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Just One Taste

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"Just One Taste" is the literary equivalent of a perfect Italian dinner-full of zest, flavour, & a twist you didn't see coming. Four weeks in Italy, a family restaurant on the line, & a simmering romance that's got more layers than a good tiramisu.
If this book was a pasta dish, it'd be al dente perfection. Twirl your fork & dig in, this one's a chef's kiss.
Olive & Leo's Italian escapade had more layers than a good tiramisu, & I'm here for every delicious page. Olive & Leo's journey through Italy is a feast for the senses. Dent describes each setting so vividly, you can almost taste the olive oil & hear the clinking of wine glasses. It's a love letter to foodies & travel enthusiasts alike.
The romance? It's like the slow simmer of a good Bolognese-starts out contentious, but by the end, you're rooting for these two like they're the last cannoli at the bakery. You can't help but love every character that crosses their path & helps brings every piece of the puzzle closer together. This book explores not only enemies to friends to lovers relationships but also the relationships we have with our partners and how memories can blur over time. The journey Olive goes on to reconnect with her late father is an extremely emotionally one that literally brought me to tears at the end.
This storyline is not as straightforward as you first think, the last 100 pages are a serious emotional rollercoaster that I absolutely loved going on with Olive. This book is for anyone who loves love, food & Italy. You don't need to be sat in a cafe with a apéros spritz to feel like you're in Italy when the writing this good. "Just One Taste" is reminder that sometimes, the best things in life are worth savouring.
Settle in, & prepare for a beautiful journey through Italy, a rollercoaster of emotions & uncontrollable cravings for pasta. This book is a must-read, a must-love, and a must-share.

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i read the summer job and really enjoyed it so was really looking forward to diving into another of Lizzy Dent’s books.

this had all the right ingredients - great setting, family drama, strong friendships, a slow burn romance.

the setting was so fun, it really took me back to italian and exploring all the amazing food it has to offer. the characters were both likeable, however they lacked chemistry. the pacing didn’t always work for me, felt dragged out through the middle and then so quick towards the end.

overall a fun enjoyable read. thankyou to NetGalley + HarperCollins Australia for the eARC

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If food and Italy are some of your favourite things, then you may enjoy this one. I was hungry for a lot of the time I read this book. I would recommend this as a beach read, or something you can pick up and put down while reading.

I liked the story and the premise, but there was something that felt slightly lacking and it wasn’t the book’s fault. Firstly, this is a slow burn when it comes to the romance. I am not the greatest lover of slow burn stories, but we are told a lot and I couldn’t feel the connection between the FMC and MMC. At the same time I wanted more of the MMCs story, but then I realised something when I finished the book: this is less a rom-com and more a story about a woman who wants to honour the memory of her father, about her grief, her need to get this thing done and about how relationships and connections aren’t always what we think they are.

I definitely enjoyed the book and I think I would have enjoyed it more had I gone in with a different mindset.

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While Just One Taste starts in London, where Olive Stone has just learned that she’s inherited her estranged father’s run-down restaurant, the bulk of this story takes place in Italy. Olive and restaurant chef Leo Ricci have been tasked to complete the final three chapters of her father’s recipe book, which is sorted by the various regions of that country. Olive and Leo start off at loggerheads; she wants to sell the restaurant, while he wants to make a go of it. They’re fabulous characters and their dialogue sparkles. It’s clear they’re attracted to each other and that thread certainly carries through the book, but it’s the way they interact in the kitchen, testing and tasting the various regional dishes that appealed to me most. I love Italian food, and whilethere are no recipes as such, I still had a great sense of each dish both visually and tastewise. Along with that is the gorgeous Italian countryside spanning from Sicily in the south to Tuscany and on to Liguria in the north west. The imagery is superb. Aside from the joy of vicariously travelling through one of my favourite countries, I just loved this story. It has been a feast for my senses and is a book for the keeper shelf.

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I loved everything about this story. Olive & Leo, Olive's best friends, her complicated relationship with her father, the travel, THE FOOD!
The Italian escape that dreams are made of. My heart is so happy.

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“Time and bravery will get you through anything.”

I absolutely adored this beautiful story! A trip to amazing Italy, delicious Italian food, a hot chef and love… what more could you ask for?

Leo and Olive head to Italy to finish the cook book Olive’s dad started. The way Dent takes us through Italy via taste testing recipes, is deliciously perfect and absolutely mouth watering!

As they work through the cook book, their feelings for eachother grow and it just warmed my heart. It was perfect and sweet, filled with banter and chemistry. A shocking secret is revealed but the ending was beautifully written.

