Member Reviews

I just loved this book! It was brilliant from start to finish and once I started reading I couldn’t put this book down. This book follows the life of Autumn, Chloe and Marc, Autumn was a teen when she had Chloe and Her and Marc stayed together until Marc has an early mid life crisis, which leaves Autumn and Chloe in a situation where they can’t afford to remain in London, they then head down to live with Autumn’s mum when Autumn has a car accident with a cyclist but she is not at fault. This then starts a love story between Autumn and the cyclist baker. The story continues on with Chloe and her new love of the countryside and Ollie. Autumn’s mum also gets a new love as well.

I loved this book as it shows that you can always start again as long as you have a family that loves you and good people who then become friends!

I would highly recommend reading this book as it’s heartwarming and just beautiful!

I would like to thank Boldwood Books and Netgalley for giving me the opportunity to read this book early!

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I have to admit that I’ve never read anything before by this author so as always with a new author to me I never know what to expect. Well in this instance I had nothing to fear as this was an absolute joy to read. My usual go to book genre is crime and psychological thrillers so this one being a romantic comedy was like a breath of fresh air. Right from the very start I could feel myself being pulled into the storyline and throughout the book there were plenty of laugh out loud moments. It’s a bit predictable at times but still a really enjoyable read with a great cast of characters.

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My Not So Perfect Summer by Phoebe MacLeod was such a fun storyline, filled with the best characters.
Positively delightful. I smiled through this entire book and finished it in record time.
I just love MacLeod’s writing. It’s engaging and captivating.
My Not So Perfect Summer is a fun and feel-good page-turner from Phoebe Macleod perfect for romance addicts.

Thank You NetGalley and Publisher for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing eARC!

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My Not So Perfect Summer is charming and heartwarming and is sure to please bookworms looking for a small-town romance.

This book was an enjoyable read. I really love reading books set in small-towns, and I adore a charming romance. What made this book even more enjoyable was that one of the MCs has this fish out of water experience. What I mean, by fish out of water is when a character is placed or finds themselves in a situation that takes them out of their comfort zone or are in an environment that they never been in before. The result of this fish out of water trope is lots of funny moments and awkward situations. Autumn finds herself moving to a small-town after her long-time boyfriend up and leaves with no notice. Autumn finds herself in hot water when she accidently gets into a car accident with the local baker Jake. The local villagers blame Autumn for what happened. So, to help fix the situation, Autumn helps Jake out in the bakery until he can get back on his feet.
This story is really easy to read. The pacing is steady and there is lots to keep your attention. The small-town charm and quirky-ness was really well done. I thought all the town’s people added that extra layer of fabulous entertainment and humor. I loved watching the different family dynamics in this story. You have Autumn and her teenage daughter and then Autumn and her own mom. It was fascinating watching these three different generations of women interact with each other. Autumn is a likeable character, and she is very easy to connect with. You cannot help but want good and fabulous things for her. Autumn’s journey is centered around figuring out who she and learning to move on from the world-shattering betrayal that was done to her by her ex-boyfriend. The romance is sweet and fun. I really enjoyed the chemistry between Autumn and Jake. I loved watching them work together in the bakery and ate up those sweet and funny moments.
If you are in need to a quick and heartwarming pick-me-up romance than be sure to get your hands on My Not So Perfect Summer.

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A pretty decent read. No real romance or comedy here though. Mostly drama and sadness. Lots of weird interpersonal communication issues. It was nice seeing a healthy mother daughter relationship though, two generations worth I suppose. The family support really made the story here. Would like to read a whole book about Joan to be honest.

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A heartwarming summer escape, “My Not So Perfect Summer” by Phoebe MacLeod is a delightful friends-to-lovers romantic comedy that will whisk you away to the charming English countryside. MacLeod weaves a tale of unexpected love, second chances, and the magic of warm summer days.

Meet Autumn. Her life takes an unexpected turn when her long-term boyfriend vanishes with half their savings. Left with no choice, she moves into her grandma's rural home in Kent. But things go from bad to worse when Autumn is involved in an accident during the move, making her a local outcast before she's even unpacked her bags.

Meet Jake, the village's dashing new baker with a plaster cast and irresistible charm. Autumn offers to help Jake in the bakery over the summer holidays, and as they work side by side, sparks fly. Their chemistry sizzles in the kitchen, and suddenly, this summer isn't such a write-off after all.

