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Cut and Thirst

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Member Reviews

This short story is aggressively fine. I thought the premise sounded fantastic but the actual story fell flat for me. The idea of three female friends getting revenge for their wronged companion should work especially in the hands of a writer as adept as Atwood. However, it was just kind of boring.

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An enjoyable short story that was funny and fast paced, plotting revenge and the consequences that come with it.

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I wish i had kinder words to say, for i know margaret atwood is a famous writer with many wellpraised books. However, this short story did not grab me. I think the most important goal of a short story should be to grab readers quickly, and i think a short story should be strong and good. However, this felt more like a slow start to a large novel. I was unsure what was happening, and there came no explanation. I was waiting for a big thing to happen, but no climax came showing. I was waiting to be more engaged, but alas, i nearly dnf'd this short story. I do think the idea of the story shows promise, and it would work if it were a larger book instead of a short story.

This opinion However will not deter me from trying other books by this author.

Thank you to netgalley and the author for sending me the book in exchange for an honest review

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Unexpected but I loved the sort of coziness of old friends trying to right old wrongs but is everyone too old for that sort of thing at this point anyways.

Thank you NetGalley for this ARC!

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~3.5 Fine! Sharp and witty writing by Margaret Atwood, above average yet maybe below her individual potential. The story, although short, was hard to get into. The premise was silly and fun, yet not quite enough to fully grab hold of my attention and suck me in. I enjoyed reading it, and do recommend, it just wasn't spot on for me.

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This book was really difficult to get into, and to finish. This book was honestly super slow, and way longer than it needed to be. A little too many twists and turns that maybe I just missed but made us deter a little too much from the main storyline and made it more confusing than it needed to be. I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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Interesting...I liked the story the camaraderie between the ladies but their scheming was a bit ridiculous and I am glad the harm to the wrong guy was minimal and funny.

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What in the hay did I just read? Not one single portion of this book made any sense. If it wasn’t 35 pages, it would be a total DNF. Does this author know any other words beside “says” and “said”. This was the quality of a high school short story at best. I could not tell you what this book was even about, it was all over the place.

0 ⭐️

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Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for the e-arc. I enjoy Margaret Atwood’s varied works so was of course thrilled for the opportunity to read her new short story. Cut and Thirst was a tip-of-the-nose tale of three older friends and how they seek to revenge events they believe contributed to their fourth friends health situation. Very quick and enjoyable read.

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This is a short story about old ladies planning a murder. I didn't really get into it and wasn't really understanding the point of it. It was just one long conversation and to be honest seemed like nonsense for most of it.

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3 stars!

This was a short little story about a group of women plotting revenge on a group of men that wronged their friend. The writing, as expected from Margaret Atwood, was good but I feel like it was too short to have super strong opinions or for much to happen.

Thank you to Netgalley and Amazon Original Stories for an ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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Book 103 of 300 ~ 2024


The elderly plotting murder always gets my attention. Why?

Well, I guess it just shows you are never too old to do anything... as weird as that sounds.

I have read a few of Atwood's books, mainly the handmaid's tale etc so I kinda appreciated this story as it was different from what I have read from her.

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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I love Margaret Atwood and this short story didn't disappoint. Very relatable characters and story. I enjoyed how the background was explained and moved the short story forward. An enjoyable quick read.

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This was such a fun little short story! There is so much wit and dry humor woven through the story and dialogue that I found it to be hilarious. And also, the premise of the story was so creative. There was a ton of detail included to bring the story to life in a way that isn't always successful in such a small number of pages.

This group of older ladies were so easy to visualize and were a riot to read about. And their revenge tour was a disaster in a hilarious way while still interjecting some of the feminist social commentary that I'd expect from a Margaret Atwood story! I really enjoyed this story - especially not knowing what quite to expect when I picked it up. Clever, witty and a quick read!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the eARC of this book to read and review.

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3.25 ⭐️

This short story begins immediately with dialogue, which was unexpected and not something I’m used to, but I think it worked well to set the tone and pace of the story. It also helped flesh out the characters within the first few pages, which is often hard to find in a short story format.

I admittedly went into this hoping for a short story along the same vein as some of her older ones (namely, Dancing Girls) so this left me a little disappointed. Margaret Atwood’s writing/narration style is always a pleasure to read, but the plot felt convoluted despite almost nothing actually happening. That being said, I think this would appeal to an older audience looking for a quick, fun read.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Amazon Original Stories for my ARC of Cut and Thirst by Margaret Atwood. I am rating this book 2 stars.

The premise sounded fascinating and I was intrigued at this being written as a short story rather than a full length novel. However, I felt it was difficult to understand what was taking place and how to follow the storyline. It felt as if I was dropped in the middle chapter of a very long novel with no context and then it ended as abruptly as it began.

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Cut and Thirst is a short story about Myrna, Leonie and Chrissy trying to find a way to seek retribution for their friend Fern. Fern was bullied for her publishings by 9 men. The trio debate on how to murder the men while making it look like an accident. They ultimately decided it wasn’t the best idea after a hash-brownie mixup.

These girls are ride or die for each other. The best friends a girl could have. The story however, felt rushed. I realize it was a short story but there was more about turrets on houses than plotting murder, which is why I gave it 3 stars.

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Margaret Atwood, as usual, gifts us with her witty and dry sense of humor. The characters were delightful and eccentric, yet I finished this short story wanting more. I think this format is not really for me.

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I enjoyed this, it was a super quick read at just 35 pages. It definitely leaves you wanting more!

I loved the friendship and banter between this group of retired women. They meet each week to discuss their lives and they bring cheese and alcoholic drinks! Usually a G & T!

There was lots of humour and it was definitely short and sweet! I recommend this if you are looking to pick up a quick entertaining read!

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Cut and Thirst is a short story by award-winning, best-selling Canadian author, Margaret Atwood. Without her knowledge, and likely against her wishes, were she asked, Fern’s best friends have decided to exact revenge. Over drinks, Leonie, Chrissy and Myrna are planning to murder the men they feel are responsible for putting her in a wheelchair.

For committing a literary sin that convinced a certain male author he’d been slighted, eight – or nine?- poetlings and wordsmiths, led by Humphrey Vacher, launched into sustained gleeful and sadistic criticisms of Fern’s work, completely demoralising her and demolishing her self-confidence. “A slow assassination.”

As her friends discuss their plans, their conversations peppered with literary quotes, they decide there must not be any evidence, but the men must know why they’re dying. The how, though: “Their respect for murderers is increasing: not so easy, this murdering business”.

Myrna observes “Things are getting a little surreal. Are three respectable elderly women really sitting in a pastel garden planning the murders of nine has-been writers?” Do they succeed?

Atwood has such a way with words and concepts: refreshments from Nancy’s Cheese Shop. “Nancy is always reliable, in their opinion. If you say, “Not too bland, but not too smelly,” she knows what you mean. If only you could preselect your social acquaintances that way”

And the title? A slight misquote from the Scottish play when Chrissy suggests using the fencing foil she purloined from the props “I like that,” says Leonie. “First you murder someone and then you need a drink. I’m having another, join me?” as illustrated imaginatively on the cover. Clever and funny and utterly delightful.
This unbiased review is from an uncorrected proof copy provided by NetGalley and Amazon Original Stories.

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