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I'm Starting to Worry About This Black Box of Doom

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When you previously had a stellar experience with an author’s work, you’re naturally going to compare everything else he writes with that initial book, or in this case, books. I’m a big fan of the “John Dies at the End” series, or JDATE, for short. As I read each of those I went on an adventure with well crafted characters I cared about and found myself astounded by the brilliant twists and turns of the story. I also appreciated the laugh out loud humor throughout.

This one was….very different. I hate to give Pargin a bad rating in general, but I just didn't enjoy this book and had a hard time even finishing it. (More on that, later.) So I have to be honest. The basic concept is interesting and sounds like a fun, wild ride, but instead the story was just stressful, too steeped in political ranting and populated by characters that were nearly impossible to like. (*I don't hide from politics in art, but I generally don't seek them out when I'm trying to decompress or be entertained, is what I'm saying!)

I'm going to try to keep this part short, but my biggest problem was the main character, Abbott. I think he's meant to be the primary protagonist, but he's actual garbage. A woman-hating Incel, (*the book's word, not mine*), a lot of his dialogue consists of long, volatile diatribes. It’s very difficult to go along on this journey with him. It's a very different experience than JDATE, where the characters have flaws for sure but they’re still worth rooting for in the end. In those books the characters are self-proclaimed assholes, but at times they can be assholes with hearts of gold despite themselves. Abbott is insufferable. It got to a point where whenever I saw that he had an entire paragraph of dialogue, I skipped over it. Do I do this often with books? Hardly ever. His partner for the roadtrip, a girl named Ether, was also sometimes working my last nerve but I think she was designed that way. And she at least had redeeming qualities. (But oh boy, was she chatty!)

There are moments in their journey when, despite his personality and extreme anxiety, Abbott just can’t HELP but assist strangers, including women. I was not buying it. Especially since this was sandwiched around the scenes of Abbott in the car spewing hateful rhetoric at Ether for pages worth of dialogue. He wasn’t learning to be a better person, and there was not a better person lurking somewhere underneath. As I stated before with JDATE, the author absolutely knows how to write layered characters though. What was the point of Abbott? He wasn't funny or charming. The anxiety was relatable at first, but he lost me with the whining. Did I buy the possibility that he was even capable of a character arc? Sadly, no. Maybe I'm being too harsh and unforgiving. Wicked sad, I hate that for me.

The read eventually became tedious. If Abbott wasn’t ranting about everything being awful then Ether was going on and on for pages about nonsense that I didn’t care about. I wasn’t invested in a single one of these people. The only character that I kind of liked and found to be interesting was Key, the ex FBI agent, and in the end another character that I can't elaborate on because it's kind of a spoiler. I’ll be completely honest: I skimmed through the last 20% just to see how the story ended. I didn’t want to completely DNF it, (okay, I did), but I figured I should at least see the resolution. I was left with an empty feeling.

What did Pargin do well here? Good mock-ups of Reddit posts, usernames, etc. (A Hellscape, basically.) Although, I think that adding typos to the posts would have made them even more realistic. Abbott is a Twitch streamer and my personal experience as a participant in the chat rooms on that app is very different from the one depicted in this book, but I also mainly watch content creators who are funny, creative and amazing and most of them are also part of the LGBTQA+ community so that makes a big difference. Pargin did a decent job of portraying the frightening mob mentality of humanity. This is a very political book. It's about the stupidity of internet trolls, about letting negativity and fear (and pessimistic media) control your life. Oddly enough, it's also about how you can never fully tell who the good guys and the bad guys are just by their appearance. I liked that one. (I’m sorry to keep harping on this, but I think Abbott was the worst character even at the end of the book and so were his followers.)

I still think Pargin is very creative and has a great sense of humor, but personally I recommend reading the JDATE books.

Biggest TW: Suicide, Substance abuse, Domestic terrorism, Incel ranting, Sexism, Mention of animal harm, Mention of child harm

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OH MY GOODNESS but I LOVED this book!! I have had "John Dies at the End" on my TBR list for years, yet somehow it always seems to sit on the shelf. No more. Now that I know the wonder that is the snark of David Wong/Jason Pargin, I'm immediately going in search of John, then Zoey, then anything else he's written...

This man gets it.

I'm so over social media and the whinging and whining and over-analyzing that surrounds it, yet I can't seem to avoid it. Pargin has taken on the topic of the madness that is online rage and grievance and absolutely nailed the challenges, problems, and idiocies associated with it - and he's done it in an entirely engaging, entertaining, hilarious way that drops pearls of insight on every other page but without ever losing sight of the main objective of the book: to tell a hilarious journey-adventure story.