I loved everything about this book, I giggled, I cried, my heart was full and it made me happy.

*chefs kiss*

Thank you so much @netgalley and @harpercollinsaustralia for this copy.

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The character dynamics in "Just One Taste" are captivating. Olive is a complex protagonist, grappling with past resentments, familial expectations, and her growing attraction to Leo. Leo, on the other hand, is not just a charming chef but a multifaceted character with his own vulnerabilities and aspirations. Their banter crackles with tension, fueled by unresolved emotions and shared memories, making their journey both entertaining and emotionally resonant.

Overall the story is a captivating read that blends grief, romance, and gastronomic delights into a satisfying narrative. While the romantic chemistry between the main characters may not resonate equally with all readers, the novel's strengths lie in its authentic portrayal of grief, vibrant setting, and mouthwatering descriptions of Italian cuisine.

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Thank you to Lizzy, the publishers and Netgalley for allowing me to read this book, I’m so grateful. I loved this book! I really enjoyed Leo and Olives story and I was really blown away by how well this was written.

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Just One Taste by Lizzie Dent

When Olive’s somewhat estranged father suddenly passes away, he leaves her with his failing restaurant and asks her to finish writing his cookbook with his sous-chef Leo. Olive resents this responsibility almost as much as she resents being forced to journey to Italy with the hot chef but as things heat up in the kitchen, they heat up everywhere else as well. This is a dazzling sun-soaked narrative about overcoming grief, falling back in love with yourself and forgiveness.

I gave this book 4/5 stars and 2/5 chilies.

What I Loved:
The first main section of this novel is set in Sicily and god, I came so close to booking a flight and just giving up my life so I could go see Taormina and Mount Etna myself.

The chemistry between Olive and Leo felt very real and authentic, the way they both started to slowly fall for each other – chef’s kiss.

The main characters – Olive and Leo – were both really interesting and the way that Olive’s grief was handled again felt very real and authentic. I loved the way her complicated relationship with her father was explored both retroactively and presently.

What I Liked:
The sections of this book that are set in Tuscany and Liguria did feel a little lacking, they just didn’t have the vibrancy of how Sicily was written. Like I said, when I read about Sicily, I was halfway to booking a flight over there, but when I came to Tuscany (a place I am so fortunate to say I love with all my heart) it just felt a little… ehhh.

I thought the plot twist surrounding Olive’s father was pretty well foreshadowed. There was just enough that I knew something was up but I couldn’t quite put my finger on what it was. Admittedly there was a brief five second period where I wondered if Leo and Olive were siblings and I got a bit yucked out. Thankfully I needn’t have worried.

What I Disliked:
This section has way less to do with the book than with the publishing side of things. There were just a few spelling errors and formatting issues (I understand that I received and ARC of this novel so these will hopefully be fixed by the time publication comes). Some of these are a little nit-picky but just thought I’d share.

P.2 “publican” should be “public”

P.2 menu items are discussed in Fahrenheit even though Olive is British and it is set in England. I understand that these menu items are described as being “wanky” and the temperature could be an added layer to it. However, I think if that is the case it should be written into Olive’s narration.

P.122 Leo and Olive eat a cake straight out of the oven – every chef knows you need to let it sit for at least 10 minutes before eating. It would be scalding hot and burn your mouth.
P.167 When Olive and Leo are making a stew, Olive says, “And in Leo’s case butchering the ingredients for the stew. Leo can do no wrong.” The use of butchering here doesn’t really make sense. He’s described as “butchering the ingredients”, because the broad classification of “ingredients” is used, butchering is removed from its meat cutting connotations and therefore makes it sound like Leo is doing a bad job, directly juxtaposing the next sentence.

P.240 Olive receives a call and it’s only made clear quite far into the conversation who the call is from. This should be clarified earlier.

P.256 “Balenciaga bags with small dogs at pretty sandaled feet” in Australia sandalled is spelt with a double L. Additionally the word flow of this sentence feels a little off. “Balenciaga bags, and small dogs at pretty sandalled feet” would probably work better and make more sense grammatically.

P.264 Olive is described as “whipping up” a tiramisu. Tiramisu requires a few hours of prep/soaking time, it’s not something you can just whip up on a whim.

P.286 When reflecting on her father, Olive says “He can of been a good father”. This makes no sense grammatically, perhaps she meant to say, “he could have been a good father”?

Overall, I did really enjoy this book and I would happily recommend it to anyone however I do think it (or at least the ARC I received) needed some more thorough proof reading.

