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Open Minded

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I enjoy reading books about romantic relationships and this story explores non traditional partnerships. The writing was good and the parts that moved slow were ok to get over because I was invested in the outcome. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC.

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Story about two women, Fliss and Holly, who met in a restaurant bathroom. Holly has been seeing Will for nine years and suddenly he decides he wants an open relationship. Fliss has been in an open relationship with Adam for three years, and suddenly he wants to be monogamous. What follows are highs and lows for both women. They share advice and throughout the process, learn a lot about each other and what they want in life.
Great cast of characters, an interesting take on the usual rom-com, and an ending that is satisfying.

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To be honest I didn’t like this book at the beginning. Fliss was a bit more likeable at first. But Holly really grew on me. I definitely was not a fan of Holly's boyfriend and the way he treated her. The book was an interesting take on open relationships. Showing both positive and negative sides. And how manipulation of the system plays a part in the success. Overall it was a quick read and I liked the joint narration.

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Open Minded
By Chloe Seager

“ Chloe Seager creates a fun yet thought-provoking novel about two very different women, Holly and Fliss, who are grappling with drastic changes in their relationships after Holly's boyfriend wants to "open" their relationship and Fliss's boyfriend wants to "close" theirs. After nine years of dating, Holly is sure her boyfriend Will is going to propose”

I enjoyed this book. It was not as wild as I was expecting it to be by the title. It was more of a subtle view point of two different relationships dealing with their relationship status and circumstance.
Holly and Fliss annoyed me sometimes but in a very romcom Hallmark way.
I would have liked to have more detail into what led Will to suggest opening the relationship.
I also had someone I was really rooting for.

This was an easy read. It had its funny moments and had its moments you just wanted to say speak up! The one thing you learn is everything is not for everyone. Know yourself and what works for you and your relationship.

Thank you to NetGalley and William Morrow Books for the e-arc in exchange for my unbiased honest review.

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I received a digital copy of this book through the publisher on NetGalley for an honest review.

Open Minded was an enjoyable book for me to read as Holly and Fliss are both relatable characters struggling with opposing issues. I enjoyed seeing that as the story was told from both their perspectives, so it was interesting to see what was going to happen in regard to their relationships once the two of them became friends. I enjoyed seeing this sisterhood between the two of them and how it came about and seeing them going to each other for advice when it came to the issues in their relationships and how to deal with them.

I also enjoyed seeing their relationships with the guys they were with and seeing everything play out. While I didn’t necessarily like all of the guys and the relationships Holly and Fliss had with them, I enjoyed seeing these two different relationships. I also found both Liam and Rowan’s characters an interesting dynamic in these stories as Holly grapples with her now open relationship by dating Liam while Fliss struggles with keeping Rowan as just a friend now that her boyfriend wants to be exclusive.

While I found these aspects of Open Minded enjoyable to read, there were some things with the story too I disliked. One of my dislikes had to do with the lack of Holly and Fliss actually taking each other’s advice when it comes to their relationships. I feel like they both go to each other for advice during their friendship and seem like they’ll take what the other is saying to heart. But from the beginning, Holly lies to Fliss about why she and Will are in an open relationship and Fliss doesn’t initially listen to Holly when it comes to her “friendship” with Rowan. As a result, I feel like a lot of conflict happens in this story that wouldn’t have occurred if Fliss and Holly took each other’s advice.

Another issue I have with this book is how both Holly and Fliss handle their relationships. With Holly, the issue I have with her relationship with Will is that even though they’ve been together for nine years, I felt from the beginning that there was something off in their relationship. It wasn’t until later in Open Minded when she was dating Liam that I realized how little Will actually listens to her and that she wasn’t standing up for herself in their relationship. There is also very little communication between the two of them too because Will decides that they are going to have an open relationship but then never communicates with her what he wants from it. Then once it’s no longer working for him, Will doesn’t say anything and expects Holly to just be with him again.