I loved absolutely everything about this one. The pacing, the characters, the language - it's all spot-on perfect for the tale he's trying to tell. It doesn't hurt that I, too, am a Gen Xer who seems to relate intrinsically to the type of story he is telling. I share many of his character's inherent concerns/biases/confusion about certain aspects of the modern world, such that the way he crafted his fictional world resonated with me on so many levels.

This was a hilarious, dark, scary and spot-on look at the way the internet has opened up so many potential caverns under the feet of the unwary (which, unfortunately, seems to be most of us in the end). It was an incredibly fun read and I can't say enough good things!

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This book takes so many twists and turns it was a wild ride. It starts with the simple task of transporting a box and then the wild journey continues. This book is the perfect example of how a simple concept can be so entertaining. I highly recommend this book because of the wild ride it takes you and the twist and turns that occur.

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"I'm Starting to Worry about this Black Box of Doom" by Jason Pargin offers a darkly humorous take on modern America's age of anxiety through a thrilling road trip narrative. In this standalone novel, a driver outside Los Angeles encounters a young woman with a mysterious black box. She offers him $200,000 to transport her and the box to Washington, DC, under strict conditions: no looking inside the box, no questions, no telling anyone, and they must leave immediately without any trackable devices.

As they journey across the country, speculation swirls on social media that the box is central to a terror plot aimed at destabilizing the nation. Pargin expertly mixes suspense with dark humor, crafting a story that is as engaging as it is reflective of societal fears and conspiracies. The plot thickens with each chapter, building to a revelation that challenges the reader's perception of reality. This novel is a clever, satirical look at trust, truth, and the power of secrecy in a hyper-connected world.

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This was a really well done thriller novel, it had that element that I was looking for in this type of book. The overall story worked with everything that I was looking for and thought the humor worked with everything that I was looking for, and didn’t go overboard. Jason Pargin has a great writing style and can’t wait to read more.

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Spoiler free review

So, this nook is a hard one to review... I enjoyed it enough to finish it. However, I felt it was lacking.. something. The characters didn't have much growth or depth to them. The plot was good, a little slow at times.

I would recommend this book to my followers because I know there are people who will thoroughly enjoy this novel.

The cover is BEAUTIFUL!

Thank you net galley for the arc in exchange for a honest review.

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I'm Starting to Worry About This Black Box of Doom by Jason Pargin may be the weirdest book I've ever reviewed. And thats saying something! I received this book early from Net Galley and the publisher. I just finished reading it and as always, here are my thoughts on the book as spoiler free as possible.

This book, I'm Starting to Worry About This Black Box of Doom, is about a young woman who gets a young man driving for Lyft to take her across the country to Washington D.C. by giving him a bunch of money. She has with her a big black box. He can't ask whats in the box and no she won't open it either. And off they go on the wildest road trip ever! Yes, wilder than Thema and Louise.

And thats all I'll tell about the story. The road trip is head spinning though, with so many bizarre things happening. Sometimes its funny, sometimes its just plain weird. Its also a very thought-provoking book. It has a message and its not subtle about it at all. Some will agree with what the book is trying to say and others might think its being a little too heavy handed. The book will make you think and it'll keep you very entertained.

This is a really good book. Once the story gets fully into the road trip, you won't want to put it down. Things get especially insane near the end of the book.

Jason Pargin does a great job developing the characters along with all of the insanity. I'm Starting to Worry About This Black Box of Doom would make a really great, crazy movie!

I liked this book a lot overall. I think if you want something weird and totally different, with a lot of heart and a bit of humor, then you need to read this book.

I'm Starting to Worry About This Black Box of Doom comes out on September 24th, 2024. Thank you to Net Galley and St. Martin's Press for providing me with a digital copy of this book for review.

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First, as always, a HUGE thanks to Jason Pargin, St. Martin’s Press, and Netgalley for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review (as if I'd give anything but).

Being a fan of Jason Pargin, it was a no brainer that I wanted to get my hands on this one as soon as I could - especially since it's a stand-alone novel; and it didn't disappoint.

In “I’m Starting to Worry About This Black Box of Doom”, Jason forgoes his usual cosmic horror and sci-fi, and wrote a terrifyingly real story about how social media controls our lives. Bear in mind that while there isn't a boogeyman, or demon, or limbs getting hacked off, or any of the other things one might associate with horror, this book has that psychological horror that can only come from the realism of "Damn, I could actually see that happening."

