like I said, it wasn't a book that left me feeling great after reading it, but it had me thinking back on it over and over. The themes are tough, but I think the author does a good job with them. I'll likely read another book by this author.

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Started this while in a bit of a reading slump so pardon that it took me a bit longer than normal for me to finish but I would rate this a solid 4/5 and am so happy I was able to have access to this ARC through NetGalley and Thomas Mercer, so thank you very much for the opportunity. I am trying not to be too biased since Lucinda is my absolute favorite author but I was not expecting the twist in this one and even though I was in a bit of a slump while reading it this book kept me engaged, interested and entertained! I really enjoyed the characters and think that there was quite a bit of character development for each of them and it was just the right amount of time on them. Thank you again!

There was a typo I found but am unsure how to contact you all with that, but basically with my kindle on Location 2678 there was somewhere that said "it" instead of I.

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Holy moly!! I will not lie, at first this book was really slow and I didn’t think I was going to be able to get into it. However, the last 40% of the book I could not put it down!! I had absolutely no idea where this book was going and I couldn’t possibly imagine that it was going to go where it went! I would read one chapter and completely agree with that character and then read the next in a different POV and be like hmm maybe they’re right?? Kept me guessing the entire time! I loved how seamlessly the alternating timelines went together (per usual with Lucinda!) This is my second by her, but I’m racing to get more!! 3.75 stars, rounded up to 4

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This was the 8th book I read from this author, and it is now my least favourite.
This book doesn't read as a typical Lucinda Berry novel, in my opinion. This is much more of a generic mystery novel about a group of friends who, in the past when they were teenagers played a big part in a crime scene at the summer they used to attend to, and now they are all adults and someone knows their secret about that daty at summer camp and now it's coming for them.
The story is told in two timelines and with the POV of the 4 friends, who are pretty much alike each other.
Personally, I had a hard time trying to remember which POV I was reading at the moment, since they all sounded the same.
I am extremily disappointed. I've read some INCREDIBLE books written by this author. Books with personality, original approaches, books with strong and thought-provoking messages. Meaningful stories.
But this one?
Sorry, but I have a hard time believing this was written by Lucinda Berry herself, instead of some ghostwritter.
I do not recommend this book to anyone who hasn't read any Lucinda Berry's works before.
But if you have and you're sort of a fan, go for it.

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If You Tell a Lie - Lucinda Berry
Genre: Mystery / Thriller
Pub Date: July 23rd 2024

Thanks to @netgalley and Thomas & Mercer for this Advanced Copy!

I've heard of Lucinda Berry many times before but it was my first book of hers. I was excited to read one of her books since everyone says her books are twisty and just wow!!

I really liked the story line of this book but I found it a bit slow. All the backstory was just meh for me! I realize you have to know what happened 26 years ago at camp but I felt like it was dragging. Not as much action as I would've liked. But the last 10%, WOW, my heart was racing!!! Even though I guessed one of the major plot twists at the end, I really enjoyed this book. I can't wait to read more books by her.

It's a ⭐⭐⭐⭐

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I was once a teen girl, and as most grown women can relate, I dread looking back on a good share of this I did. This story showcases that on a much more serious note. It's 'Mean Girls' rated R.

This is a classic trope with cliche characters and not a single one you'll be rooting for--and that's by design. Just when you think you've got it all figured out and you know where things are heading--BOOM! Berry pulls the rug out from under you. Twisted and wicked.

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Multiple POVs and alternating timelines; quick and easy read; full of suspense and tension; interesting plot and engaging writing; unlikeable but compelling characters; some parts felt a bit unnecessary and skimmable; definitely enjoyed all the twists, but I always hate how rushed the ending is 😫 - I wanted more!

Great if you’re looking for a quick, engaging, and twisty thriller! (Check trigger warnings)

You’d love this if you enjoyed The Last Time I Lied, by Riley Sager and The Lying Game by Ruth Ware.