I gave this book 4/5 stars and 2/5 chilies.

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I thought this was a really enjoyable story. Mostly sent on a road trip through Italy tasting local dishes. It so makes we want to go to Italy to try all the food.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an advance copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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𝙅𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙊𝙣𝙚 𝙏𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚 - 𝙇𝙞𝙯𝙯𝙮 𝘿𝙚𝙣𝙩

With thanks to NetGalley, Harper Collin’s AU and the author, Lizzy Dent for the ARC copy of Just One Taste in return for my honest opinion.

This was a fun, foodie, flirty, Italian rom-com frolic.

Olive Stone, food critic, inherits her estranged father’s restataunt, Nicky’s. A restaurant caught in the halcyon days of Italian food in London, it has seen better days. With her full intention to sell the business and walking away from a legacy she doesn’t feel is hers, Olive must undertake a trip to Italy with Leo, her father’s protege, in order to complete the cookbook he was working on before his passing.

This fun, flirty foodie romance was well put together overall. A lovely tour of Sicily and Tuscany with food talk, memories and a sometimes petulant main female character to dull the sunshine of the ever hopeful love interest, Leo. I certainly appreciated the true banter between the main characters. Olives’ girlfriends, often via video call, are a delightful “good angel-bad angel” combination and a clever way for Olive’s character to work through her thoughts. The emotional arc and the twist fell just short for me. I was satisfied but not holding tightly to the resolution.

I would have loved a couple of real recipes either through the book or, at the end to be included.

Best read beachside or poolside with a “Romantic Italian Vaction” playlist in the background. Just One Taste was lovely palate cleanse and I look forward to seeing it on the shelves.

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This rom com has all the the right ingredients- food, family drama, gorgeous settings and a romance. Perfect for those who love enemies to lovers, forced proximity proximity and one bed tropes.

Food writer Olive inherits a restaurant from her estranged father who was a celebrity chef on the proviso that she finishes his cookbook. This involves traveling to Italy with chef Leo who is disappointed that Olive wants to sell the restaurant. Both characters were extremely likable and I was keen to see them get together. I loved their banter their disagreements about food. Olive with her unpretentiousness and Leo with his lemon foam and Parmesan tuiles.

As well as the romance I loved learning more about Olive’s family and her time spent in Italy and meeting their family friends. Her two friends Ginny and Kate were great- I loved their texts. Everyone needs a sensible friend like Kate. Italy was the perfect setting. I loved being able to armchair travel to the different regions and take part in their locals specialty dishes. From food markets in Sicily, Tuscan Villas to basil farms in the Cinque Terra- it was an absolute delight. I can’t wait to check out more of Lizzy’s books.

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This book was super super cute omg. Majority of the time reading this I was so hungry because the food described always sounded so good.

I loved the friendship Olive had with her best friends and how she constantly went to them for advice over and over again. I think that really resonates with a lot of female relationships.

I also liked how Olive had a valid reason for being estranged with her father and how Lizzy handled it. It was done nicely and explained well.

I LOVE the ‘forced proximity’ trope and thought that this concept was perfect - travelling together while finishing a cook book!

I will say I struggled to feel the chemistry between Olive and Leo in the first half of the book. I could only really sense it about 50% of the way but when it took off it was super sweet.

I would have liked to see some chapters from Leo’s POV only because sometimes it felt like the attraction was one sided but also to see what he was thinking in regards to the restaurant being sold. I would have also liked to see more about his relationship with Olive’s father.

Overall though, I think this book is super cute and cozy, and is a perfect quick rom-com read!

Thank you NetGalley and HarperCollins Australia for this ARC of ‘Just One Taste’!

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This was such a cozy read!!

I really enjoyed this and loved the dynamic between Olive and Leo. This book made constantly hungry and longing for a trip to Italy. Across the few days that I read this, I had to go out and eat focaccia, arancini and cooked soo much pasta for dinner!

I loved the slow burn romance in this! It was heartwarming, whilst I also felt as though I was experiencing the tension that was building between the FMC and MMC.

We love supportive female friendships! Olive’s relationship with her best friends and seeking their advice was one of my favourite parts of this story. My heart also thanks Lizzy Dent for creating some brilliant twists and a complication I did not see coming, but without a third act break up!

I would have loved a couple of chapters from Leo’s POV, but the epilogue had me shedding a few tears at the end regardless!

I think this would make an amazing movie!! I would love to watch Olive and Leo explore Italy in an on screen rom com 🥰

Thank you NetGalley and HarperCollins Australia for this ARC of Just One Taste.