Of course, Jason's rapier wit, as well as his stellar story-telling ability, shines like it always does - although it is much more subdued than in his previous stories.

On the surface, it's a story of a boy driving for a ride-share, and picks up this strange woman with a box that wants him to drive to Washington DC for specific delivery by the Fourth of July. Abbot (the boy) is way outside his comfort zone, but is constantly convinced to take an additional step by this woman. In the background, is everyone wondering what's in that damn box and why it's so important to get to their destination.

However, that's only - as I said - the surface. What lurks below is just how dangerous social media can become when "mob mentality" takes hold. It only took one post "suggesting" a bomb to make Abbot's cross-country trek a nightmare. But of course, in true Pargin fashion, we also have terrorism, explosions, references to real events, and aliens (sort of).

If you haven't read anything by Jason Pargin (aka David Wong), I can't recommend this book enough as a great starting point. In fact, I can actually see this book being used in a World History, or Psychology class sometime in the future - to study just what effects online interactions, social media, and mob-rule have/had on the population.

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It's taken me some time to figure out how to summarize my thoughts about "I'm Starting to Worry about this Black Box of Doom by Jason Pargin. On a small scale, the characters are well written and have interesting dialogue, but this book on the whole felt a little disorganized to me. New characters are introduced constantly, and we see a lot of different perspectives, without spending enough time with characters to really get to know them. I spent a lot of this book unclear on what was going on, who I should be rooting for, and where this story was going.

Even after finishing the book, I don't understand what it was trying to say, because it shopped around for quippy things to say about a lot of various topics: tech, social media, cryptocurrency, war, streaming, privacy, gender, and policing are a few examples. Some parts made me feel like this is a person writing witty retorts to win fake arguments and competitions that he was never in.

There were several scenes that seemed to be in essence saying "by the way, the cops are allowed to take all your money/other terrible things that cops are in fact allowed to do" but it doesn't even feel like it was done to educate the reader, more like the author is proving he knows something. The former FBI agent character monologuing in her head about how people should know their rights is an interesting approach to tell the reader something. Not sure I loved it or felt convinced that this was a real true character trait, but I found it intriguing.

It felt like things kept coming up out of left field so that the author could make sure we know where he stands on a topic, and how he feels about the people who support it. For example, one of Hunter's coworkers saying "I just watched a tiktok about it, but I wasn't giving it my full attention, as I was driving and eating at the same time" tells me everything I need to know about Pargin's thoughts on the app, and didn't give the story much. These are not even necessarily opinions I disagree with! It just felt like the story was packed with signals of political and social things.

Hunter also makes a comment early on about hoping his son doesn't get a contact high from fentanyl and die—which is not possible. I took a note when this happened, and was pleasantly surprised to see the author address this point in the acknowledgements section at the end of the book. Those kinds of notes help me better understand where an author is coming from with their writing.

This book reminded me of the experience I had reading Ready Player One- the humor and approach seems similarly millennial, in a way? I didn't hate reading it by any means and was intrigued by what was going to finally be in the box, but I found my interest flagged a little towards the last third of the book. Overall it just wasn't the right read for me, but I think there are readers who will really connect with this book.

Thanks to St. Martin's Press and Netgalley for access to an advanced reader copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Pargin takes the maxim “It’s funny because it's true,” and pushes it to “It’s absurd because it's true.” This is the book we didn’t know we needed to serve as an interpreter of the current reality: a thrilling road-trip tale that both exposes and extols the modern-day golem of digital culture. The hapless, Type-B Abbott is the perfect dupe for a mysterious damsel in distress who enlists him in a cross-country quest that will challenge his hermetic tendencies and ingrained lack of social intelligence. Throw in some outlandish characters, madcap situations, misunderstandings, and mortal peril - and nonstop hilarity ensues. The familiar tropes borrowed from the classic pilgrimage story allow the characters a forum to philosophize in dramatized versions of internal debates. These diatribes might have become exasperating if they weren’t so astute, inventive, and mercilessly entertaining. Do yourself a favor – grab a copy of Pargin’s latest, strap yourself in, and join his mind-opening, wild ride.

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I was fascinated by this book. I may not have understood what was happening at some points but it’s just such a great journey that the road getting there was quite interesting to say the least.

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What a great story. A simple situation of transporting a box across the country turns into the most insane series of events that are definitely fictional but… could also absolutely happen thanks to the garbage fire that is social media.

The themes and messages are clear, well defined, and thought provoking (in a sense of the beginning of a conversation, not a conclusion; you’re welcome, Jason). The story is break-neck (sorry for the pun) from beginning to end, full of humor, action, and heart. There is so much to say and so much to discuss but the risk of spoilers is also way too big, but, suffice it to say, I think Jason has hit right on a growing feeling and a growing trend that people are going to become more aware of and in tune with in relation to the internet.