Special thank you to Thomas & Mercer and Netgalley for a DRC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Summer camp is a place we all go to find ourselves and friends. Camp Pendleton, a haven for gifted kids has been their home for many summers, four friends being who they want to be away from home. what they don’t realize is that their last summer would hold more than laughs and fun and campfire, but lies, secrecy, and a man dead. They thought it was over and they made it out unscathed, but they didn’t realize secrets can’t be kept forever and years later they will have to reconnect and revisit that summer, will the consequences be as severe as all those years ago?

This book caught me by surprise, it ended up being exactly what I was thinking but also not at all what I was expecting but in the best way! The characters pulled me in and along the story and I kinda wished we could have stayed in the story longer (the length was perfect but the author leaves me wanting to stay in it despite the content matter).
We all know a Blakely, we can all identify with the feeling of following a group as a young person knowing that this may not have been the best idea but, you have no clue or experience in order to do anything about it.

There are some very mature themes in this book, including abuse and assault. They are the main topics and therefore not suited for someone who is bothered by these items.
Lucinda has a unique way of writing these themes without it being gratuitous, she writes with skill to balance what happens with everything else in the book so that it in cohesive!

I was fortunate to receive a ARC for this book thanks to NetGalley and Thomas and Mercer. I consumed it as an ebook which comes in around 271 pages, it will also be available as an audiobook coming in at roughly 10H.
If You Tell a Lie is set to be released on July 23rd 2024, it is available for pre-order now on Amazon and on many big retailers!

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"If You Tell a Lie" by Lucinda Berry is a gripping psychological thriller that ensnares the reader from the first page and refuses to let go until its jaw-dropping conclusion. Berry, known for her ability to delve deep into the darkest corners of the human psyche, delivers yet another masterclass in suspense and narrative tension.

The story unfolds through a meticulously woven plot, featuring complex characters whose secrets and lies form the bedrock of a narrative that is as harrowing as it is compelling. Berry's expertise as a clinical psychologist shines through in her portrayal of these characters, whose motivations and actions are explored with nuance and depth. The psychological realism she brings to the narrative adds a chilling layer of authenticity to the story, making the twists and turns all the more impactful.

At the core of "If You Tell a Lie" is the exploration of trust, betrayal, and the fine line between truth and deception. Berry deftly navigates these themes, creating a story that is not only thrilling but also a profound commentary on the nature of truth and the consequences of our choices. The suspense builds steadily, with each revelation more shocking than the last, leading to a climax that is both unexpected and deeply satisfying.

Berry's prose is sharp and evocative, capable of conjuring vivid images and intense emotions with just a few well-chosen words. The pacing is impeccable, balancing moments of intense action with deeper, more introspective passages that offer insight into the characters' inner lives. This balance keeps the reader fully engaged, eager to turn the page but reluctant to miss a single detail.

One of the most remarkable aspects of "If You Tell a Lie" is its ability to keep the reader guessing. Berry's skill in crafting a story that is both complex and coherent is evident in the way each piece of the puzzle fits together, revealing a picture that is both surprising and inevitable in hindsight. The twists and turns feel earned, the product of a storyteller in full command of her craft.

In conclusion, "If You Tell a Lie" is a tour de force of psychological thriller writing. Lucinda Berry has delivered a novel that is not only thrilling but also thought-provoking, challenging the reader to consider the consequences of our truths and lies. This book is a must-read for fans of the genre and anyone who appreciates a well-told story that stays with you long after the last page is turned. Berry continues to establish herself as one of the most talented and insightful writers working today, and "If You Tell a Lie" is a testament to her skill and creativity.

Thank you to NetGalley, the author, and publisher for an advanced copy to review for my honest opinion.

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2.5 stars rounded up. I’ve heard such great things about Lucinda Berry, but this was my first opportunity to read one of her novels. It’s well written. I did struggle with identifying which character was the current POV. The girls tended to blend together a bit which is never ideal in a multiple POV story.