MacLeod's writing is warm and engaging, painting vivid scenes of the picturesque village, mouthwatering pastries, and the slow-burning romance between Autumn and Jake. The banter between the characters is witty, and their emotional journeys feel authentic.

Autumn is a relatable protagonist. She is flawed, resilient, and endearing. Her vulnerability draws you in, and you'll root for her as she navigates life's unexpected twists. Jake, on the other hand, is the perfect mix of brooding and sweet. His passion for baking adds depth to his character, and you'll find yourself craving cinnamon rolls and strawberry tarts as you read.

The supporting cast of quirky villagers, nosy neighbours, and a disobedient dog, adds layers to the story. Grandma's wisdom and the picturesque Kent landscape provide a comforting backdrop for Autumn and Jake's romance.

“My Not So Perfect Summer” is a heartwarming escape and it’s a book to read while sipping iced tea on a sunny afternoon. MacLeod's storytelling captures the essence of summer: lazy days, unexpected connections, and the promise of love blooming like wildflowers. If you're looking for a feel-good read that will leave you smiling, you won't be disappointed in this one!

Thank you to NetGalley and Boldwood Books for a temporary e-ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Autumn, with her teenage daughter Chloe, are force to leave London and her dream job when her partner disappears overnight, along with half their savings. Staying with her mother things get off to a bad start when she has an accident, causing the local baker to break his leg.
It was good watching Autumn and Chloe grow in their new environment, Chloe especially going against the city teenager being forced into the country mode, finding joy in helping on a small farm. Autumn also has to work out what she really wants in life, despite loving her previous job as a teacher. In summary a light read, but one that I did enjoy as a touch of escapism.
I received an advance copy of this book from the publisher through Netgalley, however this did not influence my review of the book.

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My (Not So) Perfect Summer is the first book by Pheobe MacLeod I have reviewed. It sounded good from the synopsis. I was gripped by the first chapter and the pace was quick. I liked Autumn. Her relationship with Chloe was realistic. Autumn's mum was helpful, generous and caring. I really didn't like Sue and how she treated Autumn.

I identified with looking forward to summer, although my experience was from a student point of view.

I could identify with Marc and Autumn's wish to move on in life and try to move out of their apartment as well as trying to get by living in a big city with rising house prices (although I don't live in London). The concern over the flat search and the economic difficulties were very powerful for me.

Where is Marc? That was a mystery.

I did like Ollie, and would have liked to know Jake more. How he and Autunm met was shocking and realistic.

I was wondering how things would go and if Autumn and Chloe would be succesful in creating their new life.

I found the writing and plot predictable, and wanted character change and growth, but didn't get it. I did feel slightly sad for Autumn and Chloe, but the writing wasn't emotional enough and I feel it could have been and the characters could have been much more fleshed out.

Thanks to Phoebe MacLeod and Boldwood Books for my eARC in exchange for an honest and voluntary review.

3 stars.

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Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for a copy of this book. All opinions are 100% my own.

I am a huge Phoebe Macleod fan, but this book unfortunately missed the mark for me. The main characters had no chemistry, most likely due to their lack of scenes together.

The title of the book is also misleading. Only 1/3 of the book actually took place during summer. The cover would’ve been better if it had contained the 3 female characters instead (autumn, Chloe and her mum) as they were much more prominent characters than Autumn’s love interest Jake.

The book itself was a quick, easy read and had so much potential.

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I particularly enjoy Phoebe MacLeod's writing style, the characters really come to life and you become so invested. this was a lovely read, romance and real life issues that you can relate to and empathise with. i will definitely be reccomending.

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A charming countryside love story with characters you can't help but like.

Normally, I struggle to stay focused on e-books, but this one held my attention easily and kept me engaged until the end.

Romance isn't usually my thing, but occasionally I enjoy a light read, and this one hit the spot perfectly. Plus, it was just what I needed for a group challenge!

I always enjoy the city girl meets small town trope, and this story didn't disappoint. Autumn, the main character, was particularly endearing because she doesn't waste time complaining but instead tackles challenges head-on.

The story moved quickly, and sometimes it felt like moments were rushed, but it didn't bother me much. I wasn't expecting deep character development, so what I got was sufficient.