I haven’t read a Jason Pargin novel before, but I can say that now I’ve finished this book, I will be rushing out (okay, searching on my kindle) for John Dies at the End to carry on Pargin’s storytelling. It takes a lot for me to read a single author back-to-back, but that’s the level of enthusiasm this book has instilled in me. Highly recommended.

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Jason Pargin has done it again. In this delightful commentary on the society that we all hold so dear, Pargin offers criticism of the social and cultural phenomenon that permeates our lives, social media. This narrative shifts between multiple character POVs & imagined reddit posts. The main protagonist Abbott and his "green sunglasses girl" make their way across the country to deliver a mysterious package. This novel can be harshly critical of worldviews and the actions of people, but this eye opening text is well worth the read.

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I read John Dies at the End ages ago. And it seems, upsettingly, that Goodreads has lost my rating and review of it. Anyway, I liked it. Then I watched a movie adaptation and liked that too. But I never read any more Wong/Pargin until now. Largely because his books, as fun as they are, seem like a lot. The fact I was very much reminded of reading this book.
Why this? Why now? Because it’s a standalone and looked like fun. And sure enough, it was. Oodles of fun. Pargin’s writing is very hip in exactly the right way, very funny, very clever. Does he go over the top with it? You bet! His characters tend or talk in either witty quips or (more often) in protracted soliloquys so seemingly well informed and convincingly presented that the author spends pages of his afterword convincing people he made it up.
The novel is essentially a sort of wacked out road trip that starts with a strangely dressed and mannered, progressive-minded woman named Ether recruiting a pale, anxious incel named Abbott to be her driver. It’s an odd pairing for an arrangement that seems oddly impractical, and it goes off the rails almost immediately, with the internet trolls pouring fuel onto what soon becomes a fire.
On a basic level, it’s sort of a comedy of errors, and it works well enough as such, although it’s very long and occasionally self-indulgent. And Ether’s Pollyanna-like views clashing with Abbott’s paranoid (although shockingly well presented, no wonder Pargin had to spend so much time self-explaining afterward) does get tiresome.
But what the novel really shines as is a clever and viciously scathing opprobrium of the internet and specifically social media culture and the black box of doom it perpetuates. There, Pargin hits all the right notes.
All in all, an entertaining (if somewhat manically so) read. Fun was had. Thanks Netgalley.

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Have you ever been a ride-share driver or taken a roadtrip where everything goes wrong? It certainly does for Abbott AKA “Abbadon” as he is hired to transport the desperate Ether cross country with a mysterious box. If it can go wrong-it does. From wrong turns to being hunted by the mysterious tattooed Malort, to internet rumors being spawned that lead to people trying to track them down. Every page keeps you asking “WHAT IS IN THE BOX!?” There is no better wild ride than one that Jason Pargin takes his readers on. Filled with his cynical humor and real life reflections on society “I’m Starting To Worry About This Black Box of Doom” keeps you on your toes while also making you reevaluate everything you know about human interaction.

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Not My Kind Of Story

I made it almost halfway through this book. That was all I could take. It was totally boring to me, I couldn’t see the humor that everyone else was talking about. The endless banter finally got to me so I skipped over parts of it and ended up reading about some nut who ended up in the creek with his hundred year old cactus. That was it, I’m done reading.

I received an advance copy of the book from Net Galley, this is my unbiased review.

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This book was fantastic! It was the perfect mix of irreverent humor on the human condition and the ridiculous. It took the premise of a black box and its journey cross country and made it a surprisingly salient exploration of the current human condition. It commented on humidity without falling into the pitfall of preaching. Overall, a great read and I would suggest this book.

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Maybe I’m missing something big here? But this is the worst book I have ever read and I read a lot. It was painful. I have no other words to describe what I thought of this book except my waste of time reading it. Why did I finish it? I cannot post “no stars” so I’ll just have to post one star. Thank you NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for sending this book for review consideration. All opinions are my own.

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4.5 stars

Not gonna lie, I kind of like this book better than his others. That’s saying a lot. This was laugh out loud, and fun as we’ve all come to expect from Pargin, not so heavy on the Sci-fi/fantasy though. I think that’s why I love it so much,

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This was a very fun road trip book that kept me on the edge of my seat the whole way through trying to figure out exactly what was going on the whole time. Not nearly as silly as other novels from Pargin but still a fun read.

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