With Fliss, the issue with her relationship with Ash was communication regarding their relationship becoming exclusive. Ash asks about the two of them becoming exclusive and Fliss just goes along with it but then there’s no further discussion about it. I feel like the issue is more on her end though as when she realizes that she can’t be exclusive, she doesn’t discuss things with Ash until she makes a reckless decision that almost cost them their relationship. It isn’t until she’s without him that she realizes that while she doesn’t want to be exclusive, she wants to continue having open relationships but wants to be with him while being in an open relationship.

As a whole though, Open Minded is an enjoyable read that has you seeing relationships in a different way. While I know for myself an open relationship is never something I’d personally do, this book allowed me to see what an open relationship can be like for those involved. Open Minded has a publication date of November 12, 2024, for those interested in checking out this book.

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Thanks to NetGalley and William Morrow for an ARC of this title.

Conceptually this story is extremely interesting. Two women, in two different types of relationships and on two different paths, find each other at the exact moment they need each other and help guide each other in their journeys. While some of that was there, and the friendship at the center has it's moments, I ultimately found most of the characters (except poor Liam) to be fundamentally pretty unlikeable - including our friend protagonists. These are written to be two smart, talented women, but for most of the novel they engage in behaviors that are simply frustrating and somewhat out of character. At one point I considered adding this to my DNF pile because Holly and Fliss were making so many cliche, predictable, out of character mistakes that it became frustrating to read. What kept me reading was to see if the author could take these unlikeable characters and stick the landing with them to help redeem them. Ultimately I found sticking with it to be worth it, even if the ending was itself fairly predictable.

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Open Minded was an insightful look into non-traditional relationships. Fliss and Holly meet during an unsuspecting world’s collide moment in the restaurant bathroom. They become confidants and walk along beside each other as they explore transitions in their respective relationships. I was surprised by the perspectives I hadn’t thought of and enjoyed the witty writing.

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Thank you NetGalley for an ARC of Open Minded by Chloe Seager. I liked this book and liked the character development. It ended in the way I thought it should so I'm happy about that. 3.5/5 stars

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I enjoyed reading this book. I'm surprised at how relatively open minded it is towards open relationships. I enjoyed the growth Holly throughout the book, I empathized with her about wanting to please her partner. I also enjoyed this Fliss and how she feels in the book. The whole thing kept me engaged throughout.

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This book was written with dual perspectives and I love it. At first I was reading it with frustration for both Holly and Fluss but as their stories bloomed I began to realize just how much they were looking outward for various reasons and approval when really they just needed to come to terms with what they wanted out of life for themselves. This was like a coming of age for adults and those in their 30’s; where responsibilities are present but fun can still be had. I also loved the addition of Henry coming in and the role he played as a sibling. This was a great read!

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Not sure what I expected when I first started reading this book, but I did enjoy it. I don't know that the patrons at my library will enjoy the book, but if they are open minded enough, they would definitely give it a try.

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I really enjoyed this book. It gave “cozy read” vibes and I was invested the entire time. I enjoyed the characters and felt that the relationship dynamics and communication was relatable and authentic. I thought the look at the ins and outs of open relationships were addressed well (coming from someone with no experience) but I would have enjoyed maybe some background of how it started (for ash and fliss ) and more of the nitty gritty details for that. All in all I really enjoyed it!

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This was a wonderful new take on the typical “romance” story. I found myself invested in finding out what happens to both of these women as they navigate parallel romantic situations. A great read that had fun characters, a fresh perspective, and a storyline that is unlike any other.

Thank you to NetGalley and the author, Chloe Seager, for providing this pre-released book for review.
#openminded #netgalley

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Thanks to NetGalley & William Morrow for providing me an e-ARC!

This was such an eye-opening read. It brings up the controversy revolving around open relationships and brings in two different opinions.

We follow our two protagonists; Holly who has been in a committed relationship with her boyfriend, Will and is blindsided by him bringing up the idea of opening their relationship. And on the other spectrum, Fliss who has been in an open relationship with her boyfriend, Ash for three years, is asked to make their relationship exclusive. The two find themselves in parallel situations and one night befriends each other, bonding over their newly relationship status. The story then picks up from there.

What I loved about this story is while this brings up two opposing opinions on open relationships, Chloe Seager writes in a way where it's completely unbiased and judgement free. I personally don't believe in open relationships but it brought a new perspective and I can see why it exists. (Though I will never participate in one, it was insightful to read about.) Love looks different to everyone and is something that we have to respect.

