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Buried Road

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Two fiery redheads that cannot be stopped. This was an edge of your seat book, I could not put it down. I adored the characters, and felt connected to them. Loved the fast paced story and it kept me guessing until the very end.

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Loved this book by Katie tallo. The story is quick moving and provides readers with plenty of twists and turns along the way. I enjoyed witnessing the growth of both Gus and her daughter along the way. This book had a perfect amount of mystery and thrill without being gory or giving me nightmares! Would definitely recommend

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This had everything that I was looking for from a missing persons thriller novel. The characters were everything that I wanted and worked well in this universe. I thought it was a suspenseful read, and the concept worked with what I was hoping for. Katie Tallo has a great writing style and left me wanting to read more, it kept me on the edge of my seat and enjoyed how good everything was.

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Thank you NetGalley for giving me the chance to read this book ahead of time in exchange for a review. You should read it!

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I did not realize that this was the third book in a series when I requested it from NetGalley, so I had to take a minute back up and read the other books and I am glad that I did. While this could be a stand alone, the characters and their relationships to each other and the conclusion is so much better with more background.
Told from the perspective of 13 year old Bly, the author does a great job and helping the reader to see things through her eyes. This girl LOVES her mom and LOVES Howard and has so much trust in them. I would describe it as a blind love or a blind trust which in thrillers is not something that we get to see often. Augustus aka Gus aka Mom is so broken after Howard goes missing and so headstrong in her will to find him and to never give up and so vulnerable to being hurt and let down and so protective over Bly. The authors ability to paint these locations and people so perfectly in the readers mind and their complex relationship to each other in the book is beautiful!

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I have learned to love a good mystery, and going into this book, I wasn’t aware it was the third installment in a series but thankfully I didn’t feel like I missed a beat.

It was easy to get pulled into the story with the narration from 13 year old Bly. The author did a great job describing situations and experiences from a young teenagers eyes. In their quest to find her step father who’s like a dad to her - Bly and her mom (Gus) set off to finally discover what happened to him and boy what a twisted town they arrive in.

You’ll love characters, You’ll loathe characters and you won’t expect the ending when it unravels.

Thank you to NetGalley and Harper Perennial and Paperbacks for the advanced copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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This one was alright for me. Wasn’t crazy over it, I felt as though the story had more to give but we weren’t given that as the readers. It was also a slow start which lead to dread to get through the book. Usually I like most thrillers this type of writing just wasn’t for me.

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This book reminds me if how I accidently fell in love with thrillers, it's a great curl up and get ready to be cornered... stressed and panicked over fictional charac5ers. My only gripe is most thrillers I pick up have a character named gus or August and that's my sons name lol it's such a stupid person gripe and it just makes the stories that much more stressful to me

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I was really excited to read this book but it just wasn’t for me. I didn’t find myself wanting to pick it up and read. I just didn’t grab my attention the way I hoped it would. I found it to be a little slow and no real twists until the end. I had no idea this was part of the series. Maybe I would have enjoyed it more if I had read the others. Thank you NetGalley , Katie and Harper Perennial and Paperbacks for the ARC! #TheBuriedRoad

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Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for this eARC.

Katie Tallo's "Buried Road" is a gripping mystery that digs deep into the human psyche, unearthing secrets and buried emotions. With vivid summer imagery and a relentless pace, this novel takes readers on a treacherous journey through abandoned places and sinister small-town secrets.

The story revolves around Gus Monet, a determined protagonist who refuses to let go of the past. When her longtime partner, Howard, a journalist, mysteriously disappears while pursuing a lead, Gus embarks on a perilous quest to uncover the truth. As she delves into Howard's last investigation, she discovers a web of deception, betrayal, and hidden agendas.

Tallo masterfully weaves together two timelines—the present-day search for Howard and the events leading up to his disappearance. The narrative alternates between Gus's relentless pursuit and Howard's cryptic notes, creating an intricate tapestry of suspense. The abandoned roads, overgrown forests, and decaying buildings serve as eerie backdrops, heightening the tension.

What sets "Buried Road" apart is its exploration of relationships. Gus's complex bond with Howard, her strained relationship with her mother, and the haunting memories of her childhood—all contribute to the emotional depth of the story. As Gus unearths buried secrets, she confronts her own demons, making her journey not only physical but also profoundly personal.