Things seemed to fall into place a bit too easily, but since my expectations weren't high, I didn't mind. I was content to go with the flow.

Overall, it was an enjoyable read that kept me entertained. I'd recommend it to anyone looking for a light, easy read to pass the time.

Big thanks to NetGalley for the e-ARC!

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I have come to really enjoy Phoebe MacLeod's writing style. I made the mistake of starting the read this at 9pm and before i knew it, it was 1 am and I was fully transported into the story. just loved it.

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Thanks to NetGalley for the advanced reader copy.

The opening of this novel felt like it couldn't sustain the level of stakes or be believable (that Autumn's husband just up and left while still saying that he loved her and their daughter), but I was pleasantly surprised at how Autumn's story arc plays out. Delightful small town life and interesting secondary characters made this a great read

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A very sweet (and clean) story with lovable characters in an idyllic setting. More than just a straightforward romance, this book is full of complex people with real problems and baggage and explores the various types of love and what it means to have a partner. I do wish we had some chapters from the perspective of Jake, as I don't think the reader really got a good feel for him as a person. Otherwise, a very nice read, perfect for readers who want something light to read on a sunny day.

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When her longtime partner named Marc abandons them, Autumn and her daughter Chloe find their lives turned upside down overnight. Unable to afford living in London, they decide to move to Autumn’s mother’s home. But bad turns to worse when Autumn accidentally injures a guy named Jake, causing a commotion in the tight knit village. Wanting to get on their good side again, Autumn volunteers to help out at Jake's bakery until his injuries heal and he is on his feet again. What follows is a hilarious yet heartfelt friendship that blossoms into love. A nice and quick read for anyone who likes their romance fast paced and without spice!!

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A sweet lil country romance with characters that were easy to like.

I'm notoriously bad at sticking with e-books, but this one was easy enough to hold my attention and allow me to finish it.

I'm not big on romance, but every now and then I don't mind a bit of fluff in my book diet and this just hit the spot nicely. Helps that the title was needed for a group challenge!

This sets up the city girl in the small town after her life is upended, and it's a trope that always works for me. In this instance, I found Autumn really easy to like, because instead of complaining and wallowing she just gets on with things.

The pace was fast and the story did feel like it was rushing moments sometimes - time passed very quickly - but I honestly didn't mind that at all. I wasn't looking for a great amount of depth from these characters, so what I got was enough.

It did feel a little too easy, and things just seemed to fall into place readily, but again, my standards were low so I wasn't too concerned. I was happy to just go along with things.

This ended up being a fun read that kept me invested and entertained. I'd recommend it for readers looking for some light 'chick lit' reading to pass the time.

With thanks to NetGalley for an e-ARC

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Autumn’s summer was off to a great start. She was on course to be the new Deputy Head at the London school where she teaches. She has a solid relationship with her teenage daughter Chloe and things with her long-term boyfriend seem great. Until one day Marc decides to up and leave Chloe and Autumn and take half their savings. With no clue where Marc has gone or why, Autumn is forced to turn down her new job and move out of the city and in with her mother. If that wasn’t bad enough, Autumn is involved in an accident leaving a bicyclist with a broken leg. Determined to make things right, Autumn volunteers to help bicyclist Jake, who happens to be the town baker. Jake and Autumn forge a friendship that may just be more.

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"My Not So Perfect Summer" by Phoebe Macleod was a delightful read that took me on a fun journey.

Autumn and her daughter Chloe find themselves in a small village after Marc, Autumn's partner, decides their life together isn't what he wants. The story focuses on their new life in the village and their relationships, including Autumn's connection with her mother, which adds depth to the plot.

While I enjoyed the multiple romantic arcs in the story, I wished there was more exploration of Autumn's relationship with Jake, her love interest, as I didn't feel fully connected to his character. Nevertheless, this book is a quick and enjoyable read that many readers will appreciate!

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This book was not for me and I ended up DNF half way through.

I was having a really hard time connecting to the characters and felt there wasn’t enough character building.

The story was just not exciting enough for me.

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I found this book incredibly frustrating. The majority of the book felt like it was on the edge of a good story and we just never got there. The women in the book had such depth and room for a longer more detailed plot but the story abruptly ends and I was unsatisfied. The male love interest in this book had potential but there was not enough time built into their story. I was hoping for more!

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