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This has to be one of my favourite covers for a book ever! So vibrate and cute! Perfectly represents the main trope of the story being forced proximity.

While this was a fun and easy read, I unfortunately did find that the chemistry was lacking between the two MCs but regardless 3.5 STARS!

Looking forward to reading Lizzy Dent’s future stories!

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This was a fun enemies to lovers summer romance read! I really enjoyed Leo & Olive’s story and would recommend !

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I loved Lizzy Dent's first book and this was right up there with the first. The characters were messy and entertaining, I laughed out loud and I almost cried during the twists that comes towards the end.

Olive's complicated relationship with her dad and the restaurant was explained well and added a good depth to her character. Her change in career was expected and a little obvious, but it's a romantic comedy so we love a happy ever after.

Leo's passion for food and his passion for Olive is clear from very early on. Their passion and enemies to lovers start to the book is funny and really drew me in. Olive is complicated and often acts or does things in a way that most people wouldn't, but that's why I started to resonate with her so well.

When they finally get together, I almost clapped and then it was so quickly drawn away. I cried laughing at the shower incident and almost swooned over the wedding dancing. Olive's best friends seem like a great sounding block and it helped give a perspective to the book.

I also liked the way the one bed scene didn't turn into anything too cliqued. I also feel like every dad has a friend like Roger! Her dad's comments on beans and the argument about basil instead getting a few callbacks was one of my favourite laughs at the end.

My only feedback was at one point Leo talks about "seven bucks" when talking about the restaurant which is meant to be set in London so would probably be in pounds or quid instead. There was another money reference earlier on that also wasn't in keeping with the UK setting.

I really enjoyed this book and grateful for NetGalley for letting me read and review this one!

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Call me bias. My family is Italian, I’m a pastry chef, i love reading cookbooks, and I’d love nothing more to tour the Italian country side reading food, so when I read this book’s description, I knew it was for me.

This book is so perfect however, that I have absolutely no critiques. The reversal of the MMC Leo being warm, inviting, caring and vulnerable to Olive’s slightly closed off, internalized fear and coldness masking emotions she’s not ready to face was a breath of fresh air. I really identified with Olive, her seemingly cold and brusque exterior being projected whilst she’s faced with confronting a multitude of life changing emotions just hit the feels.

I devoured this book, clamouring to find out what happened whilst simultaneously not wanting it to end. I’ve never read a Lizzie Dent before, but you can guarantee I’ll go read them all. If you’re a fan of Emily Henry, this is a perfect read for you.

And lastly, if Lizzy Dent’s next book is not the official Nicky’s cookbook, I will be absolutely devastated.

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I was having a break from romance stories I swear. After one book away from the genre I received this ARC from netgallery. I really enjoyed it except for the one to many f bombs which didn't add to the story. There was one detailed sex scene that I didn't have to skip ten pages for, it wasn't over done or completely unrealistic like the ones I've struggled through recently. It didn't over take the story. The chemistry was great between the 2 MCs. The story was great and took a turn I didn't expect. Than you for the chance to review this book.

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A big thank you to NetGalley and Harper Collins Australia for this advanced copy in exchange for a review!

This book was a DELIGHT! Not often do I find myself loving a romance novel, but this one takes the cake (food pun intended). I was left giggling many times and it was the perfect balance of lighthearted and meaningful that I needed after reading a bunch of books either darker themes. You could say that this book is a great ‘palate cleanser’!!

Olive Stone is a fantastic main character - funny, stubborn, a bit overly critical - and it’s such a relief to read from the perspective of a character with some personality. Leo, while I loved him, lacked a bit of personality at times but the chemistry with Olive and the wonderful depictions of food and the Italian landscape made up for that. In the beginning I understood the hatred Olive had for Leo (being the son Olive’s father never had) but I feel like that got resolved a little too quickly. Would have loved to see more bickering shine through in the first half of the book, but that’s just me being picky - I still devoured the book and loved every minute!

Most importantly, what I loved was the character development and the exploration of the book’s themes. I love the progression that Olive makes throughout the story as well as the exploration of grief, learning to forgive the mistakes your parents made and knowing you aren’t doomed to repeat them. I love that Olive still keeps her independence and that her relationship with Leo isn’t her main motivation - she still goes on her own personal journey and can make her own decisions while Leo offers support from the sidelines.

Just One Taste is like a love letter to food, to Italy, and to love itself (both romantic love and love between parents and their child). It’s a wonderful read! Four (.5) forks out of five 🍴

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