None of the main characters were super likable. That’s not super surprising since they’re teenagers, but even as adults they tended to make decisions without any real thought. It also seemed like the book would make time jumps, then go back and explain what happened in the past week or whatever. This would be fine, but often it seemed like an excuse to leave out major portions of the plot. So unfortunately the plausibility and cohesiveness were issues I had with the book.

There was an epilogue-esque chapter at the end but it still didn’t wrap everything up for me. Just ended up feeling super cliche.

I wouldn’t mind checking out more of Berry’s books in the future, but this one didn’t vibe for me.

I received an advance review copy for free from NetGalley and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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This story is told in the past and in the present by Grace, Blakely, Meg, and Thera. When they were children, they were all super smart, but misfits in their schools, and in their lives. The only time life was good to them is when they met at Camp Pendleton. They became best friends and swore they would remain close for life. But something very bad happened the last year at camp. Something that has kept them apart for many years. Until a threatening note brings them back together. Someone knows what they did.
Much more of the story was spent in the past. When I realized I was almost done with the book, I wondered how it could wrap up so quickly. I would’ve liked a bit more detail about what happened to two of the characters. I also saw the twist coming before the author reveal, so that wasn’t very shocking. 3.5 stars.

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How well do you really know your friends?
This story follows a group of friends who all met through summer camp where they finally felt like they fit in. Except people aren’t always who they seem to be.
Overall I enjoyed the story. I thought the twist was pretty good. What I didn’t enjoy was how the story seemed to drag on longer than it really needed to. A big chunk felt really repetitive.

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Lucinda Berry never disappoints to keep me on my toes and making me want to read more and more! While I will say nothing compares to my love for "The Perfect Child" or "Appetite for Innocence", this book was a great read that kept me guessing on what was going to happen. Growing up and going to summer camp I could relate to feeling ontop of world over the summer and all the emotions that come along with living with a bunk of girls.

I will note that it took some time for me to keep track of the 4 different main characters but I would just be sure to make note of each of their backstories when you start reading. Definitely add this to your list!

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Wow, just wow!! The plot build up was a bit slow at first but it needed to be that way to make it make sense. The last half of the book was so good!! Just when you think you’ve got things figured out it’s a complete plot twist and you quickly change your mind? Then comes another twist. I loved the book and love the authors style of writing, definitely a favorite.

Thanks to NetGalley and the author for this ARC

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My first book from Lucinda Berry - and I loved it. Hooked from the beginning and was strapped on for the whole book!

Can’t wait to read more of her books!

Highly recommend this thriller

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Four girls become friends at a camp for gifted children. In their senior year, a handsome tennis coach, Mr Crosby, was employed, and Blakely decides that she is going to seduce him. No matter that he is married and a father of twins.
He rejects her, and the first lie is born, resulting in a terrible event that the girls swear never to speak of again.
Now, years later, Blakely needs her partners in crime, and they gather for the first time in 26 years.

I want to sit in stunned silence at the brilliance of this novel! I was transfixed by every page, every chapter, not believing how one lie could snowball into devastation to so many lives.

Lucinda Berry is a master story teller, and her stories are woven with absolute brilliance!

Definitely a 5 star read, if I could award more stars, I would.

Thanks to Netgalley and Thomas & Mercer for the opportunity to read this book.

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3.5 stars rounded up to 4. Lucinda Berry creates some dark and twisted characters. The story was suspenseful and intriguing. The ending was a bit of a let down as it felt rushed and left many unanswered questions. I hope there will be a sequel. I still really enjoyed this book!

Thanks NetGalley and Thomas & Mercer for a digital ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Lots of trigger warnings with this one! Mentions of eating disorders, grooming, SA, self harm, and animal abuse. Read with caution!

This was a quick and easy read, but also SUPER farfetched. I was annoyed by how naive so many of the main characters were. They clearly were incapable of having independent thoughts and making their own decisions. Psychopathy was widespread in this novel which was both amusing and disturbing all at the same time. I'm not mad that I read this book, but it wasn't a favorite of mine. 3.5 stars rounded down.

Thank you to NetGalley and Thomas & Mercer for an ARC of this novel.

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