The character dynamics are richly drawn. Gus's determination clashes with her vulnerability, while her mother's flaws add layers of complexity. The supporting cast—a mysterious librarian, a reclusive artist, and a cryptic stranger—adds intrigue and keeps readers guessing.

Tallo's prose is evocative, painting vivid landscapes and evoking sensory experiences. The scent of pine needles, the crunch of gravel underfoot, and the oppressive heat of summer—all come alive on the page. The pacing is relentless, urging readers forward, and the unexpected twists keep the adrenaline pumping.

As the buried road unravels, secrets emerge—some darker than others. Tallo skillfully balances suspense and emotional resonance, leaving readers breathless until the final revelation. The ending, like a hidden treasure, awaits those who dare to follow the winding path.

In summary, "Buried Road" is a haunting and atmospheric mystery that lingers long after the last page. Katie Tallo's storytelling prowess shines, making this novel a must-read for fans of psychological thrillers and intricate family dramas.

I LOVED this book! Particularly the confidence building closeness between the mother, the daughter and husband - the mother and daughter searched beyond reason, for their family patriarch (the "father" of the family, on every aspect except in the eyes of the law).

An eager ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ from this happy reader; going to purchase other books from this author after I post this review.

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Thanks to NetGalley and HarperCollins Publishing for this advance reader’s copy, in exchange for an honest review. “Buried Road” has an expected publication date of December 2024.
This review, along with all my regular reviews, can be seen on my book blog Raised on Reading (
I knew when I asked to do an advance review of this book that it was the third in the Gus Moret series and I had not read either of the first two, but I decided to take a chance. Sometimes, authors are conscientious enough to bring first-time readers up-to-speed quickly. Thankfully, that was the case here.
The book starts quickly, plot line is clear, and reads as smooth as a stand-alone novel. Bly, Gus’s 13-year-old daughter, provides a unique and interesting narrative. We promptly learn that Howard Bayliss, Gus’s long-standing boyfriend and father-in-waiting to Bly, disappeared three years ago while doing research on a freelance story. His body was never found. But then Howard’s parents place his obituary in the newspaper. It re-ignites Gus’s batteries; angers her that they’ve given up hope. She and Bly spring into action, returning to the scene of the crime (Picton, Ontario, Canada), determined to get to the bottom of his disappearance.
The narrative pacing is excellent as Gus and Bly begin to peel back the layers of this mystery, aided by the discovery of the camper Howard had been driving, as well as his notebook and cell phone. As you might imagine, the more they uncover, the more feathers they ruffle among the local population. From flat tires to the torching of their car, they’ve clearly gotten someone’s attention.
The stakes are heightened when they realize Howard had stumbled onto more than his original bird migration/wind park controversy. The pieces to an elaborate, international drug operation begin to come together. And when it becomes clear that some of local law enforcement may be involved, they’re left with few options to turn to for assistance.
Tallo provides several plot twists of the “I didn’t see that coming” variety. But the credibility of the narrative feels too loose as it nears end. Granted, this is a work of fiction, but the narrative still needs to feel believable. Without giving away any spoilers, suffice to say there are a few too many unrealistic developments rounding out the story into an all-too-tidy package.
My rating shows 3 stars because there is no system for half points. But I would give “Buried Road” 3.5 stars.

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Buried Road by Katie Tallo

Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book early.

This story follows Gus- Augusta and Bly , being told from a child’s POV, where they are trying to follow the path of what happened to Gus’ fiancé Howard.
The story is twisty and interesting as there are many investigation pieces to be put together by these two to find the answer

This book is the third in a series however it was a good standalone.

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I enjoyed the story, especially the mother-daughter mystery-solving duo. I felt there could have been more set up and backstory for Howard and the relationship of the characters in the beginning.

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Overall, I rated this 3.5 stars! Buried Road follows a mom and daughter duo (Gus and Bly) who are trying to find Howard, Gus’ fiance. Howard is a journalist who suddenly disappears while writing an investigative story that took a dark turn and was about to break wide open. After missing for three years, his camper suddenly appears and it contains clues to his disappearance. Gus and Bly return to the town to unravel what really happened to Howard, his investigation piece, and the townsfolk.