This was a shorter read and I finished this so quickly. It was an easily binge-able read that will have you laughing and gasping. Open Minded will release in Nov 12, 2024. I highly recommend!

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This story started off very interesting. I immediately felt sympathy for Holly but also guessed how her story would end (and I was right). Initially Holly and Fliss felt like two separate characters but once their paths crossed it became difficult to tell the women apart. The story started to drag about halfway through. I don’t think there were enough incidents to help the move plot forward. I do think the resolutions were realistic if not predictable.

Thanks to netgalley for the arc. All opinions are my own.

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Let me start this by saying that miscommunication is my absolute least favorite thing on the planet. With that being said…
The excerpt kind of left me not sure what I was getting myself into? The first 70% of this had me STRESSED because no one would talk to each other about what they were feeling.
The friendship between our female MC’s felt quick and forced. I didn’t see them actually caring about each other. And to blindly just go with what their boyfriends were telling them? Ma’am. We are in the era of the Barbie movie.
It was hard for me to understand Holly’s journey because I would’ve decked Will on the spot like Connor McGregor had trained me. No part of this book was ethically non monogamous. I know that wasn’t the total point, but I can’t overlook that. The pop culture references really didn’t belong with the tone of this book either. And chapters would just end and then pick up with days or weeks going by and no conclusion. It was just too stressful for me to enjoy. I love a book about friendship and finding yourself but this wasn’t it.

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loved this book about fliss and holly and helping each other out with their relationships. Holly is now open and hating it and fliss relationship with ash is now closed. they are both learning things about themselves and what they want in relationship. Holly also has some work issues and fliss deals with co worker. loved that they both figured out what they wanted . I'm glad holly found her voice in the relationship and what she wanted. Fliss found what she wanted with ash.

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Wow that was a lot of miscommunication and avoidance.

This is an extremely messy story, and I really didn’t take to any of the characters except perhaps Liam.

There were a LOT of pop culture references, like an overwhelming amount.

I’d hoped for more LGBTQ representation, and based on the cover thought at least one of the couples may have been in a poly relationship that included each other.

The book is written well, but I didn’t LOVE it. 3.5 stars.

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This book is a very solid 3.5 stars for me. I did thoroughly enjoy it, as it moved quickly and had interesting characters. I love books that alternate perspective, and I enjoyed getting Holly and Fliss's different perspectives on their situations. I think the fact that it was in first person, present tense made them seem a bit rambley, though--everything someone else said would lead to paragraphs of their internal response, which became tiresome after a while, and also felt like the reader was being told a bunch of things instead of shown them. Probably part of the rambley-ness comes from the need to overexplain things related to polyamory because it's still a somewhat unfamiliar concept to mainstream romance novels, which is fine. Once we have more books about polyamory in the mainstream, authors won't have to be so thorough in their explanations.
Overall, it was cute and I'd recommend it if someone was looking for novels about polyamory!

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Open Minded by Chloe Seager is a contemporary book exploring relationships. It was an absorbing read that I read mostly in one sitting – pausing only to sleep!

We see that there are many types of relationships – parents, siblings, partners, and friends. One size does not fit all. We follow the two main characters and their interactions with others, their work, and each other. They meet in unusual circumstances but a friendship develops.
At work, we see the bully in the workplace. Others tiptoe around the bully until one awards evening when – the mouse roars! And the reader applauds.

It is important to be true to oneself. Too often we try to fit into the mold that others, or the world, have created for us. Sooner or later, it will all come crashing down. To your self be true.

We witness true friendship that loves, cares, celebrates, and supports. In contrast, there is a partner who doesn’t listen, belittles, and rides rough-shod at every opportunity.

There is a sibling love that is steadfast and true. Both give support when it is needed.

All the characters were well-drawn and realistic. My responses to them were guided by Chloe Seager’s pen – two characters were definitely not on my ‘like’ list! Whereas the leading ladies were easy to like and empathize with.

Open Minded is a marvelous novel looking at life and relationships.

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