This twisty, small town mystery will make you question every character and I was not expecting the twist at the end! This is the third book in a series but it can read it as a standalone. The narrator is from the perspective of Bly, the child, and I was not a huge fan of that. Overall, it was a fun mystery!

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Thank you to NetGalley for the opportunity to read this ARC! #TheBuriedRoad #NetGalley

I found this to be an intriguing read. I adored the younger girl's point of view. Although it seemed to be going slowly at times, the character development was excellent. The tale started to take shape in the second half of the book, which is why I found it so much more engaging. I'm glad the finale caught me off guard because it was unexpected. All things considered, this book was excellent!

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Thank you to NetGalley, Harper Perennial and Paperbacks for this ARC.

Buried Road started out fine. Mother, Gus, and daughter, Bly, are reunited with their camper van, last seen when Howard, Gus’ boyfriend took it to meet with someone connected to an investigation he was involved in. They enter the camper 3 years after Howard goes missing and find some evidence that compel them to investigate. The story is believable and interesting,so far.

Where it went off the rails for me is hard to say, but at about the half-way point, my eyes began to roll. Bly was supposedly only a pre-teen, yet she reads much more mature than a not quite teenager, making her actions and thought processes difficult for me to wrap my head around. Mother Gus will never be nominated for Mother of the Year, as she put herself and Bly in danger time and time again. She’s really just short of unhinged.
While their relationship reeked of wanna be Gilmore Girls, the foolish decisions and reckless actions of Mom would have social services knocking on her door at every turn. This is not the behavior of a Mother who should be a protector of her child. While she was touted as a hero, there was nothing heroic about dragging her daughter into her madness.

Now for the storyline:
Where do I begin?
The reader is drawn into a mystery surrounding Howard’s disappearance, and that story was believable.
There were so many Red Herrings in this one that my eyes are tired from rolling.
So many things thrown in that only achieved loose ends that were never revisited, let alone tied up.
The ending was just so contradictory to the other parts of the story that I was left just shaking my head.
Supposed caring adults making horrible decisions.
Strong men caving in to their circumstances.
Creepy man doing a 180.
A simple minded character overpowering not one, but two people who, coincidentally, cross his path. For 3 years. While adults in the know turn a blind eye with the excuse of “that’s just the way he is”.
An entire complex in the woods that locals surely should have known about.
I just couldn’t.

Finally, the main Red Herring being buttoned up all neat and tidy as an afterthought just sealed my final opinion of this one.
If a friend asked me if I would recommend this one I would have to say, “Hard pass”.
There are too many good books out there to spend time on this one.

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I really wanted to like this book. From the beginning I really loved the characters and the overall mystery. As the story continued, it just became very meh and an average thriller to me. Overall, just not my favorite sadly.

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Wow this was a doozy…in a good way. Having a 13 year old being the POV character is rarely well done in my opinion but it was perfect here. There was no weird blend of super knowledgeable and then young when it fits. The author was able to really give you a solid POV with a strong character. The mystery or thriller aspect was perfectly paced and insanely engaging. I couldn’t stop reading and was able to put a few pieces together but not all. Now that I know the ending (no spoilers!) I realize I could really have put it all together which I love in a book. Thank you NetGalley and Harper Collins for the ARC of this book- I LOVED it.

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Thank you, NetGalley and HarperCollins Publishers, for the advanced copy of this book!

I was nervous when I first saw this was the third book in a series, but you can absolutely read as a stand alone.

I don't always love a child narrator, but the author wrote her perspective well. I was excited about the mother/daughter team taking on a mystery, but I really disliked the mother's character. She was largely unsympathetic to her daughter's struggles and put her in increasingly dangerous situations with no remorse.

Some of the metaphors were pretty heavy handed and I didn't think they added enough to the story. There is a great twist near the end that I never would have predicted! After the final twist, I did feel that the story wrapped up awfully quickly and a little too neatly for my taste.

Overall, I enjoyed this book. Publication date is December 3, 2024.

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This was an interesting read for me. I loved the perspective of the younger girl. At times it felt like it was moving slowly but the character development was great. The second half of the book held my attention so much more because of the story beginning to take shape. The ending was a surprise that I did not see coming and I appreciate that. Overall, this was a very good book and I would recommend it.

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